Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

I know most, including Republicans, dismissed Madonna's violent ramblings as 'Celebrity has-been nonsense.' But in reality, she influences millions of loyal fans. Her hate rhetoric is taken very seriously by millions. It's not the 'joke' most dismiss it as.

Words can have serious influence. Her numerous loyal fans took her rhetoric as gospel. They will truly do anything possible to hurt Trump and Republicans. So don't kid yourself on Celebrity incitement. It's very real and very powerful. It is time to start holding them accountable for their hate incitement.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Didn't take long for someone to flip out and starting to shoot at democratically elected representatives.

They should tune it down indeed.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Didn't take long for someone to flip out and starting to shoot at democratically elected representatives.

They should tune it down indeed.

Unfortunately, more violence is coming. I think the damage has been done. I mean, how many other radicalized Democrat loons are out there? Hundreds? Thousands? It's very sad.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

Prime example of very dangerous radicalized Democrats. They're out of control.

The problem that you guy have is that you equate dangerous nutbags with us peaceful, non violent types.

It makes you look dumb as shit.
There are no praceful, nonviolent Democrats.

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It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

Prime example of very dangerous radicalized Democrats. They're out of control.

The problem that you guy have is that you equate dangerous nutbags with us peaceful, non violent types.

It makes you look dumb as shit.
There are no praceful, nonviolent Democrats.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

At least some are not waiting in excitement to perform the violence themselves.

Quickly becoming the minority...
Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

Yeah, like Trump and his NaziCons toned it down on the anti-Hillary rhetoric. Enjoy the ride...
Of course they didn't take it to the next level...

Yes, calling on 2nd Amendment types to do "something" if Clinton won, isn't incitement?

You have a selective idea of incitement.
I'm not talking about incitement, I'm talking about action.
The radicalizati0n we're seeing is the inevitable result a strong centralized democracy. Democracy only works with limited, decentralized government.
The radicalizati0n we're seeing is the inevitable result a strong centralized democracy. Democracy only works with limited, decentralized government.
Democracy never works, period. It's a self-limiting disease.
The Islamic state radicalizes on line. The democrat deep state radicalizes on line. The Islamic state intends to execute all non believers, so does the democrat deep state.

There is no difference any longer. Now we know the extent of the alliance.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

This stuff is going well beyond 'payback.' It really is feeling like incitement. I fear all this Democrat hate rhetoric is gonna cause their supporters to do bad things in the future. The constant 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric really can cause some people to wanna act on the hate. It's too much. Democrats need to tone it down.

Many have. I don't believe Trump is a Nazi. I believe he's a latent racist, a clear misogynist, he's intellectually incurious and narcissistic, and unfit to be president. And my beliefs are shared by most people in this country. NOT just Democrats.
Democrats and illegals.
They have become the US political version of 'ISIS', attacking the US, calling for the assassination of Trump / Republicans, and using propaganda and hate speech to radicalize violent, militant snowflake would-be assassins.

As long as it get them back the power, that's all that matters...
TARD: Obama should be executed!

LIBBY: Trump should be executed!

TARD: Oh my goodness, did you see that? A libby just said Trump should be executed. I need to sit down. I think I'm going to faint. Will someone please get me a glass of water? I am morally outraged!
For eight years, the pseudocons ranted and raved and called for Obama's head. This forum is a huge goldmine of treasure which will expose their raging hypocrisies and the benchmarks they set for political rhetoric.

If we have learned something, it is that these hypocrites are incredibly thin skinned when compared to the radical leftists. They cannot take their own medicine.

Enjoy the karma, crybabies. :lol:
They have become the US political version of 'ISIS', attacking the US, calling for the assassination of Trump / Republicans, and using propaganda and hate speech to radicalize violent, militant snowflake would-be assassins.

As long as it get them back the power, that's all that matters...

It does seem the Party has gone the extremist radicalization route. It's very dangerous. I mean, how many of these radicalized Democrat nutters are out there? Scary thought, huh?
For eight years, the pseudocons ranted and raved and called for Obama's head. This forum is a huge goldmine of treasure which will expose their raging hypocrisies and the benchmarks they set for political rhetoric.

If we have learned something, it is that these hypocrites are incredibly thin skinned when compared to the radical leftists. They cannot take their own medicine.

Enjoy the karma, crybabies. :lol:
Conservatives did not call for Obama to be assassinated.

You're a lying douche bag.
There were a few 'criminals' who created pictures depicting Obama hanging, and they are as detestable as those posing with decapitated Trump heads or assassinating him in plays.

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