Democrats / Snowflakes, Would You Be Willing To...

Snowflakes, how BAD do you want Trump taken down?

While the Liberal Media and Leftists whip up frenzied talk of Trump's Impeachment, there's just one problem - they still have ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal acts, of TRUE Impeachable crimes, committed by Trump.

On the other hand, the Director of the FBI testified Hillary Clinton, under multiple FBI investigations days before the election, DID break numerous laws.

So, again, how badly do snowflakes want Trump?

Yes or No - If offered to you, would you take Trump's Impeachment IF Hillary Clinton would be 'Perp Walked', charged with her crimes, and sentenced to jail time?
Why do.Trumpeteers think governance is a zero sum game? This is governing the nation, not sports. You morons treat Sec. Clinton and Donald Trump the way sports fans treat the New England Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers. It's not one or the other, it's the one in power and how they comport themselves.

Sec. Clinton lost the electoral vote. That fact leaves her out of power. A non factor. Trump was sworn into office in January. He's the president and we all have to come to terms with that.

So does Trump hi,self. He cannot go around like a petulant little boy blaming his own mistakes on the boogeyman he has created. He is responsible for his actions. If he can keep his substantial mouth shut, his troubles would minimize. Every off script remark, every tweet, every rally he blames "the media" or "the Left" or "immigrants" or "Muslims" he shows us that he cannot take the responsible path.

Harping on Sec. Clinton does nothing to burnish Trump's image. Sec. Clinton,is a private citizen. What good would be garnered by kicking her when she has no power?

Show us how Trump's behavior is virtuous and stop trying to polish his turd with Sec. Clinton.
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Snowflakes, how BAD do you want Trump taken down?

While the Liberal Media and Leftists whip up frenzied talk of Trump's Impeachment, there's just one problem - they still have ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal acts, of TRUE Impeachable crimes, committed by Trump.

On the other hand, the Director of the FBI testified Hillary Clinton, under multiple FBI investigations days before the election, DID break numerous laws.

So, again, how badly do snowflakes want Trump?

Yes or No - If offered to you, would you take Trump's Impeachment IF Hillary Clinton would be 'Perp Walked', charged with her crimes, and sentenced to jail time?

And there never will be any evidence tying any wrongdoing to Trump. They might find a couple of minor slaps-on-the-hand sort of things for someone associated with Trump that he didn't know about but all of it will be found to be ordinarily dealings of the kind many have in world business dealing on the multi-nation level. EVERYONE does business of SOME kind with Russia! You know, like when Bill Clinton went to Moscow a few years ago and collected TWICE his usual speaking fee and the Russians then donated half a million dollars to their "foundation" right before Hillary gave them the sweetheart deal of 20% of our uranium? Where was the Comey investigation of that? Special prosecutor? Or how about when Hillary killed the project to put a missile shield in eastern Europe aimed at Russia right before they went ahead and invaded the Crimea?

With literally VOLUMES of high crimes and treason glaringly obvious by Hillary, Obama and that whole administration, what a laugh that after ten months of trying to make a specious case that somehow Russia threw Hillary's election and Trump was parcel to it all, and finding NOTHING, that now we are going to kick it up a higher notch with a special prosecutor with nothing to prosecute, while asshole democrats and asshole fake news channels for the brain-dead like MSNBC call for an impeachment? Trump isn't going anywhere and just wait until this is over and the shit finally blows back on the democrats big time.
Snowflakes, how BAD do you want Trump taken down?

While the Liberal Media and Leftists whip up frenzied talk of Trump's Impeachment, there's just one problem - they still have ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal acts, of TRUE Impeachable crimes, committed by Trump.

On the other hand, the Director of the FBI testified Hillary Clinton, under multiple FBI investigations days before the election, DID break numerous laws.

So, again, how badly do snowflakes want Trump?

Yes or No - If offered to you, would you take Trump's Impeachment IF Hillary Clinton would be 'Perp Walked', charged with her crimes, and sentenced to jail time?

Everything related to Russia and influence in the US government should be examined by Mueller.

I can't wait for the URANIUM ONE aspect of the investigation and the PODESTA e-mails.

Everyone in the DNC leadership should be everyone should with any connection to Seth Rich. We need to see if THE RUSSIANS killed him. That murder needs to be SOLVED by Mueller.
I would like to see Pelosi under oath explaining her 'history of exchanging gifts with Russian Ambassadors' yet having no official reason to have communications with Russians. :p

Six more Democrats met with Russian Ambassador in the past | Daily Mail Online

That should definitely be investigated.

This investigation should examine overall Russian influence in the US government. The election is merely one aspect of allleged Russian influence.
Snowflakes, how BAD do you want Trump taken down?

While the Liberal Media and Leftists whip up frenzied talk of Trump's Impeachment, there's just one problem - they still have ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal acts, of TRUE Impeachable crimes, committed by Trump.

On the other hand, the Director of the FBI testified Hillary Clinton, under multiple FBI investigations days before the election, DID break numerous laws.

So, again, how badly do snowflakes want Trump?

Yes or No - If offered to you, would you take Trump's Impeachment IF Hillary Clinton would be 'Perp Walked', charged with her crimes, and sentenced to jail time?
Why do.Trumpeteers think governance is a zero sum game? This is governing the nation, not sports. You morons treat Sec. Clinton and Donald Trump the way sports fans treat the New England Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers. It's not one or the other, it's the one in power and how they comport the,selves.

Sec. Clinton lost the electoral vote. That fact leaves her out of power. A non factor. Trump was sworn into office in January. He's the president and we all have to come to terms with that.

So does Trump hi,self. He cannot go around like a petulant little boy blaming his own mistakes on the boogeyman he has created. He is responsible for his actions. If he can keep his substantial mouth shut, his troubles would minimize. Every off script remark, every tweet, every rally he blames "the media" or "the Left" or "immigrants" or "Muslims" he shows us that he cannot take the responsible path.

Harping on Sec. Clinton does nothing to burnish Trump's image. Sec. Clinton,is a private citizen. What good would be garnered by kicking her when she has no power?

Show us how Trump's behavior is virtuous and stop trying to polish his turd with Sec. Clinton.
Damn, I wish I could give you 5 winner citations for this. The sports analogy is perfect and these fucking bozos use it in just about every conversation.
There was more evidence against Obama and/or Hillary in Fast and Furious, LoisLernerIRS, Benghazi, and HillaryEmailGate and everyone walked away. They've got nothing on Trump with the exception of a blinded-by-fury rage to get him out of office at all costs.


Take those scandals under a TRUMP Presidency....the media would be bleeding out of their eyes.

Dems are just mad that we all know how corrupt the DNC is.

Wasserman lied constantly about the nature of the primaries. The e-mails proved she was a FUCKING LIAR...and even the DNC couldn't keep her at the Chair.
Someone on MSNBC put it aptly yesterday when he said repeated reference to Hillary Clinton is a garbage argument.

Pointing out that the FBI Director testified that Hillary Clinton is a criminal who broke numerous laws but was protected from prosecution is only a 'garbage argument' if you are a 'snowflake'.

Comey made the best case in the world for Hillary to be serving 15 consecutive life sentences! Then said no prosecutor in the world would take the case. Then admitted he was in between a rock and hard place because she was Hillary---- and was running to be the highest office in the land. I mean---- YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO STOP A CROOK FROM HOLDING THE WHITE HOUSE, WOULD YOU? Guess that's why Comey is out of a job.

Perhaps if Hillary would just go away instead of trying to keep herself relevant so the 2-time loser can potentially make a 3rd run in 2020 no one would be talking about her.

Democrats are like a bad skin disease that never quite goes away. Barack is on his circuit, Michelle is out there saying Trump hates children, and with the Clinton Foundation in ruins, Hillary is out there trying to drum up new donations from people who never seem to learn. In that vein, I guess the democratic party DOES serve a purpose! It gives the chronically stupid somewhere to feel they belong.
Pointing out that the FBI Director testified that Hillary Clinton is a criminal who broke numerous laws but was protected from prosecution is only a 'garbage argument' if you are a 'snowflake'.
Making shit up again, snowflake?
No. Making false accusations without evidence again, I see.
Cool. So link to this quote that you attributed to Comey: "Hillary Clinton is a criminal who broke numerous laws but was protected from prosecution"

I'll wait :eusa_whistle:
Snowflakes, how BAD do you want Trump taken down?

While the Liberal Media and Leftists whip up frenzied talk of Trump's Impeachment, there's just one problem - they still have ZERO EVIDENCE of illegal acts, of TRUE Impeachable crimes, committed by Trump.

On the other hand, the Director of the FBI testified Hillary Clinton, under multiple FBI investigations days before the election, DID break numerous laws.

So, again, how badly do snowflakes want Trump?

Yes or No - If offered to you, would you take Trump's Impeachment IF Hillary Clinton would be 'Perp Walked', charged with her crimes, and sentenced to jail time?

No way should we offer that deal.

Screw Hillary she's a has been. We shouldn't waste any time on her.

I want Obama's head on the block.
Go after Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett and squeeze them until they give him up.
Someone on MSNBC put it aptly yesterday when he said

repeated reference to Hillary Clinton is a garbage argument.

Why and How? Or, are you just going to rest on the fact that someone said it at MSNBC so it must be gospel?

Common sense, which you lack, tells us it's the perfect description.

Whose common sense? Yours? MSNBC? In both instances, there is no substance. Only liberal elitist arrogance.

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