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Democrats still ignoring people who could have helped them defeat Trump, Ohio party leaders say

The Democrats lost because they stood alongside an invasion wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than their own countrymen.

The Democrats lost because they advanced the Gay Mafia agenda in the face of overwhelming disgust.

The Democrats lost because they stood behind TPP and NAFTA rather than the American Working Man (and Woman).

The Democrats lost because their Poster Boy shoved an abortion of a mandatory healthcare system down America's throat (read it later).

The Democrats lost because their Poster Boy was a Foreign Policy Disaster of staggering proportions.

The Democrats lost because they got caught stacking the deck in the Primaries against one of their own.

The Democrats lost because they fielded a corrupt East Coast Ruling Elitist - a shitty candidate, served-up at the wrong time.

The Democrats will CONTINUE to lose for some time to come because they cannot look in the mirror for the cause of their defeat... much easier to blame others.

One day, the Democrats will regain their pragmatism, throw Illegal Beaners and Fruit Loops under the bus, and regain the trust and respect of the American People.

One day.

Not that it's likely to manifest anytime soon.
The Democrats lost b

The Democrats got more votes. They didn't lose. Regurgiating your lists of people the rich have told you to hate because you are too dumb to see who your real enemy is doesn't impress anyone.

Don't worry, after the recession, people will slap their heads and say,"Oh, that's why we don't elect Republicans!!!"
Stop Ignoring the Trump Voters ...Like this One


Video: Trump Supporter Sucker Punches Young Woman At Protest
You can't "sucker punch" someone in a brawl you idiot.

She was dressed in all black, came with a bandanna to cover her face, IOW, she was clearly there intending to shut down those folks free speech rights; she was there looking to fight, and she got some.

Were you born an idiot, or was it conditioned into you?

What I mean, is this a congenital condition, or a institutionalized condition?


SHE KNEW, that these folks were peacefully assembling to hear folks speak. They had a list of speakers that weren't "Nazis" Your leftist propaganda is just that, propaganda. Naturally some of the folks attracted will be extremists, just like those that showed up to fight them were extremists of the opposing order. She showed up dressed for a fight, along with others armed with explosive, smoke bombs, rocks, noise makers and other assorted projectiles in order to shut down their rally. THEY WERE SPORTING FOR A FIGHT.

All of those brawling were idiots.

The Democrats lost b

The Democrats got more votes. They didn't lose. Regurgiating your lists of people the rich have told you to hate because you are too dumb to see who your real enemy is doesn't impress anyone.

Don't worry, after the recession, people will slap their heads and say,"Oh, that's why we don't elect Republicans!!!"
Your Honor, the Defense rests.

Democrats-Liberals-Progressives have gotten very good at trying to silence Opposition.

It's part of the reason why you twits lost on November 8, 2016.

America has had enough of your shit to last it for a while.

Now... back to the Peanut Gallery, where the Four-Time Losers (White House, Senate, House, SCOTUS) sit.
You can't "sucker punch" someone in a brawl you idiot.

She was dressed in all black, came with a bandanna to cover her face, IOW, she was clearly there intending to shut down those folks free speech rights; she was there looking to fight, and she got some.

Were you born an idiot, or was it conditioned into you?

What I mean, is this a congenital condition, or a institutionalized condition?


SHE KNEW, that these folks were peacefully assembling to hear folks speak. They had a list of speakers that weren't "Nazis" Your leftist propaganda is just that, propaganda. Naturally some of the folks attracted will be extremists, just like those that showed up to fight them were extremists of the opposing order. She showed up dressed for a fight, along with others armed with explosive, smoke bombs, rocks, noise makers and other assorted projectiles in order to shut down their rally. THEY WERE SPORTING FOR A FIGHT.

All of those brawling were idiots.

THe right held a Free Speech Rally and the Left showed up to silence them.

Anyone get any numbers on who was arrested? In Fucking Berkeley.
The Democrats lost because they stood alongside an invasion wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than their own countrymen.

The Democrats lost because they advanced the Gay Mafia agenda in the face of overwhelming disgust.

The Democrats lost because they stood behind TPP and NAFTA rather than the American Working Man (and Woman).

The Democrats lost because their Poster Boy shoved an abortion of a mandatory healthcare system down America's throat (read it later).

The Democrats lost because their Poster Boy was a Foreign Policy Disaster of staggering proportions.

The Democrats lost because they got caught stacking the deck in the Primaries against one of their own.

The Democrats lost because they fielded a corrupt East Coast Ruling Elitist - a shitty candidate, served-up at the wrong time.

The Democrats will CONTINUE to lose for some time to come because they cannot look in the mirror for the cause of their defeat... much easier to blame others.

One day, the Democrats will regain their pragmatism, throw Illegal Beaners and Fruit Loops under the bus, and regain the trust and respect of the American People.

One day.

Not that it's likely to manifest anytime soon.

The Democrats lost because their push to make Whites a minority in their own country woke some of them up.
Irrelevent to the point.

Yes, because Jesus said, "Thou Shall Starve the children if they came from the wrong country, verily.


It's so funny watching you leftist hypocrites try to make us feel guilty by using the legend of a man you never believed in.

Well, maybe your shithead customers should pay a living wage, and that wouldn't be an issue.

so let me get this straight. Your customers don't pay a living wage, your boss won't give you health insurance, and you think Capitalism is wonderful and we totally need more of that shit.

Capitalism is why people take place in line to get into this country. Capitalism is what made this country great. Capitalism is why people sneak into this country in the back of truck trailers, make shift rafts, and even airplane landing gear compartments a time or two.

They come from countries that you leftists are trying to turn our country into. Because the larger the government--the less opportunity for personal and financial success.

Yes, companies do use temporary services because of the vast shift in volume. Others like to try out employees first before hiring them. They seek temporaries that will come to work everyday, do a good job regardless of what they are getting paid, and even work overtime when needed. When they find such employees, they hire them from the temp service and give them a great job.

No, they're NOT! Truly, that has to be the most retarded thing you've said here. The main reason why SS is in such trouble is that people starting with your boy Reagan took that money that was supposed to be set aside for this stuff and used it to buy bombers and give tax cuts to rich people.

Add in sales taxes, payroll taxes, etc... and the tax burden shifts away from the Rich, where it belongs, and to the middle class.

You don't even understand that SS is not a separate account. All our SS money goes into the general fund. And Presidents before Nixon have been borrowing from it including your lover boy Clinton and DumBama.

Why is SS and Medicare in trouble? Because even Democrat politicians know that if they increase contributions to properly fund those programs, people will realize the failure government is and demand to get out of it.

Why do you think it's setup so that you put in half of what is required? That's right, your employer has to match what you contribute. Why? Because it's a hidden tax that government doesn't want you to see. They want to fool you into believing that you get these wonderful social goodies when you get older for X amount out of your paycheck. What's really happening is that it all indirectly comes out of your pay, you just don't know it. That's the Democrat way.

What I understand is that those government systems only get in trouble when Republicans run them.

Oh! They do just fine under Democrat leadership?

What a foolish thing to say. These programs have been like a train headed for a brick wall for decades.

Aren't you even smart enough to ask yourself why medical care keeps dramatically increasing in costs, healthcare premiums are dramatically increasing in costs, but for some dumb reason, Medicare never costs us more money--even though retirement years are when we use the most medical care in our lives???

Guy, employers who dropped insurance probably would have dropped it without ACA because frankly, they are the kind of bottom feeder.

Just like if you weren't a bottom feeder, you could easily throw out some resumes and get a job that pays for insurance.

But do keep blaming Obama for your poor life choices. My guess is your life is going to be truly fucked up after for years of Biff, and you'll blame Obama for that, too.

Right. I've worked for one company for over 22 years now. I had insurance throughout the first 18 years working for that company until the day Obamacare went into effect. But nooooo, my employer would have dropped insurance anyway. It was just........oh a coincidence I tell you.

If I were ever foolish enough to try and sell a bridge to somebody, I would make sure it was a liberal because you people will believe anything.
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first, as I said, you will probably collect more than you ever pay in. If you live to be 72, you are getting more back than you paid in.

Correct the liberals didn't think ahead when they started this ponzi scheme... Who's fault is that?

Dude, put down the crack pipe. It's Easter, don't go smoking crack.

The purpose of SS was never to pay for itself. It was to make sure that people didn't starve to death when they were too old to work.

You know, basic human decency, but I don't think you understand that concept.

Now, to a degree, Societal changes have put a strain on it. When SS was first instituted, the average life expectancy was 62. Today it's 78.

Also- the drive of the Republican Party to wipe out middle class incomes has reduced the tax base for it, and the fact that the Baby Boomers had less kids than their parents means less people will be paying into it.

But even then, it won't run out of money until 2043.

So, yeah, they didn't think ahead at all...

You put down the crack pipe, the median age of death when it was started was under 65 years old... I

Today both sexes is over 70

Again liberals never think ahead
You put down the crack pipe, the median age of death when it was started was under 65 years old... I

Today both sexes is over 70

Again liberals never think ahead

Sure we did. We put aside a huge trust fund that would have carried us into the 2040's, IF the Republicans hadn't looted it to pay for bombs and tax cuts for rich people.
Here's a simple solution. Expel every last fucking one of them, including the lady who who got hit.

You aren't here to riot.

Problem. Fucking. Solved.
Fuck you.....You want the woman expelled for hitting the Nazi in the fist with her face ....no wonder you found Scott Walker to be wonderful,....Maybe you overlook the fact that the Nazi Trump supporter is a convicted felon who pulled an armed robbery and that he committed an aggravated assault on a woman ...but its both their faults..:asshole:
It's so funny watching you leftist hypocrites try to make us feel guilty by using the legend of a man you never believed in.

NOt nearly as funny as you guys thinking he's going to punish you for not doing what he says, and then not doing anything he actually said to do.

Capitalism is why people take place in line to get into this country. Capitalism is what made this country great. Capitalism is why people sneak into this country in the back of truck trailers, make shift rafts, and even airplane landing gear compartments a time or two.

Capitalism is why those countries are shitholes people want to get out of. Not to worry, Biffenfuhrer wants to make us just like them.

Why is SS and Medicare in trouble? Because even Democrat politicians know that if they increase contributions to properly fund those programs, people will realize the failure government is and demand to get out of it.

Naw, they are in trouble because Republicans looted them to pay for tax cuts for rich people.

Aren't you even smart enough to ask yourself why medical care keeps dramatically increasing in costs, healthcare premiums are dramatically increasing in costs, but for some dumb reason, Medicare never costs us more money--even though retirement years are when we use the most medical care in our lives???

Very simple reason. Medicare is a single payer system where there is no demand to be "profitable". Doctors hate medicare because they only get paid what it costs to provide the service. There are no CEO's making 9 figure salaries like the CEO's of United and Cigna. Let's be honest, dude, if I could loot you for every penny you have because your alternative would be dying, and I wasn't a terribly ethical or decent person, I'd probably do that.

Hense why we spend 17% of GDP on health care and get the worst results, while the rest of the industrialized world spends about 10% and gets far better results.

Right. I've worked for one company for over 22 years now. I had insurance throughout the first 18 years working for that company until the day Obamacare went into effect. But nooooo, my employer would have dropped insurance anyway. It was just........oh a coincidence I tell you.

Again, a rich guy fucked you and you neither blame him or try to better your own life.

You know what I'd do if my boss announced, "Well, we're cancelling health insurance next month!" I'd be out there sending out resumes to anyone who would listen.

So why aren't you?
NOt nearly as funny as you guys thinking he's going to punish you for not doing what he says, and then not doing anything he actually said to do.

Jesus doesn't punish. Why do you libs try to use topics you know nothing about?

Capitalism is why those countries are shitholes people want to get out of. Not to worry, Biffenfuhrer wants to make us just like them.

Really? What countries are the population fleeing to the United States to escape capitalism? Who is more capitalist than the United States?

Naw, they are in trouble because Republicans looted them to pay for tax cuts for rich people.

Read and learn: Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

Very simple reason. Medicare is a single payer system where there is no demand to be "profitable". Doctors hate medicare because they only get paid what it costs to provide the service.

Oh, so what are you saying, that single-payer will be just as much of a failure as other government systems?

Government rips providers off. That's why more and more of them are refusing new government patients. It's why when a medical facility closes, it's usually in lower income areas where just about everybody is a government patient. What normally happens is that doctors and facilities recoup their losses on private insurance. That's one of the reasons private insurance keeps increasing rates so much.

Again, a rich guy fucked you and you neither blame him or try to better your own life.

You know what I'd do if my boss announced, "Well, we're cancelling health insurance next month!" I'd be out there sending out resumes to anyone who would listen.

So why aren't you?

You must be a lot younger than you claimed. If you were older, you'd realize the disposition older people have getting a job.

Government limits my ability to find new work. In fact they are working to put me on disability. With all the restrictions they have for me, I'm lucky to be working at all.

But even if I could find a new job with health insurance coverage, what's stopping them from dropping it next month, next year, or two years from now if Commie Care can't be stopped? Nothing.

Before Commie care, if your employer did drop coverage and you found a new job that had it, you could be 99% sure that they would never discontinue that benefit. But then again, before Commie Care, what company ever dropped health insurance? Nobody that I know of.
Jesus doesn't punish. Why do you libs try to use topics you know nothing about?

well, getting into your theology, he outsources the punishment part to Satan, who both is doing God's will by punishing sinners and opposing God's will by encouraging people to sin. I can see why you don't want non-believers talking about this stuff... we just point out the silliness of it all.

Really? What countries are the population fleeing to the United States to escape capitalism? Who is more capitalist than the United States?

actually, most of the third world, buddy. They don't have things that capitalists hate like unions, fair wage laws, environmental protections and all dem der big gummit things you done-der hate, Cleetus.

It's why they are moving all the jobs there. Capitalism comes to the third world,and the third world can't wait to get the fuck away from it.

Oh, so what are you saying, that single-payer will be just as much of a failure as other government systems?

Government rips providers off. That's why more and more of them are refusing new government patients. It's why when a medical facility closes, it's usually in lower income areas where just about everybody is a government patient. What normally happens is that doctors and facilities recoup their losses on private insurance. That's one of the reasons private insurance keeps increasing rates so much.

Yes, dammit, those dressage horses and mansions won't buy themselves.

Here's the thing. People on Medicare are usually happier with their level of service than people on private insurance.

It's about making the patient happy, not the doctors.

You must be a lot younger than you claimed. If you were older, you'd realize the disposition older people have getting a job.

Government limits my ability to find new work. In fact they are working to put me on disability. With all the restrictions they have for me, I'm lucky to be working at all.

Oh, look, everyone... another conservative making excuses for his own failures...

Before Commie care, if your employer did drop coverage and you found a new job that had it, you could be 99% sure that they would never discontinue that benefit. But then again, before Commie Care, what company ever dropped health insurance? Nobody that I know of.

No, they just gave you insurance that didn't cover anything, and called your illness a "pre-existing condition" if you got anything more serious than a head cold.
well, getting into your theology, he outsources the punishment part to Satan, who both is doing God's will by punishing sinners and opposing God's will by encouraging people to sin. I can see why you don't want non-believers talking about this stuff... we just point out the silliness of it all.

Again, talking about things you know nothing about. Only God serves punishment; not Jesus and not the devil.

actually, most of the third world, buddy. They don't have things that capitalists hate like unions, fair wage laws, environmental protections and all dem der big gummit things you done-der hate, Cleetus.

It's why they are moving all the jobs there. Capitalism comes to the third world,and the third world can't wait to get the fuck away from it.

They don't have those things because they don't want them, it has nothing to do with capitalism

capitalism |ˈkapətlˌizəm| nounan economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

People come here because WE DO have capitalism and capitalism rewards people for their work. In many of these countries, if you are born poor, you are going to stay poor. Hard work is not rewarded. Here, a person in poverty can easily get out of poverty. The more you work and save, the better your chances at getting a piece of the American pie.

Yes, dammit, those dressage horses and mansions won't buy themselves.

Here's the thing. People on Medicare are usually happier with their level of service than people on private insurance.

It's about making the patient happy, not the doctors.

I don't know many doctors that have mansions and horses. Maybe that's in one of your fairy tale books or something.

Yes people are happy on Medicare. They get hundreds of thousands of dollars in services that they contributed little to. It's the providers that are unhappy with all government systems. We don't pay enough in them to support the costs, so they rip off doctors and health facilities.

Oh, look, everyone... another conservative making excuses for his own failures...

Where did I say I was a failure? You asked why I don't get another job and I told you. I'm not allowed to take most of the jobs offered in my field of work because of government limitations. Need me to provide a link, I'll be happy to.

No, they just gave you insurance that didn't cover anything, and called your illness a "pre-existing condition" if you got anything more serious than a head cold.

The insurance we had was not great, but it's better than what I have now. Furthermore as crappy as it was, it was nowhere near as crappy as Commie Care with their $7,000 deductibles and $7,000 out of pocket. That's like not having any insurance at all, and they wanted 20% of my net pay to get that. I didn't have these problems before Commie Care, and I WAS COVERED for all my preexisting conditions.
Again, talking about things you know nothing about. Only God serves punishment; not Jesus and not the devil.

Wait a minute, dude, Jesus is God in your silly belief system. So if God is serving punishment, it means Jesus is serving punishment. Again, you see how silly this actually seems when you think about it?

They don't have those things because they don't want them, it has nothing to do with capitalism

No, they don't have those things because they don't have democracy. When they do vote those things in, like Venezuala did, big corporations do their level best to crush their countries.

People come here because WE DO have capitalism and capitalism rewards people for their work.

Says the guy who works a shitty job where his boss won't give him health insurance.

I don't know many doctors that have mansions and horses. Maybe that's in one of your fairy tale books or something.

Somehow, I doubt you socialize with Doctors at all, Cleetus.

Yes people are happy on Medicare. They get hundreds of thousands of dollars in services that they contributed little to. It's the providers that are unhappy with all government systems. We don't pay enough in them to support the costs, so they rip off doctors and health facilities.

You mean they pay them a fair amount for services... and then they turn around and gogue the rest of us, which your fine with.

Where did I say I was a failure? You asked why I don't get another job and I told you. I'm not allowed to take most of the jobs offered in my field of work because of government limitations. Need me to provide a link, I'll be happy to.

They have a link to White Trash Failure?
Wait a minute, dude, Jesus is God in your silly belief system. So if God is serving punishment, it means Jesus is serving punishment. Again, you see how silly this actually seems when you think about it?

No, it's silly when you think about it.

As the Bible explains, Jesus is the son of God--not God himself.

Says the guy who works a shitty job where his boss won't give him health insurance.

Yeah, well those things kind of happen when you vote in Commies or Socialists. But as for capitalism, I invested my money, and that's why I'm the landlord and have been for over 23 years. This place will be my retirement income because as we all know, government doesn't pay people shit under their programs.

Somehow, I doubt you socialize with Doctors at all, Cleetus.

Oh I've had plenty of doctors in my life; in fact I have a cousin who is a retired doctor. Sure they make good money, but not billionaire like your imagination has you believe. And why shouldn't they? Eight years of school, repaying college loans, not working all the time while going to school. It should pay pretty damn good.

You mean they pay them a fair amount for services... and then they turn around and gogue the rest of us, which your fine with.

If they paid a fair amount, facilities in lower income neighborhoods would not have closed down. Doctors and hospitals would welcome government patients with open arms. But as we both know, that's not the case.

What happened is they wasted billions of dollars earlier on and then started to run out of money. That's when they started to stiff hospital staff. I worked with Medicare/ Medicaid for ten years. The waste of money I seen was absolutely horrifying.

They have a link to White Trash Failure?

Again, I'm no failure. I'm not coming here demanding government do everything for me like you liberals. But Hey! Maybe now that we are in charge, they will put up a site for self-hating white race baiters, and then you can have your very own link.

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