Democrats strike again!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

So this father tortures and rapes his daughter with the help of a few other guys and when he gets caught he says he identifies as a woman, so now he will get put in prison with a bunch of women who are now terrified of them. The police can only describe the abuse as a vortex of darkness they discovered on film.

Only in America. Any other country and they would be executed like they should be.

And yes, this is because of DNC policies, no death penalty and transgender madness, yadda, yadda, yadda.

They own it all!!

So this father tortures and rapes his daughter with the help of a few other guys and when he gets caught he says he identifies as a woman, so now he will get put in prison with a bunch of women who are now terrified of them. The police can only describe the abuse as a vortex of darkness they discovered on film.

Only in America. Any other country and they would be executed like they should be.

And yes, this is because of DNC policies, no death penalty and transgender madness, yadda, yadda, yadda.

They own it all!!
Just horrible....Why ANYONE would vote for Democrats after reading this story is totally beyond me....

So this father tortures and rapes his daughter with the help of a few other guys and when he gets caught he says he identifies as a woman, so now he will get put in prison with a bunch of women who are now terrified of them. The police can only describe the abuse as a vortex of darkness they discovered on film.

Only in America. Any other country and they would be executed like they should be.

And yes, this is because of DNC policies, no death penalty and transgender madness, yadda, yadda, yadda.

They own it all!!
Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Propaganda, Failed Fact Checks

It uses a cite to which is the same thing. Both are extremely right wing and quesstionable reasoning.

It may be true or not.
We had some good news yesterday on the pedo front in my AO though the sordid details are not out yet.

It seems some perv was messing with two children, the dad (divorced) found out and went (armed) to hunt him down to do the needful with him....Dad's ex-wife called the law.

When the dad got to diddler guy's house diddler guy was so skeered that he ran out of his house, into the woods, and offed himself.....The dad faces no charges.

We think diddler guy was the ex-wife's BF but the SD is playing close to their vest due to the kids involved.
Just horrible....Why ANYONE would vote for Democrats after reading this story is totally beyond me....

There's only two categories of Dem voter left: NPC Normiez who don't pay attention, and Left Wing fanatics.

That's it.

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