Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, what is relevant is the ballots. Those ballots are the evidence if they are illegal. That can be proven. That is why Democrats are desperate.
Then why are Republicans only looking at ballots in Maricopa county? If they were truly interested in validating their election, they would audit the entire state. Clearly, they are Republicans whose only interest is flipping the election for the Republican candidate.
Because Maricopa’s voting rules were different than the rest of the state, thanks to the corrupt Dems they were in charge of it.

Anymore stupid questions?
Sure, which party controls Maricopa's elections?
Actually it had a lot to do with this case. It was cited by the SCOTUS judges that wanted to hear the the case bought by the Texas AG. The same rights were violated.
The case brought by the Texas AG is also irrelevant to this discussion.
Well, what is relevant is the ballots. Those ballots are the evidence if they are illegal. That can be proven. That is why Democrats are desperate.
Then why are Republicans only looking at ballots in Maricopa county? If they were truly interested in validating their election, they would audit the entire state. Clearly, they are Republicans whose only interest is flipping the election for the Republican candidate.
Because Maricopa’s voting rules were different than the rest of the state, thanks to the corrupt Dems they were in charge of it.

Anymore stupid questions?
Sure, which party controls Maricopa's elections?
The Democrats did. The Maricopa County recorder’s name was Adrian Fontes, a corrupt communist. They did away with voting at precincts and instead made “voting centers” so you could vote anywhere in the county. Problem is votes could not be traced to the original precincts. It was a terrible idea and allowed cheating.

It did not you lying weasel. I applaud Maricopa for helping to make it easier to vote. The election officials are Republican.
The election officials were not Republican you dumb ass. Adrian Fontes was the county recorder, the guy who sets the rules and counts the votes. He is a Democrat.

"Richer is one of the shockingly few Republican elected officials in the state who not only didn’t buy into the fiction that Maricopa County’s election was rigged but was willing to stand up and say so.

He is still saying so.

So Richer and the Republican-run Board of Supervisors had the machines analyzed by two professional elections technology companies, neither of which employs anyone who ever worked for Dominion and neither of which has any contracts with Dominion."

Republican officials in Maricopa stand by the results and refused to participate in this fraud.
There is no justification for a forensic audit of an elect - any election - to be the target of a lawsuit. Any and every legitimate voter in the US should have no problem forensic audits of elections. Most importantly, neither party Republican or Democrat- is in a position to sue to halt an election audit.

Democrats are probably suing so they can buy time to figure out how to corrupt the audit process or results.
Do you believe Dominion systems were rigged to steal the election?

Not necessarily. However, as someone in the IT industry focused on critical IT infrastructure and someone who believes strongly in voter integrity, I think ongoing forensic analysis and checks is paramount on Dominion Systems and any other part of Election Systems.
Well Dominion machines have already been audited.


So how many of these audits are necessary? Or is the right going to just keep challenging the election results until they hear what they want to hear?

Faun is all of a sudden quite worried.

For the first time since the steal, faun is freaking out...

Faun knew wray was part of it, that gorsuch kavanaugh, and Comey Barrett were Zionist traitors like faun. Faun knew mike pence was really a "Zionist sleeper cell" as a faux Christian vp.

If faun is now worried, for the first time actual progress he and his cannot stop is underway.
It sounds like all they are doing it livestreaming the audit process anyway...what's your issue with a livestream of the audit? You can literally watch it happen live.
What is the difference what all demofks are doing in the federal government only benefits them. So?
No election has been managed anywhere near this partisan.

"President Donald Trump's campaign has dropped the allegation from its federal lawsuit challenging the results of Pennsylvania's election which claimed that hundreds of thousands of ballots in the key swing state had been illegally counted without Republican poll observers present."

Trump campaign drops claim that GOP poll observers weren't allowed to watch Pennsylvania vote count (

Trump's lawyers admitted poll watchers were allowed in.
What is the difference what all demofks are doing in the federal government only benefits them. So?
No election has been managed anywhere near this partisan.

"President Donald Trump's campaign has dropped the allegation from its federal lawsuit challenging the results of Pennsylvania's election which claimed that hundreds of thousands of ballots in the key swing state had been illegally counted without Republican poll observers present."

Trump campaign drops claim that GOP poll observers weren't allowed to watch Pennsylvania vote count (

Trump's lawyers admitted poll watchers were allowed in.

Irrelevant to the Arizona audit.
What is the difference what all demofks are doing in the federal government only benefits them. So?
No election has been managed anywhere near this partisan.

"President Donald Trump's campaign has dropped the allegation from its federal lawsuit challenging the results of Pennsylvania's election which claimed that hundreds of thousands of ballots in the key swing state had been illegally counted without Republican poll observers present."

Trump campaign drops claim that GOP poll observers weren't allowed to watch Pennsylvania vote count (

Trump's lawyers admitted poll watchers were allowed in.

do you have an actual news source??
When ballots are counted in elections, it’s done by a Republican and a Democrat checking each other. They work in pairs.

That’s not the case in this audit.
Apparently not------remember Georgias ballots under the table at 3 in the morning after telling republicans and other watchers to go home....

FAKE NEWS! They were scanning the ballots that workers and poll watchers had already looked at.
What is the difference what all demofks are doing in the federal government only benefits them. So?
No election has been managed anywhere near this partisan.

"President Donald Trump's campaign has dropped the allegation from its federal lawsuit challenging the results of Pennsylvania's election which claimed that hundreds of thousands of ballots in the key swing state had been illegally counted without Republican poll observers present."

Trump campaign drops claim that GOP poll observers weren't allowed to watch Pennsylvania vote count (

Trump's lawyers admitted poll watchers were allowed in.

Irrelevant to the Arizona audit.

You are the one who brought it up.
That is what forensic audits and continuous monitoring of the Election systems will confirm.
That's what they already have done. The voting equipment was analyzed and the kooky conspiracies about hacked equipment were false.

When and how were they analyzed? Also, what is the plan for continuous monitoring? I’m not pushing for voter fraud validation. I am pushing for enhanced security and best practices that will give everyone peace of mind from all angles.
Analyzed by two separate auditing agencies immediately after the election.

Maricopa County releases forensic audit of elections equipment; no irregularities found (

great. That was one or two snapshots in time. What’s the plan moving forward? What risks and vulnerabilities have been identified?
There is no justification for a forensic audit of an elect - any election - to be the target of a lawsuit. Any and every legitimate voter in the US should have no problem forensic audits of elections. Most importantly, neither party Republican or Democrat- is in a position to sue to halt an election audit.

Democrats are probably suing so they can buy time to figure out how to corrupt the audit process or results.
Do you believe Dominion systems were rigged to steal the election?

Not necessarily. However, as someone in the IT industry focused on critical IT infrastructure and someone who believes strongly in voter integrity, I think ongoing forensic analysis and checks is paramount on Dominion Systems and any other part of Election Systems.
Well Dominion machines have already been audited.


So how many of these audits are necessary? Or is the right going to just keep challenging the election results until they hear what they want to hear?
By companies not certified to do the audit. Fact.
ITALYGATE: Supreme Court of Italy legal counsel testifying under oath about interference in 2020 election…


". . . There are some articles that the MSM reported on related to Leonardo and some “hacking” of sensitive data by two individuals that were recently arrested for it. The question is, was this story used as a cover for the election hack? Here are some articles on that:
Italian police arrest suspects in Leonardo military, defense data theft | ZDNet
Italian police arrest two over hacking at defence group Leonardo

We will find out soon enough if US authorities will act on this.. . "

Sounds like fake news.

While he makes some valid points, that guy is looney tunes. And again, there's no evidence to corroborate Italy hacking our election.

That is what forensic audits and continuous monitoring of the Election systems will confirm.

The election is over. Nothing is going to change. Whatever they find on those systems today will be the same as they will be tomorrow.
What a bunch of bullshit. :badgrin: You are at the laughable point on your way to hilariously stupid. The recounts were not transparent. Nine cameras say this one is
The media was allowed to observe the recounts. Far more transparent than this farce. These guys won’t even say who is paying them.
Again, that is what the cameras are for. The technology we have will allow a closer examination because things can be isolated and investigted. Our media was not about to question recounts in fraudulent states.

The longer you go the lamer you sound.
The cameras are a poor replacement for independent media. They’re placed by and controlled by the auditors and insufficient to provide any actual oversight.

There’s zero actual reasons to prevent media access.
Contest what you are seeing on the videos then, but be ready to prove your case based upon your own eyes seeing slanted or sideways maybe. Will your own eyes deceive you ??

What happened to the conservative/republican inspector's during the general was a sad day for American election integrity, so it's now payback time.

Nothing happened to them.
ITALYGATE: Supreme Court of Italy legal counsel testifying under oath about interference in 2020 election…


". . . There are some articles that the MSM reported on related to Leonardo and some “hacking” of sensitive data by two individuals that were recently arrested for it. The question is, was this story used as a cover for the election hack? Here are some articles on that:
Italian police arrest suspects in Leonardo military, defense data theft | ZDNet
Italian police arrest two over hacking at defence group Leonardo

We will find out soon enough if US authorities will act on this.. . "

Sounds like fake news.

While he makes some valid points, that guy is looney tunes. And again, there's no evidence to corroborate Italy hacking our election.

That is what forensic audits and continuous monitoring of the Election systems will confirm.

The election is over. Nothing is going to change. Whatever they find on those systems today will be the same as they will be tomorrow.

what about future elections? Why would one fight or resist change?
it is, to find the count of illegal ballots.
That's a stupid statement.
how so? you see, if they find 250,000 illegal ballots from the audit that's the count of illegal ballots found. not sure what you didn't understand.

What they say doe3s not make it so. They probably have written the report already and are trying to make the ballots fit the report.
ITALYGATE: Supreme Court of Italy legal counsel testifying under oath about interference in 2020 election…


". . . There are some articles that the MSM reported on related to Leonardo and some “hacking” of sensitive data by two individuals that were recently arrested for it. The question is, was this story used as a cover for the election hack? Here are some articles on that:
Italian police arrest suspects in Leonardo military, defense data theft | ZDNet
Italian police arrest two over hacking at defence group Leonardo

We will find out soon enough if US authorities will act on this.. . "

Sounds like fake news.

While he makes some valid points, that guy is looney tunes. And again, there's no evidence to corroborate Italy hacking our election.

When you attack someone's POV or character? It says more about you than it does about them.

The lack of corroborating Italian evidence is a good point, but that is how the clandestine agencies, both private and public work.

If there were clear and convincing evidence, they wouldn't be doing their jobs correctly. You make the assumption that all things can and will be known to the average citizen. And in the world of high state craft? The is the height of naivete.

"When you attack someone's POV or character? It says more about you than it does about them."

Calling a loon a "loon" would be a reflection on me if it wasn't true. But that guy is a loon. He literally denied Capitol police killed that woman. That's pretty fucked up. That's some serious conspiracy shit right there. :cuckoo:
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
Wrong it was proven Dominion machines were on line and vunerable to all kinds of interference. You just keep lying, and keep getting caught.
It was not proven. The opposite was proven.

Maricopa County releases forensic audit of elections equipment; no irregularities found (
A crooked audit means nothing.
Thanks for demonstrating just how deranged you are and just how worthless this latest audit is. If they find nothing, you will merely lump it in as a conspiracy with all the other counts, recounts and audits. Only if they find something will you embrace the results while continuing to ignore all the others.

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