Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

There is no justification for a forensic audit of an elect - any election - to be the target of a lawsuit. Any and every legitimate voter in the US should have no problem forensic audits of elections. Most importantly, neither party Republican or Democrat- is in a position to sue to halt an election audit.

Democrats are probably suing so they can buy time to figure out how to corrupt the audit process or results.
Do you believe Dominion systems were rigged to steal the election?

Not necessarily. However, as someone in the IT industry focused on critical IT infrastructure and someone who believes strongly in voter integrity, I think ongoing forensic analysis and checks is paramount on Dominion Systems and any other part of Election Systems.
Well Dominion machines have already been audited.


So how many of these audits are necessary? Or is the right going to just keep challenging the election results until they hear what they want to hear?

Faun is all of a sudden quite worried.

For the first time since the steal, faun is freaking out...

Faun knew wray was part of it, that gorsuch kavanaugh, and Comey Barrett were Zionist traitors like faun. Faun knew mike pence was really a "Zionist sleeper cell" as a faux Christian vp.

If faun is now worried, for the first time actual progress he and his cannot stop is underway.
It sounds like all they are doing it livestreaming the audit process anyway...what's your issue with a livestream of the audit? You can literally watch it happen live.
You can't see much from the livestream. If someone is marking up ballots, you can't see that. If someone is examining a ballot and drops it into the fraud bucket, you can't see what's on it. That's why bipartisan teams must be present at all tables. Yet Cyber Ninjas won't guarantee that. Who knows what they're doing. You can't necessarily tell from the livesteam.
Any questions can be answered through technology. Those cameras can be analyzed their content enlarged and thoroughly inspected. What have they done that is illegal? That is your job to find out. Start watching.
I don't know if they've done anything illegal or not since I can't see.
why don't you turn on the livestream? maybe if you actually watch the process, instead of letting others, like propagandist tell you, you'll be educated.

It's rather amazing
I checked it out. Can't see shit on the ballots.
well yeah...again...the camera crew can't get involved with the audit process. They must stay away, that helps make it safe and secure.

Besides, you don't even know the Arizona laws, to know what to look for...

What a sad excuse. How does that make it safe and secure? The media is allowed in when they're doing actual election counting.
how does it make it safe and secure when you don’t allow non-auditors near the ballots? really?
Yes, really. Again, the media is allowed in at election time during counting. If it's safe then, how is it not safe now?
i’ve never seen ABC or NBC instead as the count. Show me
See post #1270
what about it?
It demonstrates the press was present at counting votes.

What did their presence harm?
No, I don't think you know what being present actually means. They were not in the room where the votes were being counted. Just stop
You're truly pathological. You just can't stop lying, can you?

"...while the monitors and press are still in the room..."

Well, in the room in the sense, they are there...just like the Press is in the room in Arizona...they however aren't up close so that you can see each ballot on TV, and markings on you claimed to want in Arizona.

The only press in the room now is a fringe network that pushes the Big Lie conspiracy. That's not exactly a reliable source. During the actual counting, they didn't restrict the media to just one [favorable] news agency. So why not allow more media in now? You've yet to provide a lucid response to that.


So why only one [friendly] news source? Are you slow?


So your answer to my second question is an apparent, "yes." Thanks for clarifying.


So I thanked you for clarifying.



So you're so easily lead by the nose.


Democrats sued, then refused to place the 1 million dollar bond to halt the audit so it continues... They are trying to cast doubt so that when the massive evidence of fraud is exposed they can claim everyone but they are lying...
If the republicans were more serious than simply perpetuating right wing fantasy, they would have hired experienced professionals instead of a firm headed by a right wing conspiracy theorist.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

Any allegedly improper ballots should be reviewed for recent markings and the CEO jailed if any are found.
Democrats sued, then refused to place the 1 million dollar bond to halt the audit so it continues... They are trying to cast doubt so that when the massive evidence of fraud is exposed they can claim everyone but they are lying...
If the republicans were more serious than simply perpetuating right wing fantasy, they would have hired experienced professionals instead of a firm headed by a right wing conspiracy theorist.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

Any allegedly improper ballots should be reviewed for recent markings and the CEO jailed if any are found.
The best forensic team in the business isn't good enough for left wing nuts... The process is under wraps because the sanctity of the ballots is required BY LAW. and we know how you left-tards don't do the law... Every station is video taped and all boxes from seal break to seal placement are recorded.. there is video evidence.. Now go fuck yourself...
Democrats sued, then refused to place the 1 million dollar bond to halt the audit so it continues... They are trying to cast doubt so that when the massive evidence of fraud is exposed they can claim everyone but they are lying...
If the republicans were more serious than simply perpetuating right wing fantasy, they would have hired experienced professionals instead of a firm headed by a right wing conspiracy theorist.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

Any allegedly improper ballots should be reviewed for recent markings and the CEO jailed if any are found.
The best forensic team in the business isn't good enough for left wing nuts... The process is under wraps because the sanctity of the ballots is required BY LAW. and we know how you left-tards don't do the law... Every station is video taped and all boxes from seal break to seal placement are recorded.. there is video evidence.. Now go fuck yourself...
The democrats could have said the same thing, why did right wingers complain then? Just plain practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God)?
Democrats sued, then refused to place the 1 million dollar bond to halt the audit so it continues... They are trying to cast doubt so that when the massive evidence of fraud is exposed they can claim everyone but they are lying...
If the republicans were more serious than simply perpetuating right wing fantasy, they would have hired experienced professionals instead of a firm headed by a right wing conspiracy theorist.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

Any allegedly improper ballots should be reviewed for recent markings and the CEO jailed if any are found.
The best forensic team in the business isn't good enough for left wing nuts... The process is under wraps because the sanctity of the ballots is required BY LAW. and we know how you left-tards don't do the law... Every station is video taped and all boxes from seal break to seal placement are recorded.. there is video evidence.. Now go fuck yourself...
The democrats could have said the same thing, why did right wingers complain then? Just plain practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God)?
LOL.. Where were you, the basement with ear plugs in and blinders on? My gawd this was huge media blow out.. are you this ignorant?
Democrats sued, then refused to place the 1 million dollar bond to halt the audit so it continues... They are trying to cast doubt so that when the massive evidence of fraud is exposed they can claim everyone but they are lying...
If the republicans were more serious than simply perpetuating right wing fantasy, they would have hired experienced professionals instead of a firm headed by a right wing conspiracy theorist.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

Any allegedly improper ballots should be reviewed for recent markings and the CEO jailed if any are found.
The best forensic team in the business isn't good enough for left wing nuts... The process is under wraps because the sanctity of the ballots is required BY LAW. and we know how you left-tards don't do the law... Every station is video taped and all boxes from seal break to seal placement are recorded.. there is video evidence.. Now go fuck yourself...
The democrats could have said the same thing, why did right wingers complain then? Just plain practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God)?
LOL.. Where were you, the basement with ear plugs in and blinders on? My gawd this was huge media blow out.. are you this ignorant?
Only right wingers are literally, that incredible.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.--
Democrats sued, then refused to place the 1 million dollar bond to halt the audit so it continues... They are trying to cast doubt so that when the massive evidence of fraud is exposed they can claim everyone but they are lying...
If the republicans were more serious than simply perpetuating right wing fantasy, they would have hired experienced professionals instead of a firm headed by a right wing conspiracy theorist.

The Florida-based consultancy has no election experience and is run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

Any allegedly improper ballots should be reviewed for recent markings and the CEO jailed if any are found.
The best forensic team in the business isn't good enough for left wing nuts... The process is under wraps because the sanctity of the ballots is required BY LAW. and we know how you left-tards don't do the law... Every station is video taped and all boxes from seal break to seal placement are recorded.. there is video evidence.. Now go fuck yourself...

By "best forensic team in the business," you mean the team with ZERO experience auditing elections and run by a conspiracy nut?
The math was always ther, not just in AZ, but all 35 states where the GOP won both the state house and the state senate. Traitor joke lost all of those, and that's why they insisted the whole time, dem judges etc., that

We must never allow an audit or a showing of actual evidence, because that would expose the steal fully.

McSalley won that senate seat too.

When the entire election is fully audited, it will show

Trump won 35 states
The GOP not only held the senate, but took the house too.

You are a real cuckoo. Bothe Trump and McSalley lost.

Only if they can find more dishonest auditors like CyberNinja.
Prove they are dishonest.

Don't have to. The tweet they tried to scrub shows they are. Their filing in Michigan also proves that.
That is not proof. Having a fact based opinion does not make anyone dishonest but you.

Their opinion is not based on any fact. It makes you and them dishonest.
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
He is right, and has every right to prove it. You have the right to watch him do that.

The trouble is that we cannot see anything. If Republicans were honest, he would not be doing this. A certified, unbiased firm should be doing this. They also should be making their methodology public. Republican officials in Maricopa stand by their work.
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
He is right, and has every right to prove it. You have the right to watch him do that.

The trouble is that we cannot see anything. If Republicans were honest, he would not be doing this. A certified, unbiased firm should be doing this. They also should be making their methodology public. Republican officials in Maricopa stand by their work.
You had no problem with that when they boarded up the windows in the AZ counting center during the election.

Why are you whining about it now?
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
Personally, I am interested in whether there were unfolded absentee ballots

Which is evidence of nothing.
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
He is right, and has every right to prove it. You have the right to watch him do that.

The trouble is that we cannot see anything. If Republicans were honest, he would not be doing this. A certified, unbiased firm should be doing this. They also should be making their methodology public. Republican officials in Maricopa stand by their work.
Why do you need to see. There’s cameras
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
Personally, I am interested in whether there were unfolded absentee ballots

Which is evidence of nothing.
It's evidence that they weren't mailed. You can't mail a ballot without folding it.
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
Personally, I am interested in whether there were unfolded absentee ballots

Which is evidence of nothing.
You honestly can’t be that naive. Really? How would they have been mailed?
That is what forensic audits and continuous monitoring of the Election systems will confirm.
That's what they already have done. The voting equipment was analyzed and the kooky conspiracies about hacked equipment were false.
Wrong it was proven Dominion machines were on line and vunerable to all kinds of interference. You just keep lying, and keep getting caught.

It has not been proven.
That one doesn't need proof.

Yes it does considering Trump won most counties that used Dominion voting machines.
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if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
Personally, I am interested in whether there were unfolded absentee ballots

Which is evidence of nothing.
It's evidence that they weren't mailed. You can't mail a ballot without folding it.
Omg they’re stupid .
Perhaps he could show us how to mail it without folding
That is what forensic audits and continuous monitoring of the Election systems will confirm.
That's what they already have done. The voting equipment was analyzed and the kooky conspiracies about hacked equipment were false.
Wrong it was proven Dominion machines were on line and vunerable to all kinds of interference. You just keep lying, and keep getting caught.

It has not been proven.
That one doesn't need proof.

Yes it does considering Trump won most counties that use3d Dominion voting machines.
The states in question didn’t. Challenging is allowed
if the case is brought to them...the court didn’t find anything illegal about this audit. The dems djdnt even raise the issue
Of course they did. The Democratic party has been in litigation about the audit from the beginning.
what's their issue? Are you saying the repubs didn't have a right to challenge?

The head of CyberNinja has already stated he believes there was fraud. He has also said so in a Michigan filing. The firm that does the auditing should be unbiased. That is exactly why they were hired.
He is right, and has every right to prove it. You have the right to watch him do that.

The trouble is that we cannot see anything. If Republicans were honest, he would not be doing this. A certified, unbiased firm should be doing this. They also should be making their methodology public. Republican officials in Maricopa stand by their work.
You had no problem with that when they boarded up the windows in the AZ counting center during the election.

Why are you whining about it now?

That was Michigan. It was covered to prevent screaming protestors from distracting the people counting the vote. They should have called the police and had them move the lines back.
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