Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

The citizen's need leadership who represents their sentiment on the issues, and the Republican's have always been the closest allie's to the people in this nation. If they fail or have failed, then a huge part of this country has no leadership or representatives to represent them. Not having that voice in Washington, is a devastating thing for the vast majority of like-minded citizen's in this country, and a recipe for disaster.
The stolen election was our fault???
In some regards yes, because of the weakness that has become the Republican party over the year's (unless I'm just missing something), it emboldened the Democrat's to do just what they've gotten away with over the years, and it ultimately led this nation to the very situation it has gotten itself into now with these Democrat's.

So do you think that Republican's are clean in the entire situation we are seeing today ??? Better wake up, and think back.
If this does not prove there was fraud, I do not know what does,
It really doesn't matter to the corrupt demtrash and their complicit propaganda wing. We all watched on live TV, CNN, as votes were FLIPPED from Trump to Biden, hundreds, thousands of votes, suddenly DISAPPEARED from Trump and REAPPEARED for Biden, and yet the lying trash will deny, deny, deny. We know they're lying... THEY know they're lying.
And the posters that keep posting bullshit laughing at us say8ng there was no vote fraud,THEY know they are lying as well,they prove that cause everytime you post evidence they ignore it and won’t address it ignoring the post.

Tell me how the Democrats managed to take over the count and flip the votes in a Republican State with a Republican Secretary of State, and Republican appointed election officials running the whole show.
You are so far behind in this saga that a year in school would not catch you up.

Now they bring in the "Cyber Ninja", who promotes Q-anon conspiracy theories, and a guy who was at the Capitol Building on January 6th, to do a "forensic" audit ono the results. There was already one forensic audit done on these votes, but I guess this is going to be like Benghazi, you're going to keep doing it over and over and over and you will never accept the result.
There has been no forensic audit of these ballots. Only partial audits by firms selected by the election officials have been done.
The ballots to audit were also selected by the election officials.
I think they (auditors and ballots) were selected by the Senate. And they selected ALL 2.1 MILLION OF THEM.

This may be the most transparent audit in US history. The auditors selected by the Arizona Senate are providing video access to the world of their audit activities in real-time.

The auditors are prepared and ready to begin their audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results. This has been a long process but this day has finally come. Today the machines and ballots were moved to the Veterans Memorial Coliseum at the State Fairgrounds where they will be audited.

They also set up nine cameras that will be available the entire time the audit takes place. For the next three or so weeks if you wish to see what is going on, you will be able to log on to and watch the audit while it is happening.

PHOENIX — Republicans who control the Arizona Senate announced Wednesday they have hired four firms to audit election results and recount all 2.1 million ballots cast in the state’s most populous county to ensure that President Joe Biden’s November win was legitimate.
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If this does not prove there was fraud, I do not know what does,
It really doesn't matter to the corrupt demtrash and their complicit propaganda wing. We all watched on live TV, CNN, as votes were FLIPPED from Trump to Biden, hundreds, thousands of votes, suddenly DISAPPEARED from Trump and REAPPEARED for Biden, and yet the lying trash will deny, deny, deny. We know they're lying... THEY know they're lying.
And the posters that keep posting bullshit laughing at us say8ng there was no vote fraud,THEY know they are lying as well,they prove that cause everytime you post evidence they ignore it and won’t address it ignoring the post.

Tell me how the Democrats managed to take over the count and flip the votes in a Republican State with a Republican Secretary of State, and Republican appointed election officials running the whole show.
You are so far behind in this saga that a year in school would not catch you up.

Now they bring in the "Cyber Ninja", who promotes Q-anon conspiracy theories, and a guy who was at the Capitol Building on January 6th, to do a "forensic" audit ono the results. There was already one forensic audit done on these votes, but I guess this is going to be like Benghazi, you're going to keep doing it over and over and over and you will never accept the result.
There has been no forensic audit of these ballots. Only partial audits by firms selected by the election officials have been done.
The ballots to audit were also selected by the election officials.
I think they were selected by the Senate.
Speaking as a Democrat, I don't want the audit because as of this moment everything PROGS tell me so is my reality. Remember when you discovered there was no Santa? Sure you do, fuck that shit.

Biden is the GOAT POTUS, I got $1400 after earning 70K plus last year under the table, and that's before unemployment kicked in. Plus I'm on Obamacare for my transition, hormones, genital swap etc., all free. Thank my lost balls we finally have a POTUS that cares again, this is like Obama on steroids.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.


And the people rose up, in unprecedented numbers from both sides of the partisan aisle, and made their voices heard November 3rd of 2020. The people defended our country.
thats one POV,, another is several states made mistakes and we really dont know what the true outcome was,,,
It was no mistake. It was fraud.
just trying to be kind to the mental cases,,
Trying to paint your critics as mentally disturbed is an old Stalinist trick.

Yes, calling you opposition "NAZI's", "commies",
If this does not prove there was fraud, I do not know what does,
It really doesn't matter to the corrupt demtrash and their complicit propaganda wing. We all watched on live TV, CNN, as votes were FLIPPED from Trump to Biden, hundreds, thousands of votes, suddenly DISAPPEARED from Trump and REAPPEARED for Biden, and yet the lying trash will deny, deny, deny. We know they're lying... THEY know they're lying.
And the posters that keep posting bullshit laughing at us say8ng there was no vote fraud,THEY know they are lying as well,they prove that cause everytime you post evidence they ignore it and won’t address it ignoring the post.

Tell me how the Democrats managed to take over the count and flip the votes in a Republican State with a Republican Secretary of State, and Republican appointed election officials running the whole show.

Now they bring in the "Cyber Ninja", who promotes Q-anon conspiracy theories, and a guy who was at the Capitol Building on January 6th, to do a "forensic" audit ono the results. There was already one forensic audit done on these votes, but I guess this is going to be like Benghazi, you're going to keep doing it over and over and over and you will never accept the result.
We should be finding all of that out.

Finding WHAT out???? What will this "foresenic audit" prove that the previous audit by the Republican Party missed?

You have a Q-anon nut case and a Capitol Insurrectionist conducting an audit. Do you really think that will have any credibility with anyone other than the Trump Cult?

Remember when you clowns called Democrats "sore losers" when Clinton lost? They didn't storm the Capitol, or make false claims that the election was "stolen". Hillary conceded and there was a peaceful transition of power.

This was the only time in American history, outside of the Civil War years, when there was no peaceful transition of power, and the outgoing President resisted the will of the people. The longer you fools carry on with this bullshit, the angrier the American people will be with Donald Trump and his cult of fools.

If this doesn't end, the American people will destroy the Republican Party for this. The midterms are coming and the politics of grievance are going to be a piss poor sell as Joe Biden does for the American people, what Donald Trump refused to do, treat the American people with respect.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Apparently, those who tell you what you think did not want to trouble you with the knowledge that this is the THIRD audit of those votes, or that the head of the company hired by our Deplorables to do it pushed election fraud theories. My favorite bit of irony re your ignorance, though, is the way you ask about having nothing to hide, even though this company is ignoring Arizona law and allowing no transparency in the process. Nobody is allowed to watch what they are doing. Their most recent excuse for this is they don't have room. The audit is being done in the Memorial Colosseum, a building that sits 15,000. They are relying heavily on being able to sucker useful idiots.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.


And the people rose up, in unprecedented numbers from both sides of the partisan aisle, and made their voices heard November 3rd of 2020. The people defended our country.
thats one POV,, another is several states made mistakes and we really dont know what the true outcome was,,,
It was no mistake. It was fraud.
just trying to be kind to the mental cases,,
Trying to paint your critics as mentally disturbed is an old Stalinist trick.

Yes, calling you opposition "NAZI's", "commies",
If this does not prove there was fraud, I do not know what does,
It really doesn't matter to the corrupt demtrash and their complicit propaganda wing. We all watched on live TV, CNN, as votes were FLIPPED from Trump to Biden, hundreds, thousands of votes, suddenly DISAPPEARED from Trump and REAPPEARED for Biden, and yet the lying trash will deny, deny, deny. We know they're lying... THEY know they're lying.
And the posters that keep posting bullshit laughing at us say8ng there was no vote fraud,THEY know they are lying as well,they prove that cause everytime you post evidence they ignore it and won’t address it ignoring the post.

Tell me how the Democrats managed to take over the count and flip the votes in a Republican State with a Republican Secretary of State, and Republican appointed election officials running the whole show.

Now they bring in the "Cyber Ninja", who promotes Q-anon conspiracy theories, and a guy who was at the Capitol Building on January 6th, to do a "forensic" audit ono the results. There was already one forensic audit done on these votes, but I guess this is going to be like Benghazi, you're going to keep doing it over and over and over and you will never accept the result.
We should be finding all of that out.

Finding WHAT out???? What will this "foresenic audit" prove that the previous audit by the Republican Party missed?

You have a Q-anon nut case and a Capitol Insurrectionist conducting an audit. Do you really think that will have any credibility with anyone other than the Trump Cult?

Remember when you clowns called Democrats "sore losers" when Clinton lost? They didn't storm the Capitol, or make false claims that the election was "stolen". Hillary conceded and there was a peaceful transition of power.

This was the only time in American history, outside of the Civil War years, when there was no peaceful transition of power, and the outgoing President resisted the will of the people. The longer you fools carry on with this bullshit, the angrier the American people will be with Donald Trump and his cult of fools.

If this doesn't end, the American people will destroy the Republican Party for this. The midterms are coming and the politics of grievance are going to be a piss poor sell as Joe Biden does for the American people, what Donald Trump refused to do, treat the American people with respect.
The Republican party did not do an audit.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.
The citizen's need leadership who represents their sentiment on the issues, and the Republican's have always been the closest allie's to the people in this nation. If they fail or have failed, then a huge part of this country has no leadership or representatives to represent them. Not having that voice in Washington, is a devastating thing for the vast majority of like-minded citizen's in this country, and a recipe for disaster.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.


And the people rose up, in unprecedented numbers from both sides of the partisan aisle, and made their voices heard November 3rd of 2020. The people defended our country.
thats one POV,, another is several states made mistakes and we really dont know what the true outcome was,,,
It was no mistake. It was fraud.
just trying to be kind to the mental cases,,
Trying to paint your critics as mentally disturbed is an old Stalinist trick.
they arent my critics and I aint painting noting,,
Of course you are, douchebag.
whatever you say buttercup,,
That's what I say, shit for brains.

If this does not prove there was fraud, I do not know what does,
It really doesn't matter to the corrupt demtrash and their complicit propaganda wing. We all watched on live TV, CNN, as votes were FLIPPED from Trump to Biden, hundreds, thousands of votes, suddenly DISAPPEARED from Trump and REAPPEARED for Biden, and yet the lying trash will deny, deny, deny. We know they're lying... THEY know they're lying.
And the posters that keep posting bullshit laughing at us say8ng there was no vote fraud,THEY know they are lying as well,they prove that cause everytime you post evidence they ignore it and won’t address it ignoring the post.

Tell me how the Democrats managed to take over the count and flip the votes in a Republican State with a Republican Secretary of State, and Republican appointed election officials running the whole show.
You are so far behind in this saga that a year in school would not catch you up.

Now they bring in the "Cyber Ninja", who promotes Q-anon conspiracy theories, and a guy who was at the Capitol Building on January 6th, to do a "forensic" audit ono the results. There was already one forensic audit done on these votes, but I guess this is going to be like Benghazi, you're going to keep doing it over and over and over and you will never accept the result.
There has been no forensic audit of these ballots. Only partial audits by firms selected by the election officials have been done.
The ballots to audit were also selected by the election officials.
I think they were selected by the Senate.
Read the links in my post above.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.


And the people rose up, in unprecedented numbers from both sides of the partisan aisle, and made their voices heard November 3rd of 2020. The people defended our country.
thats one POV,, another is several states made mistakes and we really dont know what the true outcome was,,,
It was no mistake. It was fraud.
just trying to be kind to the mental cases,,
Trying to paint your critics as mentally disturbed is an old Stalinist trick.

Yes, calling you opposition "NAZI's", "commies",
If this does not prove there was fraud, I do not know what does,
It really doesn't matter to the corrupt demtrash and their complicit propaganda wing. We all watched on live TV, CNN, as votes were FLIPPED from Trump to Biden, hundreds, thousands of votes, suddenly DISAPPEARED from Trump and REAPPEARED for Biden, and yet the lying trash will deny, deny, deny. We know they're lying... THEY know they're lying.
And the posters that keep posting bullshit laughing at us say8ng there was no vote fraud,THEY know they are lying as well,they prove that cause everytime you post evidence they ignore it and won’t address it ignoring the post.

Tell me how the Democrats managed to take over the count and flip the votes in a Republican State with a Republican Secretary of State, and Republican appointed election officials running the whole show.

Now they bring in the "Cyber Ninja", who promotes Q-anon conspiracy theories, and a guy who was at the Capitol Building on January 6th, to do a "forensic" audit ono the results. There was already one forensic audit done on these votes, but I guess this is going to be like Benghazi, you're going to keep doing it over and over and over and you will never accept the result.
We should be finding all of that out.

Finding WHAT out???? What will this "foresenic audit" prove that the previous audit by the Republican Party missed?

You have a Q-anon nut case and a Capitol Insurrectionist conducting an audit. Do you really think that will have any credibility with anyone other than the Trump Cult?

Remember when you clowns called Democrats "sore losers" when Clinton lost? They didn't storm the Capitol, or make false claims that the election was "stolen". Hillary conceded and there was a peaceful transition of power.

This was the only time in American history, outside of the Civil War years, when there was no peaceful transition of power, and the outgoing President resisted the will of the people. The longer you fools carry on with this bullshit, the angrier the American people will be with Donald Trump and his cult of fools.

If this doesn't end, the American people will destroy the Republican Party for this. The midterms are coming and the politics of grievance are going to be a piss poor sell as Joe Biden does for the American people, what Donald Trump refused to do, treat the American people with respect.

DragonLady doesn't like the idea of an audit.

Biden won fair and square no matter what a COMPLETE audit throughout this country might prove. If it smells like a rat it's sweet to our senses, my Democrats needed State assistance, because we feared mail-in ballots weren't enough, even with the Post Office handling things and the DNC in control.

With luck my Democrats can institute electronic voting from home and all you need is a gadget to do it on. With our control over the information we simply send out misinformation with the typical bells and whistles along with pop-up links for people to vote on and my Democrats win every time.
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Read something other than FAKE news, pretty please....

The Cyber Ninja Florida friend of Trump hired by Arizona Republicans didn't even know, or maybe they did know, that blue pens are not allowed by counters, because it can change votes, according to Arizona law, only red ink is allowed by workers, because it can not be read by optical scanners.....

Geez..... What a joke.....

if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

An "audit" from RWNJ's
A deleted Twitter account that appears to belong to Cyber Ninjas founder Doug Logan suggests he has already made up his mind about the security of Arizona's elections. It includes a litany of unsubstantiated allegations about fraud in the last election.
"I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast," said one post he shared from another Twitter user around the end of 2020.
He also appears to have shared posts by Sidney Powell, an attorney who supported former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the election results, and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., a prominent proponent of conspiracy theories about the last election.
"The parallels between the statistical analysis of Venezuela and this year's election are astonishing," Logan wrote in a December post.>story>news

May as well have the orange retard do the "audit".
They had uncertified people do the first audits. They did not have the proper qualifications and had worked with Dominion. They being Maricopa county board.
WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

An "audit" from RWNJ's
A deleted Twitter account that appears to belong to Cyber Ninjas founder Doug Logan suggests he has already made up his mind about the security of Arizona's elections. It includes a litany of unsubstantiated allegations about fraud in the last election.
"I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast," said one post he shared from another Twitter user around the end of 2020.
He also appears to have shared posts by Sidney Powell, an attorney who supported former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the election results, and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., a prominent proponent of conspiracy theories about the last election.
"The parallels between the statistical analysis of Venezuela and this year's election are astonishing," Logan wrote in a December post.>story>news

May as well have the orange retard do the "audit".
They had uncertified people do the first audits. They did not have the proper qualifications and had worked with Dominion. They being Maricopa county board.
WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

The authors are FOS.
Both Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, according to the statement, were chosen because they are independent of Maricopa County, and certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Pro V&V was tasked with conducting a field audit, while SLI Compliance was tasked with conducting a forensic audit.

In addition, Pro V&V's field audit found that the machines were producing accurate numbers, based on a Logic and Accuracy Test that was conducted. This test was not conducted by SLI Compliance because it was not included in its scope of work.

"The combination of these findings, along with the pre and post Logic and Accuracy Tests performed by the Arizona Secretary of State, the post-election hand count performed by the political parties, and the many security protocols implemented by the Elections Department confirm that Maricopa County Elections Department's configuration and setup of the tabulation equipment and election management system provided an accurate coutning of ballots and reporting of election results," read a portion of the statement. › news › maricopa-county

So, you think Cyber Ninjas founder Doug Logan is certified?
How could he/they be ?
They carried black pens into the Arizona state fairgrounds, that color and blue are what's used to fill out ballots, all the other auditors used RED colored pens only.

When confronted about the use of black pens, Logan replied "We'll look into it'.
What a moron.

Then no other media was allowed in besides Newsmax citing lack of the fairgrounds?
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??
Because your side is full of liars and nutters and no one trusts you to perform the audit fairly.
jokes on you again dumbass,, I aint no repube and dislike them just a little less than you fuckwad dems,,

but thanks for showing to partisan crap again,,
I didn’t say anything about you being a repube or whatever.

Seriously, your side is full of liars and nutters.
then who is "your side"???
The people who believe in this nutty election fraud conspiracy.
theres a lot of democrats that believe it too,,,
Doubt it but if they do then they’re just as big of lunatics as the rest of y’all.

No one should trust this audit. It’s being done by a group of Republican Party and Trump worshiping hacks.
in plain view of anyone that wants to watch,,, unlike the first time

if theres nothing to hide why are you so scared??
Is it? Are they allowing challengers from the Democratic Party to look over their shoulder?
No. They’re putting cardboard over the windows and making the dems go home early.

They put cardboard over the windows because RWNJ's were protesting outside, with all their Trump trinkets, trying to intimidate the poll workers.
Trump's opinion.
President Trump in a statement said that the lawsuit was evidence that the Democrats “are desperate for the fraud to remain concealed from the American people. “Our country needs the truth of the scam 2020 Election to be exposed,” Trump said. “If it is not, just as if we have “no borders,” we cannot be a Great Nation. Honest elections are America’s Heart and Soul. We must never allow this to happen to our Great Country again.”

Who gives a fuck about that moron, traitor has to say?

Oh' maybe the Georgia DA, the US DA in DC and the ones in NY, when the grifter goes to trial.
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

I agree. If the election were fair and they won the Dems should be crowing about it. Not trying to stop the audit.

The election was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and there was plenty of proof to back that up. Trump won that election and it was stolen.

That's what the Trump cult keeps claiming but can't get ONE witness to testify?
Not even the nut jobs who provided all those videos.
More evidence keeps coming out that proves the election was indeed stolen by the biden regime.

In spite of the bond, it seems like Democrats are still making considerable progress toward a cover up and suppression of evidence of voting fraud.
In spite of the bond, it seems like Democrats are still making considerable progress toward a cover up and suppression of evidence of voting fraud.

Whatever they find will be suppressed by Garland; the SC will also run away from the facts.

You're on your own, kidz; get used to it. That Venezuelan style anarchy both left and right wingers have been striving for is here.

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