Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Apparently, those who tell you what you think did not want to trouble you with the knowledge that this is the THIRD audit of those votes, or that the head of the company hired by our Deplorables to do it pushed election fraud theories. My favorite bit of irony re your ignorance, though, is the way you ask about having nothing to hide, even though this company is ignoring Arizona law and allowing no transparency in the process. Nobody is allowed to watch what they are doing. Their most recent excuse for this is they don't have room. The audit is being done in the Memorial Colosseum, a building that sits 15,000. They are relying heavily on being able to sucker useful idiots.
Ok, and if so what are you worried about ? It's funny watching the left melt down whenever someone speaks of audit's and such over one of the most heated election's in U.S. history. Of course the need for the truth and transparency is paramount in the aftermath, and especially after all the predictions of a radical leftist agenda has now come to life just as it was expected and spoken about. The American people didn't want the Democrat agenda, and to suggest that it did is a lie straight out of hell, so the possibility that the election was stolen is highly likely, and just as predictable as was the coming Democrat crazed agenda that hardly anyone wanted.

Fool us once shame on you, but fool us twice shame on us.

Well for starters, instead of moving on the people of Arizona are again being told that the results of the election are in question, which makes everyone who question your elections.

Trump pimped the lies about the stolen election, and no 40% of Americans think that there was something wrong with the last election. Trump ca
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??
Because your side is full of liars and nutters and no one trusts you to perform the audit fairly.
jokes on you again dumbass,, I aint no repube and dislike them just a little less than you fuckwad dems,,

but thanks for showing to partisan crap again,,
I didn’t say anything about you being a repube or whatever.

Seriously, your side is full of liars and nutters.
then who is "your side"???
The people who believe in this nutty election fraud conspiracy.
theres a lot of democrats that believe it too,,,
Doubt it but if they do then they’re just as big of lunatics as the rest of y’all.

No one should trust this audit. It’s being done by a group of Republican Party and Trump worshiping hacks.
in plain view of anyone that wants to watch,,, unlike the first time

if theres nothing to hide why are you so scared??
Is it? Are they allowing challengers from the Democratic Party to look over their shoulder?
No. They’re putting cardboard over the windows and making the dems go home early.

They put cardboard over the windows because RWNJ's were protesting outside, with all their Trump trinkets, trying to intimidate the poll workers.

Both of these entities were chosen because they are members of Q-anon and the Trump cult and they both TRUE BELIEVERS, who will ensure the "RIGHT" results this time.

They are neither credible nor are they "independent".
Explain Q-anon, and what exactly is wrong with them ? I see the term thrown around alot, but not sure exactly who they are or how they got the term applied to them. What is the definition of the term ??
I hear the ballots and machines are already in place and the auditing begins tomorrow.

If this is all on the up-and-up, why wouldn't the commiecrats want to rub everyone's noses in it?

I agree. If the election were fair and they won the Dems should be crowing about it. Not trying to stop the audit.

The election was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and there was plenty of proof to back that up. Trump won that election and it was stolen.

That's what the Trump cult keeps claiming but can't get ONE witness to testify?
Not even the nut jobs who provided all those videos.
Only more than 1,500 eyewitness affidavits, sworn under pains and penalties of perjury....But not one witness.

Speaking of nutjobs.
Will they have both Democratic and Republican observers?
Read something other than FAKE news, pretty please....

The Cyber Ninja Florida friend of Trump hired by Arizona Republicans didn't even know, or maybe they did know, that blue pens are not allowed by counters, because it can change votes, according to Arizona law, only red ink is allowed by workers, because it can not be read by optical scanners.....

Geez..... What a joke.....

So, does that technicality cancel out everything else involved ? Let them learn as they go, and hopefully everyone will be satisfied with the results in the end. Beware of them stumbling upon the truth right ??
No one in the Republican realm is looking for the truth, silly one.

If they were, they would have hired an independent audit firm.... and not Cyber Ninjas from Florida who coordinated and worked with Sidney Powell promoting the conspiracy theory that Dominion was working with the dead Hugo Chavez to steal the election from Trump via vote swapping....

And they would have not hired the Trump network OANN to be the security video taping company....

The whole thing is simply a SHOW, a choreographed SHOW, by right wing conspiracy theorists....
Did the Democrats hire Republican's to investigate the Russian bullcrap ??? Yes, you could say that ole what's his name (Mueller) was a republican, but only in shirt, because he definitely was a Democrat all the way underneath. He hired nothing but leftist investigator's to investigate Trump, but now you want to cry foul.... LOL
Maricopa County used the Dominion vote flipping machines
Yeah, sure, that's why the hand recounts matched the machine counts... :lol:

lol ridiculous. They didn't count squat, just 3 precincts out of 148, and only 1% of the early ballots. And, it's not like the criminals wouldn't rig both counts. You really are clueless. If Democrats weren't worried, why are they fighting an audit?

The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Apparently, those who tell you what you think did not want to trouble you with the knowledge that this is the THIRD audit of those votes, or that the head of the company hired by our Deplorables to do it pushed election fraud theories. My favorite bit of irony re your ignorance, though, is the way you ask about having nothing to hide, even though this company is ignoring Arizona law and allowing no transparency in the process. Nobody is allowed to watch what they are doing. Their most recent excuse for this is they don't have room. The audit is being done in the Memorial Colosseum, a building that sits 15,000. They are relying heavily on being able to sucker useful idiots.
you forgot to add a link to your comment,,
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Not a smidgen of corruption!

The IRS was not used to harass my political opponents.

I only heard about this in the newspaper this morning.

There was no federal business done on my private email.

I...did....not...have sex....
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Apparently, those who tell you what you think did not want to trouble you with the knowledge that this is the THIRD audit of those votes, or that the head of the company hired by our Deplorables to do it pushed election fraud theories. My favorite bit of irony re your ignorance, though, is the way you ask about having nothing to hide, even though this company is ignoring Arizona law and allowing no transparency in the process. Nobody is allowed to watch what they are doing. Their most recent excuse for this is they don't have room. The audit is being done in the Memorial Colosseum, a building that sits 15,000. They are relying heavily on being able to sucker useful idiots.
Nobody is allowed to watch what they are doing. Their most recent excuse for this is they don't have room.

The entire process is being live streamed through multiple cameras, sub-cretin.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Apparently, those who tell you what you think did not want to trouble you with the knowledge that this is the THIRD audit of those votes, or that the head of the company hired by our Deplorables to do it pushed election fraud theories. My favorite bit of irony re your ignorance, though, is the way you ask about having nothing to hide, even though this company is ignoring Arizona law and allowing no transparency in the process. Nobody is allowed to watch what they are doing. Their most recent excuse for this is they don't have room. The audit is being done in the Memorial Colosseum, a building that sits 15,000. They are relying heavily on being able to sucker useful idiots.
Ok, and if so what are you worried about ? It's funny watching the left melt down whenever someone speaks of audit's and such over one of the most heated election's in U.S. history. Of course the need for the truth and transparency is paramount in the aftermath, and especially after all the predictions of a radical leftist agenda has now come to life just as it was expected and spoken about. The American people didn't want the Democrat agenda, and to suggest that it did is a lie straight out of hell, so the possibility that the election was stolen is highly likely, and just as predictable as was the coming Democrat crazed agenda that hardly anyone wanted.

Fool us once shame on you, but fool us twice shame on us.

Well for starters, instead of moving on the people of Arizona are again being told that the results of the election are in question, which makes everyone who question your elections.

Trump pimped the lies about the stolen election, and now 40% of Americans think that there was something wrong with the last election. States ran the cleanest elections in history BECAUSE Trump threatened to sue before the election. That's why they packed the court - so the SC could decide the election for Trump.

States responded by running the cleanest election in history, and every one of the court cases Trump brought was tossed for lack of evidence. But the Big Lie still persists, and that is why this audit needs to stop. If these clowns start making public statements about what they "found", which you know they will, being members of the Trump Cult, it's not going to help.

These people are going to continue to rant on about the election results in the same way that they've called the Clinton's "criminals" for 30 years. No charges, evidence, or witnesses. Not one indictment, much less a conviction, but everyone in America believes Hillary Clinton is a crook. Or the birther campaign. How many Americans now believe Obama was born in Kenya.

This is the same thing. A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. Republicans need to stop repeating the lie that the election was not honest or fair.

if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??
Because your side is full of liars and nutters and no one trusts you to perform the audit fairly.
jokes on you again dumbass,, I aint no repube and dislike them just a little less than you fuckwad dems,,

but thanks for showing to partisan crap again,,
I didn’t say anything about you being a repube or whatever.

Seriously, your side is full of liars and nutters.
then who is "your side"???
The people who believe in this nutty election fraud conspiracy.
theres a lot of democrats that believe it too,,,
Doubt it but if they do then they’re just as big of lunatics as the rest of y’all.

No one should trust this audit. It’s being done by a group of Republican Party and Trump worshiping hacks.
in plain view of anyone that wants to watch,,, unlike the first time

if theres nothing to hide why are you so scared??
Is it? Are they allowing challengers from the Democratic Party to look over their shoulder?
No. They’re putting cardboard over the windows and making the dems go home early.

They put cardboard over the windows because RWNJ's were protesting outside, with all their Trump trinkets, trying to intimidate the poll workers.

Both of these entities were chosen because they are members of Q-anon and the Trump cult and they both TRUE BELIEVERS, who will ensure the "RIGHT" results this time.

They are neither credible nor are they "independent".
If you’re so concerned with people being concerned that our elections are questionable, then why try to block all investigations to prove beyond doubt they are legit?
Only those with something to hide refuse.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats need to get over your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental Illness.

China Joe and the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department stole the election from him and the American people were denied the candidate they elected so he is not President anymore.

Meanwhile China Joe is fucking up everything he touches and is being a tremendous embarrassment to this country.

Anybody that voted for China Joe and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a moron. I think we all know that.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.
JFK said tax cuts create jobs, and his tax cuts did.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.
JFK said tax cuts create jobs, and his tax cuts did.

We also saw when that dimwit Worthless Negro increased taxes then we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

By the way, you are correct. JFK would be kicked out of the Democrat Party nowadays for proposing tax decreases and also for his support of the NRA.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

An "audit" from RWNJ's
A deleted Twitter account that appears to belong to Cyber Ninjas founder Doug Logan suggests he has already made up his mind about the security of Arizona's elections. It includes a litany of unsubstantiated allegations about fraud in the last election.
"I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast," said one post he shared from another Twitter user around the end of 2020.
He also appears to have shared posts by Sidney Powell, an attorney who supported former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the election results, and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., a prominent proponent of conspiracy theories about the last election.
"The parallels between the statistical analysis of Venezuela and this year's election are astonishing," Logan wrote in a December post.>story>news

May as well have the orange retard do the "audit".
LOL. You are having a hard time dealing with this you cheating slime......LOLOL

I told you idiot months ago you will have to face your fraud

Well I guess you told us!!! "Trump told you there was fraud", isn't the same thing as "There was fraud". Trump also told you Obama was born in Kenya. Trump told you Mexico would pay for the Wall. Trump told you that Hillary was a criminal.

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The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.
JFK said tax cuts create jobs, and his tax cuts did.

Yes, because the top tax rate was 90% when he cut taxes and the budget was balanced.

Today, the top tax rate is 37%, and the budget hasn't been balanced since Clinton was in office. Health insurance is separate from taxes. Every tax cut since Reagan has crashed the economy and the country is running ever larger deficits to pay for a bloated military, massive oversight of social programs, and an over-policed homeland, while working Americans haven't had a real raise in more than 30 years.
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Apparently, those who tell you what you think did not want to trouble you with the knowledge that this is the THIRD audit of those votes, or that the head of the company hired by our Deplorables to do it pushed election fraud theories. My favorite bit of irony re your ignorance, though, is the way you ask about having nothing to hide, even though this company is ignoring Arizona law and allowing no transparency in the process. Nobody is allowed to watch what they are doing. Their most recent excuse for this is they don't have room. The audit is being done in the Memorial Colosseum, a building that sits 15,000. They are relying heavily on being able to sucker useful idiots.
Ok, and if so what are you worried about ? It's funny watching the left melt down whenever someone speaks of audit's and such over one of the most heated election's in U.S. history. Of course the need for the truth and transparency is paramount in the aftermath, and especially after all the predictions of a radical leftist agenda has now come to life just as it was expected and spoken about. The American people didn't want the Democrat agenda, and to suggest that it did is a lie straight out of hell, so the possibility that the election was stolen is highly likely, and just as predictable as was the coming Democrat crazed agenda that hardly anyone wanted.

Fool us once shame on you, but fool us twice shame on us.

Well for starters, instead of moving on the people of Arizona are again being told that the results of the election are in question, which makes everyone who question your elections.

Trump pimped the lies about the stolen election, and no 40% of Americans think that there was something wrong with the last election.
The truth about voter fraud will come out. We should force liberals to watch the Mike Lindell documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election.
It's already out. There's enough hard core evidence to put several hundred corrupt democrats and foreign participants behind bars for decades. The problem is we have a corrupt party of democrats and their lying propaganda wing in full bore denial and lying about it, and our courts have all gone completely coward and have all denied hearing of the evidence. They're scared of the violent leftist mob, and what they'll do to them if they rule on the evidence that election was one massive CHEAT, and therefore illegitimate.
So basically what you're saying, is that this country has fallen under mob rule. Democrat mob rule !! Ok, now why doesn't this country have a failsafe in place that would keep such a thing from happening ? And if the failsafe is still in place, then who is in charge of the thing anymore ??? Why have the Republican's failed the nation by allowing one side of the system to go rogue ??? Where is the check's and balances ????

Right now Democrat's are unleashing unbelievable hell on this nation in which any responsible citizen would be against, and any citizen needing good guidance by good leadership would also be against, otherwise if said leadership would lead them instead of forgetting them.

The Republicans are not the failsafe on this sort of thing. The people are. And so far, the people have failed miserably in defending their country and their own liberty by being lazy and apathetic, and waiting for someone else to do it.

If we don't stand up and push back in defense of our own freedom, we don't deserve to be free.

Just shut the fuck up with that filthy ass Democrat bullshit.

The Democrats are the scum of this country and they have lied, cheated and stole to get control of the Treasury of this country and it is despicable.

Everything the Democrats do is dishonest, wrong, greed based and destructive to this country. They are hell bent to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the wealth until the money runs out. Just like all Left Wing regimes.
So very true and this is coming from someone unlike many here who is not biased towards a certain party the fact I have said for decades both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was true till the last two years when the dems got infiltrated by terrorists.

I agree. Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. A great amount of the destruction that the Democrats have done to this country was aided to some degree by the Republicans. For instance, Republicans allowed Obamacare to come to a Senate floor vote where it was passed along party lines. Republicans stood back and did absolutely nothing when the damn Democrats blatantly stole the 2020 Presidential and Georgia Senate races. They never even bothered to insist on an audit of the contested Democrat controlled district. They are doing jackshit about that turdbrain Joe Dufus allowing the Illegals to flood into this country and be put on welfare. Mark my words, some of the Republicans will support the Joe Dufus tax increases, which will destroy our already China caused weak economy.



Well if you didn't vote for Biden, you aren't black, so what's your point ?

In your desperation to come up an analogy, you swung and whiffed completely. Joe Biden made a bad joke on a talk show. He was grinning when he said it in an interview with someone he was comfortable and friendly with.

Donald Trump continues to flog the Big Lie and he demanded that his Cult "fight like hell" for that Lie. The Republican Party continues to support and enable the cult by insisting on recount after recount after recount, and audits on audits. No matter how many times or how many ways they count the votes, Biden won.

Republicans carried out 7 investigations of Benghazi, one after the other and they all said the same thing. But one Republican Senator said the quiet part out loud: Look at her poll numbers. They've gone down 15 points since we started.

When the Republican Party, which half of America still votes for, does not stand up to the Trump Cult and say, "Cut it out!", they're going to keep telling The Big Lie, until all of America believes it. They've got 40% thinking there is something to this already.

Birtherism, the Clintons are criminals, "tax cuts create jobs" and now the "election was stolen". For 30 years now, Republicans have been selling the American public on lies, and they're doing a good job of it.
JFK said tax cuts create jobs, and his tax cuts did.

Yes, because the top tax rate was 90% when he cut taxes and the budget was balanced.

Today, the top tax rate is 37%, and the budget hasn't been balanced since Clinton was in office. Health insurance is separate from taxes. Every tax cut since Reagan has crashed the economy and the country is running ever larger deficits to pay for a bloated military, massive oversight of social programs, and an over-policed homeland, while working Americans haven't had a real raise in more than 30 years.
clinton didnt balance the budget,, he fudged the numbers and raised the debt 2 trillion dollars,,
I see the Q-Kook Cyber Ninja recount in AZ is off to a rocky start.
Dude didn't even know that black and blue ink pens should NOT be used in the process. :lol:
Hey Maricopa County taxpayers - YOU are paying for this charade ... Consider that next election!

I see the Q-Kook Cyber Ninja recount in AZ is off to a rocky start.
Dude didn't even know that black and blue ink pens should NOT be used in the process. :lol:
Hey Maricopa County taxpayers - YOU are paying for this charade ... Consider that next election!

This whole Cyber Ninja audit farce exudes fraud and clusterfuck.

There was never a more pathetic group of losers than Trumpers.
This whole Cyber Ninja audit farce exudes fraud and clusterfuck.

There was never a more pathetic group of losers than Trumpers.

They shouldn't even bother pretending to count. May as well have had MrPillow or Sidney Powell conduct the audit. Just release a report that says the job is done and Trump won due to massive anomalies and fraud. Of course the Trumpettes will buy it. And regardless, the Q-Kook dude will line his pockets endlessly with taxpayer dollars. He is also accepting donations in case you are interested. ;)
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