Democrats' support for abortion is the reason they became so evil

On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
You and your obsessions about “evil people” having abortions — stupid and boring. It is making you inhuman and sick. Abortion of course is a tough and hard decision for many women, but when accidents happen it is their decision to make, hopefully with help and support from their loved ones.

My daughter made it years ago when she got knocked up by a bum who couldn’t and wouldn’t support a child. Now she is the happy mother of a beautiful one-year old girl, loved by two wonderful married parents and four loving grandparents. People like you are as selfish and hypocritical and moronic as the bum who thought he could be a “real man” by screwing up her life. Fuck him and you too.
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
You and your obsessions about “evil people” having abortions — stupid and boring. It is making you inhuman and sick. Abortion of course is a tough and hard decision for many women, but when accidents happen it is their decision to make, hopefully with help and support from their loved ones.

My daughter made it years ago when she got knocked up by a bum who couldn’t and wouldn’t support a child. Now she is the happy mother of a beautiful one-year old girl, loved by two wonderful married parents and four loving grandparents. People like you are as selfish and hypocritical and moronic as the bum who thought he could be a “real man” by screwing up her life. Fuck him and you too.

Amen! Thank you!
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
You and your obsessions about “evil people” having abortions — stupid and boring. It is making you inhuman and sick. Abortion of course is a tough and hard decision for many women, but when accidents happen it is their decision to make, hopefully with help and support from their loved ones.

My daughter made it years ago when she got knocked up by a bum who couldn’t and wouldn’t support a child. Now she is the happy mother of a beautiful one-year old girl, loved by two wonderful married parents and four loving grandparents. People like you are as selfish and hypocritical and moronic as the bum who thought he could be a “real man” by screwing up her life. Fuck him and you too.
What will your granddaughter think when she finds out her mother aborted her sister?

Do you plan to tell her?
Democrats' support for abortion is the reason they became so evil

The OP likes bombard this forum with his abortion propaganda - but I never see him addressing the origins of Roe v. Wade.

Few topics are as politically polarizing as the issue of abortion. Those of us who are middle aged and younger have always known the abortion debate divided between the political right and left, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats.

But that has not always been the case.

In fact, it was mostly Republican-nominated Supreme Court Justices who made the case for choice in 1973.

Roe vs. Wade was decided with a 7-2 vote, and not along partisan lines. Those who ruled in favor were as follows, with the president who nominated them and the party of that president indicated in parentheses:
  • Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)
  • Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)
  • Warren Burger (Nixon, R)
  • William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)
  • Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)
  • Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)
  • William Douglas (FDR, D)
Those who dissented on Roe vs. Wade:
  • Byron White (Kennedy, D)
  • William Rehnquist (Nixon, R)
So five Republican-nominated justices and two Democrat-nominated justices ruled for choice, while one Republican and one Democrat-nominated justice ruled against.

A lifelong Republican justice, Harry Blackmun, wrote the majority opinion in the case, which basically stated that state laws that unduly restrict abortion were unconstitutional—not specifically because a woman had a right to choose to have an abortion, but because of a the right to privacy under the 14th amendment.

Just a reminder that the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade was written by a lifelong Republican
I know Republicans on the Supreme Court have been voting for abortion too, and after they die they will meet Jesus and he will ask them what the hell they were thinking.
I know Republicans on the Supreme Court have been voting for abortion too, and after they die they will meet Jesus and he will ask them what the hell they were thinking.
You won't think hell is funny when you get there, Lakhota.
I know Republicans on the Supreme Court have been voting for abortion too, and after they die they will meet Jesus and he will ask them what the hell they were thinking.

They will tell Jesus that they were following the U.S. Constitution - not the beliefs of religious zealots. We are governed by the Constitution - not the Bible.
I know Republicans on the Supreme Court have been voting for abortion too, and after they die they will meet Jesus and he will ask them what the hell they were thinking.

They will tell Jesus that they were following the U.S. Constitution - not the beliefs of religious zealots. We are governed by the Constitution - not the Bible.
Show me where the Constitution says a woman has a right to an abortion.
I know Republicans on the Supreme Court have been voting for abortion too, and after they die they will meet Jesus and he will ask them what the hell they were thinking.

They will tell Jesus that they were following the U.S. Constitution - not the beliefs of religious zealots. We are governed by the Constitution - not the Bible.
Show me where the Constitution says a woman has a right to an abortion.

A lifelong Republican justice, Harry Blackmun, wrote the majority opinion in the case, which basically stated that state laws that unduly restrict abortion were unconstitutional—not specifically because a woman had a right to choose to have an abortion, but because of a the right to privacy under the 14th amendment.

Just a reminder that the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade was written by a lifelong Republican
I know Republicans on the Supreme Court have been voting for abortion too, and after they die they will meet Jesus and he will ask them what the hell they were thinking.

They will tell Jesus that they were following the U.S. Constitution - not the beliefs of religious zealots. We are governed by the Constitution - not the Bible.
Show me where the Constitution says a woman has a right to an abortion.

A lifelong Republican justice, Harry Blackmun, wrote the majority opinion in the case, which basically stated that state laws that unduly restrict abortion were unconstitutional—not specifically because a woman had a right to choose to have an abortion, but because of a the right to privacy under the 14th amendment.

Just a reminder that the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade was written by a lifelong Republican
That's not what Roe v. Wade says. Go read the opinion and get back to me.
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
You and your obsessions about “evil people” having abortions — stupid and boring. It is making you inhuman and sick. Abortion of course is a tough and hard decision for many women, but when accidents happen it is their decision to make, hopefully with help and support from their loved ones.

My daughter made it years ago when she got knocked up by a bum who couldn’t and wouldn’t support a child. Now she is the happy mother of a beautiful one-year old girl, loved by two wonderful married parents and four loving grandparents. People like you are as selfish and hypocritical and moronic as the bum who thought he could be a “real man” by screwing up her life. Fuck him and you too.
What will your granddaughter think when she finds out her mother aborted her sister? Do you plan to tell her?
I will be gone when she is grown up. But if she faces a similar moral dilemma when she is mature and ready to hear about such matters, I suspect her mother will talk about it in exactly the proper way. Why wouldn’t she?

Our grand-daughter was waited for, and is beloved. She never had an unwanted half-brother or half-sister by a depraved father who would have abused the child, ruined her mother’s life, and certainly prevented this beautiful little girl herself ever being born in the first place!

Maybe if you knew how to talk to people, to discuss moral and social and even political issues with humanity and understanding — instead of religious self-righteousness — you wouldn’t be such a miserable unhappy person.
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
I'd really like to know why abortion is evil but Trump and the republicans' trying to overturn the ACA isn't. Ending the ACA with nothing to replace it is a death sentence for many. This includes babies, children, on and on. Trump hates the ACA because it was Obama's plan. Such evil from a guy so many Christians voted for.
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.

Rather obvious, I think.

Surely, there is no deeper evil, than that which entices one to think that it is ever OK to needlessly kill an innocent child.

Can one possibly allow that to take root in their mind, and in their soul, without it growing into far greater and greater levels of moral and ethical corruption?

The Devil has many powerful seeds that he can try to plant in our minds, and hope that they will be fertile, and grow into greater evil. This, surely, is one of his best.
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.

Abortion and now infanticide, plus sodomy and socialism. Democrats are pure evil
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
Are republicans really pro life? We know that the United Aramaic Emirates has been fueling the war in Yemen. We know the UAE has used Chinese weapons to do it. They have bombed innocent people. It’s well documented.

Now republicans led by trump want to sell the UAE $23 billion dollars worth of weapons. Even though US intelligence knows they will use them to murder innocent people.
Odd how you wingers cry about people having abortions then turn right around a whine about welfare moms leeching your tax dollars. Which validates the belief that anti-abortionists are all about 'pro-life' up until the moment of birth then they could give two squats about the baby.

Why didn't they use birth control?

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