Democrats.... this is what you created... 40 years of liberal social engineering that created the victimization of an entire race..

This is what you own...
This is what you created...

The "40 years of social justice engineering" of which you speak, just happens to coincide with a very hard swing to the right taken by the entire country on the heels of the election of Ronald Reagan, and that is when the right started portraying minorities as "welfare queens", as social programs which helped lift generations of poor inner city minorities out of poverty as "free stuff".

Sadly for you fools, these tired old lines don't work 40 years on when you have generations of middle class black folk getting harassed by the police every time they don't leave the house wearing a suit and tie. And generations of white suburbanites who have been falsely taught to be believe that all black people are dangerous armed criminals who hate white people.

People are sick and tired of telling themselves that police forces shooting and killing 1000 people a year is just fine. Cities paying out "excessive force claims" in excess of $250 million annually is just fine, and that the police state Republicans have created for minorities is necessary for the safety and security of white people.

The pandemic has broken down society into two classes of people: those whose lives matter, and those who are "essential workers" whose lives matter less, but whose work is necessary for the "important people" to survive. If their work is so "essential" to our way of life, why do they pay so little?

This isn't happening in the rest of the first world, where the working class is paid a living wage and has government funded health care, unemployment insurance, and sick leave. All the things American workers don't have.

Most places in the rest of the world do not tolerate what we do. But you are right about policing. It is uneven. The elites want to nationalize the police force. Some departments are much better then others. We will end up with a nationalized corrupted force with the power to stamp out resistance. Real resistance. And they are more worried about fly over country then the urban areas.
A young black man minding his own business that has never harmed anyone gets the police called on him while doing absolutely nothing illegal and then gets jumped by those cops and drugged against his wishes is very much being a victim.
You are babbling--------no one, not even you, know what you are talking about.

All you said was that you are not paying attention to what is going on.

What We Know About the Killing of Elijah McClain
Hey sheep... that is isolated cases, and guess what? For every black man you can link to that the police did something to... I can post you 3 white people that were also bullied. Or shot. Or tazed.

No you can't.

In 2016, a reported 12,404 stops were made under the stop-and-frisk program. The stop-and-frisk program has previously taken place on a much wider scale. Between 2003 and 2013, over 100,000 stops were made per year, with 685,724 people being stopped at the height of the program in 2011. The program became the subject of a racial profiling controversy. Ninety percent of those stopped in 2017 were African-American or Latino, mostly aged 14–24.

Stop-and-frisk in New York City - Wikipedia.

Now show me where three times that many white's were stopped.
That was a great program that worked.
You realize that prior to Guiliani, one of the absolute greatest mayors in NYC history, that NYC was a cesspool of crime. Both organized and urban street crime were very bad. Programs like stop and frisk worked. Crime rates in NYC plummeted.
Now you take two liberals, governor Cuomo and mayor Blasio... and whalaa... crime is rising fast.

A lot of stuff can "work" but they are not Constitutional. Throwing people in prison over their opinions will shut those opinions down.

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