Democrats Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google to Stop Russian Propaganda


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
DNC is dealing with mythical 'Russian Propaganda'. Why not begin to deal with Israel's influence on the US politic or domestic terrorism?. All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones.Until now there is no one serious proof of any Russian involvement in any American political matter, except 24/7 lying of Deep State, presstitutes and Israel lobby.

On Wednesday, lawyers for Facebook, Twitter and Google faced down Democratic lawmakers who essentially threatened them for not shutting down Russian propaganda during the 2016 election cycle. Democrats have been adamant that distribution of Russian propaganda on social media played a major role in Hillary Clinton’s election defeat, and are now seeking to use that assumption as a lever to regulate the internet giants.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) complained that the platforms had been “misused.” She threatened, “you have to be the ones who do something about it – or we will.”

Democrats Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google: 'Do Something' To Stop Russian Propaganda 'Or We Will'

Wonder why they don't clean up the voter rolls in areas of California and Chicago first? Clinton's and crew didn't seem to mind taking Russian, Chinese, Arab and anyone else's money to influence peddle throughout the country with their chit.
DNC is dealing with mythical 'Russian Propaganda'. Why not begin to deal with Israel's influence on the US politic or domestic terrorism?. All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones.Until now there is no one serious proof of any Russian involvement in any American political matter, except 24/7 lying of Deep State, presstitutes and Israel lobby.

On Wednesday, lawyers for Facebook, Twitter and Google faced down Democratic lawmakers who essentially threatened them for not shutting down Russian propaganda during the 2016 election cycle. Democrats have been adamant that distribution of Russian propaganda on social media played a major role in Hillary Clinton’s election defeat, and are now seeking to use that assumption as a lever to regulate the internet giants.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) complained that the platforms had been “misused.” She threatened, “you have to be the ones who do something about it – or we will.”

Democrats Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google: 'Do Something' To Stop Russian Propaganda 'Or We Will'

Of course they want to regulate it, look at this forum to see what kind of beating liberals are taking here and you will see what is happening to them everywhere....they do this with everything...lose an election? "prosecute"! lose an argument? "litigate"!
DNC is dealing with mythical 'Russian Propaganda'. Why not begin to deal with Israel's influence on the US politic or domestic terrorism?. All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones.Until now there is no one serious proof of any Russian involvement in any American political matter, except 24/7 lying of Deep State, presstitutes and Israel lobby.

On Wednesday, lawyers for Facebook, Twitter and Google faced down Democratic lawmakers who essentially threatened them for not shutting down Russian propaganda during the 2016 election cycle. Democrats have been adamant that distribution of Russian propaganda on social media played a major role in Hillary Clinton’s election defeat, and are now seeking to use that assumption as a lever to regulate the internet giants.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) complained that the platforms had been “misused.” She threatened, “you have to be the ones who do something about it – or we will.”

Democrats Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google: 'Do Something' To Stop Russian Propaganda 'Or We Will'

Of course they want to regulate it, look at this forum to see what kind of beating liberals are taking here and you will see what is happening to them everywhere....they do this with everything...lose an election? "prosecute"! lose an argument? "litigate"!
And if they can't win with truth they just make chit up even in the courts.
So then you admit that Russia spread fake

The republicans have been all over Facebook, Google and Twitter too .. The top executives from FB, Twitter were in a closed session last month in front of Senators grilling them..

So then you admit that Russia spread fake

The republicans have been all over Facebook, Google and Twitter too .. The top executives from FB, Twitter were in a closed session last month in front of Senators grilling them..

If'n you are into getting rid of propagandist then a chit load of the Libs at CNN and other major media outlets need to clean out whackjobs like this one:

The Russian ads released thus far, were all anti Clinton, pro Trump.

The ads underscore how foreign agents sought to sow confusion, anger and discord among Americans through messages on hot-button topics. U.S. intelligence services say the Russian use of social media was part of a broad effort to sway the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the Kremlin worked with the Trump campaign to influence voters.

Lawmakers release troves of Facebook ads showing Russia's cyber intrusion

Yahoo posted the same news as the Tribune. Since Pubbies hold majorities in BOTH Houses of Congress, and the Presidency, Democrats have not threatened anything that can be done.
All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones
well, what you are saying is that all Israeli interests are the opposite of Americas, and I do not in any way, shape, or form believe that...there are those who believe that Israel is doing all the heavy lifting for America in the middle east, why do you think that is not the case?
All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones
well, what you are saying is that all Israeli interests are the opposite of Americas, and I do not in any way, shape, or form believe that...there are those who believe that Israel is doing all the heavy lifting for America in the middle east, why do you think that is not the case?

America should mind their business and get out of the middle east. It's costing trillions of dollars that we don't have. We're broke.
I'll be interested how far this bullshit is going to go.

Will Toyota, Budweiser, and a thousand other foreign owned companies be barred from airing ads to influence American's?
All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones
well, what you are saying is that all Israeli interests are the opposite of Americas, and I do not in any way, shape, or form believe that...there are those who believe that Israel is doing all the heavy lifting for America in the middle east, why do you think that is not the case?

America should mind their business and get out of the middle east. It's costing trillions of dollars that we don't have. We're broke.
yeah, has so little to do with my post...that it would be better off on a baseball forum
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The Russian ads released thus far, were all anti Clinton, pro Trump.

The ads underscore how foreign agents sought to sow confusion, anger and discord among Americans through messages on hot-button topics. U.S. intelligence services say the Russian use of social media was part of a broad effort to sway the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the Kremlin worked with the Trump campaign to influence voters.

Lawmakers release troves of Facebook ads showing Russia's cyber intrusion

Yahoo posted the same news as the Tribune. Since Pubbies hold majorities in BOTH Houses of Congress, and the Presidency, Democrats have not threatened anything that can be done.

Those that testified said the reverse was true. You need to get up to speed.
The Russian ads released thus far, were all anti Clinton, pro Trump.

The ads underscore how foreign agents sought to sow confusion, anger and discord among Americans through messages on hot-button topics. U.S. intelligence services say the Russian use of social media was part of a broad effort to sway the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the Kremlin worked with the Trump campaign to influence voters.

Lawmakers release troves of Facebook ads showing Russia's cyber intrusion

Yahoo posted the same news as the Tribune. Since Pubbies hold majorities in BOTH Houses of Congress, and the Presidency, Democrats have not threatened anything that can be done.

Those that testified said the reverse was true. You need to get up to speed.

The news reports differ, I have read some testimony, it aligns with news reports.
So then you admit that Russia spread fake

The republicans have been all over Facebook, Google and Twitter too .. The top executives from FB, Twitter were in a closed session last month in front of Senators grilling them..


Here you go.

Facebook says Russia-linked ads that reached millions of Americans continued to 'sow division' and undermine Trump – not Hillary – even AFTER the 2016 election
  • Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in a Senate hearing that Russia-linked political ads kept running on the giant platform after the 2016 election
  • After Trump won the White House, Stretch said, 'we saw a lot of activity targeted at fomenting discord about the validity of his election'
  • Sean Edgett, Twitter's acting general counsel, said his company 'saw similar activity'
  • 'The same is true for Google,' added Richard Salgado, the search engine behemoth's senior counsel

Read more: Facebook: Post-2016 Russian ads tried to undermine Trump | Daily Mail Online
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