Democrats Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google to Stop Russian Propaganda

The Russian ads released thus far, were all anti Clinton, pro Trump.

The ads underscore how foreign agents sought to sow confusion, anger and discord among Americans through messages on hot-button topics. U.S. intelligence services say the Russian use of social media was part of a broad effort to sway the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the Kremlin worked with the Trump campaign to influence voters.

Lawmakers release troves of Facebook ads showing Russia's cyber intrusion

Yahoo posted the same news as the Tribune. Since Pubbies hold majorities in BOTH Houses of Congress, and the Presidency, Democrats have not threatened anything that can be done.

Those that testified said the reverse was true. You need to get up to speed.

The news reports differ, I have read some testimony, it aligns with news reports.

Not at all. This is the latest.

Facebook says Russia-linked ads that reached millions of Americans continued to 'sow division' and undermine Trump – not Hillary – even AFTER the 2016 election
  • Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in a Senate hearing that Russia-linked political ads kept running on the giant platform after the 2016 election
  • After Trump won the White House, Stretch said, 'we saw a lot of activity targeted at fomenting discord about the validity of his election'
  • Sean Edgett, Twitter's acting general counsel, said his company 'saw similar activity'
  • 'The same is true for Google,' added Richard Salgado, the search engine behemoth's senior counsel

Read more: Facebook: Post-2016 Russian ads tried to undermine Trump | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So then you admit that Russia spread fake

The republicans have been all over Facebook, Google and Twitter too .. The top executives from FB, Twitter were in a closed session last month in front of Senators grilling them..


Here you go.

Facebook says Russia-linked ads that reached millions of Americans continued to 'sow division' and undermine Trump – not Hillary – even AFTER the 2016 election
  • Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in a Senate hearing that Russia-linked political ads kept running on the giant platform after the 2016 election
  • After Trump won the White House, Stretch said, 'we saw a lot of activity targeted at fomenting discord about the validity of his election'
  • Sean Edgett, Twitter's acting general counsel, said his company 'saw similar activity'
  • 'The same is true for Google,' added Richard Salgado, the search engine behemoth's senior counsel

Read more: Facebook: Post-2016 Russian ads tried to undermine Trump | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I seriously do not recall the fake news on Trump as much as Hillary..but will research .

Facebook disclosed in September that more than 3,000 ads were bought by 470 fake accounts and pages run by the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg. Those accounts have been shut down. Some of those ads were released Wednesday, showing Russian operatives had targeted users on subjects including gun rights, gay rights, religion and Presidential candidates Trump and Clinton..

Facebook's Zuckerberg says he's 'dead serious' about Russia, warns security spending will hurt profits
The Russian ads released thus far, were all anti Clinton, pro Trump.

The ads underscore how foreign agents sought to sow confusion, anger and discord among Americans through messages on hot-button topics. U.S. intelligence services say the Russian use of social media was part of a broad effort to sway the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the Kremlin worked with the Trump campaign to influence voters.

Lawmakers release troves of Facebook ads showing Russia's cyber intrusion

Yahoo posted the same news as the Tribune. Since Pubbies hold majorities in BOTH Houses of Congress, and the Presidency, Democrats have not threatened anything that can be done.

Those that testified said the reverse was true. You need to get up to speed.

The news reports differ, I have read some testimony, it aligns with news reports.

Not at all. This is the latest.

Facebook says Russia-linked ads that reached millions of Americans continued to 'sow division' and undermine Trump – not Hillary – even AFTER the 2016 election
  • Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in a Senate hearing that Russia-linked political ads kept running on the giant platform after the 2016 election
  • After Trump won the White House, Stretch said, 'we saw a lot of activity targeted at fomenting discord about the validity of his election'
  • Sean Edgett, Twitter's acting general counsel, said his company 'saw similar activity'
  • 'The same is true for Google,' added Richard Salgado, the search engine behemoth's senior counsel

Read more: Facebook: Post-2016 Russian ads tried to undermine Trump | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That is a UK paper, not the LATEST in the US. Here is the latest from the US:

While the examples of some ads had leaked previously, Wednesday's release was the broadest publication of these falsified campaigns since this issue emerged. They also included the meta-data, or information the buyer used to obtain the ad through Facebook's automated ad system, from age of the targeted viewer to content they like, and how successful the ads were in getting users to click on them.

Here's a look at some of the ads and their divisive nature:

Satan and Jesus arm-wrestling

See the fake Facebook ads Russians ran on Clinton, guns, race, Christianity

A few were anti Trump, they were just released TODAY.
All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones
well, what you are saying is that all Israeli interests are the opposite of Americas, and I do not in any way, shape, or form believe that...there are those who believe that Israel is doing all the heavy lifting for America in the middle east, why do you think that is not the case?

America should mind their business and get out of the middle east. It's costing trillions of dollars that we don't have. We're broke.
yeah, has so little to do with my post...that it would be better off on a baseball forum

Really. Well, then, what do the words in your post, ''heavy lifting for America in the east'' mean in your alternate universe? Hm?

My point stands, scooter. America should mind their business and get out of the middle east. It's costing trillions of dollars that we don't have. We're broke.
Another pro Trump ad purchased by Russia:

Secured Borders

Any pro Clinton the Republican Congress will rush to release, I am sure researchers are dredging. Why wouldn't Russia want Trump? He is both wealthy and deemed by foreign nations as a lightweight in experience. Today's Russians admired WEALTH, and the strength of the odious KGB Vlad.
All wars US fought are for Israel interests, not for American ones
well, what you are saying is that all Israeli interests are the opposite of Americas, and I do not in any way, shape, or form believe that...there are those who believe that Israel is doing all the heavy lifting for America in the middle east, why do you think that is not the case?

America should mind their business and get out of the middle east. It's costing trillions of dollars that we don't have. We're broke.
yeah, has so little to do with my post...that it would be better off on a baseball forum

Really. Well, then, what do the words in your post, ''heavy lifting for America in the east'' mean in your alternate universe? Hm?

Really. Well, then, what do the words in your post, ''heavy lifting for America in the east'' mean in your alternate universe? Hm?
that houston is winning 5-0
The Russian ads released thus far, were all anti Clinton, pro Trump.

The ads underscore how foreign agents sought to sow confusion, anger and discord among Americans through messages on hot-button topics. U.S. intelligence services say the Russian use of social media was part of a broad effort to sway the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the Kremlin worked with the Trump campaign to influence voters.

Lawmakers release troves of Facebook ads showing Russia's cyber intrusion

Yahoo posted the same news as the Tribune. Since Pubbies hold majorities in BOTH Houses of Congress, and the Presidency, Democrats have not threatened anything that can be done.

Those that testified said the reverse was true. You need to get up to speed.

The news reports differ, I have read some testimony, it aligns with news reports.

Not at all. This is the latest.

Facebook says Russia-linked ads that reached millions of Americans continued to 'sow division' and undermine Trump – not Hillary – even AFTER the 2016 election
  • Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in a Senate hearing that Russia-linked political ads kept running on the giant platform after the 2016 election
  • After Trump won the White House, Stretch said, 'we saw a lot of activity targeted at fomenting discord about the validity of his election'
  • Sean Edgett, Twitter's acting general counsel, said his company 'saw similar activity'
  • 'The same is true for Google,' added Richard Salgado, the search engine behemoth's senior counsel

Read more: Facebook: Post-2016 Russian ads tried to undermine Trump | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That is a UK paper, not the LATEST in the US. Here is the latest from the US:

While the examples of some ads had leaked previously, Wednesday's release was the broadest publication of these falsified campaigns since this issue emerged. They also included the meta-data, or information the buyer used to obtain the ad through Facebook's automated ad system, from age of the targeted viewer to content they like, and how successful the ads were in getting users to click on them.

Here's a look at some of the ads and their divisive nature:

Satan and Jesus arm-wrestling

See the fake Facebook ads Russians ran on Clinton, guns, race, Christianity

A few were anti Trump, they were just released TODAY.

It's the US edition for crying out loud. With US writers. Covering the Senate hearings. Their testimony is on freaking record.
The Russian ads released thus far, were all anti Clinton, pro Trump.

The ads underscore how foreign agents sought to sow confusion, anger and discord among Americans through messages on hot-button topics. U.S. intelligence services say the Russian use of social media was part of a broad effort to sway the 2016 presidential election in favor of Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the Kremlin worked with the Trump campaign to influence voters.

Lawmakers release troves of Facebook ads showing Russia's cyber intrusion

Yahoo posted the same news as the Tribune. Since Pubbies hold majorities in BOTH Houses of Congress, and the Presidency, Democrats have not threatened anything that can be done.

Those that testified said the reverse was true. You need to get up to speed.

The news reports differ, I have read some testimony, it aligns with news reports.

Not at all. This is the latest.

Facebook says Russia-linked ads that reached millions of Americans continued to 'sow division' and undermine Trump – not Hillary – even AFTER the 2016 election
  • Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in a Senate hearing that Russia-linked political ads kept running on the giant platform after the 2016 election
  • After Trump won the White House, Stretch said, 'we saw a lot of activity targeted at fomenting discord about the validity of his election'
  • Sean Edgett, Twitter's acting general counsel, said his company 'saw similar activity'
  • 'The same is true for Google,' added Richard Salgado, the search engine behemoth's senior counsel

Read more: Facebook: Post-2016 Russian ads tried to undermine Trump | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That is a UK paper, not the LATEST in the US. Here is the latest from the US:

While the examples of some ads had leaked previously, Wednesday's release was the broadest publication of these falsified campaigns since this issue emerged. They also included the meta-data, or information the buyer used to obtain the ad through Facebook's automated ad system, from age of the targeted viewer to content they like, and how successful the ads were in getting users to click on them.

Here's a look at some of the ads and their divisive nature:

Satan and Jesus arm-wrestling

See the fake Facebook ads Russians ran on Clinton, guns, race, Christianity

A few were anti Trump, they were just released TODAY.
Well bless their little hearts for thinking about Jesus and the battle between good and evil. How much did they actually spend? Those facebook ads seemed pretty reasonable to me when I looked at their rates.
They should be declare utilities. Each one of them suppress conservative opinions and demonetize conservative videos.
No surprise that the Dems are pushing for meme's to be banned after the Pepe incident; couldn't possibly be that a US presidential candidate (Clinton) and her lap dog fans got offended as fuck by a cartoon frog - so they trolled the fucking shit out of them... Nooo that couldn't have anything to do with this "ads" argument could it?

They should be declare utilities. Each one of them suppress conservative opinions and demonetize conservative videos.

On that I agree, though not just to protect equal freedom of speech, but also to protect the affordability of the internet as a whole as well.
Democrats and Republicans Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google to Stop Russian Propaganda
Both are wrong. You have a list of what R's are crying for this? I'll send em a letter.

FB can ban "Russian" trolls if they want, but the government needs to stfu about what FB allows to be posted on their private site. Freedom of speech, hell you could almost say freedom of the press these days (though I don't think that'd fly in court or anything.)
Internet Crackdown Begins: U.S. Senator Al Franken Wants Google, Facebook And Twitter To Censor Political Speech
(By Michael Snyder) Are the days of the free and open Internet numbered? The Internet is certainly used for all sorts of horrible things, but it has also allowed ordinary people to communicate on a mass scale that would have been unimaginable decades ago. In the old days, if you wanted to reach large audiences of people with your information you always had to go through corporate gatekeepers. But today, anyone with an Internet connection can literally broadcast whatever they want to say to the whole world. Personally, my

It's all fun and games until the libtards themselves get hit with their own created bs. Then blame it on everyone else but themselves and the laws they supported lmao.
No, Russian 'officials' continue to LIE. "Trump PROMISED", the Administration states "No." The Adminstration is more credilble than Putin's gang.

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