Democrats try to ram through Puerto Rican Statehood bill before Jan 3rd


They are native born US Citizens
They should have the same right to request statehood just like citizens of Alaska and Hawaii did 60 years ago

Political party affiliation has never had a part in determining statehood

Political party affiliation has never had a part in determining statehood

On the contrary, if Puerto Rico were a Republican stronghold, we'd probably not be seeing this topic at all. it's precisely for political affiliation that the dems want this.
On the contrary, if Puerto Rico were a Republican stronghold, we'd probably not be seeing this topic at all. it's precisely for political affiliation that the dems want this.

This right here. Does anyone really think the democrats are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts without any consideration to political gain? If so, you are either delusional or a damn liar. Same thing with DC, the democrats want more democrats in the Senate and in the House and of course also a democrat president. Would they be pursuing these goals if the citizens involved were going to be republican voters? Fuck no.
This right here. Does anyone really think the democrats are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts without any consideration to political gain? If so, you are either delusional or a damn liar. Same thing with DC, the democrats want more democrats in the Senate and in the House and of course also a democrat president. Would they be pursuing these goals if the citizens involved were going to be republican voters? Fuck no.

It's like when their minions tell us how they're letting in all these immigrants into the country out of compassion and love. Their puppet masters don't discuss all the drugs coming through killing thousands of Americans, the 12 year old girls that make the trip with a vial of birth control pills for the expected rapes, or all the dead bodies they find along the way.

If these people were self-sufficient known to vote Republican, the left would have had the entire border sealed off with a 150 foot fence decades ago.
If they want to statehood, so be it, but don't try and pass it off that the left sees this anything more than 2 more seats in the senate.
What makes you think that it would BE 2 Dem seats?
I'd love to see it, but easier said than done. If you split Texas four ways, you'd probably end up with 2 red states and 2 blue states.
It would be easier to split California, Oregon and Washington into multiple states. There is already strong popular support for that outside the blue cities. You’d wind up with the coastal strips being legacy liberal states and the rest of all three states being strongly and dependably conservative. The dems would gain two votes in the Senate and the republicans would gain six NEW votes.
If Democrats actually do vote to recognize Puerto Rico as a state, Puerto Rico could still reject it, right?
Here’s an idea . Maybe Dems just think that American citizens should have proper representation.

You obviously see this in political terms only.

If you really believe that I have a bridge for sale if you're interested. The Communists pass nothing unless it benefits them. As they say, there's one of you born every minute.
Here’s an idea . Maybe Dems just think that American citizens should have proper representation.

You obviously see this in political terms only.

And maybe they don't.

You didn't answer my question, but then again I guess you did. You really believe that the democrats are trying to make Puerto Rico a state to achieve proper representation rather than seats in Congress, and you believe that if the Puerto Ricans were more republican than democrat then your party would still be doing the same thing. Which identifies you as a pure democrat ideologue. And either an idiot, liar, or delusional. Possibly all 3.
Will Puerto Rico be the next US state? Independence bill goes to US House vote today - as Dem representatives 'look forward to making history'

A bill to vote on Puerto Rico's status within the United States is headed to the house for a vote after being approved by a House committee on Wednesday.

The Puerto Rico Status Act will determine whether the island becomes a state, and independent nation, or a sovereignty associated with the US

Puerto Ricans could move a step closer to a referendum on whether the island should become a U.S. state when the House of Representatives votes Thursday on a bill outlining the process.

A House committee approved the Puerto Rico Status Act on Wednesday, paving the way for the full House vote. The bill was cosponsored by Representative Nydia Velazquez, a Democrat from New York.
The bill was also lead by Rep. Steny Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland.

If the bill passes the House, it will need 60 votes in the closely divided Senate and Democratic President Joe Biden's signature to become law.

Puerto Rican independence bill goes to US House

No problem, we will just divide a red state up into four states.....Six new GOP Senators. ;)
This is why the Senate is such a problem for the US. Just change the way the Senate is elected
Does anyone out there think that if the GOP had a chance to add a 51st state and its two more Republican Senators, they would do anything but push it through with no hesitation, then all go home and sleep like babies? Because they would.

Hey, if the Democrats can ramrod it through on time, by the same legal process that we've used for 37 other States, they should go for it. I think the chances are slim that they can find 10 or so Republican Senators willing to sign on, but who knows.

You're saying Democrats rammed through statehood for 37 other states?

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