Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

unvaxxed is unvaxxed & they are talking about the antivaxxers for the most part.

semantics aren't yer strong suit.
And yours are? Do you understand that you are still "unvaxxed" two weeks after taking second shot?

Since semantics are your strong suit, can you explain why two weeks? If vaccine works, you should have antibodies within a day.
14,000 Covid patients has everything to do with it. LOL! Your sorry ass didn't even watch the video. No wonder folks like you suck in debates.

If omicron is predominant variant now, and it shows only mild symptoms in both, "vaccinated" and unvaccinated", why do you think that all 14000 in hospitals are there just because of COVID? Because MSM says so?

OK. let's take different approach. If MSM claims that first-generation monoclonal antibodies are now so useless that they’re being retired, why would the first-generation vaccines be any better? They're not, and after a year since they're produced, the mRNA shots do not produce a robust long-term B-cell or T-cell immune response. What they do is drive up antibodies to the spike protein (to unnaturally high levels, levels that all by themselves may cause problems, but put that aside). And those antibodies are extremely narrowly focused, not just on the spike protein but on a particular part of it. In other words, they basically turn your body into a factory for generating antibodies for the original virus. Those antibodies don't work anymore against Omicron. Its shape is too different. They can’t attach properly. Which is why the Lilly and Regeneron antibodies are being phased out. For the same reason, distribution of all current "vaccines" should also be stopped.

Now it's your turn to start screeching, and browsing "fact-checkers" to debunk what I just said. Oh, ask your friends "playtime" and Gator to help you. You're three-strong barmy together.
I suspect that some ain't letting anyone in their house that has been injected with that Covid depopulation Crap. Those injected are constantly dropping/shedding infectious stuff.
And you believe what the fat former fraud says.

There is no vaccine for TDS, and that's a good thing. Otherwise we wouldn't be witnessing cretinous jerk reaction for every post that you have no response to. It's your only way to cope...

Some people can be happy and have fun in spite of what is going on. Others piss and moan and gripe until everyone else is as miserable as they are. I don't even have to guess which group you belong to.
So there was no pissin' and moaning when TRUMP was President? Or BUSH ,for that matter?
Sure, sure I will enjoy a record stock market, low unemployment and the GDP numbers your orange fuckup could only dream about.
Record stock market? By YOUR side’s standards, thank you Donald Trump. Low unemployment? Not really, but keep deluding yourself. Notice you run away from inflation, gas prices, heating prices, empty shelves, and answering the question of why there have been no insurrection charges. By the way, you’re pants shitting savior’s approval rating is lower than Trump’s. Independents bailing on Xiden left and right.
They refused to cater it. And that is religious freedom. Show me how that applies to injecting a chemical into your body and how that is the same thing. It isn't and a false comparison.

yes. But not via a forced drug. If they told you to take Ivermectin on a daily bases to work there.....WOULD YOU DO IT..............It's not the same no matter how you spin it And if you get the jab and get sick after being ordered to do so...........Then that company should be sued.

As stated it's not the same. PERIOD. And it is STILL COHERSION to try and force people to take the jab against their will. Communist like you always resort to this shit with Gov't is my God BS.
Again I have to tell you that no one is forcing you to get a shot you can refuse the shot and keep your job all you have to do is get tested weekly.

So what the fuck are you whining about?
Again I have to tell you that no one is forcing you to get a shot you can refuse the shot and keep your job all you have to do is get tested weekly.

So what the fuck are you whining about?
Get tested weekly. Fuck that. If I'm not sick I'm not getting tested. You have zero right to fire me over an experimental drug. BTW. I'm in a Red State and we don't do that.

My purpose is to make sure scared Fascist pricks have zero influence here. New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago are going full Nazi over this stinking vaccine. So I'm telling you to shove your mandates where the sun doesn't shine.
Get tested weekly. Fuck that. If I'm not sick I'm not getting tested. You have zero right to fire me over an experimental drug. BTW. I'm in a Red State and we don't do that.

My purpose is to make sure scared Fascist pricks have zero influence here. New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago are going full Nazi over this stinking vaccine. So I'm telling you to shove your mandates where the sun doesn't shine.
Then your employer has every right to fire you.
Then your employer has every right to fire you.
My employer doesn't agree with you either. They think it's BS too.........IMAGINE THAT.

You are A FASCIST. You are saying do as I say OR ELSE........I'll make you lose your job........Can't shop here........Show me your papers.......Basically Communism or Fascism............whichever you chose to call yourself.

Anyways...........not gonna happen......If you keep pushing then we will be forced to settle this the old fashioned way.

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