Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

Get tested weekly. Fuck that. If I'm not sick I'm not getting tested. You have zero right to fire me over an experimental drug. BTW. I'm in a Red State and we don't do that.

My purpose is to make sure scared Fascist pricks have zero influence here. New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago are going full Nazi over this stinking vaccine. So I'm telling you to shove your mandates where the sun doesn't shine.
After 2 years you still don`t know what it means to be contagious and/or asymptomatic? My dog is smarter than that.
Biden's idea of Christmas cheer....nurses in blue smocks lip-sinking in facemasks.
Note that the only people not wearing masks are white.

OMFG, I'm embarrassed for what used to be called the "medical profession".
Yep, whatever. I'm #1.

And they should be sued if they force employees to take the jab against their will to keep their job. I hope the lawsuits go postal in this country over that. They don't want to be sued into oblivion for pushing a vaccine that doesn't really work now does it.
How about those who join the military? Should they sue for all of the shots they`re required to take?
Biden's idea of Christmas cheer....nurses in blue smocks lip-sinking in facemasks.
Note that the only people not wearing masks are white.

That is the The Northwell Health Nurse Choir, they made it to the finals of AGT. They are amazing.
OMFG, I'm embarrassed for what used to be called the "medical profession".
I think this White House has become an embarrassment. They're basically a one-trick pony that is so tone-deaf that they cannot be real. Everything about the Biden White House is fake.....including their claims they actually got 81 million idiots to vote for them.
Record stock market? By YOUR side’s standards, thank you Donald Trump. Low unemployment? Not really, but keep deluding yourself. Notice you run away from inflation, gas prices, heating prices, empty shelves, and answering the question of why there have been no insurrection charges. By the way, you’re pants shitting savior’s approval rating is lower than Trump’s. Independents bailing on Xiden left and right.

A record stock market by any standards.

Low unemployment yes. Current rate is 4.2% and falling with new claims at 50 year lows.

Inflation? Not expected to last and it was not slowed consumer spending.

BTW how is the former 1-term president's diaper? You changed it today right?
A record stock market by any standards.

Low unemployment yes. Current rate is 4.2% and falling with new claims at 50 year lows.

Inflation? Not expected to last and it was not slowed consumer spending.

BTW how is the former 1-term president's diaper? You changed it today right?
Right. Along the lines of the TikTok choreographed dance routines when we were supposed to be believing there was an actual crisis.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

People cannot have fun when there is a crisis? And you people are whining about the Dems.

Talk about being born without a sense of irony
Yeah, if you want me to believe that you're overwhelmed at your job, and you're dancing choreographed routines, you're lying.

Not every nurse is a critical care/ICU/ER nurse. Those are the nurses that are overwhelmed right now. Trust me on this, I am married to one and they are short staffed and overworked, not a good combo.

By the way, the company they work for has more than 18,000 nurses, that a dozen of them can do this does not in any way speak to what the others are doing.
A record stock market by any standards.

Low unemployment yes. Current rate is 4.2% and falling with new claims at 50 year lows.

Inflation? Not expected to last and it was not slowed consumer spending.

BTW how is the former 1-term president's diaper? You changed it today right?
The only thing you can crow about is that the rich are getting richer.
That doesn't mean that Biden hasn't caused chaos in this country from the day he first walked into the Oval Orifice as POTUS.

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