Democrats' vanishing future


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
When all you have to offer up is Hillary it can only mean doom.

Democrats' Vanishing Future

May 21, 2015One of the most under appreciated stories in recent years is the deterioration of the Democratic bench under President Obama's tenure in office. The party has become much more ideologically homogeneous, losing most of its moderate wing as a result of the last two disastrous midterm elections. By one new catch-all measure, a party-strength index introduced by RealClearPolitics analysts Sean Trende and David Byler, Democrats are in their worst position since 1928. That dynamic has manifested itself in the Democratic presidential contest, where the bench is so barren that a flawed Hillary Clinton is barreling to an uncontested nomination.

Democrats Vanishing Future -
When all they have to offer is a documented liar, I would say their party is in big trouble.
the RW's still can't find a candidate and the Dems are vanishing .... that's funny.

News Flash !!

Dems vanish form the next election, and are found in the WH ...
It is interesting how the dems don't do as well in governorships of ... generally ... smaller states.
I have to be optimistic as much as possible and this was a good piece, but when fetid pieces of shit like Alcee Hasting, Marion Barry, John McCain and Hank Johnson can be re-elected...

Which pales to in comparison to the moonbat messiah not only avoiding impeachment but actually getting 2 terms...

Commies are cockroaches, they never go away.

It is interesting how the dems don't do as well in governorships of ... generally ... smaller states.

It's telling how democrooks don't do well governing anything. Small villages, towns, cities, states and nations all implode under collectivism, and often enough they resort to mass purges, forced famine and genocide. Why this has to be repeated so much is beyond me. A rational person would consider the "Communist Manifesto" to be satan's bible.

No child left behind strikes again...

It is interesting how the dems don't do as well in governorships of ... generally ... smaller states.

It's telling how democrooks don't do well governing anything. Small villages, towns, cities, states and nations all implode under collectivism, and often enough they resort to mass purges, forced famine and genocide. Why this has to be repeated so much is beyond me. A rational person would consider the "Communist Manifesto" to be satan's bible.

No child left behind strikes again...

Dude, they one 5 outta 6 majority or pluralities, and no child left behind was W.

But, basically, they gotta get a dem governor in Fla, and whole mess more of latino voters in Tex and AZ to make much of a dent in the House.
Well the Dems made up their mind a few years ago when Hillary was the most popular politician in America.

This just drives the nut jobs crazy... List twits you are a minority, you a the dumb guys in the room...

You don't like Hillary but wake up a lot of people do and some of them just because assholes like you act like assholes with her...

Thanks RW you are the best advertisement of why people vote Democrat.
Is it me or is this going to be the most fucked up election ever? We got Hillary and a gaggle of wannabes--none of whom seem like they're really ready for the position. Oh well, maybe I'll win the lotto and move to some small mountain community where I can live out my days chitchatting online, smoking home rolled cigarettes, and drinking my own mountain brew while the rest of the world does whatever the hell it wants to do. :thup:
Is it me or is this going to be the most fucked up election ever? We got Hillary and a gaggle of wannabes--none of whom seem like they're really ready for the position. Oh well, maybe I'll win the lotto and move to some small mountain community where I can live out my days chitchatting online, smoking home rolled cigarettes, and drinking my own mountain brew while the rest of the world does whatever the hell it wants to do. :thup:

I think Ted Cruz is ready and would be a good executive, but a much better AG and prosecute leftist criminals. Rand Paul would make a great Director of Homeland Security, but if he was President I wouldn't mind. Fiorina, Walker would also be acceptable.

Bush or Christie? Non-starters and the lib media knows it. I'll write in Mickey Mouse and watch the nation crumble quickly with the hildabeast before I contribute to the slow painful death a RINO will usher in. It's time for a decisive conclusion.

A soviet hell hole or a return to prosperity.

It's like slowly tearing off a bandaid. Just fucking rip it and be done.

Is it me or is this going to be the most fucked up election ever? We got Hillary and a gaggle of wannabes--none of whom seem like they're really ready for the position. Oh well, maybe I'll win the lotto and move to some small mountain community where I can live out my days chitchatting online, smoking home rolled cigarettes, and drinking my own mountain brew while the rest of the world does whatever the hell it wants to do. :thup:

I think Ted Cruz is ready and would be a good executive, but a much better AG and prosecute leftist criminals. Rand Paul would make a great Director of Homeland Security, but if he was President I wouldn't mind. Fiorina, Walker would also be acceptable.

Bush or Christie? Non-starters and the lib media knows it. I'll write in Mickey Mouse and watch the nation crumble quickly with the hildabeast before I contribute to the slow painful death a RINO will usher in. It's time for a decisive conclusion.

A soviet hell hole or a return to prosperity.

It's like slowly tearing off a bandaid. Just fucking rip it and be done.

What if that bandaid is holding your arm to your shoulder? :eek-52:

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