DemocRATs voter suppression in full swing

A Republican-backed effort to qualify Montana Green Party candidates for the general election has been rejected by the Montana Supreme Court,”

“The Montana Republican Party had bankrolled the $100,000 signature-gathering effort and violated campaign finance laws by not properly reporting the expenditure.”

Sorry this is more voter manipulation by republicans in order to dilute the vote on the democrat's site which favors Republicans

Yeah FOX reported it but left out that little tidbit.

The Green party did not propose this, it was republicans who bankrolled to get them onto the ballet.

Repubs violated campaign finance laws.

Yeah the repubs are in full bloom in dirty politics.
Well, libtards, how are you going to spin this?
State Democrats succeeded in kicking the Green Party off the ballot in Montana this week, with the Montana Supreme Court ruling that they must be dropped.
Dems get Green Party kicked off ballot after pressuring petition-signers; ‘voter suppression’ alleged
Democrats are all about voter suppression..and the Republicans are all about getting as many people to vote as it (rolls eyes)

Yeah, well there's what they say....and what they do. Here we have the Dems engaging in active voter suppression and all you do is roll your eyes. Shows how dishonest YOU are.
Well, libtards, how are you going to spin this?
State Democrats succeeded in kicking the Green Party off the ballot in Montana this week, with the Montana Supreme Court ruling that they must be dropped.
Dems get Green Party kicked off ballot after pressuring petition-signers; ‘voter suppression’ alleged
Democrats are all about voter suppression..and the Republicans are all about getting as many people to vote as it (rolls eyes)
Just what kind of spin is that? Sounds like you're condoning it, it really does.
Ah yes, look at this massive "pressure":

" The Democrats succeeded in getting some 500 petition signatories to recant their signatures after alleging the petition was backed by Republicans (the party reportedly helped finance the effort), although no law specifies a process for such removal. The withdrawals left the Green Party short of the signatures needed. "
Well, libtards, how are you going to spin this?
State Democrats succeeded in kicking the Green Party off the ballot in Montana this week, with the Montana Supreme Court ruling that they must be dropped.
Dems get Green Party kicked off ballot after pressuring petition-signers; ‘voter suppression’ alleged
Democrats are all about voter suppression..and the Republicans are all about getting as many people to vote as it (rolls eyes)
Just what kind of spin is that? Sounds like you're condoning it, it really does.
A Republican-backed effort to qualify Montana Green Party candidates for the general election has been rejected by the Montana Supreme Court,”

“The Montana Republican Party had bankrolled the $100,000 signature-gathering effort and violated campaign finance laws by not properly reporting the expenditure.”

Sorry this is more voter manipulation by republicans in order to dilute the vote on the democrat's site which favors Republicans

Yeah FOX reported it but left out that little tidbit.

The Green party did not propose this, it was republicans who bankrolled to get them onto the ballet.

Repubs violated campaign finance laws.

Yeah the repubs are in full bloom in dirty politics.
Sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301::eusa_hand:
A Republican-backed effort to qualify Montana Green Party candidates for the general election has been rejected by the Montana Supreme Court,”

“The Montana Republican Party had bankrolled the $100,000 signature-gathering effort and violated campaign finance laws by not properly reporting the expenditure.”

Sorry this is more voter manipulation by republicans in order to dilute the vote on the democrat's site which favors Republicans

Yeah FOX reported it but left out that little tidbit.

The Green party did not propose this, it was republicans who bankrolled to get them onto the ballet.

Repubs violated campaign finance laws.

Yeah the repubs are in full bloom in dirty politics.
Trumpist are such friggin hypocrites. Trumpists engage in voter suppression, voter fraud and then project their criminality on to others. Desperation is the name of the game for them.
Well, libtards, how are you going to spin this?
State Democrats succeeded in kicking the Green Party off the ballot in Montana this week, with the Montana Supreme Court ruling that they must be dropped.
Dems get Green Party kicked off ballot after pressuring petition-signers; ‘voter suppression’ alleged

Libertarians and Greens -- as different as we are- have worked TOGETHER on these arbitrary political cynical ploys to keep competition off the ballots.. The Green party vote in Wisc/Mich (for Bernie) in 2016 was GREATER than Trump's margin of victory over Clinton.. The 2 Brand Name parties do this in collusion to further their Coke/Pepsi duopoly on all political power.. KASICH went out of his way to try and block Libertarians from the Ohio ballot a couple times and we beat him back..

They make it TOO expensive for court challenges and petition challenges for ANY competition to afford.. Aint JUST a Dem thing..

Although the argument could be made in 4 different ways that the Dems are much more committed to voter suppression in general with their "super-delegates" and loosey goosey "who gets the debates" rules and coin flipping and failure to count 100,000 votes at Iowa caucauses and attempts to sneak around the Electoral College in the courts...

Do you trust a party that totally fucked up counting 100,000 caucus go-ers standing in FRONT OF THEM to design voting systems??
Ah yes, look at this massive "pressure":

" The Democrats succeeded in getting some 500 petition signatories to recant their signatures after alleging the petition was backed by Republicans (the party reportedly helped finance the effort), although no law specifies a process for such removal. The withdrawals left the Green Party short of the signatures needed. "

Not much logic in that explanation.. You think that REPUBLICANS are motivated enough to actually VOTE Green?? A LOT of folks sign ballot access petitions out of PRINCIPLE.. The principle being that they SUPPORT MAXIMUM political choice on ballots.. NOT like the "top 2" ballots in Cali...

There IS NO LEGAL CLAUSE on a ballot access petition that BINDS those people to vote that way...

I often sign petitions for Green party access... They sign Libertarian petitions. We DO IT -- because that's the RIGHT THING...
Well, libtards, how are you going to spin this?
State Democrats succeeded in kicking the Green Party off the ballot in Montana this week, with the Montana Supreme Court ruling that they must be dropped.
Dems get Green Party kicked off ballot after pressuring petition-signers; ‘voter suppression’ alleged
Maybe they took lessons from the Kenyan Muslim Barack Hussein Obubba. He had all of his opposing candidates removed from the ballot in his first political race. Otherwise, the shithead might have lost it.

I suggest the Green Party in Montana adopt a party rule if they cannot get reinstated on the ballot: Either vote for Republicans in all races or write-in candidates for all races.

The Democrats have hit the Green Party. Hit back harder! Don't vote for a single one of them!
Well, libtards, how are you going to spin this?
State Democrats succeeded in kicking the Green Party off the ballot in Montana this week, with the Montana Supreme Court ruling that they must be dropped.
Dems get Green Party kicked off ballot after pressuring petition-signers; ‘voter suppression’ alleged
Democrats are all about voter suppression..and the Republicans are all about getting as many people to vote as it (rolls eyes)

The nonliving are the dems biggest supporters
Not much logic in that explanation.. You think that REPUBLICANS are motivated enough to actually VOTE Green?? A
No...they funded the green party hoping it would take votes from the democrats. You REALLY couldn't puzzle that out for yourself? Good grief.
Not much logic in that explanation.. You think that REPUBLICANS are motivated enough to actually VOTE Green?? A
No...they funded the green party hoping it would take votes from the democrats. You REALLY couldn't puzzle that out for yourself? Good grief.

You got the reported donation record? Is it signed by the RNC? RNCC?

I gave a perfectly good explanation why signatures on a ballot petition aren't BINDING to support that candidate and why SOME FOLKS think BIGGER than an allegiance to ONE party.. NO rational sane person wants a one party or even 2 party EXCLUSIVE system...
You got the reported donation record? Is it signed by the RNC? RNCC?
Ah. So you said something dumb, and now your lane change is that it was a lie that it was partially funded by republicans. So the Dems AND the Green Party are lying about this. Go desperate early, right? Heh heh
From the link in the OP to Fox...

The state Republican Party told Fox News that Bullock wants to avoid critiques from the Green Party.

“The Montana Democratic Party spent tens of thousands of dollars to suppress Green Party voices ... all so Governor Bullock won't have to face a Green Party candidate that will expose his administration's corruption,” Montana GOP Executive Director Spenser Merwin told Fox News in a statement.

The Montana Democratic Party did not return a request for comment.

Obviously in a country that has voters bailing from strict loyalty to Dem/Reps, 3rd parties are a useful tool for determining close elections. And making the statement that the ballot choices OFFERED by the "brand name" parties often suck... If these parties weren't completely worn out and defunded by ballot access challenges, they'd have enough energy and resources to ACTUALLY CAMPAIGN..

If those in power can KEEP other choices off the ballots, than many simply WONT VOTE. And THAT IS a form of disenfranchisement.. The logical FIX for this is lowering the bar to give recognized parties standing to run candidates for an 8 or 10 year period...

THAT -- would CUT OUT the hijinks and monkey wrenching from BOTH entrenched parties...

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