Democrats vs. Republicans: What's The Record So Far

Wow...2 years and so many lies to debunk...where does one even start? Most of the Democrat side seems to a conspiracy theorist's wet dream, so let's look at Donnie's "accomplishments".

I think we can all laugh heartily at the denuclearization of NK claim, so let's move on.

umh...withdrawing from the Iran he's replaced it with a better one right? Or are we in limbo there allowing Iran to build back up with no inspections or controls? I guess that is an "accomplishment"...though rather short sighted and of dubious merit.

The stock market gained 2 also seemed to have lost 2 trillion...

The stock market lost nearly $2 trillion in October. Here's what happened

Sanctions against Venezuela....there have been sanctions in place since 2015....Trump wasn't in office then.

Reunified Korean Peninsula? Last I checked there is still two nations and a no mans land dividing them.

Stopped Syria using chemical weapons....does Syria know that?

Cut funding to sanctuary cities? uh...that's a no on that too...just another occasion of Trump attempting to shred the Constitution.

Housing sales are red hot? Uh...nix that. The only "red" is the koolaid someone is drinking.

I'm guessing the rest is more along the lines of fantasy role playing :lol:
Know what makes me laugh when people say that the Dems are trying to thwart Trump?

The GOP did the same thing the night Obama was elected when McConnell got the GOP together and vowed to make Obama a one term president.

The Republicans did it to Obama and cheered about it, matter of fact, they tried to sell obstruction of Obama as a "patriotic" thing. Dems start to do something similar to Trump, and they holler out "treason".

You fail to realize...the Kenyan was hell bent on morphing America into a globalist / Leftist shithole while Trump is hell bent of preserving America for REAL Americans.

Bullshit. McConnel and the GOP didn't wait for even a day, so that means they didn't know what Obama was going to do. They simply said that they wanted to make him a one term president the night he was elected. If you wanna know where the divide between people in this country came from, that was one of the places it got a start.

The unAmerican black dude with the African name made his position clear during his campaign...everybody knew what his intent for this country was.

Actually, it was Hope and Change, not just Change. But, since it doesn't work with your partisan meme, you won't acknowledge that.

Haha...I love semantics...but here, take another look...Do you see “Hope” in there?

Moving the goalposts I see. Your first meme said Change and then tried to associate Obama with Che Guevara. Most of his posters said hope and change. Good job on finding one that didn't have hope on it. Still doesn't change the fact that Obama was running on both Hope and Change.
toobfreak, I must ask you; how did you compile all this stuff,
get any help from the Russians perhaps?
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toobfreak, I must ask you; how did you compile all this stuff,
get any help from the Russians perhaps?
The economy is like a large ship going through the water . It doesn't turn on a dime. Trump got aboard the USS Obama, which was pretty successful employment wise is all. I guess that there is a positive. The negatives of trump in the white house is the stirring up of hate and discontent and setting groups of people against each other. I was a guy who though there were some other positives to trump but no, but plenty of negatives. Go Bernie, Biden or whatever candidate who runs in the next election.
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Know what makes me laugh when people say that the Dems are trying to thwart Trump?

The GOP did the same thing the night Obama was elected when McConnell got the GOP together and vowed to make Obama a one term president.

The Republicans did it to Obama and cheered about it, matter of fact, they tried to sell obstruction of Obama as a "patriotic" thing. Dems start to do something similar to Trump, and they holler out "treason".

Big difference, AB. The GOP vowed to make Obama a one term president, but GW didn't rearrange intelligence so that it would be impossible to contain inside information, they didn't bug Obama with inside spies all through Justice, leak every phone call he made, bug his home, go to a foreign government for help manufacture lies about him, then sneak it through FISA court to start a investigation into his being a conspirator resulting in crawling up Obama's ass and family demanding personal details of every minute aspect of their lives or try to block him from even appearing on the ballot!

The GOP didn't go to foreign countries talking shit about Obama, GW never came out of retirement to publicly speak out against Obama, and to this day we still have never seen Obama's college transcripts much less his ORIGINAL birth certificate proving he was not Kenyan as HE said he was. And that doesn't even go into how he lied about our healthcare then used the IRS to block Romney organizations throwing the 2012 election in his favor much less his FBI throwing Hillary's intelligence violations in the can to keep her out of prison so she could stay in the election race. Isn't that election tampering, AB? Where was the investigation into any of THAT? You might be just a weeeeee bit off on your comparo.
toobfreak, I must ask you; how did you compile all this stuff,
get any help from the Russians perhaps?


It was easily compiled from the link I provided, another link I used before it easily found as well and simply following the day to day news events during the past ten years that you'd know as well if you had a brain. Grow up.

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