Democrats want a Civil War

Gee, when you were supposedly hob-nobbing with celebrities, heads of states and billionaire engineers, were you such a disgusting lowlife?
I never hob-nobbed with any of those people. They came into my Office, bought a product, we talked and that was it.

Which Knee-Pads do you find the most comfortable? Your dimocrap friends would like to know.

You're going to 'need' them (pun intended, that was a knee-slapper [oh shit, another pun])
The process of disciplining the south a 2nd time would probably slow illegal immigration for a while :thup:
Ohhh you think it's a North v South redo! That's charming in sort of an antebellum gone with the wind sort of way. Unless you mean north Chicago v Southside, or Maine v Manhattan. It's no longer the south. All states are border states.
More violent "civil war" rhetoric from the rabid rightwing in America.
If you are African American as the nation gradually continues a slow rise in getting poorer and poorer, African Americans will be affected in a massive way with the added negative to them with tens of millions of new citizens from Central and South America taken over as the majority minority.
I never hob-nobbed with any of those people. They came into my Office, bought a product, we talked and that was it.
Wait a second...earlier when you were lying about it you say you “chatted them up” as if you really knew them. I guess you can’t keep your lies straight.
Which Knee-Pads do you find the most comfortable?
I don’t’re the tell me. How do you keep Trump’s pubic hair out of your eyes?
You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Supreme Court has clearly ruled that border enforcement is the pre-eminent domain of the Federal government.
But there is provision for when the federal government abdicates. It is clearly spelled out in Abbott's letter.
You are insane
You have a point.

dimocrap scum only know how to Ambush-Fight. From behind, in the back. Like the terrorists they are.

Once you run out of mercenaries to do your fighting for you, you will surrender. And beg for mercy while playing the victim card.

So..... No. There won't be a lot of dead 'demoquacks'. Dead FBI, maybe. Dead US Marshalls, maybe. No dead American Soldiers. They won't fight for Sponge Brains Shits Pants, I can guarantee that.

At best, if Sponge Brains Shits Pants has the balls to deploy Regular Troops (HIGHLY doubtful) they'll just stand there and stare at the Texas NG.

At worst the Regular Army (RA) will join the Texas NG. Then, guess what?

We have a real, honest to God Civil War on our hands.

Caused by scum of the Earth dimocraps. Again.
The Federales simply AWARDED themselves control of the border. There was no Law passed, no Legislation, no Constitutional Amendment. In fact, the Constitution clearly gives STATES the right to control their own border.

The Feds did what SCOTUS always does, they just said it and made it into Court law.

Which isn't Law. It is simply usurpation

"The Constitution unambiguously assigns regulation of immigration to the federal government. Federal law preempts state laws that purport to exercise immigration authority, and there is no serious argument to the contrary.

Texas’ attempts to suggest otherwise are tissue-thin.

Its leading argument appears to be that the influx of migrants from Mexico triggers the Constitution’s invasion clause, which requires the federal government to protect the states against invasion, supposedly entitling the Lone Star State to take military action notwithstanding federal law."

"The essential dynamic is clear: Abbott and Texas are determined to continue to defy federal law enforcement regardless of the Constitution and the consequences. Indeed, there is a Trumpian swagger to Abbott’s insistence on supplanting federal law enforcement because it supposedly isn’t getting the job done on his terms.

We have seen this kind of state-federal law enforcement standoff in the South before, most notably by segregationist governors such as Orval Faubus, who used the Arkansas National Guard to block Black students from integrating Little Rock Central High School in 1957. It took a concerted effort from the federal government and the federal courts to beat back that lawlessness."
Wait a second...earlier when you were lying about it you say you “chatted them up” as if you really knew them. I guess you can’t keep your lies straight.

I don’t’re the tell me. How do you keep Trump’s pubic hair out of your eyes?
You're getting more and more shrill.

It's unbecoming. Take a Xanax and lie down
"The Constitution unambiguously assigns regulation of immigration to the federal government. Federal law preempts state laws that purport to exercise immigration authority, and there is no serious argument to the contrary.

Texas’ attempts to suggest otherwise are tissue-thin.

Its leading argument appears to be that the influx of migrants from Mexico triggers the Constitution’s invasion clause, which requires the federal government to protect the states against invasion, supposedly entitling the Lone Star State to take military action notwithstanding federal law."

"The essential dynamic is clear: Abbott and Texas are determined to continue to defy federal law enforcement regardless of the Constitution and the consequences. Indeed, there is a Trumpian swagger to Abbott’s insistence on supplanting federal law enforcement because it supposedly isn’t getting the job done on his terms.

We have seen this kind of state-federal law enforcement standoff in the South before, most notably by segregationist governors such as Orval Faubus, who used the Arkansas National Guard to block Black students from integrating Little Rock Central High School in 1957. It took a concerted effort from the federal government and the federal courts to beat back that lawlessness."
I'm not going to debate for long with an imbecile.

But, yes, the US goobermint does have the exclusive right to determine who can be Citizens of this Country but the Constitution gave States the right to determine who can enter THEIR territory from a FOREIGN Country.
. Democrats are willing to blow themselves up over a bunch of illegal aliens—we aren’t dealing with normal people.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that an open border that allows millions of illegals to flood into our nation will eventually cause serious problems. Even Joe Biden with his dementia problems should be able to realize this.

Joe wanted an open border because Trump wanted a closed border. Or perhaps the Biden Crime Family made a deal with the Mexican drug cartels and the Bidens are getting a nice kick back from the profits the cartels are getting for charging illegals to cross the border and for the increased drug smuggling this has enabled.Hunter was in Mexico trying to make deals.

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I'm not going to debate for long with an imbecile.

But, yes, the US goobermint does have the exclusive right to determine who can be Citizens of this Country but the Constitution gave States the right to determine who can enter THEIR territory from a FOREIGN Country.
The federal immigration laws trump the states.
The Authoritarians of Trumps Neo-GOP are openly attacking law and order of our highest court now as part of their rebellion against the Constitution. Vote them out of office Texans.

According to the constitution.

Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The president and the current administration are allowing an invasion on America and the state of Texas despite the constitution forbiding that.

All Texas is doing is defending its state and it's people and by extension, America.

As evidenced here Texas has seen significant rise in crime due to the illegals crossing the border. Crime which threatens and demoralizes Texas citizens and harms them.

Aside from crime due to illegals both violent and non violent they are also indirectly hurting Texans with the massive cost of time, energy, money, resources and manpower that has be taken away from Texas citizens.

You're desperation to be a contrarian and hate republicans and trump has blinded you to the facts innocent every day citizens are paying the price for the presidents decision to not only keep the border open but to fight against states doing nothing more than protecting their citizens.
most of them won't "eat anything with a face"


what a bunch of dumbasses. They don't realize that veganism... Oh, wait, maybe I won't even bother to warn any libs reading this..

Yes, please. They learn, albeit slowly, so sharing survival tactics with them is not a good idea.

But there is provision for when the federal government abdicates. It is clearly spelled out in Abbott's letter.

Abbot is welcome to make that case in court, his bare word means f all.

Oh wait, he did and lost the case in a 6-3 conservative slanted court no less:

Time stop fucking around and follow the law.
We should get a sub-forum for this topic.

There’s plenty of right-wing drama queens talking about another civil war. Merge all this nonsense over there.

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