Democrats want a Civil War

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) had the most insane reaction to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s defiant stance on the ruling: Biden must federalize the Texas National Guard. Some Democrats are willing to torch the Constitution to permit more illegal immigration.
You can expect the neo-confederate talking points to leech into the broadcasts of the liberal media. Undoubtedly, some of these hosts on MSNBC and CNN will accuse Abbott of fomenting an insurrection. It’s the cognitive dissonance that’s astounding, though not shocking. I guess you can say it is more entertaining now: the Democrats are inflaming the situation but accuse elected GOP lawmakers of creating a constitutional crisis when all they did was enforce what was already on the books regarding federal immigration law. Democrats are willing to blow themselves up over a bunch of illegal aliens—we aren’t dealing with normal people.

Joaquin Castro is an open borders racist who wants to turn America into Latino country.
He is also a dangerous far left neo-marxist extremist.

The problem the 'media' will have with this topic is if they side with the dems on this and insist that letting millions of poor immigrants in is a mandate for this country, it's not going to be met well with all of the people out there currently struggling to make it. They're going to underestimate the American populace one of these days, and this could be the issue where it happens. Most of the conflicts that D's rally around do not personally impact the American citizen and are therefore not paid much attention to, but this one does. They're going to see some wealthy talking head on MSDNC saying how terrible Texas is for defying the feds in trying to keep illegal immigrants out, and they are going to start to question why the feds want to let them in, house and feed them, when they are struggling to make ends meet and getting nothing from the taxes they pay. I hope Texas stands strong and calls thier bluff, because this will be nothing but bad PR for the Biden admin, even with controlling the 'media'.
An odd tune I've heard before. Obviously your gang can sing, but can you dance too?


"Déjà vu all over again"

Trumpyberra's fav.....
Border security is just one of the issues that make the political divide, but it's not as well defined as abortion, racism, gun control or others.

However, it's progress to hear discussion on the possibility of another civil war.
Border security is just one of the issues that make the political divide, but it's not as well defined as abortion, racism, gun control or others.

However, it's progress to hear discussion on the possibility of another civil war.

Careful, Abbott might start sending illegals to you and you can support them
Get um, Tigger.

Who backed down, pussy-boy?

Who is still putting up razor wire, tough guy?

What is Sponge Brains Shits Pants doing about it?

Other than crying like a little bitch on a computer, what will you do about it?

The shit's about to hit the fan if dimocrap scum don't back down. Are you ready for it?

I am.

I suggest you do what dimocrap scum do best, spread your legs and surrender. It's all you know how to do anyway.

Ten minutes into the shitstorm and you'll do it. I know it, you know it, we all know it. But until you run out of Conservatives to do your fighing for you, you'll act all tough and badass. But when shit hits the fan, they'll leave you like the cheap whore you are.
Now Democrats want Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard. This would be like declaring a civil war and most Americans would turn on our government.

The Democrats want to use the military not to protect our border but to protect the free flow of illegals into the country. Just try to get your mind around that.
Who backed down, pussy-boy?

Who is still putting up razor wire, tough guy?

What is Sponge Brains Shits Pants doing about it?

Other than crying like a little bitch on a computer, what will you do about it?

The shit's about to hit the fan if dimocrap scum don't back down. Are you ready for it?

I am.

I suggest you do what dimocrap scum do best, spread your legs and surrender. It's all you know how to do anyway.

Ten minutes into the shitstorm and you'll do it. I know it, you know it, we all know it. But until you run out of Conservatives to do your fighing for you, you'll act all tough and badass. But when shit hits the fan, they'll leave you like the cheap whore you are.
Nobody has backed down dick breath.

I'm sure cool headed Joe will have a responsible and measured response to the provocation, unlike the violent prone Rabid Right's natural responses.

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