Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

[The key will be stacking the courts with liberal judges for the next generation
. You really believe Ginsberg is going to outlive the republican president we are electing in 2016? Ha ha. We are taking back the SCOTUS after impeaching the other liberal's who have no business on the bench.

I think Ginsberg will retire with Obama still president

Hillary will get to name three maybe four judges. Scalia? Don't think he will outlast her

That will leave Thomas, Alito and Roberts with six liberals
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year
ROFL typical piece of shit democrat... gets a 30% raise and bitches that someone else got a 40% raise making their share of the pie smaller. You want a bigger share of the pie? Start your own company dumb ass.
30% raise? The typical worker hasn't seen that over twenty years

They see their ability to support a family diminish as they struggle to earn enough for a home, food, healthcare and education
What is a "typical" worker? You? ROFL
Not me...I'm wealthy

But am still concerned about the ability of working Americans to obtain the American Dream

It's not what it used to be
So you're not a "working" American? Not what it "used" to be? huh? You want photos of what it used to be so you can compare?
I've seen the American Dream when I was a child compared to what it is today

I was raised in an era when working class Americans could raise families of four or five children on a single salary
Today, you can barely pay off your college debt let alone raise a family on a single income

It is not that American workers are lazy...just the rules have changed and they don't favor struggling Americans

That isn't altogether true either.

Working class Americans have a lot more today than they used to.

Dual incomes have helped drive the cost of living up.

I see guys who work for landscaping businesses buy homes I would never want a mortgage on.
Schools should be open 6 to 6, six days a week, all meals provided so you can keep an eye on them, help them learn to teach themselves, and run their fat little asses off. The parents have work to do. If you actually cared about children you'd pay up for that, but you don't, and never will...
Cuba is 90 miles south of the Florida keys. Go live there it or leave it

Don't you dare try to make it better

Well, you've lived up to that motto.
[The key will be stacking the courts with liberal judges for the next generation
. You really believe Ginsberg is going to outlive the republican president we are electing in 2016? Ha ha. We are taking back the SCOTUS after impeaching the other liberal's who have no business on the bench.

I think Ginsberg will retire with Obama still president

Hillary will get to name three maybe four judges. Scalia? Don't think he will outlast her

That will leave Thomas, Alito and Roberts with six liberals
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
Schools should be open 6 to 6, six days a week, all meals provided so you can keep an eye on them, help them arents have work to do. If you actually cared about children you'd pay up for that, but you don't, and never will...
Cuba is 90 miles south of the Florida keys. Go live there

Or we'll keep winning the NATIONAL elections and fundamentally change GOP policy of 40 years until we take back Congress after the GOP base die off and gerrymandered districts are turned!

The key will be stacking the courts with liberal judges for the next generation

That will help keep kids in 3 meals a day.

Good job.

To bad it won't happen.
[The key will be stacking the courts with liberal judges for the next generation
. You really believe Ginsberg is going to outlive the republican president we are electing in 2016? Ha ha. We are taking back the SCOTUS after impeaching the other liberal's who have no business on the bench.

I think Ginsberg will retire with Obama still president

Hillary will get to name three maybe four judges. Scalia? Don't think he will outlast her

That will leave Thomas, Alito and Roberts with six liberals
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever. If she dies, the senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President. We know the Democrats have and would do just that.
Lifetime appointments are just silly. Do we expect justices to continue executing their office in the throes of senility? Pope Benedict didn't think he could so he did something unheard of....didn't die clutching to his office with every dying breath. I think when they come to work missing their dentures or their pants, it's time to drop a few hints that they need to retire.
[The key will be stacking the courts with liberal judges for the next generation
. You really believe Ginsberg is going to outlive the republican president we are electing in 2016? Ha ha. We are taking back the SCOTUS after impeaching the other liberal's who have no business on the bench.

I think Ginsberg will retire with Obama still president

Hillary will get to name three maybe four judges. Scalia? Don't think he will outlast her

That will leave Thomas, Alito and Roberts with six liberals
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
. You really believe Ginsberg is going to outlive the republican president we are electing in 2016? Ha ha. We are taking back the SCOTUS after impeaching the other liberal's who have no business on the bench.

I think Ginsberg will retire with Obama still president

Hillary will get to name three maybe four judges. Scalia? Don't think he will outlast her

That will leave Thomas, Alito and Roberts with six liberals
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
Hillary is going to be arrested very soon. Obama does not forget his enemies and never forgives. It's just a matter of striking the right timing.

I can't wait to see you Hilda Whacks screaming in demonic fury.
I think Ginsberg will retire with Obama still president

Hillary will get to name three maybe four judges. Scalia? Don't think he will outlast her

That will leave Thomas, Alito and Roberts with six liberals
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
Hillary is going to be arrested very soon. Obama does not forget his enemies and never forgives. It's just a matter of striking the right timing.

I can't wait to see you Hilda Whacks screaming in demonic fury.
You guys have been threatening to arrest Hillary for twenty years

Your problem is you need something called evidence of a crime
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
Hillary is going to be arrested very soon. Obama does not forget his enemies and never forgives. It's just a matter of striking the right timing.

I can't wait to see you Hilda Whacks screaming in demonic fury.
You guys have been threatening to arrest Hillary for twenty years

Your problem is you need something called evidence of a crime
It won't be us arresting her. Are you fucking illiterate?
. You really believe Ginsberg is going to outlive the republican president we are electing in 2016? Ha ha. We are taking back the SCOTUS after impeaching the other liberal's who have no business on the bench.

I think Ginsberg will retire with Obama still president

Hillary will get to name three maybe four judges. Scalia? Don't think he will outlast her

That will leave Thomas, Alito and Roberts with six liberals
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections

Hillary won't be nominating anyone.

I agree the GOP loses the senate.
Ginsberg won't retire. She thinks she'll live forever.The senate will hold up the appointment since that should be up to the next President.

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
Hillary is going to be arrested very soon. Obama does not forget his enemies and never forgives. It's just a matter of striking the right timing.

I can't wait to see you Hilda Whacks screaming in demonic fury.
You guys have been threatening to arrest Hillary for twenty years

Your problem is you need something called evidence of a crime

Who cares about HIllary.

She's yesterday's news.

The question is: Who will the democrats nominate ?

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
Hillary is going to be arrested very soon. Obama does not forget his enemies and never forgives. It's just a matter of striking the right timing.

I can't wait to see you Hilda Whacks screaming in demonic fury.
You guys have been threatening to arrest Hillary for twenty years

Your problem is you need something called evidence of a crime
It won't be us arresting her. Are you fucking illiterate?

I am afraid it's much worse.
I think we were discussing the idea that the nanny state is going to somehow make life better for people by supplying them 3 means a day.

I am sure this is just another "jobs" program bundled up in a package that smells like a three day old diaper.

Kids, today, are at risk. This isn't helping things much.

Say this helps them learn. Then you'd need teachers who actually teach.

What will they teach them ?

How to live at home becasue there are no jobs anyway ?

Even the asshole Republicans in the Senate won't allow a Supreme Court seat to sit empty for a year

I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
Hillary is going to be arrested very soon. Obama does not forget his enemies and never forgives. It's just a matter of striking the right timing.

I can't wait to see you Hilda Whacks screaming in demonic fury.
You guys have been threatening to arrest Hillary for twenty years

Your problem is you need something called evidence of a crime

Who cares about HIllary.

She's yesterday's news.

The question is: Who will the democrats nominate ?
More right wing fantasies
I would not put it past them.

They own the senate and Obama has put a couple of whackjobs in there.

They'll want a whackjob of their own.

And if Scalia were to know they won't confirm anything but another conservative.
That will never happen

First off Hillary will never nominate a conservative
Secondly, Republicans won't hold the Senate after the 2016 elections
Hillary is going to be arrested very soon. Obama does not forget his enemies and never forgives. It's just a matter of striking the right timing.

I can't wait to see you Hilda Whacks screaming in demonic fury.
You guys have been threatening to arrest Hillary for twenty years

Your problem is you need something called evidence of a crime

Who cares about HIllary.

She's yesterday's news.

The question is: Who will the democrats nominate ?
More right wing fantasies

Not right wing.....idiot.

I detest the right wing.

Fantasy ?

I think you are the one on drugs.
Well look at the cities who want it mandatory to have kids go to Pre K...
Pre K....Is it to get the little kiddies a good head start in life on their way to a better education....
Is it to learn or is it just free day care?

Exactly - minorities think of school as just free day care and free meals. They don't care about education because they know they will either go on welfare or get a useless govt job thru affirmative action.

Look at the drawing of the slave owning Democrats engaged Iin battle with the slave freeing GOP.

Guess you didn't understand my posts. Yes, if you chose to go to college and incur a ton of student loans, try and prepare yourself for something you'll be able to support yourself and your family over the course of your career. When I was in college it wasn't any different. Most of my peers were taking fluff classes because they were "easier" and they gave no thought to potential earning power by making those choices. Then they graduated with a Liberal Arts degree and found themselves waiting tables, forever. We do end up living with the choices we made, after all, but not everyone is willing to accept their consequences. That's why we've reached a point of denying our plight had anything to do with the decisions we ultimately made, so consequently we point a finger at the government or whatever else we can lamely accuse. Back in the day, those that racked up huge student loans didn't bother to pay them. Today's students are required to do so. Is that unfair? Not for those of us who did pay, as has my son after me. To those of us who took our obligations seriously, this should have always been the case, to make good on student loans. The other thing is young people today have no concept that the generation before them worked up to the lifestyle we have today, not that it was acquired overnight. They believe in the fantasy world of TV and the assets of their parents, and make the mis-assumption this lifestyle happens as soon as you graduate. Then they start popping out babies, without any thought of the pending obligation, despite that there's every option readily available for birth control. The decision whether or not to procreate shouldn't be an automatic. The reason is not because the it's the government's fault, so much as it is our own personal fault. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but one every person should "man" up to in their life.


"procreate" Oh right at the same time the right wing wants US to take responsibility for our lives, they fight sex ed and birth control, as well as abortion of a FETUS as they want to turn Planned Parenthood into UNPLANNED PARENTHOOD!
30% raise? The typical worker hasn't seen that over twenty years

They see their ability to support a family diminish as they struggle to earn enough for a home, food, healthcare and education
What is a "typical" worker? You? ROFL
Not me...I'm wealthy

But am still concerned about the ability of working Americans to obtain the American Dream

It's not what it used to be
So you're not a "working" American? Not what it "used" to be? huh? You want photos of what it used to be so you can compare?
I've seen the American Dream when I was a child compared to what it is today

I was raised in an era when working class Americans could raise families of four or five children on a single salary
Today, you can barely pay off your college debt let alone raise a family on a single income

It is not that American workers are lazy...just the rules have changed and they don't favor struggling Americans
I'll grant you that socialism has screwed up the price of health care and four year college degree programs. Other than that, working Americans are doing better today than they used to be... and also non-working Americans are FATTER than they have ever been. Hell everyone has dick tracy smart phones, computers nice homes, big flat screen tvs.. wtf are you talking about?

Goodie goodie, we have Heritage talking points, but you forgot the AC and cars. Weird how they/you want to compare 1st world to 3rd world poor



Guess you didn't understand my posts. Yes, if you chose to go to college and incur a ton of student loans, try and prepare yourself for something you'll be able to support yourself and your family over the course of your career. When I was in college it wasn't any different. Most of my peers were taking fluff classes because they were "easier" and they gave no thought to potential earning power by making those choices. Then they graduated with a Liberal Arts degree and found themselves waiting tables, forever. We do end up living with the choices we made, after all, but not everyone is willing to accept their consequences. That's why we've reached a point of denying our plight had anything to do with the decisions we ultimately made, so consequently we point a finger at the government or whatever else we can lamely accuse. Back in the day, those that racked up huge student loans didn't bother to pay them. Today's students are required to do so. Is that unfair? Not for those of us who did pay, as has my son after me. To those of us who took our obligations seriously, this should have always been the case, to make good on student loans. The other thing is young people today have no concept that the generation before them worked up to the lifestyle we have today, not that it was acquired overnight. They believe in the fantasy world of TV and the assets of their parents, and make the mis-assumption this lifestyle happens as soon as you graduate. Then they start popping out babies, without any thought of the pending obligation, despite that there's every option readily available for birth control. The decision whether or not to procreate shouldn't be an automatic. The reason is not because the it's the government's fault, so much as it is our own personal fault. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but one every person should "man" up to in their life.


If the shoe fits, wear it, Bucko! What's the matter, hit a nerve?

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