Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

Who said anything about a success? I know you have lived a poor life but not being able to feed your biological kids is not a success.
This is the first time I've seen you admit to failure. It's a small step, but an important one.
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said
If they already qualify for snap. Then no.... They should not get free breakfast lunch and dinner.
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said
If they already qualify for snap. Then no.... They should not get free breakfast lunch and dinner.

Yes, who cares if near 20 million kids are food insecure in the US. Their parents received that SNAP that the GOP cut as they increased by billions welfare to Corp farmers
Who said anything about a success? I know you have lived a poor life but not being able to feed your biological kids is not a success.
This is the first time I've seen you admit to failure. It's a small step, but an important one.
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
This is the first time I've seen you admit to failure. It's a small step, but an important one.
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
Nothing but a common criminal.
This is the first time I've seen you admit to failure. It's a small step, but an important one.
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?

I don't understand why these idiots want to do away with everything even through they use it. What a bunch of dumb asses.

God fed them, not the Romans

But lets be real many times is God expected to feed them?
Feed them once and they stick around like stray cats.....that is what Republican legislators teach us

i'm not interested in Republican legislatures.

First you Progs claim Jesus as your very own, then you lie, not misrepresent or misspeak, but outright lie about what he taught

I remember that part in the bible where the poor came to Jesus for help and he said....Get a job you freeloader!

1When Jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening, he entered Capernaum. 2There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. 3The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant. 4When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, 5because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” 6So Jesus went with them.

He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof.7That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

9When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.”10Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.

Note who healed the servant, not a Roman, not a government program, not ObamaCare

You mean Obama did not have a Jesus to implement his healthcare plan?
No wonder he had to use the government to do it
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said
If they already qualify for snap. Then no.... They should not get free breakfast lunch and dinner.

Yes, who cares if near 20 million kids are food insecure in the US. Their parents received that SNAP that the GOP cut as they increased by billions welfare to Corp farmers

They don't give a fuck...As long as the top 1% gets theirs...That's all that matters.
Hey, what the hell gang. We can't expect parents to take care of their kids, so we have to. And we do.

Just keep lowering standards and expectations, keep letting parents off the hook, don't even addressing parenting, fuck it.

That's the brilliance of this constant drive to expect less from people: De facto increased dependence on someone else.
Someone doesnt understand the meaning of vicious circle. So your solution is to let the kids starve so they no incentive to do anything other than to steal?

Vicious circle is blacks keep voting for Democrats who keep blacks in permanent underclass by giving them schools that don't teach. You can't read or write or think, that's OK, come get your Mac N Cheese
Vicious circles also keep you and other poor white trash voting repub waiting for the "tinkle down" promise to take effect..

Tell me again how Walmart, Apple, Microsoft, GE, your landlord, your grocer and your bank are stealing your money

I love that story
Actually I never told you that story in the first place. However since you asked Walmart pays substandard wages and requires people to get additional assistance, Apple sends its jobs overseas depriving us of tax revenue and causing more to go on welfare. Dont know much about Microsoft and GE but I am sure they do the same. I dont have a landlord. My grocer doesnt steal any money from me. My bank uses my money to make money and pays me a fraction of the profit. Anything else you need explained to you?

Don't forget how 'generous & kind hearted' they are by having food drives for their own employees...


Walmart steals our money by paying wages that require their employees to receive taxpayer funding to survive.

Requires??? That's BS. Walmart pays a decent wage but the employees naturally still take the free money the govt gives them. No matter what you pay people, they will always take free money if its available.
This is the first time I've seen you admit to failure. It's a small step, but an important one.
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
No government benefits, American or Czech. I've got what's called a job and feed my own kid too. This kind of thing doesn't happen in your neighborhood, we get that.
Someone doesnt understand the meaning of vicious circle. So your solution is to let the kids starve so they no incentive to do anything other than to steal?

Vicious circle is blacks keep voting for Democrats who keep blacks in permanent underclass by giving them schools that don't teach. You can't read or write or think, that's OK, come get your Mac N Cheese
Vicious circles also keep you and other poor white trash voting repub waiting for the "tinkle down" promise to take effect..

Tell me again how Walmart, Apple, Microsoft, GE, your landlord, your grocer and your bank are stealing your money

I love that story
Actually I never told you that story in the first place. However since you asked Walmart pays substandard wages and requires people to get additional assistance, Apple sends its jobs overseas depriving us of tax revenue and causing more to go on welfare. Dont know much about Microsoft and GE but I am sure they do the same. I dont have a landlord. My grocer doesnt steal any money from me. My bank uses my money to make money and pays me a fraction of the profit. Anything else you need explained to you?

Don't forget how 'generous & kind hearted' they are by having food drives for their own employees...


Wonder why they dont just pay higher wages? Could it be that the people donating the food buy it from Walmart thereby helping their bottom line?
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
No government benefits, American or Czech. I've got what's called a job and feed my own kid to. This kind of thing doesn't happen in your neighborhood, we get that.
You live in a european slum. Of course you are on benefits.
Who said anything about a success? I know you have lived a poor life but not being able to feed your biological kids is not a success.
This is the first time I've seen you admit to failure. It's a small step, but an important one.
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

LOL... you go boy...
Walmart steals our money by paying wages that require their employees to receive taxpayer funding to survive.

Requires??? That's BS. Walmart pays a decent wage but the employees naturally still take the free money the govt gives them. No matter what you pay people, they will always take free money if its available.

At current wages, WalMart would not be able to maintain its workforce without the taxpayer supporting them

It is a subsidy to Walmart
Republicans have been waging a "War on the Poor" for 50 years

What's wrong with that?. The poor are a huge problem. What hurts is the democrat war on working americans.

Democrats traditionally ARE the 'working man'... Republicans traditionally are for Big Corp.... the ones that collect welfare in the way of tremendous tax cuts that go straight into their pockets.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
Walmart steals our money by paying wages that require their employees to receive taxpayer funding to survive.

Requires??? That's BS. Walmart pays a decent wage but the employees naturally still take the free money the govt gives them. No matter what you pay people, they will always take free money if its available.

A) no they do not pay a decent living wage
B) they do not even offer full time employment to most of the file & rank thus making the income requirements still eligible for bennies & I think at $10 an hr x 40 hrs may still not be enough depending on the cost of living/location where one lives.

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