Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.
So what do you plan on cutting to cover the costs of this duty of enabling?

I know a family, where the Nana who is retired and on a fixed income, fixes breakfast lunch and dinner to her adult children and their children EVERYDAY! She's becoming resentful because making her house payment is difficult now. The grand daughter who is a responsible adult with a decent job can't get it through her grandmother's head that she DOESN'T have to do this. Grandmother's answer? "They expect to have their meals here and I don't want of offend them." I call that a dysfunctional home. She is buying their love with her job of chief chef.

Much the same with the Democrats. They may secretly hate the idea of be responsible for other lazy people, but want their votes. Can the country afford it? No, but no matter, they got their votes.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.

Yeah, that is a good idea. With other countries yell, "Down with America" and terrorists everywhere we don't need that big stick to scare them away from attacking us. After all, it's never been done! We've never been attacked on our soil,
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.

Yeah, that is a good idea. With other countries yell, "Down with America" and terrorists everywhere we don't need that big stick to scare them away from attacking us. After all, it's never been done! We've never been attacked on our soil,
A simple fix for that would be to mind our own business and no one would want to attack us. Thats much cheaper than feeding the current war complex machine that guarantees future terrorists wishing to attack us. Besides we could cut our budget in half or something like that and still have the largest budget in the world for defense.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.

Yeah, that is a good idea. With other countries yell, "Down with America" and terrorists everywhere we don't need that big stick to scare them away from attacking us. After all, it's never been done! We've never been attacked on our soil,
A simple fix for that would be to mind our own business and no one would want to attack us. Thats much cheaper than feeding the current war complex machine that guarantees future terrorists wishing to attack us. Besides we could cut our budget in half or something like that and still have the largest budget in the world for defense.
In a world as we have, you have to have allies. It's silly to think that we aren't going to have conflicts of interest just because of differences of cultures and governments.
Pointing out you have made poor choices in life is not a failure. Your negativity will lead to more horrible choices. Do you want to look back on your life at the end and regret you wasted your time on earth or do you want to stop the bleeding now and work towards getting off welfare?
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
No government benefits, American or Czech. I've got what's called a job and feed my own kid too. This kind of thing doesn't happen in your neighborhood, we get that.

Sure Bubs, I believe you. Weird, I know several "patriots" from the right who sooo loved the US they literally flew in their private planes suitcases of cash to the DR around 2005-2006 to purchase "property' to hide it from Uncle Sam,. gottta love "patriots' like that, of course the right wing would cheer them on right?

Yep, they were involved in the Banksters subprime bubble too that Dubya cheered on, you know the THOUSANDS of fraudsters who gamed the system thanks to Dubya!
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?

Feeding hungry kids is "enabling". Got it!
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.

Yeah, that is a good idea. With other countries yell, "Down with America" and terrorists everywhere we don't need that big stick to scare them away from attacking us. After all, it's never been done! We've never been attacked on our soil,
A simple fix for that would be to mind our own business and no one would want to attack us. Thats much cheaper than feeding the current war complex machine that guarantees future terrorists wishing to attack us. Besides we could cut our budget in half or something like that and still have the largest budget in the world for defense.
In a world as we have, you have to have allies. It's silly to think that we aren't going to have conflicts of interest just because of differences of cultures and governments.
I said nothing of differences in cultures. I said minding our own business. Allies are due to similiar ideology not bloated defense budgets. With a "mind your business" approach we would have more allies not less. However you are going off on a tangent. Money should be spent on food not war.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?

Feeding hungry kids is "enabling". Got it!
Taking any parent responsibilities from the parents and doing it for them is enabling. I just wonder what the annual cost of welfare for one woman with six children from different fathers is between section 8 housing, food stamps, WIC, and all the rest of their goodies.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?

Feeding hungry kids is "enabling". Got it!

People like Jackson cares more about bombing Iran then feeding our children...Hell, educating our children is also enabling and is taking away from the super rich fuck.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.

Yeah, that is a good idea. With other countries yell, "Down with America" and terrorists everywhere we don't need that big stick to scare them away from attacking us. After all, it's never been done! We've never been attacked on our soil,
A simple fix for that would be to mind our own business and no one would want to attack us. Thats much cheaper than feeding the current war complex machine that guarantees future terrorists wishing to attack us. Besides we could cut our budget in half or something like that and still have the largest budget in the world for defense.
In a world as we have, you have to have allies. It's silly to think that we aren't going to have conflicts of interest just because of differences of cultures and governments.
I said nothing of differences in cultures. I said minding our own business. Allies are due to similiar ideology not bloated defense budgets. With a "mind your business" approach we would have more allies not less. However you are going off on a tangent. Money should be spent on food not war.
I just happen to think we can have a military that would deter other countries to attack and have parents feed their children. Parents feeding their own children. What a novel idea!
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?

Feeding hungry kids is "enabling". Got it!

People like Jackson cares more about bombing Iran then feeding our children...Hell, educating our children is also enabling and is taking away from the super rich fuck.
Matthew, the problem is we are already feeding them via food stamps and two meals a day at school.
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.
I'm white and I don't live in the US. The chances of me getting welfare are zero. You're black and live in some shit hole in the US, so that's pretty much a given.

I know, your failure is cuz of slavery and racism.

If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
No government benefits, American or Czech. I've got what's called a job and feed my own kid too. This kind of thing doesn't happen in your neighborhood, we get that.

Sure Bubs, I believe you. Weird, I know several "patriots" from the right who sooo loved the US they literally flew in their private planes suitcases of cash to the DR around 2005-2006 to purchase "property' to hide it from Uncle Sam,. gottta love "patriots' like that, of course the right wing would cheer them on right?

Yep, they were involved in the Banksters subprime bubble too that Dubya cheered on, you know the THOUSANDS of fraudsters who gamed the system thanks to Dubya!
Yeah, asshole. I'm really in DR living in a villa by the sea with suitcases full of stolen cash from poor American children, plus I'm getting food stamps, accommodation and cash from the US government.

I guess you gotta wake up purty early in the morning to get one by you.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?

Feeding hungry kids is "enabling". Got it!
Taking any parent responsibilities from the parents and doing it for them is enabling. I just wonder what the annual cost of welfare for one woman with six children from different fathers is between section 8 housing, food stamps, WIC, and all the rest of their goodies.

Oh goodie, the welfare queen myth, nothing about the minorities huh? You miss it? 6 diff baby daddy huh? lol

Yep, in right wing world FEEDING a hungry kid is enabling the parent *shaking head*

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


If you don't live here, then you have ZERO to say.
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
No government benefits, American or Czech. I've got what's called a job and feed my own kid too. This kind of thing doesn't happen in your neighborhood, we get that.

Sure Bubs, I believe you. Weird, I know several "patriots" from the right who sooo loved the US they literally flew in their private planes suitcases of cash to the DR around 2005-2006 to purchase "property' to hide it from Uncle Sam,. gottta love "patriots' like that, of course the right wing would cheer them on right?

Yep, they were involved in the Banksters subprime bubble too that Dubya cheered on, you know the THOUSANDS of fraudsters who gamed the system thanks to Dubya!
Yeah, asshole. I'm really in DR living in a villa by the sea with suitcases full of stolen cash from poor American children, plus I'm getting food stamps, accommodation and cash from the US government.

I guess you gotta wake up purty early in the morning to get one by you.

Wouldn't surprise me Bubs, you fit the M/O
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

You mean when Corps paid a living wage and those "job creators" paid over twice as much effective tax rates (some 3 times more on much less share of income) than today's "patriotic" job creators?
I can and do vote, and there's nothing you can do about it punk! :)

Another "patriotic" Ex pat? Panama or DR Bubs lol

Sucking up the SS welfare right?
No government benefits, American or Czech. I've got what's called a job and feed my own kid too. This kind of thing doesn't happen in your neighborhood, we get that.

Sure Bubs, I believe you. Weird, I know several "patriots" from the right who sooo loved the US they literally flew in their private planes suitcases of cash to the DR around 2005-2006 to purchase "property' to hide it from Uncle Sam,. gottta love "patriots' like that, of course the right wing would cheer them on right?

Yep, they were involved in the Banksters subprime bubble too that Dubya cheered on, you know the THOUSANDS of fraudsters who gamed the system thanks to Dubya!
Yeah, asshole. I'm really in DR living in a villa by the sea with suitcases full of stolen cash from poor American children, plus I'm getting food stamps, accommodation and cash from the US government.

I guess you gotta wake up purty early in the morning to get one by you.

Wouldn't surprise me Bubs, you fit the M/O
You nailed it Daddyo! There's nothing better than stealing millions from the poor, paying no taxes and still having Uncle Sam pay for my extravagant lifestyle and even my brood of kids from several Dominican prostitutes in this tropical paradise.

Great stuff if you can do it!

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