Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.

Yeah, that is a good idea. With other countries yell, "Down with America" and terrorists everywhere we don't need that big stick to scare them away from attacking us. After all, it's never been done! We've never been attacked on our soil,
A simple fix for that would be to mind our own business and no one would want to attack us. Thats much cheaper than feeding the current war complex machine that guarantees future terrorists wishing to attack us. Besides we could cut our budget in half or something like that and still have the largest budget in the world for defense.
In a world as we have, you have to have allies. It's silly to think that we aren't going to have conflicts of interest just because of differences of cultures and governments.
I said nothing of differences in cultures. I said minding our own business. Allies are due to similiar ideology not bloated defense budgets. With a "mind your business" approach we would have more allies not less. However you are going off on a tangent. Money should be spent on food not war.
I just happen to think we can have a military that would deter other countries to attack and have parents feed their children. Parents feeding their own children. What a novel idea!
Which one is it? If we are deterring other countrys from attacking what happened on 9/11? We are not deterring anything. We are at a state of constant vigilance. The moment that guard is dropped we will get bombed again. Its inevitable that the guard will be dropped and as long as we meddle in other countries affairs we will suffer. There is nothing saying parents cant feed their own kids. This is to help children whos parents wont or cant feed them properly.
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said
I think while we continue to have poor single women having children, we will have to continue programs like this. I think instead we should really do a push to get poor single women to stop having children.

So while I don't agree we should let poor kids go hungry, we need to do something about these people having children they can't afford. I don't have kids because I don't want to pay for kids and I can afford them. Why do people who can't afford kids keep having them? So stop it. And so maybe not giving them a free lunch is a way to get them to stop? I don't think we should punish the kids who are already here but maybe we should give the poor people a message that in 3 years the free lunch stuff ends. Stop having babies. Run public service announcements. Just as many as Hillary and Trump and Jeb will run next year. Run them all day every day telling poor women the free lunch is done on Sept 8th 2018. Any kids you have now can have a free lunch but any more kids you better get an abortion or take the morning after pill.

And a mad push to implant a IUD into every poor women having sex.
Its pretty straightforward what needs to be done but cons will be against any of that and continue to put up roadblocks.
The cons are on board with all of my idea except the abortion or birth control part. They love poor people having kids. Cheap worker pool to hire from. And they can use the crime to divide us.
Your abortion idea sounds too much like eugenics.
Abortion should be the last resort. Do you realize if all the women who were taking the pill but accidentally got pregnant the last 10 years were wearing IUD's only 10% of them would have gotten pregnant? So the birth control method most women use is this country isn't even the most effective. And there is nothing wrong with IUD's.

Stopping poor women from having babies they can't afford and won't raise properly is not eugenics. Stop the nonsense.

Taking the pill and wearing a condom isn't eugenics and neither is putting an IUD in your cooter until you are ready to be a parent. It's called Planned Parenthood and more women should try it.

But I would encourage all the baby mama's who are going to not raise their kids in the next 20 years to consider getting abortions. I don't care what it sounds like. Abortion is already legal in America. Encouraging poor stupid women to get them is not eugenics. If we need poor workers we can just open up the border and hire illegals. Americans should all be middle class or better. Stop breeding ditch diggers.

God fed them, not the Romans

But lets be real many times is God expected to feed them?
Feed them once and they stick around like stray cats.....that is what Republican legislators teach us
Why can't Christian churches turn 5 loaves and 2 fish into a feast and solve poverty and starvation and this:

Overfishing: Worse than you might think

I swear humans are the dumbest intelligent life in the universe.
So tell me, Asclepias, just who is going to pay for these meals?

The more responsibilities the government takes away from the poor, the more needy they are, The government is an enabler of the irresponsible parents who cannot buy cereal, and pack a lunch and now will get their evening meals, too. What are we going to do next? Their laundry?
We are. At least the ones that are citizens of the US.
That's another thing. It starts with just citizens then the lonely hearts club extends it to illegals and people with visas. Are we going to reduce their food stamp cost top cover the costs of the meals?

Have you heard we are trillions of dollars in debt already? Have you heard of Greece?
No. We can take it from the bloated defense fund.

Yeah, that is a good idea. With other countries yell, "Down with America" and terrorists everywhere we don't need that big stick to scare them away from attacking us. After all, it's never been done! We've never been attacked on our soil,

I think we can do without another nuke... What is it about warpigs that think blowing up the world 50x over simply isn't enough?
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

You mean when Corps paid a living wage and those "job creators" paid over twice as much effective tax rates (some 3 times more on much less share of income) than today's "patriotic" job creators?

At that time we had the biggest industry in the world, biggest middle class and innovated far more....We want to the moon, built the highways, cleaned our air, water and became the most powerful nation earth.

What has happened since the rich tax cuts? Opposites.
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

During the 50's and 60's one parent could work and have a house, afford a wife, 3 kids, etc. There wasn't this massive wealth gap as the rich didn't outsource, bring in h1b's or hog the entire effin pie.

This has to change. This has destroyed our middle class.

But lets be real many times is God expected to feed them?
Feed them once and they stick around like stray cats.....that is what Republican legislators teach us

i'm not interested in Republican legislatures.

First you Progs claim Jesus as your very own, then you lie, not misrepresent or misspeak, but outright lie about what he taught

Matthew 25:34-36 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, "Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me."

Mark 10:21-22 Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, "You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.

Mark 12:41-44 He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. 42 A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. 43 Then he called his disciples and said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. 44 For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."

Luke 14:12-14 He said also to the one who had invited him, "When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."

That's great, personally I'm agnostic though. Try again.
October 9, 2014
For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
By Drew DeSilver31 comments

Following the better-than-expected September jobs report, several economic analyses have pointed out the continuing lack of meaningful wage growth, even as tens of thousands of people head back to work. Economic theory, after all, predicts that as labor markets tighten, employers will offer higher wages to entice workers their way.

But a look at five decades’ worth of government wage data suggests that the better question might be, why should now be any different? For most U.S. workers, real wages — that is, after inflation is taken into account — have been flat or even falling for decades, regardless of whether the economy has been adding or subtracting jobs.

Cash money isn’t the only way workers are compensated, of course — health insurance, retirement-account contributions, education and transit subsidies and other benefits all can be part of the package. But wages and salaries are the biggest (about 70%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics) and most visible component of employee compensation.

According to the BLS, the average hourly wage for non-management private-sector workers last month was $20.67, unchanged from August and 2.3% above the average wage a year earlier. That’s not much, especially when compared with the pre-Great Recession years of 2006 and 2007, when the average hourly wage often increased by around 4% year-over-year. (During the high-inflation years of the 1970s and early 1980s, average wages commonly jumped 8%, 9% or even more year-over-year.)

But after adjusting for inflation, today’s average hourly wage has just about the same purchasing power as it did in 1979, following a long slide in the 1980s and early 1990s and bumpy, inconsistent growth since then. In fact, in real terms the average wage peaked more than 40 years ago: The $4.03-an-hour rate recorded in January 1973 has the same purchasing power as $22.41 would today..."

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

During the 50's and 60's one parent could work and have a house, afford a wife, 3 kids, etc. There wasn't this massive wealth gap as the rich didn't outsource, bring in h1b's or hog the entire effin pie.

This has to change. This has destroyed our middle class.

That's answers my questions. how?
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

I'm not sure how you meant that & I don't know how much he made... but he worked at a factory that manufactured silverware, a real dirty job. But back then $1.00 was a hell lot more in its worth than it is would be today... which is what $5.00 is now.
That world has flown. East Asian countries can usually produce better products at lower cost. At the end of WWII there was only the US with all the other major world's economies severely damaged. Those days were not going to last forever.
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

During the 50's and 60's one parent could work and have a house, afford a wife, 3 kids, etc. There wasn't this massive wealth gap as the rich didn't outsource, bring in h1b's or hog the entire effin pie.

This has to change. This has destroyed our middle class.

That's answers my questions. how?

Close the fucking tax loopholes & make it REAL expensive to have an "American" company have it's headquarters overseas, that also have accts in the tax haven countries to hide assets & impose higher tariffs on imports from American companies so it might make it worthwhile to bring those jobs back home.
Anybody remember this?

Now those same clothes are made in sweatshops overseas at pennies per garment & sold to big box stores & suckers who are willing to pay much much more just for the name, but not to keep America working...
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

If he worked for the Big 3, remember you guys crying during the Bush years about how those guys were all making too much? Remember you guys cried about their "cadillac" insurance plans?

And now you will try to say this is why the Big 3 went bankrupt or why they moved overseas. Why would you say such things? Because you are jealous, ignorant and a fool. But now you will mock and ask if they made a buck an hour? You would truly refer to those days as the good old days.

Anyways, I laugh at Americans like you because instead of arguing for you to get the same pay as those union workers, you went along with the GOP on lowering their pay. And now you cry because wages are down.

I can't even wrap my brain around what a hypocrite you guys are. The stupidity is immeasurable.

Just remember that in 1999 the Big 3 had record profits and paid out record profit sharing to their workers. So don't try to blame unions for the Big 3 going bankrupt. When you send all those jobs overseas and you raise gas to over $4 a gallon like Bush did, you see corporations will start hurting. But I think they did it to break the unions. To get the employees to take cuts.

So now those auto workers are almost as broke as you. Are you happy now loser?
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

During the 50's and 60's one parent could work and have a house, afford a wife, 3 kids, etc. There wasn't this massive wealth gap as the rich didn't outsource, bring in h1b's or hog the entire effin pie.

This has to change. This has destroyed our middle class.
And if we try to undo any of the bad policies they implemented or eliminate any of the unfair tax breaks they passed they will cry class warfare.

They try to pretend that class warfare doesn't exist or that they aren't winning. And stupid ass middle class and poor Republicans believe them.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Ahem..And just WHO is going to pay for...The food, the staff to maintain the buildings well after school hours, maintenance staff, new refrigeration units to keep the food, new appliances to heat the food, new utensils, plates, cups/glasses, new dishwashers, transportation to and from the school, disposal costs, etc?...
You people never stop to consider the cost nor the unintended consequences of anything.
This is an incredibly stupid idea which will never see the light of day.
Well look at the cities who want it mandatory to have kids go to Pre K...
Pre K....Is it to get the little kiddies a good head start in life on their way to a better education....
Is it to learn or is it just free day care?
Taxpayer funded day care.....Nothing is free.
Schools should be open 6 to 6, six days a week, all meals provided so you can keep an eye on them, help them learn to teach themselves, and run their fat little asses off. The parents have work to do. If you actually cared about children you'd pay up for that, but you don't, and never will...
"Pay up"?......Why?
You're right about one thing...It will NEVER happen.....There is no money to pay for it..
The sheer logistics of releasing then busing kids home at the height of rush hour is impossible.

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