Democrats Want to Stop Testimony That Clears Trump

Is there anyone in this White House without some secret tie to Russia?

Yes, Hillary. Oh, wait, she's not in the WH thanks to Uncle Vlad's mind control ray

We don't riot. We just win elections over and over again.

Well yes you do riot. After you win football games. Or maybe after you had a pumpkin pie.

And I do think the last two presidential elections were not won by a republican. Nether was this one really.

In joy...

You riot because your feelings got hurt.


You don't riot in joy. You celebrate. And you don't celebrate by burning shit up

You go find your woman and do what's right. Or in your case maybe your partner.

You riot when you see an obvious wrong or injustice has occurred. Not because you got your feelings hurt.


Remind us when we loot and burn down our own stores and towns, you would think blacks would be smart enough to get a bus pass and go to the rich side of town



That's all you got regenerated memes, again can you please tell us why blacks are so stupid to burn down there own towns ?

Don't they teach you guys in skool don't shit where you eat?

Is there anyone in this White House without some secret tie to Russia?
Here is your Russia connection and how Hillary got hacked.
EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Was Board Member Of Firms Linked To Russian Investors

Was Podesta president? Did Podesta try making plans with the Russian government himself before Obama was president. Do we see any ties between Obama and any of his staff relative to relationships with Russia as Russia was trying to foil an election?

No. But you dumbasses see the words Podesta and Russia then start the Tourette's.

I eagerly await the actual hard evidence to your fantasy scenario. Pleas do share.

She is just diverting , always don't want to mention Democrat Mark Warner millions he received from Russia

REPORT: Anti-Trump Senator Mark Warner Made $6 Million in 2012 From Russian Tech Business

But none of our intel agencies are of your opinion. And I think I trust their judgement far more than a partisan shill like you.
They have testified there is no evidence.

CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

“I was worried by a number of the contacts that the Russians had with U.S. persons,” Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”


CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

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Sadly, LWNJ's have no need for evidence and will believe any fairy tale they are told. They are going to be so disappointed and outraged again when they are told they can't convict someone with rumors and innuendo. And before you come back with what you think is a snappy retort, please post some actual evidence to back up your fantasy.
Democrats trying to keep stirring shit until 2018 elections. They think they can take back the House. Lol.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

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There is nothing true about this whole affair. Accusations made by unnamed sources and carried by dishonest press.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

Sent from my iPad using
There is nothing true about this whole affair. Accusations made by unnamed sources and carried by dishonest press.

STILL waiting for the link where Dems are backing off Carter Page getting his rear handed to him Cupcake?
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

Sent from my iPad using
There is nothing true about this whole affair. Accusations made by unnamed sources and carried by dishonest press.

STILL waiting for the link where Dems are backing off Carter Page getting his rear handed to him Cupcake?
It was in my original post ding dong.
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

Sent from my iPad using
There is nothing true about this whole affair. Accusations made by unnamed sources and carried by dishonest press.

STILL waiting for the link where Dems are backing off Carter Page getting his rear handed to him Cupcake?
"I have learned from your Committee staff on this Memorial Day holiday that I might not be immediately afforded the opportunity to address the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan, et al. as per our previously scheduled appointment for next week," Page wrote. "In the interest of finally providing the American people with some accurate information at long last, I hope that we can proceed with this straight dialogue soon."
But none of our intel agencies are of your opinion. And I think I trust their judgement far more than a partisan shill like you.

I know you ain't got it socks.:fu:

CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

“I was worried by a number of the contacts that the Russians had with U.S. persons,” Brennan said, adding that he did not see proof of collusion before he left office on Jan. 20, but “felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well-founded and needed to look into those issues.”


CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates

The intelligence community report on Russian activities in the 2016 election

This is the declassified version of the intelligence community's report on Russian activities and elections in the November election


The intelligence community report on Russian activities in the 2016 election

Top U.S. intelligence official: Russia meddled in election by hacking, spreading of propaganda

Clapper said the intelligence community stands “more resolutely” than ever behind its assessment — first publicly announced on Oct. 7 — officially accusing the Kremlin’s “senior-most” officials of orchestrating a campaign of interference in the 2016 election.


Top U.S. intelligence official: Russia meddled in election by hacking, spreading of propaganda

Former NSA director says Russia was involved in 2016 election
Former NSA director says Russia was involved in 2016 election

Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

Sent from my iPad using
There is nothing true about this whole affair. Accusations made by unnamed sources and carried by dishonest press.

STILL waiting for the link where Dems are backing off Carter Page getting his rear handed to him Cupcake?
It was in my original post ding dong.

Sorry cupcake, it isn't. Nice dodge though :)

Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

Sent from my iPad using
There is nothing true about this whole affair. Accusations made by unnamed sources and carried by dishonest press.

STILL waiting for the link where Dems are backing off Carter Page getting his rear handed to him Cupcake?
Napolitano: Page testimony doesn't fit Dems' narrative
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA

Even if true, and it's not, they don't have the final say.

RWNJs are desperate for any excuse they can think of.

Sent from my iPad using
There is nothing true about this whole affair. Accusations made by unnamed sources and carried by dishonest press.

STILL waiting for the link where Dems are backing off Carter Page getting his rear handed to him Cupcake?
"I have learned from your Committee staff on this Memorial Day holiday that I might not be immediately afforded the opportunity to address the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan, et al. as per our previously scheduled appointment for next week," Page wrote. "In the interest of finally providing the American people with some accurate information at long last, I hope that we can proceed with this straight dialogue soon."

Weird which party control the committee again Cupcake?
Democrats were all fired up about having Carter Page testify before their witch hunt committee. Now they don't want him. Laughable.
Carter Page insists on testifying to counteract 'false information' from FBI, CIA
Democrats want to run on a never ending investigation into nothing...

Apparently they really don't want to get to the bottom of this.......

Like the Benghazi investigations?
See Democrats case against Trump below...

See Democrats case against Trump above...
6 from Tramp's staff had 18 undisclosed trips to Russia BEFORE the election.
Keep lyin to youself there's " nothing there."

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