democrats war on Christianity continues. NY legislators want to force Chick-fil-a to be open Sundays

/——-/ Saints are mentioned in the Bible, as all followers of Christ are saints. The ones who are distinguished are what you might call super stars.
/——/ Golfing Gator:

Romans 1:7 ESV / 383​

To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
/——/ As lawyers like to say, you’re assuming facts that aren’t in evidence. As I like to say, you’re pulling crap out of your ass and throwing it at the wall to see if it sticks.
The two Vermin democRATs are proposing a law that would require CFA to be open on Sundays. It’s aimed at one company. No mention of any contract violations.

No other company is insisting on being closed to please an imaginary sky fairy.

They are perfectly free to to that on private land that they rent... just not a public space they've been allowed to franchise.

Also, fuck Chik-Full-Hate, bunch of homophobic twats.
" Wanna Be Nanny State Volunteers "

* Populism For Abdicating To Potentates And Call It Fates Are Traitors To Principles Of Us Republic *

If a vast majority of the citizens are Christians, I would call America a Christian nation. There's a neighborhood in Minneapolis that is 99.9% Muslim. That's a Muslim neighborhood.
The foundations of us republic include that a legitimate state interest for its citizens is to promote independence of the individual .

Many sectarian supremacists expect abdication to an authoritarian state : whether for a state to provide positive liberties , or whether for a state to curtail negative liberties that do not violate safety , or security , or principles of non violence and individualism .

* Heretics Also Conspiring Government Funding Of Religious Education Through Vouchers *

A christian ethos is founded upon antinomianism , which transliterates as " by no name will a law be made " , which by paradox expects all statutes of law to be removed in a final valuation of individuals as laws unto themselves , and many claiming to be christians are actually heretics of an antinomian ethos .

* Lofted Ass Holier Than Thou On Tantrum Demonstration Dole *

Muslim socialist leaders believe in the derivation of legitimacy from the public, and wish to implement a government based on social welfare and the concept of zakat. In practice, this has been seen through guaranteed incomes, pensions, and welfare. These practical applications of the idea of Islamic socialism have a history going back to Muhammad and the first few Caliphates, to modern political parties founded in the 1970s.

* Flip Side Of Get Your Bid In Pope Pegged Boy For Government Funding Of Religious Charities To Inundate With Illegal Migrants And Fill Coffers *

* Differences Between Negative And Positive Liberties *

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Because it's the same rule every other company already follows.

But now you are outraged. Cuz Jesus.
/——-/ Understand contract law much? Is the Thruway renegotiating the contract or are two Vermin democRATs pushing this?
BTW, I’ve been at the rest stops when stores were closed on Sundays.
This is just Christian hate.
/——-/ Understand contract law much? Is the Thruway renegotiating the contract or are two Vermin democRATs pushing this?
BTW, I’ve been at the rest stops when stores were closed on Sundays.
This is just Christian hate.

Your personal anecdote is worthless. You are peddling a shameless lie that only chik fil a is being asked to open on Sundays, because you don't have any good talking points.

I understand contract law. If part of a contract becomes against the law, that part of the contract is stricken, if not the entire contract.
Your admissions are delicious. Go forth and lose elsewhere
Your personal anecdote is worthless. You are peddling a shameless lie that only chik fil a is being asked to open on Sundays, because you don't have any good talking points.

I understand contract law. If part of a contract becomes against the law, that part of the contract is stricken, if not the entire contract.

When the government is the landlord it might be looked at differently. It’s called overreach.

What specifically changed between the execution of the agreement and now?
which violates their First Amendment rights. NY knew the Chick-fil-a policy when they signed the contracts; now these two want to change the rules. It's not like there are no other choices for travelers to make.
State bill targets Chick-fil-A hours at Thruway service plazas
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Two New York State lawmakers have introduced a new bill, with the focus on Chick-fil-A and its business hours along the Thruway.

The bill would require Chick-fil-A restaurants at New York State Thruway service plazas to be open seven days a week. Chick-fil-A is known for its chicken, and for having its locations closed on Sundays.
How the hell is that a war on Christianity? Does being open in Saturday mean they hate Jews?
Chick Fil A is a religious organization,the government forcing them to change their religious beliefs is against the 1st Amendment which guarantees freedom of religion.

Although in this case, the real problem isn't the fact that CFA isn't open Sundays, but that fact that they oppose the idea of men violating each other's butt holes and the libs in Albany want to punish that.
Its a fast food chain.
America has always had great Christians. Some Christian organizations even send missionaries to Africa to show those people the errors in their ways.
Yea Africa had gold, diamonds, silver, etc. and then they got the Bible. Now what do they have? The Bible. No good gold, no silver, no diamonds, etc.

How can you annoint my head with oil, when there is a gaping wound in yours.

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