Democrats War on God.

You need to make up your mind, is it a battle against God or liberty?
I'm not the one confused here. Your premise is wong. It's a battle of free people that believe in God against the secular commies in our government.

Then the title of your OP was fake news. It is not a war on God, but on those who claim to follow the God
Whatever. Democrats hate God. Period.

"Democrats" is politics.
"God" is religion.

There is no intersection. They're not related.
Religious freedom is a Constitutional right. Do you agree?

Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.
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I don't think there is anything wrong with the motto, "In god we trust...", as long as they also include the rest of it, which is, "...all others, pay cash".
Repubs want to be reminded of a God who will smite them while they sin..

They want to be controlled and able to judge people for not walking a narrow line in life. These people are all about government. Things that are social or at home should be nearly government free as far as I am concern!
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Repubs want to be reminded of a God who will smite them while they sin..

They want to be controlled and able to judge people for not walking a narrow line in life. These people are all about government. Thing that are social or at home should be nearly government free as far as I am concern!
I see it more as a cheerleading squad trying to advertise who is most pious.
The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
why don't I see you in the fz? that is where all the fun is
I used to be a republican, and god gave me license to lecture those who were not righteous. After Baby bush was elected, i became a democrat, which apparently makes me entirely godless. I kind of miss him, in a way...
In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
why don't I see you in the fz? that is where all the fun is
And liberal indoctrination.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
why don't I see you in the fz? that is where all the fun is
And liberal indoctrination.
are you complaining, or catching up on that 200 post deficit?
Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
why don't I see you in the fz? that is where all the fun is
And liberal indoctrination.
are you complaining, or catching up on that 200 post deficit?
Looking for elderberries.
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
why don't I see you in the fz? that is where all the fun is
And liberal indoctrination.
are you complaining, or catching up on that 200 post deficit?
Looking for elderberries.
they should be easy to find in southern Missouri
What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
why don't I see you in the fz? that is where all the fun is
And liberal indoctrination.
are you complaining, or catching up on that 200 post deficit?
Looking for elderberries.
they should be easy to find in southern Missouri
Mulberries are all over da place along with poison ivy.
why don't I see you in the fz? that is where all the fun is
And liberal indoctrination.
are you complaining, or catching up on that 200 post deficit?
Looking for elderberries.
they should be easy to find in southern Missouri
Mulberries are all over da place along with poison ivy.
oh, that's right. I thought it was elderberries that grew wild there
This topic obviously disturbs the moderator on duty. Too bad. Grow up.
why ignore what is being said to you? your OP is complete bullshit and a mod called you on it
It's "complete bullshit" because democrats don't like being exposed for the commies that they are. The mod exposed their political bias by taking my thread personally. Tough. Grow up.
? I don't know who moved this, but personally I think it is the reaction to the OP that probably got it moved.
I'm not the one confused here. Your premise is wong. It's a battle of free people that believe in God against the secular commies in our government.

Then the title of your OP was fake news. It is not a war on God, but on those who claim to follow the God
Whatever. Democrats hate God. Period.

"Democrats" is politics.
"God" is religion.

There is no intersection. They're not related.
Religious freedom is a Constitutional right. Do you agree?

Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.
You claim that religious freedom "interferes with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms" is not a Constitutional right. There is no Constitutional right to freedom from being offended by a Constitutional right. The fact you don't like Christians is a personal problem, not a Constitutional one.
This topic obviously disturbs the moderator on duty. Too bad. Grow up.
why ignore what is being said to you? your OP is complete bullshit and a mod called you on it
It's "complete bullshit" because democrats don't like being exposed for the commies that they are. The mod exposed their political bias by taking my thread personally. Tough. Grow up.
? I don't know who moved this, but personally I think it is the reaction to the OP that probably got it moved.
It's back in the Politics forum, where it should be. Must be a rookie moderator.

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