Democrats were owners of slaves, i get that they have a big guilt complex for their actions, so today Democrats want to be the slaves..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
So i get the white guilt complex, where liberals were for the longest time so mad at themselves for owning slaves. So they voted in Barrack Hussain Obama, the "magic negro", who was clean and articulate. He decided that it would be a good thing of US citizens were slaves of China, then everything would be equal, and no more guilt. Of course most of the US decided that they didnt want to become stupid slaves to China and voted against 4 more years of the brown turds policies by not voting for the sick bitch Hillery, the enabler of rapists. So here we are today with China releasing the Wuhan Virus upon US and making liberals act like slave owners again, telling the rest of US what to do.

So i get the white guilt complex, where liberals were for the longest time so mad at themselves for owning slaves. So they voted in Barrack Hussain Obama, the "magic negro", who was clean and articulate. He decided that it would be a good thing of US citizens were slaves of China, then everything would be equal, and no more guilt. Of course most of the US decided that they didnt want to become stupid slaves to China and voted against 4 more years of the brown turds policies by not voting for the sick bitch Hillery, the enabler of rapists. So here we are today with China releasing the Wuhan Virus upon US and making liberals act like slave owners again, telling the rest of US what to do.

Damn good synopsis.
None of the democrats today owned slaves. And since that's your excuse when we talk about how whites have benefitted from slavery then that applies now. Republicans ended reconstruction. A majority republican supreme court nullified the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in the civil rights cases of the late 1800's. A republican majority in the supreme court made separate and equal the law and republicans enforced segregation just as much as democrats.

So your attempt to revise history in order to deny the racism in the modern republican party is pathetic. This is part of what happened in the 1964 Republican convention when the republican party decided to become the party by andf0or the racists.

Arriving at the convention, Republicans were met by the thunderous chants of 50,000 anti-Goldwater protesters, including members of the Congress of Racial Equality, who wore their sharpest funeral attire, carried wooden caskets and held signs reading “Republican Party—Born 1860, Died 1964.”

After huddling in a war room at the convention hotel, the demoralized group of black delegates did something unusual for a group of Republicans: They publicly denounced their party’s presidential nominee as racist, called the party’s platform discriminatory and united across ideological lines to create the NNRA, vowing to use the organization to defeat the segment of the GOP that was “determined to establish a lily-white Republican Party.”


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