Democrats, what would be a good trade-off for the $5B?

Democrats should settle for nothing less than the return of The Shah.
Public education, health care, housing, jobs, they don’t protest civic leaders and usually let democrats do as they please dot comm
I don’t need a link I live it.. a brand new city of Boston funded dentist office opened in my town, I went in after a couple of months to get some work done, they refused to take new patients and as I looked in the waiting room all non English speakers. Why in the world would the democrats that run my city do that to me?

Also if you think illegals are coming here with money can you give me some evidence they are paying for the first hospital visit? A name A date A time Thanks
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

If I'm Trump, I never sign anything they want until they kneel before reality. Not one thing. I would literally bury them in Executive Orders and, with Senate cooperation, investigations of the House Democrat leadership and their media cohorts.

So. There it is. :113:

Ahh, now EOs are good things? A few years ago, you guys were calling them unconstitutional.

Many of Obama's were unconstitutional.

Politically, the 2020 Senate races have a lot of red in them and a very motivated blue base. And in two of the states (KS, ME), they just got through electing DEM governors and have GOP senators up for re-election.

Time will tell, and there's lots of it.

Either the EO as a tool is constitutional or not.

Is that naivete or ignorance speaking?

That there will be an energized Democratic Party is pretty much a given. Whether the blob can whip up enough fear and hate to energize the Reds is a question.

It's a given that "energized" Communism will appeal to the unsuccessful and the ignorant. Go for it. Between the adolescent social screeds and the increasing opposition to national security and free speech, your rhetoric is bound to overreach.
Your supported the lying O. No difference.
Hey Brownie You really want to compare the 2 years worth of lies and BS spewed by Trump with an occasional mistake by Obama in 8 years?
Obamaturd was one big eight year long mistake!
Glad you got what you wished for You deserve Trump
Happy to have Trump! He cares about this country unlike the obamaturd!
Willow you have a career on Sat Night Live
Edward, you are a waste of time.
As a poor American it’s not a waste. Illegals are moving to poor neighborhoods and taking resources that only belong to Americans.
What exactly are these folks taking from you?
Our money! Our school chairs, our hospital beds, our food, our jobs, our identities and some of us are losing our lives and. They are not supposed to be here!
SO? get illegals out Just try not to kill their kids on the way There is a legal process to enter America Make sure that is used fairly

What's unfair about the legal process?
Not a thing BK But now with a dem house you're going to get all the "legal" you can stomach

Quid pro quo. That will work both ways. Be careful what you wish for.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Have Trump sign a promise on TV that he will not run in 2020. A promise like that can't be broken in front of voters. Teddy Roosevelt tried it, and it does not work.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Where is the SANITY in wasting $5B on a political stunt that you KNOW won't do anything to curb the problem you say you're stopping?
40% of the illegals came here legally. That means 60% didn't. Now, a lot of them are Asians, so not all of them have come over the southern border sneaky like, but let's say 40% did. Obviously, it isn't that hard, since we keep hearing stories about illegals that have been here and then deported time and time again.
So 40% would not be able to get here simply by walking anymore if there were walls or fences. That is quite a lot of "problem" solved.

What is also hardly mentioned is that a lot of the economy is not found in any governmental report. I doubt it is enough to move the needle in the national debate but here is one story I remember hearing on Planet Money:

Its a story about the City Water Department in Detroit, MI. The City was shutting off the water to delinquent customers….

CHACE: The shut-offs got attention, but they did not solve the problem. When something hasn't been enforced and then abruptly is, that doesn't necessarily shock everyone into paying for it, especially since the city slapped on this extra fee to get your water turned back on. And so this cat-and-mouse game began between enforcers like Chester and residents like Tamika. Chester and the Water Department turned the water off. Tamika looked around and saw there were guys who could help on her street, sort of illegal plumbers who would turn the water back on.

MIMS: I was outside and seeing someone else getting theirs on. And I said hey - I called the man. He really wanted $75. I said he was high as (unintelligible).

CHACE: She talked him down to 50. And some guy on the street turned her water back on. It wasn't hard to find a guy. As I walked down Tamika's street, I saw these two guys parked in their car, drinking beer, eating lunch. Turns out they had turned on some people's water.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: We do it - anything for everybody because we feel like nobody should be without water. You shouldn't be without electricity. There's no way you can live without electricity or the water. So, I mean, whatever we got to do, we'll do it.

CHACE: It's not even hard. All you need is a long pole with a prong on the end. It's called a water key. Reach into the water box on the sidewalk, turn the valve.

So you know how to turn it on? Do you ever do that for people?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: A couple times.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #2: Well, they used to sell keys at Home Depot.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: They used to. I'm not sure if they still do. I think they still do.

CHACE: So Tamika had water again for about a week. Then Chester showed up again with his own key, and he turned off the water again. And this time he poured rocks into the turn-off point so illegal plumbers couldn't use their keys to turn it back on. Chester had to do this a bunch of times, pour these rocks into people's water boxes.

I would bet that the “unidentified man” now has something that sucks rocks out of the pit…

The paradigm is that the economy is far larger than what is showing up in government reports.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

Even when the blackmail has been paid, the life of the victim cannot be insured. Nothing Trump promises can be trusted, he's a damn liar and everyone knows it, some simply deny it.
I don't care who pays for it. It will be well worth the cost in the billions saved every year.
BUT Trump promised over 20 times that Mexico would pay Why do you support a lying pos?

Your supported the lying O. No difference.
Hey Brownie You really want to compare the 2 years worth of lies and BS spewed by Trump with an occasional mistake by Obama in 8 years?

Yeah O lied hundreds of times. Him and W are even worse than trump.
DOW opened off 361 You and Willow want to blame Obama?
Your progressive socialist friends want a stock market collapse. If it happens I would laugh so hard seeing potential checks sent out to people cut in half and more. And collapsing loans also. Eventually medical care would be rationed. i will suffer. But you will know the realities of a system where we are living beyond our means. Much of the comforts we live with are from overseas. You don't get it.
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

If I'm Trump, I never sign anything they want until they kneel before reality. Not one thing. I would literally bury them in Executive Orders and, with Senate cooperation, investigations of the House Democrat leadership and their media cohorts.

So. There it is. :113:

Ahh, now EOs are good things? A few years ago, you guys were calling them unconstitutional.

Many of Obama's were unconstitutional.

Politically, the 2020 Senate races have a lot of red in them and a very motivated blue base. And in two of the states (KS, ME), they just got through electing DEM governors and have GOP senators up for re-election.

Time will tell, and there's lots of it.

Either the EO as a tool is constitutional or not.

Is that naivete or ignorance speaking?

That there will be an energized Democratic Party is pretty much a given. Whether the blob can whip up enough fear and hate to energize the Reds is a question.

It's a given that "energized" Communism will appeal to the unsuccessful and the ignorant. Go for it. Between the adolescent social screeds and the increasing opposition to national security and free speech, your rhetoric is bound to overreach.
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.
/----/ "You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. " You're a bald face liar. The president has kept over 85% of his campaign promises so far. You think you can just throw your hate filled propaganda out here without being called on it?
View attachment 238027

Not true.
View attachment 238028
/----/ BS - post the link with proof. Here's mine: Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?
I don’t need a link I live it.. a brand new city of Boston funded dentist office opened in my town, I went in after a couple of months to get some work done, they refused to take new patients and as I looked in the waiting room all non English speakers. Why in the world would the democrats that run my city do that to me?

Also if you think illegals are coming here with money can you give me some evidence they are paying for the first hospital visit? A name A date A time Thanks
What makes you think your uninformed opinion and/or anecdotal data is worth more than informed opinions and fact-based studies?
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

Even when the blackmail has been paid, the life of the victim cannot be insured. Nothing Trump promises can be trusted, he's a damn liar and everyone knows it, some simply deny it.

yeah, Trump lied when he said

if you like your plan you can keep it
we landed under sniper fire
Benghazi was caused by a video
I never sent classified data on my private server

oh wait, those weren't Trump, now remind us who said them. K?
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.
/----/ "You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. " You're a bald face liar. The president has kept over 85% of his campaign promises so far. You think you can just throw your hate filled propaganda out here without being called on it?
View attachment 238027

Not true.
View attachment 238028
/----/ BS - post the link with proof. Here's mine: Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

From your link:

Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at 8.55.47 AM.png

On a site the blob is paying for…the blob says he kept his promises.

Wow; you’d have to be pretty dumb to put much faith in that.
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

Even when the blackmail has been paid, the life of the victim cannot be insured. Nothing Trump promises can be trusted, he's a damn liar and everyone knows it, some simply deny it.

yeah, Trump lied when he said

if you like your plan you can keep it
we landed under sniper fire
Benghazi was caused by a video
I never sent classified data on my private server

oh wait, those weren't Trump, now remind us who said them. K?

Every defense of the blob involves someone else’s actions.
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Have you ever posted anything which is not an echo from Trump, Hannity, Limbaugh or McConnell?
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

trump in prison orange....

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