Democrats, what would be a good trade-off for the $5B?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL

Trump is a narcissist and his ego is in play. Thus we can expect more Chaos from the White House, and unless the R's compromise we are destined to remain in Dante's First Circle of Hell, i.e. Limbo.

Compromise? Fuck compromise!

And here is, in black on white ^^^ what is wrong in our country. - Willow Tree.
Please explain!
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

Same here. I wouldn't give him even one penny for a wall.

I would look at him and tell him to get that money from where he said he would get it, Mexico.
Everyone knows that 56b is chump change when it comes to government spending. Obama gave that much to dying solar companies. Democrats don't care about the Wall. They will stonewall (pardon the pun) everything the President tries to do for the next two years.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

I would protect all the DACA people.

Then I would add the following:

Total repeal of the tax cut passed in 2017.
Total and proper funding and support of Obamacare.
Establish a new tax to pay for the wall and it's maintenance. Impose a 50% tax on all unearned income on those who receive 250 thousand and more in unearned income. Also impose a 50% tax on luxury items such as private jets, their fuel and hangers they're stored in.
There would be no building of a wall until the revenues to pay for it have been collected. No bonds sold or any sort of debt can be allowed to build that wall.
How about a fair flat tax of 25% so everyone has some skin in the game and it would stop jackasses like you from wanting to tax everyone else! Use the money we spend on illegals to pay for the wall no need for additional taxes! That’s all a brain dead democrat can think of is taxing the shit out of the earners!
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

I would protect all the DACA people.
But not Americans
Then I would add the following:

Total repeal of the tax cut passed in 2017. Tax Americans
Total and proper funding and support of Obamacare. Tax Americans
Establish a new tax to pay for the wall and it's maintenance. Impose a 50% tax on all unearned income on those who receive tax Americans250 thousand and more in unearned income. Also impose a 50% tax on luxury items such as private jets, their fuel and hangers they're stored in. TAX AMERICANS
There would be no building of a wall until the revenues to pay for it have been collected. No bonds sold or any sort of debt can be allowed to build that wall.
tax Americans
Compromise? Fuck compromise!​

And here is, in black on white ^^^ what is wrong in our country. - Willow Tree.

Willow Tree is perfectly right. You do not compromise with fascists, or other nitwits bent on tearing down whatever the Republic and this immigrant nation are supposed to stand for, ever. For otherwise the damage would be irreparable.
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

Same here. I wouldn't give him even one penny for a wall.

I would look at him and tell him to get that money from where he said he would get it, Mexico.
I think they'll offer something more that 1.6b in new deficit, but only if it's for "border security" and he admits there's no contiguous wall. Imo, the RW media will grudgingly accept that, because they've known it since 2015. We're not building a wall on some guy's land that sits in a focking desert a hundred miles from nowhere. We'd still need the focking drones to see the illegal aliens coming OVER the damn wall. LOL

How Trump sells that to is delusional voters is his problem.
Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL

Trump is a narcissist and his ego is in play. Thus we can expect more Chaos from the White House, and unless the R's compromise we are destined to remain in Dante's First Circle of Hell, i.e. Limbo.

Compromise? Fuck compromise!

And here is, in black on white ^^^ what is wrong in our country. - Willow Tree.

Please explain!

The Constitution itself was created by compromise; the Separation of Power was intended to create debate and compromise. Sadly, compromise has become a dirty word, and people like you feed the ego of Trump who is already too fat (metaphorically and in reality) and too stupid to work with others to solve problems; in fact he creates them.
Everyone knows that 56b is chump change when it comes to government spending. Obama gave that much to dying solar companies. Democrats don't care about the Wall. They will stonewall (pardon the pun) everything the President tries to do for the next two years.
Agreed. The Ds are merely playing politics.

Remember when Poppy Bush stupidly disavowed his no new taxes pledge, based on the Ds lies about controlling spending. That made him a one term POTUS. I would think Donnie knows this, but then again maybe not.
We can always look at all the compromises Republicans offered Obama..... none

Trump deserves no funding
Everyone knows that 56b is chump change when it comes to government spending. Obama gave that much to dying solar companies. Democrats don't care about the Wall. They will stonewall (pardon the pun) everything the President tries to do for the next two years.

Grow up and turn off Fox and Friends.
Hey Brownie You really want to compare the 2 years worth of lies and BS spewed by Trump with an occasional mistake by Obama in 8 years?

Yeah O lied hundreds of times. Him and W are even worse than trump.
DOW opened off 361 You and Willow want to blame Obama?
Well just recently the obamaturd marched out and said the economy was his. Who should we blame? Was the obamaturd lying?
I guess Willow you have to hold both of them back to back and make up your mind who the real liar is When and IF Obama said the economy was his he meant the good and getting better economy he handed over to trump Remember hearing Trump bleating on how great HIS markets were doing ?? Hear from him recently about last year the worst in 10 years???What a pos you support

Yeah well, you have options.

Wrong, he has facts; you have echoes and opinions framed for you by Limbaugh, Hannity, and all others who profit from keeping chaos on going.
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

Same here. I wouldn't give him even one penny for a wall.

I would look at him and tell him to get that money from where he said he would get it, Mexico.

Let me say this about that.

A lot of people of all political stripes thinks the wall will do some good; I doubt it will do much but a barrier does prevent you from driving your truck full of god-knows-wha
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

Same here. I wouldn't give him even one penny for a wall.

I would look at him and tell him to get that money from where he said he would get it, Mexico.
I think they'll offer something more that 1.6b in new deficit, but only if it's for "border security" and he admits there's no contiguous wall. Imo, the RW media will grudgingly accept that, because they've known it since 2015. We're not building a wall on some guy's land that sits in a focking desert a hundred miles from nowhere. We'd still need the focking drones to see the illegal aliens coming OVER the damn wall. LOL

How Trump sells that to is delusional voters is his problem.

Well, anything less than $5B is a defeat for him. And what Trump cannot show is weakness to his base. This is what all of the lies are about; not about trying to push this or promote that or do anything substantive….it’s all about appearances. This is why the taxes aren’t released; you’d find out he’s not as rich as he says he is. This is why the threats are made; to show he is the biggest dog in the ring…then when they are not followed up on…there is never another admission of defeat or compromise. So I’d never give $5B because anything less wounds him with his all or nothing base.
The Constitution itself was created by compromise; the Separation of Power was intended to create debate and compromise. Sadly, compromise has become a dirty word, and people like you feed the ego of Trump who is already too fat (metaphorically and in reality) and too stupid to work with others to solve problems; in fact he creates them.

That's all fine, Wry. But those folks back then compromised while comfortably standing on common ground with the shared intent of creating a nation that would last while promoting the common welfare. Republicans have long abandoned that common ground that made compromise not only possible, but even desirable and beneficial to the nation, and headed for "greener" pastures in the form of subservience to a resentment-driven and plutocrat-ruled pseudo-Republic, a journey that ended up elevating a meglomaniac would-be autocrat to the throne.

Compromise is not a "dirty word", and it never will be. Surrender to blackmail, however, is, and always will be. Confusing the two, in conjunction with feigning everything's just normal, gives those who purposefully create the problems for destructive ends the upper hand.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
There is no "trade off" for a reckless and irresponsible waste of 5 billion dollars serving only to appease Trump's frightened, hateful, bigoted base.

So much for Republicans being "fiscally responsible."
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

I would protect all the DACA people.

Then I would add the following:

Total repeal of the tax cut passed in 2017.
Total and proper funding and support of Obamacare.
Establish a new tax to pay for the wall and it's maintenance. Impose a 50% tax on all unearned income on those who receive 250 thousand and more in unearned income. Also impose a 50% tax on luxury items such as private jets, their fuel and hangers they're stored in.
There would be no building of a wall until the revenues to pay for it have been collected. No bonds sold or any sort of debt can be allowed to build that wall.
How about a fair flat tax of 25% so everyone has some skin in the game and it would stop jackasses like you from wanting to tax everyone else! Use the money we spend on illegals to pay for the wall no need for additional taxes! That’s all a brain dead democrat can think of is taxing the shit out of the earners!

Why is it that conservatives can scream they don't want their tax dollars paying for something but liberals can't do the same? Conservatives actually get their way too. There are things that conservatives have made it illegal for our federal tax dollars to pay for. Yet you expect to be the only ones who can do that.

I don't want a wall. The majority of the nation doesn't want a wall.

If you and trump want a wall pay for it. Don't make the rest of us pay for and don't add it to the national debt.

The rich get the most benefits from undocumented workers. They get cheap labor, they don't have to pay for any benefits or follow the labor laws of our nation.

If you really were serious about preventing undocumented workers you would support what will actually work. Hold the criminal employers accountable for the crimes they are committing by hiring those undocumented workers. Those criminal employers are reaping millions off the undocumented workers and us citizens. Yet you let them get away with those crimes.

If criminal employers were thrown in prison for at least a decade, their business destroyed and they're totally bankrupted, no employer would hire an undocumented worker. No American would lose a job to an undocumented worker and they would stop coming here.

If there's no job, they won't come.

Instead you want to let those criminals keep getting away with their crimes and to keep getting filthy rich off their crimes.

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