Democrats, what would be a good trade-off for the $5B?

The political stunt is refusing to fund the wall because it would mean Trump’s core campaign promise was build a wall.
If this was his core campaign promise, then why didn't he get this taken care of first, instead of blowing all his political capital on, yet another tax cut for the rich, that any and every other Republican President would have done?

Are you pleased with his priorities?
Because Democrats never wanted him to get it done. Nevermind Mitch McConnell/Paul Ryan dragging their feet on it. Trump has been demanding funding since day-one.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

democrats want the border wide open.

They will settle for nothing else.

This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
dems would rather give 150b to terrorism and the iranians than border security and making americans safe.
Democrats seem to hate Americans. The obamaturd taught them that!
Willow And here I was thinking you're so much better than that BS I admit ,,,,,,I was wrong
Do you think that approach would change their mind?
Considering the level of their hatred for Donald Trump, their lust for power, their love of illegals who they see as a reservoir of / for millions of Illegal but hopefully-soon-to-be-legal-after-a-blanket-amnesty-is-given voters, and their total disdain for the American people, NO, I don't think such a rational argument presented to the Democrats would do a thing to influence them.
I would protect all the DACA people.

Then I would add the following:

Total repeal of the tax cut passed in 2017.
Total and proper funding and support of Obamacare.
Establish a new tax to pay for the wall and it's maintenance. Impose a 50% tax on all unearned income on those who receive 250 thousand and more in unearned income. Also impose a 50% tax on luxury items such as private jets, their fuel and hangers they're stored in.
There would be no building of a wall until the revenues to pay for it have been collected. No bonds sold or any sort of debt can be allowed to build that wall.
How about a fair flat tax of 25% so everyone has some skin in the game and it would stop jackasses like you from wanting to tax everyone else! Use the money we spend on illegals to pay for the wall no need for additional taxes! That’s all a brain dead democrat can think of is taxing the shit out of the earners!

Why is it that conservatives can scream they don't want their tax dollars paying for something but liberals can't do the same? Conservatives actually get their way too. There are things that conservatives have made it illegal for our federal tax dollars to pay for. Yet you expect to be the only ones who can do that.

I don't want a wall. The majority of the nation doesn't want a wall. WHY?

If you and trump want a wall pay for it. Don't make the rest of us pay for and don't add it to the national debt.

The rich get the most benefits from undocumented workers. They get cheap labor, they don't have to pay for any benefits or follow the labor laws of our nation. Deny the rich, build the wall.

If you really were serious about preventing undocumented workers you would support what will actually work. Hold the criminal employers accountable for the crimes they are committing by hiring those undocumented workers. Those criminal employers are reaping millions off the undocumented workers and us citizens. Yet you let them get away with those crimes.

If criminal employers were thrown in prison for at least a decade, their business destroyed and they're totally bankrupted, no employer would hire an undocumented worker. No American would lose a job to an undocumented worker and they would stop coming here. FALSE. THE ACLU HAS SUED DENYING EMPLOYERS THE RIGHT TO ASL. GIVE THE EMPLOYER A FULL PROOF METHOD OF VERIFYING CITIZENSHIP THEN SPEW YOUR BULLSHIT ABOUT ARRESTING THEM.

If there's no job, they won't come.

Instead you want to let those criminals keep getting away with their crimes and to keep getting filthy rich off their crimes.
Use e Verify

If you get caught using illegal labor, you go to jail

Until Republicans are willing to do that, they cant be taken seriously

Until ewe stop the ACLU we cannot take ewe seriously

The 10 Big Problems with E-Verify
ACLU hasnt done anything to stop e verify
You think you can just throw your hate filled propaganda out here without being called on it?

In a word, CB ---- YEAH. Not only does the Left THINK it, that is all they do.

Make stuff up.
Change the topic.
Then claim they never said it.
Claim YOU said it.
Do stuff then accuse you of it.

Just like little children.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Simply enforcing the laws we already have........~S~
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Where is the SANITY in wasting $5B on a political stunt that you KNOW won't do anything to curb the problem you say you're stopping?
The political stunt is refusing to fund the wall because it would mean Trump’s core campaign promise was build a wall.

That wasn't the complete promise. The complete promise was a political stunt.
Trump said he would build a wall.
He also said he wouldn't grant amnesty.
Democrats set out to undermine both by refusing to fund the wall and created Sanctuary Cities. Fuck national security

If Democrats weren't such criminals we wouldn't be talking about this issue in the first place.
So not a lot of serious ideas, I take it.

Well. It’s not without reason.

Democrats have signaled for a long time than they are in favor of effective border security as well as comprehend immigration reform.

The president has chosen to push the false narratives that immigrants are dangerous and that they vote and that Dems want them to come in freely without regard for the law.

The wall is now a symbol of all that dishonesty in addition to being an ineffective and impractical tool.

Finally, the president told us that we would not be paying for it.

So, for 5B in border security funding the Dems should stipulate that none is used for new walls or barriers unless a select bipartisan committee unanimously approves the project.

A pathway for legal status for dreamers, dropping the whole “merit” idea and continuing chain migration should all be part of the package. As well as an easier work visa system which solves our labor shortage issue in certain industries.

Finally, stiffer penalties for those who employ undocumented immigrants.

That should do it.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

Nothing. You don’t get something for committing extortion. This isnt a give and take. It’s s dereliction if duty.

Here’s the deal. Do your job and we might not vote you out of office.

Very true

Give in to Trumps extortion and it only encourages him to do it next time
he learned that from his mafia friends .......and his pal putin
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Where is the SANITY in wasting $5B on a political stunt that you KNOW won't do anything to curb the problem you say you're stopping?
The political stunt is refusing to fund the wall because it would mean Trump’s core campaign promise was build a wall.

That wasn't the complete promise. The complete promise was a political stunt.
Trump said he would build a wall.
He also said he wouldn't grant amnesty.
Democrats set out to undermine both by refusing to fund the wall and created Sanctuary Cities. Fuck national security

If Democrats weren't such criminals we wouldn't be talking about this issue in the first place.

When you're through discarding your self-respect, you can read the complete promise:

"I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I'll have Mexico pay for that wall." - Orange Judas

He didn't promise to shut down the government if Mexico wouldn't pay for his wall. That was improvised.
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress

So your saying that the wall should be paid for by Americans, but offset by some hypothetical trade balance?

Since any change in the trade balance does not go to the government, but to private business, would you support increased taxing those businesses so the government gets the benefits of the new trade balance, not the private sector?

Maybe those private businesses should pay for the wall!

Trump promised to make Mexico pay for the wall. He should either live up to that promise or STFU!

Pretty good, Candyhead! Did you make that one up yourself? Make it, say it and they will believe? Hey, I can make one up too, I think a bit closer to the truth, eh?

What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!
So your saying that the wall should be paid for by Americans, but offset by some hypothetical trade balance?

I don't know, RH, what happened to it. Fair question, but then, Trump's not out of office yet, either. When was the last time your heard congressional support for the idea? What do you think better, not build the wall and leave the huge immigration problem a mess or pay for the wall ourselves, stop the immigration problem, then go back and try to get Mexico to fund it through trade modifications and continued changes to immigration policy?
So not a lot of serious ideas, I take it.

Well. It’s not without reason.

Democrats have signaled for a long time than they are in favor of effective border security as well as comprehend immigration reform.

The president has chosen to push the false narratives that immigrants are dangerous and that they vote and that Dems want them to come in freely without regard for the law.

The wall is now a symbol of all that dishonesty in addition to being an ineffective and impractical tool.

Finally, the president told us that we would not be paying for it.

So, for 5B in border security funding the Dems should stipulate that none is used for new walls or barriers unless a select bipartisan committee unanimously approves the project.

A pathway for legal status for dreamers, dropping the whole “merit” idea and continuing chain migration should all be part of the package. As well as an easier work visa system which solves our labor shortage issue in certain industries.

Finally, stiffer penalties for those who employ undocumented immigrants.

That should do it.
Bullshit! Same shit different day! You democrats hate Americans want amnesty for all illegals and the American taxpayer gets hosed. Build the damn wall give the taxpayer a break.
There is no way any political party in the US should reward rat bastards that sneak into this country. Period Give us that damn wall.

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