Democrats, what would be a good trade-off for the $5B?

Why is it that conservatives can scream they don't want their tax dollars paying for something but liberals can't do the same? Conservatives actually get their way too. There are things that conservatives have made it illegal for our federal tax dollars to pay for. Yet you expect to be the only ones who can do that.

I don't want a wall. The majority of the nation doesn't want a wall.

If you and trump want a wall pay for it. Don't make the rest of us pay for and don't add it to the national debt.

The rich get the most benefits from undocumented workers. They get cheap labor, they don't have to pay for any benefits or follow the labor laws of our nation.

If you really were serious about preventing undocumented workers you would support what will actually work. Hold the criminal employers accountable for the crimes they are committing by hiring those undocumented workers. Those criminal employers are reaping millions off the undocumented workers and us citizens. Yet you let them get away with those crimes.

If criminal employers were thrown in prison for at least a decade, their business destroyed and they're totally bankrupted, no employer would hire an undocumented worker. No American would lose a job to an undocumented worker and they would stop coming here.

If there's no job, they won't come.

Instead you want to let those criminals keep getting away with their crimes and to keep getting filthy rich off their crimes.
In America, it seems that laws aren't written to punish whites, but to punish all others. Most of these so-called "job creators" are whites, so no punishment for them. Instead they would seek to waste time and money by going after and severely punishing the non-white employees, and not the employers who are ultimately the cause of this problem.
Why is it that conservatives can scream they don't want their tax dollars paying for something but liberals can't do the same? Conservatives actually get their way too. There are things that conservatives have made it illegal for our federal tax dollars to pay for. Yet you expect to be the only ones who can do that.

I don't want a wall. The majority of the nation doesn't want a wall.

If you and trump want a wall pay for it. Don't make the rest of us pay for and don't add it to the national debt.

The rich get the most benefits from undocumented workers. They get cheap labor, they don't have to pay for any benefits or follow the labor laws of our nation.

If you really were serious about preventing undocumented workers you would support what will actually work. Hold the criminal employers accountable for the crimes they are committing by hiring those undocumented workers. Those criminal employers are reaping millions off the undocumented workers and us citizens. Yet you let them get away with those crimes.

If criminal employers were thrown in prison for at least a decade, their business destroyed and they're totally bankrupted, no employer would hire an undocumented worker. No American would lose a job to an undocumented worker and they would stop coming here.

If there's no job, they won't come.

Instead you want to let those criminals keep getting away with their crimes and to keep getting filthy rich off their crimes.
In America, it seems that laws aren't written to punish whites, but to punish all others. Most of these so-called "job creators" are whites, so no punishment for them. Instead they would seek to waste time and money by going after and severely punishing the non-white employees, and not the employers who are ultimately the cause of this problem.
You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise.

Meantime Trump has followed through on more promises than the last three presidents combined.

Where are the tax returns, the check from Mexico, our victory in the trade war….his hiring the best people, branding China a currency manipulator…the space force, combining Cabinet departments….

Pretty good, Candyhead! Did you make that one up yourself? Make it, say it and they will believe? Hey, I can make one up too, I think a bit closer to the truth, eh?

View attachment 238053

Did you color that yourself? My pie chart came from Politifact:

Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at 12.07.16 PM.png

Trump’s failures are of his own creation.

No. Wait! WAIT! Without realizing it, Cornhole, your chart really ain't that bad. All it needs is to be rephrased a little bit, youy know, the same way you rephrase poll questions! Merely presented slightly differently, your chart actually FLATTERS Trump!


What it actually says, Dummkopf, is that Trump is right on track with about 70% of his stuff and about 2/3rds of that which he isn't is actually YOUR FAULT.

Thank you for finally saying something I can agree with.
What would be the trade off?

How about Republicans get a little common sense?

Anyone who goes to the border and looks at the land says it looks like it’s impossible to build a wall there.

Walls are what the Soviets used to keep people captive.

No. Wait! WAIT! Without realizing it, Cornhole, your chart really ain't that bad. All it needs is to be rephrased a little bit, youy know, the same way you rephrase poll questions! Merely presented slightly differently, your chart actually FLATTERS Trump!

View attachment 238057

What it actually says, Dummkopf, is that Trump is right on track with about 70% of his stuff and about 2/3rds of that which he isn't is actually YOUR FAULT.

Thank you for finally saying something I can agree with.
It all depends on what the promise is.

Republicans promised to squat sh!t on the American people with their tax cuts for billionaires.

Promise kept.
Because Democrats never wanted him to get it done. Nevermind Mitch McConnell/Paul Ryan dragging their feet on it. Trump has been demanding funding since day-one.
Republicans had FULL CONTROL when Trump first came in to Office.

I call BS!
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No. Wait! WAIT! Without realizing it, Cornhole, your chart really ain't that bad. All it needs is to be rephrased a little bit, youy know, the same way you rephrase poll questions! Merely presented slightly differently, your chart actually FLATTERS Trump!

View attachment 238057

What it actually says, Dummkopf, is that Trump is right on track with about 70% of his stuff and about 2/3rds of that which he isn't is actually YOUR FAULT.

Thank you for finally saying something I can agree with.

Must be some of those Trump alternative facts being used….LOL
Trump’s failures are of his own creation.

Trump's failures are all of the left's creation. Gee, you sure do provide some real good fodder to beat you over the head with! Do you have an ass-licking machine in your bedroom?

Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at 12.07.16 PM.png


1). Repeal Obamacare. Blocked by democrats and RINOs like McCain.
2). Building a wall, got part done, democrats trying to block the rest.
3). Suspend immigration from terror prone places accomplished despite being blocked numerous times by democratic judges.
4). Cutting taxes for everyone done.
5). Lowering the business tax rate mostly there: down to 21% so far + elimination of the alternative minimum tax.


Trump's failures are all of the left's creation. Gee, you sure do provide some real good fodder to beat you over the head with! Do you have an ass-licking machine in your bedroom?

View attachment 238064


1). Repeal Obamacare. Blocked by democrats and RINOs like McCain.
2). Building a wall, got part done, democrats trying to block the rest.
3). Suspend immigration from terror prone places accomplished despite being blocked numerous times by democratic judges.
4). Cutting taxes for everyone done.
5). Lowering the business tax rate mostly there: down to 21% so far + elimination of the alternative minimum tax.

Do you have all your Republicans on board w/that damn wall there Spruce?
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Where is the SANITY in wasting $5B on a political stunt that you KNOW won't do anything to curb the problem you say you're stopping?
The political stunt is refusing to fund the wall because it would mean Trump’s core campaign promise was build a wall.

That wasn't the complete promise. The complete promise was a political stunt.
Trump said he would build a wall.
He also said he wouldn't grant amnesty.
Democrats set out to undermine both by refusing to fund the wall and created Sanctuary Cities. Fuck national security

If Democrats weren't such criminals we wouldn't be talking about this issue in the first place.

When you're through discarding your self-respect, you can read the complete promise:

"I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I'll have Mexico pay for that wall." - Orange Judas

He didn't promise to shut down the government if Mexico wouldn't pay for his wall. That was improvised.
/——-/ I don’t care how he does it or what it looks like. Savy that?
1). Repeal Obamacare. Blocked by democrats and RINOs like McCain.
2). Building a wall, got part done, democrats trying to block the rest.
3). Suspend immigration from terror prone places accomplished despite being blocked numerous times by democratic judges.
4). Cutting taxes for everyone done.
5). Lowering the business tax rate mostly there: down to 21% so far + elimination of the alternative minimum tax.


What happened to "replace"? Something that was supposed to cover everyone, at a fraction of the cost? As an obedient puppy, you tactically forgot about that part.

The paltry tax cuts for the middle class are set to expire shortly, and taxes for them actually rise thereafter, whereas the tax cuts for the upper crust and corporations are permanent.

Defining monumental promises down to the size of mice, and crowing about "accomplished" makes you appear gullible. But then, you're fine with that, aren't you?

BTW, whenever you whine about "blocked by Democrats" while Goobers control the White House and Congress, you just forgot that you're living in a Republic, and governing involves working together with legislators to get things done. Promises are supposed to take that into account. So, how about you spare us the whining and blame-shifting?
Because Democrats never wanted him to get it done. Nevermind Mitch McConnell/Paul Ryan dragging their feet on it. Trump has been demanding funding since day-one.
Republicans had FULL CONTROL when Trump first came in to Office.

I call BS!
Republicans never cared about the wall until they lost the House

Then, with a month left, they decided they wanted a wall
Republicans pushed through tax cuts and Court nominees while they had a majority

Never gave the wall a second thought
You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise.

Meantime Trump has followed through on more promises than the last three presidents combined.

Where are the tax returns, the check from Mexico, our victory in the trade war….his hiring the best people, branding China a currency manipulator…the space force, combining Cabinet departments….

I don't know. Where are they? You tell me. Tax returns? I could care less. I'd rather see yours. Check from Mexico? How many times we gotta tell you there is no stated delivery time. Sill waiting on that $2500 Obama promised me. When's that coming? We are winning the trade war, we've had the best the swamp has to offer, China IS a currency manipulator, we can't afford a space force (you already bitch about the deficit you created as it is), and Trump has slashed government left and right.

Trump has done more with his pinky finger than Obama in 8 years. Really sucks to have to live with such humiliation, doesn't it.

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