Democrats, what would be a good trade-off for the $5B?

Trump told the leadership that he was OK with the bill they passed to keep the government open till Hannity and other idiots on fox scared the shit out of him by saying they would not support him if he caved. And he was dumb enough to believe their lies. Had he signed it they would still be behind him. What? they would go over to the democrats. Give me a break.
Or maybe just not vote! Dumbass!
Speaking of 'You Can't Fix Stupid':

Rep. Jeffries: Trump Is 'Holding America Hostage' With 'Medieval' Border Wall Funding 'Ransom Note'

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) told ABC's "This Week" Sunday that President Trump was holding Americans hostage over his demand for $5 billion in funding for the border wall.

Aside from the fact that Congress BROKE THE LAW by failing to pass a REAL Budget ... again, as the law mandates, and instead going for the never-ending Temp Funding bills....

Hakeem believes that the President of the United States, not the Liberals / Democrats standing with the violent invading illegals instead of with the US citizens who voted them into office to represent THEM, is 'holding the US Hostage' by demanding the Democrats step-up and deliver what they voted for in 2007, by demanding Democrats agree to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect American citizens...which Democrats do NOT want to do.


'Nuff Said...



"In fact, in the four decades since the current system for budgeting and spending tax dollars has been in effect, Congress has managed to pass all its required appropriations measures on time only four times: in fiscal 1977 (the first full fiscal year under the current system), 1989, 1995 and 1997."

Our country's economy / budget is being run by a bunch of self-serving LAWYERS who can not / will not pass an actual budget - NONE of them, BOTH parties.
The wall received funding 12 years ago. Does not guarantee funding forever.
In 2019, we have better things to do with our tax dollars

The President said he was proud to shut down the Government. It is his responsibility
Yeah! Like support illegals! Not!
The problem here is you want to dictate exactly how Mexico pays for it. What kind of President would go for that deal???

It shouldn't matter how Mexico pays for it as long as they fucking pay for it.
Sounds like loser-talk to me.

In response to tubefreak, I might point out that Obama reduced the unemployment numbers from 9.7 to 4.7. That is 5 points. Trump has reduced the unemployment from 4.7 to 3.7 or 1 point. So who really done more to revitalize this economy. How dumb can the righties be.
Dumber than a bag of rocks.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

Good question.

This is one of the situations where it would take A LOT for me to budge on this, simply because I think Trump has ZERO leverage:

- If he doesn't get his wall, then he will look weak to his base and likely lose the next election.
- If he continues this shutdown, he's just sabotaging his own agenda.

I don't know what it would take, but it would be A LOT. And to top it off, I'd want to parade Trump around with his pants down for the next two years as well (half serious). The point is, I'd ask for far more than they'd be willing to negotiate. So I say just let him throw his temper tantrum for the next two years if it lasts that long.

OR how about this:

In exchange for giving DACA full citizenship, we agree to let Mexico pay for this wall. :113:
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress
Sure it does

Show me the money

The thing is, trade agreements are for private business. Our government doesn't own business so our government isn't going to benefit from anything in any trade agreement.

Private business will reap all financial benefits from any trade agreement.

I guess that poster believes we're a communist nation that our government owns all businesses here in the United States. Thus owns all revenues from all of our businesses in the United States.

These people have no idea or concept of reality.
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

If the first Bush were still alive you could ask him how Dems keep promises. They don't.

Five billion for the wall is cheap when you consider the billions Illegals cost we the tax payer every year.

Build the wall. No more can get in and we can boot those that are here out. They won't be able to get back in.

Win, win for the tax payers.

I thought the ACE was going to build it; that is what you said 2 weeks ago.

I don't care who pays for it. It will be well worth the cost in the billions saved every year.
BUT Trump promised over 20 times that Mexico would pay Why do you support a lying pos?

Betcha when Obama said "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", you still supported him.


I kept my doctor. So did most of the people in America.

Then there's the over 20 million Americans who didn't even have a doctor before Obamacare because it was legal for insurance companies to refuse to sell them a policy. They finally had a doctor for the first time in decades and for some, in their lives.

All Obamacare did was make my existing private employer provided insurance much better. I've saved a lot of money because more things are now covered.

It's you republicans who want to take my doctors from me by making it legal for an insurance company to refuse to sell me a policy. I won't just have to change doctors, I won't have any doctor to see if I need any health care. Seems to me it's better to have a doctor than not have one at all.

The way I see it, it's you republicans who are taking doctors from me and millions of other Americans without even giving us an alternative and making it legal for us to never be able to buy insurance again in our lives.

So you use one quote from Obama that wasn't a lie to justify the over 7 thousand lies from trump and you think that's going to excuse trump for his over 7 thousand lies since he became president?

Things don't work that way.
Speaking of 'You Can't Fix Stupid':

Rep. Jeffries: Trump Is 'Holding America Hostage' With 'Medieval' Border Wall Funding 'Ransom Note'

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) told ABC's "This Week" Sunday that President Trump was holding Americans hostage over his demand for $5 billion in funding for the border wall.

Aside from the fact that Congress BROKE THE LAW by failing to pass a REAL Budget ... again, as the law mandates, and instead going for the never-ending Temp Funding bills....

Hakeem believes that the President of the United States, not the Liberals / Democrats standing with the violent invading illegals instead of with the US citizens who voted them into office to represent THEM, is 'holding the US Hostage' by demanding the Democrats step-up and deliver what they voted for in 2007, by demanding Democrats agree to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect American citizens...which Democrats do NOT want to do.


'Nuff Said...



"In fact, in the four decades since the current system for budgeting and spending tax dollars has been in effect, Congress has managed to pass all its required appropriations measures on time only four times: in fiscal 1977 (the first full fiscal year under the current system), 1989, 1995 and 1997."

Our country's economy / budget is being run by a bunch of self-serving LAWYERS who can not / will not pass an actual budget - NONE of them, BOTH parties.
The wall received funding 12 years ago. Does not guarantee funding forever.
In 2019, we have better things to do with our tax dollars

The President said he was proud to shut down the Government. It is his responsibility
Yeah! Like support illegals! Not!
Like spending money on Americans rather than keeping out Brown people
Speaking of 'You Can't Fix Stupid':

Rep. Jeffries: Trump Is 'Holding America Hostage' With 'Medieval' Border Wall Funding 'Ransom Note'

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) told ABC's "This Week" Sunday that President Trump was holding Americans hostage over his demand for $5 billion in funding for the border wall.

Aside from the fact that Congress BROKE THE LAW by failing to pass a REAL Budget ... again, as the law mandates, and instead going for the never-ending Temp Funding bills....

Hakeem believes that the President of the United States, not the Liberals / Democrats standing with the violent invading illegals instead of with the US citizens who voted them into office to represent THEM, is 'holding the US Hostage' by demanding the Democrats step-up and deliver what they voted for in 2007, by demanding Democrats agree to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, and protect American citizens...which Democrats do NOT want to do.


'Nuff Said...



"In fact, in the four decades since the current system for budgeting and spending tax dollars has been in effect, Congress has managed to pass all its required appropriations measures on time only four times: in fiscal 1977 (the first full fiscal year under the current system), 1989, 1995 and 1997."

Our country's economy / budget is being run by a bunch of self-serving LAWYERS who can not / will not pass an actual budget - NONE of them, BOTH parties.
The wall received funding 12 years ago. Does not guarantee funding forever.
In 2019, we have better things to do with our tax dollars

The President said he was proud to shut down the Government. It is his responsibility
Yeah! Like support illegals! Not!
Like spending money on Americans rather than keeping out Brown people
Like spending money on brown Americans and not brown illegals or white ones either.
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress
Sure it does

Show me the money

The thing is, trade agreements are for private business. Our government doesn't own business so our government isn't going to benefit from anything in any trade agreement.

Private business will reap all financial benefits from any trade agreement.

I guess that poster believes we're a communist nation that our government owns all businesses here in the United States. Thus owns all revenues from all of our businesses in the United States.

These people have no idea or concept of reality.
The government would benefit by increased tax receipts. Theoretically.

This isn't that complicated.
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress
Sure it does

Show me the money

The thing is, trade agreements are for private business. Our government doesn't own business so our government isn't going to benefit from anything in any trade agreement.

Private business will reap all financial benefits from any trade agreement.

I guess that poster believes we're a communist nation that our government owns all businesses here in the United States. Thus owns all revenues from all of our businesses in the United States.

These people have no idea or concept of reality.
The commerce clause!

The Commerce Clause describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes." Courts and commentators have tended to discuss each of these three areas of commerce as a separate power granted to Congress.[1] It is common to see the individual components of the Commerce Clause referred to under specific terms: the Foreign Commerce Clause, the Interstate Commerce Clause,[2] and the Indian Commerce Clause.

Commerce Clause - Wikipedia
Obama never offered to create shovel ready jobs

Being ready to start immediately (shovel ready) was a criteria to receive stimulus funding. Many, many projects were shovel ready and received funding

"Shovel-ready" isn't a characteristic of a job, its one of a project, as you rightly point out, like, planning etc. at a point when folks could start digging provided the funding is also available. But, you are not supposed to tell the goofs. Their ignorant blab becomes them. They're proud of it.
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

If the first Bush were still alive you could ask him how Dems keep promises. They don't.

Five billion for the wall is cheap when you consider the billions Illegals cost we the tax payer every year.

Build the wall. No more can get in and we can boot those that are here out. They won't be able to get back in.

Win, win for the tax payers.

I thought the ACE was going to build it; that is what you said 2 weeks ago.

I don't care who pays for it. It will be well worth the cost in the billions saved every year.
BUT Trump promised over 20 times that Mexico would pay Why do you support a lying pos?
Havent you heard?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress

So your saying that the wall should be paid for by Americans, but offset by some hypothetical trade balance?

Since any change in the trade balance does not go to the government, but to private business, would you support increased taxing those businesses so the government gets the benefits of the new trade balance, not the private sector?

Maybe those private businesses should pay for the wall!

Trump promised to make Mexico pay for the wall. He should either live up to that promise or STFU!
The problem here is you want to dictate exactly how Mexico pays for it. What kind of President would go for that deal???

It shouldn't matter how Mexico pays for it as long as they fucking pay for it.

Yes, but it defeats their talking point...
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress

So your saying that the wall should be paid for by Americans, but offset by some hypothetical trade balance?

Since any change in the trade balance does not go to the government, but to private business, would you support increased taxing those businesses so the government gets the benefits of the new trade balance, not the private sector?

Maybe those private businesses should pay for the wall!

Trump promised to make Mexico pay for the wall. He should either live up to that promise or STFU!

I'm sorry, did I deflate your talking point. That you don't like HOW Trump has Mexico paying for the wall is irrelevant.
A good trade off.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Something ALL REpublicans want all the time.
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress
Sure it does

Show me the money

The thing is, trade agreements are for private business. Our government doesn't own business so our government isn't going to benefit from anything in any trade agreement.

Private business will reap all financial benefits from any trade agreement.

I guess that poster believes we're a communist nation that our government owns all businesses here in the United States. Thus owns all revenues from all of our businesses in the United States.

These people have no idea or concept of reality.

Utter crap.

The primary change to NAFTA is tax schedules, import duties that are leveled between the US and Mexico. Tax monies, all $150 billion over the next 10 years, go to the federal government.

Y'all Marxists need better talking points...

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