Democrats, what would be a good trade-off for the $5B?

What happened to Mexico paying for the wall!!!!!


The USMCA returns about $190 billion to America lost in the moronic NAFTA agreement. FAR more than the $25 billion needed for the wall. Mexico IS paying.

Trump Weighs Canceling NAFTA to Push USMCA Approval Through Congress
Sure it does

Show me the money

The thing is, trade agreements are for private business. Our government doesn't own business so our government isn't going to benefit from anything in any trade agreement.

Private business will reap all financial benefits from any trade agreement.

I guess that poster believes we're a communist nation that our government owns all businesses here in the United States. Thus owns all revenues from all of our businesses in the United States.

These people have no idea or concept of reality.
The government would benefit by increased tax receipts. Theoretically.

This isn't that complicated.

The USMCA creates parity in import duties. It is entirely about taxation. Mexico was imposing heavy tariffs on American goods while the USA was allowing Mexican goods to flow duty free. NAFTA was a stupid deal that screwed America. IF we truly had no tariffs, that would be best for the nation, but one sided tariffs are idiotic.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

affordable health care for all.

I fail to see your point

Obama said not as many projects were ready enough to obtain funding.

He provided funding to those who were

He pissed every bit of that money away!

No he didn’t

Billions of dollars went for infrastructure, it was used to pay salaries of cops, firemen and teachers, millions of Americans got tax rebates

The Stimulus prevented a Depression

It went to public employee union pension funds. Porkulus was the biggest transfer of wealth from the middle to the well connected in American history. America got raped.
Whatever is decided about a potential trade off; the paramount issue is to get whatever is traded in the same legislation. You can’t trust Trump to follow through with a promise. So whatever is decided, it must happen either at the same time or before the funding for the wall.

If I’m the Democrats, I never give $5B; period. But that’s just me.

If the first Bush were still alive you could ask him how Dems keep promises. They don't.

Five billion for the wall is cheap when you consider the billions Illegals cost we the tax payer every year.

Build the wall. No more can get in and we can boot those that are here out. They won't be able to get back in.

Win, win for the tax payers.

I thought the ACE was going to build it; that is what you said 2 weeks ago.

I don't care who pays for it. It will be well worth the cost in the billions saved every year.
BUT Trump promised over 20 times that Mexico would pay Why do you support a lying pos?

Betcha when Obama said "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", you still supported him.

I did. My healthcare plan was quality. So I was able to keep my doctor.

The only plans where it was possible you couldn't keep your doctor were sh!t plans that didn't meet minumum requirements.

Everyone knows that.

Ask the Pentagon about the $21T they can't tell ya where it went.

Ask the Pentagon about the $21T they can't tell ya where it went.

Double down on gullible

Ask the Pentagon about the $21T they can't tell ya where it went.

Double down on gullible

Or you could engage in some due diligence. But you won't, you have a belief system to prop up.
If the first Bush were still alive you could ask him how Dems keep promises. They don't.

Five billion for the wall is cheap when you consider the billions Illegals cost we the tax payer every year.

Build the wall. No more can get in and we can boot those that are here out. They won't be able to get back in.

Win, win for the tax payers.

I thought the ACE was going to build it; that is what you said 2 weeks ago.

I don't care who pays for it. It will be well worth the cost in the billions saved every year.
BUT Trump promised over 20 times that Mexico would pay Why do you support a lying pos?

Betcha when Obama said "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", you still supported him.

I did. My healthcare plan was quality. So I was able to keep my doctor.

The only plans where it was possible you couldn't keep your doctor were sh!t plans that didn't meet minumum requirements.

Everyone knows that.

98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare plan

Now, if only Mexico would pay for 98 percent of the wall
I fail to see your point

Obama said not as many projects were ready enough to obtain funding.

He provided funding to those who were
He pissed every bit of that money away!
After Solyndra Loss, U.S. Energy Loan Program Turning A Profit

U.S. Expects $5 Billion From Program That Funded Solyndra

Solyndra who? The Energy Department's loan program is now profitable.

Ask the Pentagon about the $21T they can't tell ya where it went.
Double down on gullible
Or you could engage in some due diligence. But you won't, you have a belief system to prop up.
Read your link
Shows how gullible you are......$21 trillion LOL

I fail to see your point

Obama said not as many projects were ready enough to obtain funding.

He provided funding to those who were

He pissed every bit of that money away!

No he didn’t

Billions of dollars went for infrastructure, it was used to pay salaries of cops, firemen and teachers, millions of Americans got tax rebates

The Stimulus prevented a Depression

It went to public employee union pension funds. Porkulus was the biggest transfer of wealth from the middle to the well connected in American history. America got raped.

Total Bullshit
The workers gave pay concessions

The biggest transfer has been Republican tax cuts. They have cost us trillions in debt

I fail to see your point

Obama said not as many projects were ready enough to obtain funding.

He provided funding to those who were

He pissed every bit of that money away!

No he didn’t

Billions of dollars went for infrastructure, it was used to pay salaries of cops, firemen and teachers, millions of Americans got tax rebates

The Stimulus prevented a Depression

It went to public employee union pension funds. Porkulus was the biggest transfer of wealth from the middle to the well connected in American history. America got raped.

Total Bullshit
The workers gave pay concessions

The biggest transfer has been Republican tax cuts. They have cost us trillions in debt

So obamaturd single handedly added ten trillion benefitting whom? Dew ewe know?
I fail to see your point

Obama said not as many projects were ready enough to obtain funding.

He provided funding to those who were
He pissed every bit of that money away!
No he didn’t

Billions of dollars went for infrastructure, it was used to pay salaries of cops, firemen and teachers, millions of Americans got tax rebates

The Stimulus prevented a Depression

It went to public employee union pension funds. Porkulus was the biggest transfer of wealth from the middle to the well connected in American history. America got raped.

Total Bullshit
The workers gave pay concessions

The biggest transfer has been Republican tax cuts. They have cost us trillions in debt
So obamaturd single handedly added ten trillion benefitting whom? Dew ewe know?

We can start with the billionaires who have been paying lower tax rates since Reagan

If we had maintained the tax rates from before Reagan we would have no debt

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