Democrats, what would be a good trade-off for the $5B?

I don’t need a link I live it.. a brand new city of Boston funded dentist office opened in my town, I went in after a couple of months to get some work done, they refused to take new patients and as I looked in the waiting room all non English speakers. Why in the world would the democrats that run my city do that to me?

Also if you think illegals are coming here with money can you give me some evidence they are paying for the first hospital visit? A name A date A time Thanks
What makes you think your uninformed opinion and/or anecdotal data is worth more than informed opinions and fact-based studies?
I’m just giving facts. Are you against facts?
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Why are u asking Dems? The ball's in Trump's court. Congress reached a compromise and Trump reneged, after agreeing as well, because of RW media. I think the Dems have been clear that they're not even negotiating unless Trump personally gets behind some offer.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Why are u asking Dems? The ball's in Trump's court. Congress reached a compromise and Trump reneged, after agreeing as well, because of RW media. I think the Dems have been clear that they're not even negotiating unless Trump personally gets behind some offer.
Actually, I've been thinking I should have posed the questions to everyone, anyone.

Yeah, I'd also be curious to know what kind of compromise the GOP would be willing to make. If any. That's a dirty word right now.
The political stunt is refusing to fund the wall because it would mean Trump’s core campaign promise was build a wall.
If this was his core campaign promise, then why didn't he get this taken care of first, instead of blowing all his political capital on, yet another tax cut for the rich, that any and every other Republican President would have done?

Are you pleased with his priorities?
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I don't care who pays for it. It will be well worth the cost in the billions saved every year.
BUT Trump promised over 20 times that Mexico would pay Why do you support a lying pos?

Your supported the lying O. No difference.
Hey Brownie You really want to compare the 2 years worth of lies and BS spewed by Trump with an occasional mistake by Obama in 8 years?

Yeah O lied hundreds of times. Him and W are even worse than trump.
DOW opened off 361 You and Willow want to blame Obama?
Well just recently the obamaturd marched out and said the economy was his. Who should we blame? Was the obamaturd lying?
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
How about this ?

Democrats rescue Trump in front of his base and Trump offers a Supreme Court Seat in return
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Why are u asking Dems? The ball's in Trump's court. Congress reached a compromise and Trump reneged, after agreeing as well, because of RW media. I think the Dems have been clear that they're not even negotiating unless Trump personally gets behind some offer.
Actually, I've been thinking I should have posed the questions to everyone, anyone.

Yeah, I'd also be curious to know what kind of compromise the GOP would be willing to make. If any. That's a dirty word right now.
Well Graham floated a DACA fix for 5bil on the wall (which isn't a wall). But Trump reneged on that deal before he reneged on the December deal. So, I think it really is up to Trump. He's cut off Pence and McConnell at the knees on this.

Pelosi will pass a continuing resolution to fully open govt tomorrow. McConnell says nothing passes the Senate without Trump's express proposal. The various media outlets can characterize facts anyway they want to, but the fact is the Dems are open to opening govt without funding a concrete wall, and Trump will not agree to any compromise without a concrete wall, even though he knows there will never be a 2200 mile contiguous concrete wall. He's painted himself against a wall (pun intended) rallying his base, and no sane opponent would help him out of his predicament.
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL
Single Payer may be a bit much, but I'd say, Medicare for all at the very minimum would be a trade-off. Oh, and throw in a $12 federal minimum wage, automatically adjusted for inflation every year.

Yep, that sounds about right.

Actually, that would be the least, since the price for blackmail, taking the entire U.S. population hostage over the demand that taxpayers fund Trump's imbecilic campaign ploy, should be steep, indeed.
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL

Trump is a narcissist and his ego is in play. Thus we can expect more Chaos from the White House, and unless the R's compromise we are destined to remain in Dante's First Circle of Hell, i.e. Limbo.
BUT Trump promised over 20 times that Mexico would pay Why do you support a lying pos?

Your supported the lying O. No difference.
Hey Brownie You really want to compare the 2 years worth of lies and BS spewed by Trump with an occasional mistake by Obama in 8 years?

Yeah O lied hundreds of times. Him and W are even worse than trump.
DOW opened off 361 You and Willow want to blame Obama?
Well just recently the obamaturd marched out and said the economy was his. Who should we blame? Was the obamaturd lying?
I guess Willow you have to hold both of them back to back and make up your mind who the real liar is When and IF Obama said the economy was his he meant the good and getting better economy he handed over to trump Remember hearing Trump bleating on how great HIS markets were doing ?? Hear from him recently about last year the worst in 10 years???What a pos you support
Your supported the lying O. No difference.
Hey Brownie You really want to compare the 2 years worth of lies and BS spewed by Trump with an occasional mistake by Obama in 8 years?

Yeah O lied hundreds of times. Him and W are even worse than trump.
DOW opened off 361 You and Willow want to blame Obama?
Well just recently the obamaturd marched out and said the economy was his. Who should we blame? Was the obamaturd lying?
I guess Willow you have to hold both of them back to back and make up your mind who the real liar is When and IF Obama said the economy was his he meant the good and getting better economy he handed over to trump Remember hearing Trump bleating on how great HIS markets were doing ?? Hear from him recently about last year the worst in 10 years???What a pos you support
Yeah well, you have options.
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL

Trump is a narcissist and his ego is in play. Thus we can expect more Chaos from the White House, and unless the R's compromise we are destined to remain in Dante's First Circle of Hell, i.e. Limbo.
Compromise? Fuck compromise!
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL

Trump is a narcissist and his ego is in play. Thus we can expect more Chaos from the White House, and unless the R's compromise we are destined to remain in Dante's First Circle of Hell, i.e. Limbo.
Compromise? Fuck compromise!
The problem with single payor and a Justice is that they are undeliverable, even if Trump agreed. The gop senate won't to it, even if there was some real offer.

The real problem is anything the dems would accept would likely be impossible for Trump to really offer because he's promised his base undeliverable shit. Even his most fervent defenders, like Falwell Jr, are crediting him with a giant economic miracle that really has not occurred (the poor are still poor) and he's not responsible for fiscal or monetary policy, let alone the Fed's balance sheet or short term rates.

he can't give the Dems DACA. He can't give the dems anything on immigration. Maybe his advisors (or those who still work for him) can identify something on another issue .... taxes? ... that he can actually deliver via McConnell that won't piss off Laure Ingraham or Rushbo.

But at least short term, the Dems may sincerely wish people weren't harmed by the shutdown, but they did present Trump with an agreed upon compromise, only to have him renege. They could totally capitulate, but they won't unless they perceive no option. Previously months ago, Trump reneged on his agreement to a DACA fix for some wall funding. He put them in the position of shutting down govt over a DACA fix, when Trump reneged on the deal. And they got hammered by a majority.

The obvious fix is for Trump to admit there isn't gonna be a 2200 mile contiguous concrete wall, and the dems probably won't let him off the mat (wrestling term) unless he admits there isn't going to ever be any kind of physical barrier over all 2200 miles.
under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL

Trump is a narcissist and his ego is in play. Thus we can expect more Chaos from the White House, and unless the R's compromise we are destined to remain in Dante's First Circle of Hell, i.e. Limbo.
Compromise? Fuck compromise!
And I ain't got nobody. I got some money cause I just got paid (actually I already gave it to my kid) LOL
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?
Why are u asking Dems? The ball's in Trump's court. Congress reached a compromise and Trump reneged, after agreeing as well, because of RW media. I think the Dems have been clear that they're not even negotiating unless Trump personally gets behind some offer.
Actually, I've been thinking I should have posed the questions to everyone, anyone.

Yeah, I'd also be curious to know what kind of compromise the GOP would be willing to make. If any. That's a dirty word right now.
Well Graham floated a DACA fix for 5bil on the wall (which isn't a wall). But Trump reneged on that deal before he reneged on the December deal. So, I think it really is up to Trump. He's cut off Pence and McConnell at the knees on this.

Pelosi will pass a continuing resolution to fully open govt tomorrow. McConnell says nothing passes the Senate without Trump's express proposal. The various media outlets can characterize facts anyway they want to, but the fact is the Dems are open to opening govt without funding a concrete wall, and Trump will not agree to any compromise without a concrete wall, even though he knows there will never be a 2200 mile contiguous concrete wall. He's painted himself against a wall (pun intended) rallying his base, and no sane opponent would help him out of his predicament.
You don't think he'd give something up in exchange for funding? Seems to me that was his biggest promise, so maybe he'd be willing to do something.

He's sounded immovable so far, but it's not like he's a man of his word. And I bet his base would declare victory. As usual, this is all about optics and sloganeering.
This is politics, after all. Give and take. Or at least that USED to be the rule, when we were sane.

What would be a good trade-off to write that check? Improved DACA status? Amnesty of some kind? Maybe another issue? Climate change funding?

I would protect all the DACA people.

Then I would add the following:

Total repeal of the tax cut passed in 2017.
Total and proper funding and support of Obamacare.
Establish a new tax to pay for the wall and it's maintenance. Impose a 50% tax on all unearned income on those who receive 250 thousand and more in unearned income. Also impose a 50% tax on luxury items such as private jets, their fuel and hangers they're stored in.
There would be no building of a wall until the revenues to pay for it have been collected. No bonds sold or any sort of debt can be allowed to build that wall.
Trump has painted himself into a corner. He staked his campaign on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

Well, Mexico is not paying and the wall is nowhere to be seen. 2020 is on the horizon and Trump has nothing to show

Dems need something worth more than $5 billion to save Trump

How about solidifying Obamacare ?

under Obama the dems voted and funded the wall, now they oppose it solely to get a 2020 talking point, hypocrisy at its worst.

mexico is already paying for the wall through improved trade deals, US wealth is staying here, not being transferred to mexico.

Obamacare was/is a disaster, there aint no free lunch, someone has to pay and there aren't enough rich to cover all the rest.

Yes they did
So why is additional wall required?

They built a wall in critical areas and provided surveillance where needed

Just because you voted for something 13 years ago doesn’t mean you vote for it forever
because Trump promised a Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico would pay for. That is why the "wall" is an issue. And that's the only reason. LOL

Trump is a narcissist and his ego is in play. Thus we can expect more Chaos from the White House, and unless the R's compromise we are destined to remain in Dante's First Circle of Hell, i.e. Limbo.

Compromise? Fuck compromise!

And here is, in black on white ^^^ what is wrong in our country. - Willow Tree.

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