DEMOCRATS: What would have happened if....

I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.
Not a Democrat but I think we know based on reaction from the left when Joe Wilson shouted you lie during I believe one of Obama’s State of the Union speeches.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

What did the republic leadership do to the rep who yelled "you lie" at the State of Union address?

The freshman lawmake was at a private donor celebration and called out the motherfucker. The motherfucker himself has largely set the current political discourse, so I feel that its par for that motherfucker's course.
I was expecting transparent deflection, catty comments and attacks aimed at me. I'm rarely disappointed here.
That's because even you know YOU are a lying hypocrite!
And, right on cue. They literally can't help themselves.
And right on cue I strike a nerve!
Okay thanks!
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

Where? In a bar, to a bunch of far-righties, alt-righties?

The mainstream GOP would do the same thing the mainstream DEMs are doing Re: scandal du jour
I recall a Republican Senator who had to step down because he wished an old man Happy Birthday. Libs were outraged.
I recall the same senator endorsing segregation in that birthday wish.
/—-/ of course you remember incorrectly

Naw, he got it right. He said how much better the country would be if Strom Thrumond had won in 1948.

The ONLY difference between Thurmond and Harry Truman in 1948 was that Thrumond wanted to continue "Segregation forever".

So yeah, Trent was endorsing segregation. And Bush made him step down because he has some silly idea that the GOP should try to appeal to folks of color.
I recall a Republican Senator who had to step down because he wished an old man Happy Birthday. Libs were outraged.
I recall the same senator endorsing segregation in that birthday wish.
/—-/ of course you remember incorrectly

Naw, he got it right. He said how much better the country would be if Strom Thrumond had won in 1948.

The ONLY difference between Thurmond and Harry Truman in 1948 was that Thrumond wanted to continue "Segregation forever".

So yeah, Trent was endorsing segregation. And Bush made him step down because he has some silly idea that the GOP should try to appeal to folks of color.
/——/Oh bullshyt. Lott said some nice things to a dying old man and Dems pizzed their panties.
/——/Oh bullshyt. Lott said some nice things to a dying old man and Dems pizzed their panties.

An old man whose claim to fame was that he ran on wanting to keep America an apartheid country for all time. someone who didn't deserve to have anything nice said to him.

"Just fucking die already". That's what should have been said to him. There was a guy who hung around way too long, and didn't realize he was wrong about everything.
/——/Oh bullshyt. Lott said some nice things to a dying old man and Dems pizzed their panties.

An old man whose claim to fame was that he ran on wanting to keep America an apartheid country for all time. someone who didn't deserve to have anything nice said to him.

"Just fucking die already". That's what should have been said to him. There was a guy who hung around way too long, and didn't realize he was wrong about everything.
/——/ And all the segregation Dems who filibustered the CRA and VRA were perfectly OK. Any fake outrage over Hildzbeast praising KKK Birdbrain? Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praised Former KKK Member Sen. Robert Byrd [VIDEO]
/——/Oh bullshyt. Lott said some nice things to a dying old man and Dems pizzed their panties.

An old man whose claim to fame was that he ran on wanting to keep America an apartheid country for all time. someone who didn't deserve to have anything nice said to him.

"Just fucking die already". That's what should have been said to him. There was a guy who hung around way too long, and didn't realize he was wrong about everything.
/——/ How about Billy Clintoon praising segregationist William Notsobright? Selective 'racists': Dems double standards
/——/ And all the segregation Dems who filibustered the CRA and VRA were perfectly OK. Any fake outrage over Hildzbeast praising KKK Birdbrain?

Robert Byrd renounced the Klan (which he was a member of for like five minutes in his 20's). Strom Thumond, who fathered a daughter on a black teenager he raped, was a racist asshole until he mercifully died, and the one downside about being an atheist is i can't enjoy the thought of him burning in hell.

again, you keep side-stepping the point that the guy who really torpedoed Trent Lott over his waxing nostalgic for apartheid was George W. Bush.
Here’s the thing . Obama ain’t Trump .

Trump talks that shit all the time . So basically cons are mad cause this Congressman acts like Trump .

Here’s the thing: Tlaib just validated the notion that it is okay to use that language and decorum when referring to an elected official: be it Trump or herself. Democrats and liberals got their pussy hats all in an uproar when Trump “talks that shot” yet cannot point to where he called another elected official a motherfucker. Where and when he call Obama a name? Clinton? Pelosi? Schumer?

He said he did not believe Obama was born the US and that Clinton should be in prison. Where did he call them names on the low level of motherfucker?
/——/ And all the segregation Dems who filibustered the CRA and VRA were perfectly OK. Any fake outrage over Hildzbeast praising KKK Birdbrain?

Robert Byrd renounced the Klan (which he was a member of for like five minutes in his 20's). Strom Thumond, who fathered a daughter on a black teenager he raped, was a racist asshole until he mercifully died, and the one downside about being an atheist is i can't enjoy the thought of him burning in hell.

again, you keep side-stepping the point that the guy who really torpedoed Trent Lott over his waxing nostalgic for apartheid was George W. Bush.
/—-/ So a KKK grand dragon pretends to reform and you dumbasses believe him. Moron.
Here’s the thing . Obama ain’t Trump .

Trump talks that shit all the time . So basically cons are mad cause this Congressman acts like Trump .

Does that excuse the behavior? IOW, since Trump is uncouth and doesn't talk like a focus group tested politician, it's quite dandy for everyone else to sink to his level?
There is a thing called decorum which apparently the bitch knows nothing about. Think about how the left went nuts when someone shouted out liar at one of Obamas state of the union speech
I recall a Republican Senator who had to step down because he wished an old man Happy Birthday. Libs were outraged.
I recall the same senator endorsing segregation in that birthday wish.
/—-/ of course you remember incorrectly
From your own link:
"When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."

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