DEMOCRATS: What would have happened if....

I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

I'm not a democrat, I'm an Independent.

I will say that the democrats would be very upset. Just as they were upset with all the other names that republicans called Obama while he was president and still do today.

Personally, I don't care.

Speaking as a liberal, I can understand spending decades trying to understand them, trying to cooperate with them, trying to placate them, to get along with them has resulted in the hate from republicans to become even worse.

No one should have to show not one but two birth certificates with republicans saying both are forged. No one should have to be called the long list of names that Obama and Michelle have been called through the years. Many republicans insist that Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

So when people have endured literally decades of abuse, don't get shocked and upset when they finally have had enough and start responding.

Finally, I believe in free speech. Everyone is free to say whatever they want. Even lie. So if you don't like what someone says, don't listen.

I would like to know, what would the republicans have done if Michelle had been a porn and gay porn model?
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

I wonder what would have happened if they questioned O's citizenship.
We both know the answer to that. They were called racists.
Because they were. There were many birther members of congress. They spoke openly of it on television. Trump was acually behind the whole thing.

Your thread premise ignores quite a bit of what acually happened in the past in favor of a narrow what-if scenario that isnt even weighted appropriately.
Here’s the thing . Obama ain’t Trump .

Trump talks that shit all the time . So basically cons are mad cause this Congressman acts like Trump .


HIs s hole nations comment wasn't any different from what that congress woman said.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.
/—-/ He/she would be forced to apologize 1,000 times and then forced to resign.

That isn't the point of the thread, of course, but the Regressive Left's trying to change the subject to this story or to me personally.

Which is par for the course, and predictable.

did someone throw Wilson out of office for his childish display during SOTU?

/—-/ Wilson apologized the next day and it was over.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

They'd be crucified. Because politics has always been about controlling the message. Since the low energy, low intelligence bumbling Orange administration only has a hammer at their disposal in their arsenal of communication, everything is a nail. So, it's open season on using colorful language these days, because fuck decorum.

The new Republican message seems to be: 'listen to our words, but ignore our actions'. The lies never stop, and the rhetoric, personal insults and Russian propaganda are now turned up to 11. The GOP have had a serious PR problem for decades when it comes to candidate likeability and addressing issues mainstream society considers important. We can wring our hands at it, or we can embrace this new dysfunctional norm of the pasty poindexters being in charge. There is ample reason why everybody hates Ted Cruz.

The Democrats repeatedly get away with a inconsistent message because they aren't afraid to get right in society's grill when spreading it, no matter how unrealistic the message may be. The Republicans have stolen this 'smoke and mirrors' tactic for their own playbook. And, much like a less talented and capable sibling attempting to emulate their older, more successful sibling, they end up making complete asses out of themselves.

The current Republican well of candidates these days suffers from a drought of talent, humor and likeability. The new crop of Democrats in the House are younger, hipper and full of ideology - everything the GOP hates. Typical old guard vs. new guard stuff. No one expects these Republican dinosaurs to clap back when ridiculed, because they are milquetoast pussies whose only goal is to remain loyal to an Orange Virus rather than govern the body politic. Doing so keeps them fat, rich and cowed. I do not shed a single tear for the fate of these scoundrels. I hope the system eventually buries them in their ineptness.

I will continue to laugh at this circus of the juvenile, because I'm lacking the tree limb required to be firmly placed up the rectum to render myself a humorless boring twat.

Technically, the freshman congressman is absolutely correct. The Orange Virus is, indeed a motherfucker, so it's not exactly 'fake news'.
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.
So you already know your answer.

That isn't the point of the thread, of course, but the Regressive Left's trying to change the subject to this story or to me personally.

Which is par for the course, and predictable.
I didn't come unglued when Obama was called a liar. I found it in poor taste and ugly. I think the same thing about this woman and her antics.

What is the point of this thread? To show that liberals are upset with this president and his actions? You needed this post to figure that out? This woman was elected to her position because of how she feels about the president and the direction of the nation. My guess is her constituents agree with her sentiment. I am sure her choice of words is not what they had in mind but they agree with her. Just like Wilson's constituents agreed with him and continued to support him.

Drop the thread you are stretching it soooo thin it doesn't make any sense.
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.
So you already know your answer.

That isn't the point of the thread, of course, but the Regressive Left's trying to change the subject to this story or to me personally.

Which is par for the course, and predictable.
I didn't come unglued when Obama was called a liar. I found it in poor taste and ugly. I think the same thing about this woman and her antics.

What is the point of this thread? To show that liberals are upset with this president and his actions? You needed this post to figure that out? This woman was elected to her position because of how she feels about the president and the direction of the nation. My guess is her constituents agree with her sentiment. I am sure her choice of words is not what they had in mind but they agree with her. Just like Wilson's constituents agreed with him and continued to support him.

Drop the thread you are stretching it soooo thin it doesn't make any sense.
The purpose of the thread is to point out blatant hypocrisy.

I don't expect you to admit it.
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.
So you already know your answer.

That isn't the point of the thread, of course, but the Regressive Left's trying to change the subject to this story or to me personally.

Which is par for the course, and predictable.
I didn't come unglued when Obama was called a liar. I found it in poor taste and ugly. I think the same thing about this woman and her antics.

What is the point of this thread? To show that liberals are upset with this president and his actions? You needed this post to figure that out? This woman was elected to her position because of how she feels about the president and the direction of the nation. My guess is her constituents agree with her sentiment. I am sure her choice of words is not what they had in mind but they agree with her. Just like Wilson's constituents agreed with him and continued to support him.

Drop the thread you are stretching it soooo thin it doesn't make any sense.
The purpose of the thread is to point out blatant hypocrisy.

I don't expect you to admit it.
No hypocrisy

It is a different political environment and Trump is a big part of it
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.
So you already know your answer.

That isn't the point of the thread, of course, but the Regressive Left's trying to change the subject to this story or to me personally.

Which is par for the course, and predictable.
I didn't come unglued when Obama was called a liar. I found it in poor taste and ugly. I think the same thing about this woman and her antics.

What is the point of this thread? To show that liberals are upset with this president and his actions? You needed this post to figure that out? This woman was elected to her position because of how she feels about the president and the direction of the nation. My guess is her constituents agree with her sentiment. I am sure her choice of words is not what they had in mind but they agree with her. Just like Wilson's constituents agreed with him and continued to support him.

Drop the thread you are stretching it soooo thin it doesn't make any sense.
The purpose of the thread is to point out blatant hypocrisy.

I don't expect you to admit it.
No hypocrisy

It is a different political environment and Trump is a big part of it
We are all responsible for our own actions.

Adults, anyway.

Trump didn't make her say that.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

As a rational and relatively decent person I do NOT approve of insults from EITHER side.

I am NOT supporting it.
I am NOT defending it.
I am NOT laughing about it.

But I am NOT going to drop my principles and values over it.

Trump has insulted MANY people.

Did you support it?
laugh about it?
defend it?
Trump has insulted MANY people.
Did you support it?
laugh about it?
defend it?
Sure didn't. Trump horrifies me, which is the main reason I voted for Hillary.

There's always an excuse to lower our standards. Always. Here's another example. "Trump made her do it". Like she's a puppet. What a crock.

We're killing ourselves with this behavior. A self-inflicted wound.
Alinsky 101, accuse the other side of what you do all the time
Alinsky had nothing to do with the quote. Russia Limbaugh paraphrased his mentor Joseph Goebbels.

"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing."
- Joseph Goebbels
The Regressives are happy to justify and deflect for what this lady said, but would have gone mental if it had been said about Obama.

They are hypocrites. The more they deflect and attack the messenger, the more obvious it becomes.
Again you ignore the HYPOCRISY of the Regressive Right rationalizing Tramp's behavior as "crude but we need a Patton to shake things up."
To the Regressive Right like you, Tramp's crudeness is needed but unacceptable and hypocritical in anyone else.
Trump for all his warts, his brashness, his uncouth behavior believes in America to his core. He believes in respecting the flag. He believes in our history. He believes in what this country was founded on , not a socialist remake. He believes in our heartland and the people that make this country work. Most importantly, he believes in our future and our greatness.
Pure bullshit!
Tramp only believes in the God almighty dollar!

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