DEMOCRATS: What would have happened if....

I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

Several Dem politicians would have come out and denounced the language and decried the negative effect it has on our discourse.

I'd have said the same thing I have said about this case.

It was a mistake on her part.
We all know what would happen.

But it's fun watching people line up to squirm and deflect.

It would be smarter to just avoid the question.

What would happen? Now you answer a question .
Happy to!

Outrage. Apology tours. Censure. Screams of RACISM. Marches.

You know. The usual stuff.

Nope. Now you're living in your fantasy world. You might see some political "outrage" similar to what we've seen in this case. But there would be no marches.

Depending on who said it, there might be "screams" of RACISM.
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I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.
The issue isn't about Trump, language, or impeachment-it is about control, and a newbie going off the rails creates headaches for their party leader. One thing I do wonder about-Trump is frequently called that orange... What if Obama had been called that brown... Would anyone have objected?

Would you have?
What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

We'd have been surprised he didn't call him the N-word, because we know that's what they are all thinking.

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

I'm going to give you an honest answer. It would have been wrong to call Obama that. It would have been wrong to call George W. Bush that. It would have been wrong to call any of the other 42 Presidents that.

It's PERFECTLY OKAY TO CALL TRUMP THAT BECAUSE HE'S TRUMP!! A Nazi traitor who stole the presidency.
It really is simple. Deplorables sense it and understand it implicitly. This Muslim woman does not care about America, her history, her people, her greatness, or her future. She does not understand that our 200 year old institutions demand a certain amount of respect, that out institutions have earned that respect, that Americans expect that respect.

Trump for all his warts, his brashness, his uncouth behavior believes in America to his core. He believes in respecting the flag. He believes in our history. He believes in what this country was founded on , not a socialist remake. He believes in our heartland and the people that make this country work. Most importantly, he believes in our future and our greatness.

I have my own blue language response to this woman but such language would diminish the truth of this post.

That's awesome.
that's what i basically said but it's quite apparent that no answer is good enough for the OP, since he is such a political fundamentalist.

I think the answer he is looking for is 'Mac is so much wiser and smarter and fairer than the rest of us partisan meany-heads are, because he is so fair minded, unless you are a Muslim or a College kid who doesn't want a Nazi on his campus."
Several Dem politicians would have come out and denounced the language and decried the negative effect it has on our discourse.

I'd have said the same thing I have said about this case.

It was a mistake on her part.

I take the same position I took when Sam Bee called Ivanka the other word we can't use on here.

Trump is throwing children into concentration camps. Some of them are DYING. If you are getting upset about a bad word, then your priorities are kind of skewed.
Here’s the thing . Obama ain’t Trump .

Trump talks that shit all the time . So basically cons are mad cause this Congressman acts like Trump .

Here's the thing. You still didn't answer the question.

I’ll answer the question . NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN!

Want a real life example? That D bag GOP congressman who yelled out. “You lie “ in the middle of the state of the union.

So spare me this obama / trump double standard you are trying to manufacture.

Bingo! Memories are so short...

GOP Senator Jokes About Praying for Obama’s Death

A Brief History of GOP Calls for Obama's Impeachment, From Benghazi to Bergdahl - The Atlantic

So what happened to all those guys?
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

The same thing that happened to Representative Joe Wilson when he accused Obama of lying during a nationally televised speech. Nothing happened. Wilson accused Obama of being a liar to his face on national television and his punishment was 3 subsequent reelections.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.

So you already know your answer.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

The same thing that happened to Representative Joe Wilson when he accused Obama of lying during a nationally televised speech. Nothing happened. Wilson accused Obama of being a liar to his face on national television and his punishment was 3 subsequent reelections.

More than that he fund raised off of it.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

I wonder what would have happened if they questioned O's citizenship.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

The same thing that happened to Representative Joe Wilson when he accused Obama of lying during a nationally televised speech. Nothing happened. Wilson accused Obama of being a liar to his face on national television and his punishment was 3 subsequent reelections.
Actually, the reaction was closer to this, which is what I'm talking about:

Joe "You Lie" Wilson Fends off Racism Charge By Praising His and Michelle Obama's "Shared Heritage of South Carolina" » THE DISTRICT SENTINEL news co-op
MSNBC Hosts: Rep. Joe Wilson A White Southern Racist
Dastardly racism, says Jimmy Carter over 'You lie' outburst at Obama
Maureen Dowd: Joe Wilson's 'You Lie' Outburst All About Racism
Of course racism is behind the You lie outburst
Outrage over Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst isn't dying down
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.
So you already know your answer.

That isn't the point of the thread, of course, but the Regressive Left's trying to change the subject to this story or to me personally.

Which is par for the course, and predictable.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

I wonder what would have happened if they questioned O's citizenship.
We both know the answer to that. They were called racists.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.

So you already know your answer.

Define unglued. What action was taken?
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.
They all came unglued when a congressman called him a liar during his speech.

So you already know your answer.

perhaps it was because of the place where it happened.

shouting out YOU LIE! on the floor of the house of reps while the prez was giving his SOTU address & was nationally televised

& not during a private gathering in a private business might...

just MIGHT be the reason why.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

I wonder what would have happened if they questioned O's citizenship.
We both know the answer to that. They were called racists.

in your opinion - is trump a racist?
Said my piece in another post, trying hard to cut way back on getting involved in debates over who said what, while we expend our energy fighting over negative comments.
mean while China is pushing very hard to expand & gain world rule, taking full advantage of the situation while we squabble amongst our self's.

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