DEMOCRATS: What would have happened if....

I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

Here is a thought.

Before you look down on everyone else's comments like they are the works of children (as per usual) about this...why don't you stick your neck out (for once) and make one of your own?
I recall a Republican Senator who had to step down because he wished an old man Happy Birthday. Libs were outraged.
I recall the same senator endorsing segregation in that birthday wish.
/—-/ of course you remember incorrectly
From your own link:
"When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."
/----/ Yeah - Lott said nice things to a dying old man. The real reason was Lott was extremely effective Senate Majority Leader and democRATs wanted him removed with any old excuse.
Bill Clinton's acknowledged political mentors - former Arkansas Sen. J. William Fulbright and former Arkansas Gov. Orville Faubus - who were both rabid segregationists? Yet the former president highly praises Fulbright and bestowed upon him the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award.

By the way, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement titled, "The Southern Manifesto," condemning the 1954 Supreme Court decision of Brown vs. Board of Education and defending segregation. That's a bit more recent than Thurmond's run for the White House. Does Clinton's praise of Fulbright mean that he supported "The Southern Manifesto," just as the assertion that Lott's praise of Thurmond means he supported Thurmond's segregationist stand in 1948? If so, why not also condemn Clinton?
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

Here is a thought.

Before you look down on everyone else's comments like they are the works of children (as per usual) about this...why don't you stick your neck out (for once) and make one of your own?
I can understand why you'd be defensive.
/——/ I recall a Republican Senator who had to step down because he wished an old man Happy Birthday. Libs were outraged.

You mean an old racist? Yeah, he was forced to step down by that liberal firebrand.. George W. Bush (who was probably sick of his inability to get anything done.)
/----/ Bush was never a fighter. He'd just turn the other cheek to the attacks from the Left and say "History will vindicate me."
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

Here is a thought.

Before you look down on everyone else's comments like they are the works of children (as per usual) about this...why don't you stick your neck out (for once) and make one of your own?
I can understand why you'd be defensive.

LOL...ummm, I did not even post in this thread before my above one. So your point makes little sense (other then some rather desperate, childlike insult - which I thought you were 'above').

Well, it beats your usual 'get outta my head' line.

So I gather from your response that you are not going to stick your neck out and give an actual opinion (as per usual)...despite the fact you started the entire thread.

However, you will continue to knock other people's opinions in a condescending fashion (also, as per usual).

You know, I rarely get a chance to talk to someone who lives their life without a spine.

What's it like?

Have a wonderful day.
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

Here is a thought.

Before you look down on everyone else's comments like they are the works of children (as per usual) about this...why don't you stick your neck out (for once) and make one of your own?
I can understand why you'd be defensive.

LOL...ummm, I did not even post in this thread before my above one. So your point makes little sense (other then some rather desperate, childlike insult - which I thought you were 'above').

Well, it beats your usual 'get outta my head' line.

So I gather from your response that you are not going to stick your neck out and give an actual opinion (as per usual)...despite the fact you started the entire thread.

However, you will continue to knock other people's opinions in a condescending fashion (also, as per usual).

You know, I rarely get a chance to talk to someone who lives their life without a spine.

What's it like?

Have a wonderful day.
That's really interesting!

Thanks so much!
I tried to get a straight answer in another thread to this question. Unfortunately, all I got was deflection, catty comments and evasion. So I'll try here.

What would have happened if a freshman Republican congressman had called Obama a "motherfucker"?

Specifically, would the leftists here be supporting and downplaying and laughing about it here?

Let's see if we can get any honest answers here. Or, if hardcore partisan ideologues are blatant, transparent hypocrites, which is my guess.

Thanks in advance.

Here is a thought.

Before you look down on everyone else's comments like they are the works of children (as per usual) about this...why don't you stick your neck out (for once) and make one of your own?
I can understand why you'd be defensive.

LOL...ummm, I did not even post in this thread before my above one. So your point makes little sense (other then some rather desperate, childlike insult - which I thought you were 'above').

Well, it beats your usual 'get outta my head' line.

So I gather from your response that you are not going to stick your neck out and give an actual opinion (as per usual)...despite the fact you started the entire thread.

However, you will continue to knock other people's opinions in a condescending fashion (also, as per usual).

You know, I rarely get a chance to talk to someone who lives their life without a spine.

What's it like?

Have a wonderful day.
That's really interesting!

Thanks so much!

Any time (though I guess you are not going to answer my question - fair enough).

Have a nice day.
/——/ Where do we promote segregation? Republicans ended it

Really? Last time I checked, the guy who ended it was LBJ...

And when he did, all the racist crackers in the South were welcomed into the GOP with open arms.

I would LOVE to have the GOP of the 1950's and 1960's back. That's not who you guys are anymore. You haven't been since Nixon embraced the Southern Strategy of playing on white fears.
/----/ Yeah - Lott said nice things to a dying old man. The real reason was Lott was extremely effective Senate Majority Leader and democRATs wanted him removed with any old excuse.

Actually, he was pretty ineffective and Bush was happy to show him the door. He was so ineffective he compared his leadership to "Herding Cats".

No, seriously, that was the title of his memoir.

Bill Clinton's acknowledged political mentors - former Arkansas Sen. J. William Fulbright and former Arkansas Gov. Orville Faubus - who were both rabid segregationists? Yet the former president highly praises Fulbright and bestowed upon him the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award.

By the way, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement titled, "The Southern Manifesto," condemning the 1954 Supreme Court decision of Brown vs. Board of Education and defending segregation. That's a bit more recent than Thurmond's run for the White House. Does Clinton's praise of Fulbright mean that he supported "The Southern Manifesto," just as the assertion that Lott's praise of Thurmond means he supported Thurmond's segregationist stand in 1948? If so, why not also condemn Clinton?

Fulbright did other things beside be wrong on race. There's the Fulbright scholarships, for instance. They're kind of a big deal.

On the other hand, Strom Thurmond really didn't do anything else in his century of consuming oxygen other than be a racist asshat. That the GOP welcomed with open arms.
Any time (though I guess you are not going to answer my question - fair enough).

Have a nice day.

Stormy Mac never answers any questions, he just wants you to know how much better he is as a person than you are.

I think you are right.

And it's too bad, he often has some good points to make.

But he just cannot seem to help himself from making them in a rather condescending way and/or without sticking his neck out on the subject as well.
/——/ Where do we promote segregation? Republicans ended it

Really? Last time I checked, the guy who ended it was LBJ...

And when he did, all the racist crackers in the South were welcomed into the GOP with open arms.

I would LOVE to have the GOP of the 1950's and 1960's back. That's not who you guys are anymore. You haven't been since Nixon embraced the Southern Strategy of playing on white fears.
/——/ Fevorishly rewriting history, eh Sparky?
Dems filibustered the CRA and VRA and LBJ turned to the GOP to end it. And the segrationist Dems did not magically join the GOP.
/——/ Fevorishly rewriting history, eh Sparky?
Dems filibustered the CRA and VRA and LBJ turned to the GOP to end it. And the segrationist Dems did not magically join the GOP.

LBJ could have refused to sign it... He didn't. He pushed for it.

Meanwhile, Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater opposed them. He won five southern states and thus started the "Southern Strategy".

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