Democrats won a few elections in blue states and cities and now they are acting like it is the...

Lol, at how the media calls Trump "divisive."

Wait, black lives matter and antifa are Trump supporters?

Huh, I did not know that.

I fucking hate liberals.
Look at all these losers crying. You lost republicans. And it's going to get worse.
I seem to recall similar sentiments when Republicans won state elections during the Obama administration, and I imagine the same sort of thing was true during Bush, and Clinton, and who knows how far back.

I see it as a further manifestation of the stranglehold the two-party system has on this country. Somehow every state election is about national party politics.

I was thinking the same thing. It seems every election is a referendum about something. I was waiting for the nonsense to begin tonight. At least the partisans will get more talking points.
I seem to recall similar sentiments when Republicans won state elections during the Obama administration, and I imagine the same sort of thing was true during Bush, and Clinton, and who knows how far back.

I see it as a further manifestation of the stranglehold the two-party system has on this country. Somehow every state election is about national party politics.

I was thinking the same thing. It seems every election is a referendum about something. I was waiting for the nonsense to begin tonight. At least the partisans will get more talking points.

The thing is every election IS a referendum. And no matter hw many parties we have, because we do have more than 2, it would still be a referendum.

Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.
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...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt.
You knew they were going to blow up any kind of victory, no matter how small and pathetic, into a great victory, didn't you?
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...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt. IS all about hate with the religious trumpanzees. Just like the islamoterrorists. It's about the hate.
And the brainwashed misinformation and character assassination, now being revealed by the orange clown...
That's the Democrat stock in trade, isn't it?
Lol, at how the media calls Trump "divisive."

Wait, black lives matter and antifa are Trump supporters?

Huh, I did not know that.

I fucking hate liberals.
If you tell the voters how the Democrats are screwing them, why, that's divisive! Con artists hate division. They hate it when you wise up their victims.
Lol, at how the media calls Trump "divisive."

Wait, black lives matter and antifa are Trump supporters?

Huh, I did not know that.

I fucking hate liberals.
If you tell the voters how the Democrats are screwing them, why, that's divisive! Con artists hate division. They hate it when you wise up their victims.
The funny thing about pathetic stupid ass moronic hypocritical dipshits like IM2 is they call EVERY VOTE a REFERENDUM.

I do not seem to remember that stupid piece of shit claiming any of that when their dear half black messiah in chief lost over 1000 seats during his presidency.

Now, here they are cockledoodledooing about ONE victory.

They are so pathetic. That IM2 is nothing more than a typical white guilt piece of shit. I will bet he thinks he "identifies" with the black lives matter movement. Not kidding. That is how stupid they are. They think ANTIFA is a "noble" uniting movement. Only liberals like IM2 could ignore those animals chant for dead cops and then say it is not their fault when one of those animals kill a cop.

Now, you have the democrats in their pathetic way, trying to claim Trump is the divisive one.

"Always accuse others of that which you are guilty." Goebbels.

That is ALL DEMOCRATS DO. They count on division. They need division. They need classes separated, genders, races, all of it.

IM2 is the most typical left wing pile of shit. He is too stupid to get it. Lets watch them claim the referendum thing as they ignore the over 1000 seats lost under their pathetic messiah.

I seem to recall similar sentiments when Republicans won state elections during the Obama administration, and I imagine the same sort of thing was true during Bush, and Clinton, and who knows how far back.

I see it as a further manifestation of the stranglehold the two-party system has on this country. Somehow every state election is about national party politics.

I was thinking the same thing. It seems every election is a referendum about something. I was waiting for the nonsense to begin tonight. At least the partisans will get more talking points.

The thing is every election IS a referendum. And no matter hw many parties we have, because we do have more than 2, it would still be a referendum.

How a person votes for a governor in Virginia is not a referendum on for California, Nevada, Wyoming or New York.

When Obama was in office and the Democrat lost elections, the left claimed it was an aberration, it didn’t mean that much,! All the partisan nuts spin and spin.
After losing 1,000+ elections, losing the House, losing the Senate, losing the WH, being exposed as racists / sexists / homophobes / anti-Semites, having evidence of their corruption / scandals / crimes revealed, and failing to come up with any evidence against Trump after a year of multiple investigations and a stacked Council, tonight is a huge deal for them.

Let them have their much-needed 5 seconds of 'fame' / 'victory'...
Wow. 9 lies in that one post. A new forum record. You should be ashamed of yourself but we all know Deplorables have no shame.
So list the "nine lies" asshole!
How a person votes for a governor in Virginia is not a referendum on for California, Nevada, Wyoming or New York.

When Obama was in office and the Democrat lost elections, the left claimed it was an aberration, it didn’t mean that much,! All the partisan nuts spin and spin.

HA! Talk about having-it-both-ways spin.

In your first sentence you agreed with what you went on to bash liberals for saying after dems lost!

They were either right back in the day or they are right in saying opposite now - you have to choose ONE.
Democrats won a few elections in blue states and cities and now they are acting like it is the...

...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt.

Ah, the smell of con butthurt in the morning!

Pucker up child, it only gets worse from here
That the tards would react this way all over the board today is the easiest prediction I ever made.
No worry Republicans

2018 is in the can count on it
...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt.
You knew they were going to blow up any kind of victory, no matter how small and pathetic, into a great victory, didn't you?

Given they've been shellacked the past few elections any victory is something to them, even in blue states they're expected to win.
Blackrook said:
I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt.

rational Americans of ALL political stripes REJECT your deceitful hateful agenda. :eusa_clap:

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