Democrats won a few elections in blue states and cities and now they are acting like it is the...

It seems to be scaring the trumpanzees enough to pay their Russian masters to put out thread after thread after thread today, Comrade.

The Obamonkeys are happy today.

Good for them.

The Dems are right where they want to be.
...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt. IS all about hate with the religious trumpanzees. Just like the islamoterrorists. It's about the hate.

When Trump has an approval rating lower than anyone in history at this time AND the Republicans couldn't pass gas in the House and Senate AND losing like a motherfucker eventually Trump fan boys will be dragged to reality. Right now they still think everything revolves around their feelings.
I seem to recall similar sentiments when Republicans won state elections during the Obama administration, and I imagine the same sort of thing was true during Bush, and Clinton, and who knows how far back.

I see it as a further manifestation of the stranglehold the two-party system has on this country. Somehow every state election is about national party politics.
I think your opinion is colored by your bias.

Obama helped turn most of the country red.

There is no comparison.
...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt. IS all about hate with the religious trumpanzees. Just like the islamoterrorists. It's about the hate.

When Trump has an approval rating lower than anyone in history at this time AND the Republicans couldn't pass gas in the House and Senate AND losing like a motherfucker eventually Trump fan boys will be dragged to reality. Right now they still think everything revolves around their feelings.
Trumps approvals are highly subjective.

As far as the GOP, they can't grasp their collective asses with both hands free because they are thick as thieves with your commie friends in the Democrat Party.
Republicans Are Going to Wish Clinton Won
November 8, 2017 at 10:05 am ESTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Jonathan Chait: “Imagine what the political world would look like for Republicans had Hillary Clinton won the election. Clinton had dragged her dispirited base to the polls by promising a far more liberal domestic agenda than Barack Obama had delivered, but she would have had no means to enact it. As the first president in 28 years to take office without the benefit of a Congress in her own party’s hands, she’d have been staring at a dead-on-arrival legislative agenda, all the low-hanging executive orders having already been picked by her predecessor, and years of scandalmongering hearings already teed up. The morale of the Democratic base, which had barely tolerated the compromises of the Obama era and already fallen into mutual recriminations by 2016, would have disintegrated altogether. The 2018 midterms would be a Republican bloodbath, with a Senate map promising enormous gains to the Republican Party, which would go into the 2020 elections having learned the lessons of Trump’s defeat and staring at full control of government with, potentially, a filibuster-proof Senate majority.”

“Instead, Republicans under Trump are on the verge of catastrophe.”
...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt. IS all about hate with the religious trumpanzees. Just like the islamoterrorists. It's about the hate.

When Trump has an approval rating lower than anyone in history at this time AND the Republicans couldn't pass gas in the House and Senate AND losing like a motherfucker eventually Trump fan boys will be dragged to reality. Right now they still think everything revolves around their feelings.
Trumps approvals are highly subjective.

As far as the GOP, they can't grasp their collective asses with both hands free because they are thick as thieves with your commie friends in the Democrat Party.

Of course Trumps approvals are subjective. That's literally what a poll is shit fer brains.

And the GOP can't pass shit because the shit they want to pass no one wants and they keep telling the voters that we have to give it to you because we promised it lol.
“People thought in ’09, ’10, ’11, that the country couldn’t be divided more. And you go back to Obama’s campaign in 2008, you know, he was talking about the divide and healing the country and all of that. And some would argue on the right that he did more to divide the country than to unite it. I kind of reject that notion.” Why is that? “Because it wasn’t him!” Boehner replies.

“Idiots,” “Anarchists,” and “Assholes”: John Boehner Unloads on Republicans

The former House Speaker spends most of his time on the golf course, but he's still stewing over the state of the Republican party.

When I ask Boehner whether the Republican Party can survive this, he cuts me off. “There is no Rep—.” He stops himself. “You were about to say, ‘There is no Republican Party,’” I tell him. He shrugs. “There is. But what does it even mean? Donald Trump’s not a Republican. He’s not a Democrat. He’s a populist. He doesn’t have an ideological bone in his body.” So who, I ask, is the leader of the party? “There is nobody,” he says.

“Idiots,” “Anarchists,” and “Assholes”: Boehner Unloads on Republicans
Politician Who Joked About Women’s March Defeated
November 8, 2017 at 10:22 am ESTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

“A New Jersey politician who shared a meme on Facebook during January’s Women’s March in Washington asking whether the protest would be ‘over in time for them to cook dinner’ is eating his words,” the AP reports.

“A woman who was angered by Republican John Carman’s remarks on Tuesday defeated his bid for a second term as an Atlantic County freeholder.”
Republicans Are Going to Wish Clinton Won
November 8, 2017 at 10:05 am ESTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Jonathan Chait: “Imagine what the political world would look like for Republicans had Hillary Clinton won the election. Clinton had dragged her dispirited base to the polls by promising a far more liberal domestic agenda than Barack Obama had delivered, but she would have had no means to enact it. As the first president in 28 years to take office without the benefit of a Congress in her own party’s hands, she’d have been staring at a dead-on-arrival legislative agenda, all the low-hanging executive orders having already been picked by her predecessor, and years of scandalmongering hearings already teed up. The morale of the Democratic base, which had barely tolerated the compromises of the Obama era and already fallen into mutual recriminations by 2016, would have disintegrated altogether. The 2018 midterms would be a Republican bloodbath, with a Senate map promising enormous gains to the Republican Party, which would go into the 2020 elections having learned the lessons of Trump’s defeat and staring at full control of government with, potentially, a filibuster-proof Senate majority.”

“Instead, Republicans under Trump are on the verge of catastrophe.”

You creeps are nothing if not consistently dishonest.
Voters came out in droves. They braved the rain and the cold to send a message to President Trump. The results across the country represent nothing less than a stinging repudiation of Trump on the first anniversary of his election.

-- Democrat Ralph Northam was elected governor of Virginia Tuesday by an unexpectedly large margin of nine percentage points. He won more votes than any previous candidate for Virginia governor.
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Without Discussing GOP Loss
November 8, 2017 at 10:19 am ESTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Slate: “The biggest political story of the hour is that Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie went down big in Virginia after running a Trump-esque campaign fixated on inflammatory culture-war issues, losing to Democrat Ralph Northam by what looks like it will end up as a nine-point margin. It’s the biggest story of the hour, that is, unless you’re watching Fox News: As observed by political writer Chris Hooks, Donald Trump’s favorite network spent more than 90 minutes in prime time on Tuesday—Election Night!—between discussions of election results.”
‘A Stinging Repudiation of Trump’
November 8, 2017 at 9:15 am ESTBy Taegan Goddard161 Comments

James Hohamnn: “Tuesday was the best day for Democrats politically since Barack Obama won reelection in 2012. Remember, conservatives scored significant victories in the November 2014, 2015 and 2016 elections. Democrats desperately needed some wins after they went all-in on a House special election in Georgia this spring and lost. Last night, they got them.”

“Voters came out in droves. They braved the rain and the cold to send a message to President Trump. The results across the country represent nothing less than a stinging repudiation of Trump on the first anniversary of his election.”
How a person votes for a governor in Virginia is not a referendum on for California, Nevada, Wyoming or New York.

When Obama was in office and the Democrat lost elections, the left claimed it was an aberration, it didn’t mean that much,! All the partisan nuts spin and spin.

HA! Talk about having-it-both-ways spin.

In your first sentence you agreed with what you went on to bash liberals for saying after dems lost!

They were either right back in the day or they are right in saying opposite now - you have to choose ONE.

That's why I said ALL partisans. I thought the GOP was stupid when they did it and now they claim it doesn't mean a thing. The point being is you nuts on the extreme left and the extreme right keep making more out of nothing. Benghazi, my have the nuts driven that into the ground. Today we have the nuts claiming this is a big deal! No it isn't, it's just like other off year elections. The fairy dust you are sniffing from your respective nutter sites is fogging your minds and stops the reasoning process.
Voters came out in droves. They braved the rain and the cold to send a message to President Trump. The results across the country represent nothing less than a stinging repudiation of Trump on the first anniversary of his election.

-- Democrat Ralph Northam was elected governor of Virginia Tuesday by an unexpectedly large margin of nine percentage points. He won more votes than any previous candidate for Virginia governor.
Across the country???
Wasn't it NJ and Virginia?
Why not say the Universe???

Keep's the only thing you dicks are any good at.
How a person votes for a governor in Virginia is not a referendum on for California, Nevada, Wyoming or New York.

When Obama was in office and the Democrat lost elections, the left claimed it was an aberration, it didn’t mean that much,! All the partisan nuts spin and spin.

HA! Talk about having-it-both-ways spin.

In your first sentence you agreed with what you went on to bash liberals for saying after dems lost!

They were either right back in the day or they are right in saying opposite now - you have to choose ONE.

That's why I said ALL partisans. I thought the GOP was stupid when they did it and now they claim it doesn't mean a thing. The point being is you nuts on the extreme left and the extreme right keep making more out of nothing. Benghazi, my have the nuts driven that into the ground. Today we have the nuts claiming this is a big deal! No it isn't, it's just like other off year elections. The fairy dust you are sniffing from your respective nutter sites is fogging your minds and stops the reasoning process.

Lol who the fuck is “you” I speak for myself and I address not some general righty “you”, I’m pointing out specifically YOU talking out of both sides of your mouth.

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