Democrats won a few elections in blue states and cities and now they are acting like it is the...

In the past two decades I've watched election, the party opposite the president of the WH wins the off-year local/state elections, because the opposing party is more motivated to vote. This was true under Obama and Bush and Clinton.

Imagine how terrible it would have been if Dems didn't uphold the expected trend? No one is even going bat an eye at these results. This was the expectation.

That is not true. What happened in the Virginia House was totally unexpected. In raw vote totals, the Virginia House which was 66-34 Republican is 48-47 Democrat with 5 seats outstanding. In raw vote totals, it is 50-50. That means at least a 14 seat pick-up. Also the margin of victory was not expected. Trump lost to Clinton by 5 while Gillespie lost by 9. Also the Democrats did much better than Clinton did among blacks and women.
Gillespie burned his bridges with Trump voters so we don't know how he would have fared if he had embraced Trump from the beginning.

He was a poor candidate to begin with but no real shocker...VA and NJ are blue

Republicans held the Virginia House 66-34. That hardly sounds like a blue state. You just keep believing that like the fool you are and the situations will be reverse. Democrats will own everything.
View attachment 159259 The country is sick of the incompetence, racism and arrogance of this know nothing president.
Our gal here represents 67% of America.
Fuck you Donald Trump.

67% of America is unemployed? :eek:

I don't know about the rest of America, but she is. :badgrin:

She is because she exercised her right of free speech. Her employer was someone who does business with the government and the photo was taken by someone in the motorcade. It would be interesting to see if any pressure was bought to bear to fire her. Fire at will laws should be done away with. When these laws are used in retaliation then they threaten our rights. Remember the executive of a high tech company who was forced to resign because he gave money to a California initiative that was seen as anti-gay. This should not happen in America.
In the past two decades I've watched election, the party opposite the president of the WH wins the off-year local/state elections, because the opposing party is more motivated to vote. This was true under Obama and Bush and Clinton.

Imagine how terrible it would have been if Dems didn't uphold the expected trend? No one is even going bat an eye at these results. This was the expectation.

That is not true. What happened in the Virginia House was totally unexpected. In raw vote totals, the Virginia House which was 66-34 Republican is 48-47 Democrat with 5 seats outstanding. In raw vote totals, it is 50-50. That means at least a 14 seat pick-up. Also the margin of victory was not expected. Trump lost to Clinton by 5 while Gillespie lost by 9. Also the Democrats did much better than Clinton did among blacks and women.

Of course it was totally unexpected by the MSM, just like Trump's win was totally unexpected. Your MSM is certified retarded. Anyone not wearing libbie blinders could see either result a mile away.
I seem to recall similar sentiments when Republicans won state elections during the Obama administration, and I imagine the same sort of thing was true during Bush, and Clinton, and who knows how far back.

I see it as a further manifestation of the stranglehold the two-party system has on this country. Somehow every state election is about national party politics.

I was thinking the same thing. It seems every election is a referendum about something. I was waiting for the nonsense to begin tonight. At least the partisans will get more talking points.

The thing is every election IS a referendum. And no matter hw many parties we have, because we do have more than 2, it would still be a referendum.

How a person votes for a governor in Virginia is not a referendum on for California, Nevada, Wyoming or New York.

When Obama was in office and the Democrat lost elections, the left claimed it was an aberration, it didn’t mean that much,! All the partisan nuts spin and spin.

I do believe that Obama hurt Democrats in down ballot races. I also believe that the same thing could happen under Trump. Obama's approval ratings went up once Clinton and Trump went up against each other.
Democrats won a few elections in blue states and cities and now they are acting like it is the...
...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.
I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.
So my reaction is contempt.
When you've been drowning in the ocean with no help in sight for an entire year, the smallest piece of rope you find can look like the Golden Gate Bridge.

But it's still just a small piece of rope, and you're still drowning.
...great victory over Trump that will bring about his downfall.

I would have pity on the Democrats if I didn't hate them so much.

So my reaction is contempt. IS all about hate with the religious trumpanzees. Just like the islamoterrorists. It's about the hate.

When Trump has an approval rating lower than anyone in history at this time AND the Republicans couldn't pass gas in the House and Senate AND losing like a motherfucker eventually Trump fan boys will be dragged to reality. Right now they still think everything revolves around their feelings.
Trumps approvals are highly subjective.

As far as the GOP, they can't grasp their collective asses with both hands free because they are thick as thieves with your commie friends in the Democrat Party.

They are hardly subjective. Every poll has Trump reaching new lows in their poll. You are a typical Trump supporter. It is everyone else's fault. If Gillespie had won, you would be crediting Trump not Gillespie. ILLOGICAL!!

If you are going to use Spock as your avatar, I would suggest you review the speech Kirk gives the alt-Spock about supporting a corrupt Empire in Mirror, Mirror.
How a person votes for a governor in Virginia is not a referendum on for California, Nevada, Wyoming or New York.

When Obama was in office and the Democrat lost elections, the left claimed it was an aberration, it didn’t mean that much,! All the partisan nuts spin and spin.

HA! Talk about having-it-both-ways spin.

In your first sentence you agreed with what you went on to bash liberals for saying after dems lost!

They were either right back in the day or they are right in saying opposite now - you have to choose ONE.

That's why I said ALL partisans. I thought the GOP was stupid when they did it and now they claim it doesn't mean a thing. The point being is you nuts on the extreme left and the extreme right keep making more out of nothing. Benghazi, my have the nuts driven that into the ground. Today we have the nuts claiming this is a big deal! No it isn't, it's just like other off year elections. The fairy dust you are sniffing from your respective nutter sites is fogging your minds and stops the reasoning process.

Lol who the fuck is “you” I speak for myself and I address not some general righty “you”, I’m pointing out specifically YOU talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Oh good, a partisan nut job speaking out, lol! That will get everyone's attention. I am sorry you are so butt hurt over my comment. Go get a band aid and some Tylenol, maybe it won't so bad.

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