Democrats worship big government


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
Of course gov oppresses far greater than corporations, but this fact matters not to a leftist.
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it
you just said you dont know any Democrats that worship at the altar of big government.
for that reason i wont even bother reading past that second like idiot
Of course gov oppresses far greater than corporations, but this fact matters not to a leftist.

Oppression to these loons is gay marriage. LOL.

what's funny is they whine about being oppressed while they try to divest everyone who isn't white, male and Christian of their rights.


a real live loon would be like a whore for big government who makes accusations she cant back up
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?

Way too funny coming from an old depends wearing slackjaw in jesusland flyover country coming up with strawman arguments
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?

Way too funny coming from an old depends wearing slackjaw in jesusland flyover country coming up with strawman arguments

you poor idiot; i live in a big eastern city in a BLUE state

try again dummy!

you just said you dont know any Democrats that worship at the altar of big government.
for that reason i wont even bother reading past that second like idiot
Why? Do you know every Democrat that I do?

I'm sorry, you have me at a disadvantage, have we met?

Also, you do realize I'm not talking about the "Democrats" on this you?

At any rate, if you do, show me a Democrat on this site that worships at the alter of big government.

But of course I realize I may regret asking, because that leaves exactly what "worshipping at the alter of big government" is, completely up to you.

I should guess "worshipping at the alter of big government" simply means anything that Obama and Hillary do. That's how Rush says it when I tune into him
YOU MAY LISTEN to Rush; he isnt available in my blue state. i dont need rush to tell me what i can see for myself.

i dont even consider you worth debating; but i will simply say this since you asked...........................Sorry to answer a question with a question but what left-winger on these boards would you say is an example of somebody that DOESNT see more government as the solution to everything? i ask because it should be obvious to anybody the ALL do; AND IN THIS CASE i'm not afraid of painting with that broad brush. and since they DO feel that way that is why i dont believe you are worth having a conversation with. Sorry
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it


what is amazing is the collectice cognitive dissonance of you idiots. if Democrats arent interested in making it harder to own guns why is it so hard to get one in liberal cities? why are their gun laws being struck down by the SCOTUS?

HAVE YOU NOT seen a hundred examples of the Left trying to remove all trace of religion from the public square? then you havent been paying attention idiot

the left doesnt hate the wealthy? seriously?????


seriously what an idiot deep in denial
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it


what is amazing is the collectice cognitive dissonance of you idiots. if Democrats arent interested in making it harder to own guns why is it so hard to get one in liberal cities? why are their gun laws being struck down by the SCOTUS?

HAVE YOU NOT seen a hundred examples of the Left trying to remove all trace of religion from the public square? then you havent been paying attention idiot

the left doesnt hate the wealthy? seriously?????


seriously what an idiot deep in denial
You might be easier to communicate with if you weren't so angry and hostile, but I'm not fragile so I'll give it a whirl.

On the notion that the Left is trying to remove all trace of religion from the public're conflating two different things.

There are people, for religious reasons, or because they're atheists/agnostics, that are hypersensetive about tax dollars being spent on religious practices by religions other than theirs.

Then there is the left...meaning the Democratic Party, that does not espouse a policity or platform that includes restricting Christmas displays.

The common denominator that makes Fox News Republicans and Dittoheads think the Left is trying to remove all trace of religion from the public that the people likely to be offended by tax dollars spent on the practice of Christianity, are non Christians, and non Christians tend to be Democrats, because Fox News Republicans and Dittoheads don't particularly like non Christians, or at the very least, which is obvious in your case, are threatened by them.

Now the gun thing, which turned you off in a New York second...
The big cities like New York City and Chicago have different experiences with gun violence than conservative rural areas. In big cities, people tend to NOT hunt for food. Their only experiences with guns within cities is how gang members have lot's of them. They do tend to be Liberal, and they're generally less likely to feel comfortable or competent with firearms, and so self protection using them is far more problematic because of the increased potential for liabilities created by collateral damage. It's not required to bear arms in the US, it's a right, for whatever reason, folks in the big cities tend to waive...and that right is replaced by expectations of better police protection. The police in big cities tend to view self protection with firearms as more trouble than it's worth.

In the country, or the suburbs, and exceptionally rural areas, guns are often a necessity, and I have no problem with that, nor do the Democrats I know.

I haven't seen any laws or regulations proposed by Democrats to take guns away from people in areas where guns are a necessity. Because they're usually not problems in those areas.

So....are you willing to provide an example of significant intent, from Democratic politicians, of legislation designed to take away gun ownership rights?
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Then the democrats you know do not belong in the democratic party.

Because you just did a fine job of defining the liberal agenda the democratic party serves.

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