Demographic Shift in America


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
With the support of trump we are seeing is a reactionary anger against this shift

In less than 30 years, whites will no longer be the racial majority in the United States. Hispanics, African Americans and Asians – the country’s three largest minority groups – will outnumber whites.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042 or sooner, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters.

Take for instance, now in 2015 White Christians now represent just 46 percent of American adults, according to Pew data provided in response to a request from Next America. That’s down from a 55 percent majority as recently as 2007, and every year going forward their numbers will continue to shrink

So we see the hate and white hot anger coming to the surface

Let The GOP Crying Begin: White Christians No Longer Majority In United States

white hot anger.jpg
guno, you're assuming that Hispanics will always vote Democrat. That is not going to happen. With every generation, Hispanics become more assimilated into the dominant white culture.

Can Spanish survive in the USA?

Hispanics are aware that the Spanish language is on a decline in this country, but apparently white liberals didn't get the email.

And as Hispanics assimilate and forget Spanish, they will increasingly become aware that do not need what the Democrats have to offer.

What the Democrats offer is generation and generation of dependency on the welfare state.

But that road leads to permanent poverty.

So, your gloating thread about defeating the white race is premature.
guno, you're assuming that Hispanics will always vote Democrat. That is not going to happen. With every generation, Hispanics become more assimilated into the dominant white culture.

Can Spanish survive in the USA?

Hispanics are aware that the Spanish language is on a decline in this country, but apparently white liberals didn't get the email.

And as Hispanics assimilate and forget Spanish, they will increasingly become aware that do not need what the Democrats have to offer.

What the Democrats offer is generation and generation of dependency on the welfare state.

But that road leads to permanent poverty.

So, your gloating thread about defeating the white race is premature.

That is what bothers me most about liberals; they see a black, hispanic, gay or some other stereotype before they see the person..if ever they do.

Another racist thread from guno. His dream of white demise will start diminishing after 12 million illegals are sent packing in about one more year.
Another Guno thread about white people.

Dude is obsessed with us!
Another Guno thread about white people.

Dude is obsessed with us!

He's just upset that Latinos outnumber blacks and soon even Asians will.
Unlike many blacks though, most of them become educated and get jobs.

The few blacks that will survive their homosexual/HIV epidemic, drug addiction, and high murder rates, will just end up unemployed or in prison. As if the growing number of Latinos and Asians care about negroes or will help them.
Actually, by then the majority of Americans will be of mixed race. And will have their own ideas and ambitions. By 2040, much of what we are talking about today will be old and uninteresting history to the American voters of that year.
Negroes are committing self-genocide every day in the US. No White or Asian in their right mind would marry a negro.
Negroes use abortion as birth control. There are fewer and fewer negro men who are remotely interested in who they father.
Every Latino who gets a job.....any job hangs on to it. The last thing they want is millions of illegal Latinos trying to take away their jobs.
The better off a Latino gets the more likely they are to vote for a REP.
As usual the bat-shit Guno is having another day filled with rage he was born a negro.
Hey 'bat-shit' go buy some White shoe polish and use it if it will make you feel better.
Another Guno thread about white people.

Dude is obsessed with us!
You and your ilk are going the way of the dinosaur.

Good riddance. The country will be a much better place without racist scum like you in it.
Another Guno thread about white people.

Dude is obsessed with us!
You and your ilk are going the way of the dinosaur.

Good riddance. The country will be a much better place without racist scum like you in it. My type will settle in somewhere just like we did in America. Canada maybe. Maybe back to Europe once the massive war coming there rids the area of Islam.

But you're celebrating that America will soon look more like Mexico, Africa, Vietnam and Iraq??? Um....ok. If you see that as a good thing then have fun with that.
LOL. No one will miss you. America will look as America always has, differant in every generation. And, I think, better. We have problems, but we have always had those, and, eventually, solved many of them.
LOL. No one will miss you. America will look as America always has, differant in every generation. And, I think, better. We have problems, but we have always had those, and, eventually, solved many of them.

Yes. America will be more like Mexico, Africa, Vietnam and Iraq. It's gonna be so awesome when white people dwindle to obscurity and eventually barely existing in America.

Won't be like that for another 75 to 100 years or so. But once it happens....a whiteless 'Murica is gonna be so wonderful.
Not going to be whiteless, blackless, yellowless, or redless. Going to be American. If you cannot live with that, leave, and good riddance.
LOL. No one will miss you. America will look as America always has, differant in every generation. And, I think, better. We have problems, but we have always had those, and, eventually, solved many of them.
So when is the "problem" of negro on negro endemic violence, illiteracy, fatherless children, drug abuse in their communities in every inner city in the country going to be "solved"?
Someone better come up with some solutions before they have committed self-genocide.
Negroes are never going to "assimilate" with other races. No other races wants anything to do with them.
Latinos can't stand to be in the same room as negroes. If you want to see how Asians feel about negroes travel to China. You'll be in for a big shock.
Not going to be whiteless, blackless, yellowless, or redless. Going to be American. If you cannot live with that, leave, and good riddance.

So you say it's just gonna be one mixed race for everyone? Hmmm. That's probably about 500 to 1000 years away.
LOL. No one will miss you. America will look as America always has, differant in every generation. And, I think, better. We have problems, but we have always had those, and, eventually, solved many of them.
So when is the "problem" of negro on negro endemic violence, illiteracy, fatherless children, drug abuse in their communities in every inner city in the country going to be "solved"?
Someone better come up with some solutions before they have committed self-genocide.
Negroes are never going to "assimilate" with other races. No other races wants anything to do with them.
Latinos can't stand to be in the same room as negroes. If you want to see how Asians feel about negroes travel to China. You'll be in for a big shock.

Well....white people caused all these problems in the American black community. So once us whites die America will thrive. Like Africa.
Not going to be whiteless, blackless, yellowless, or redless. Going to be American. If you cannot live with that, leave, and good riddance.
You're delusional asshole.
The myth of America being the great "melting pot" of enthnicities and races is just that.
Interracial marriages between negro males and female Whites or Asians or Latinos is comparatively rare. Those that do occur mostly end up in divorce.
If you want proof go to Google. There are dozens of studies proving what I posted.
LOL. No one will miss you. America will look as America always has, differant in every generation. And, I think, better. We have problems, but we have always had those, and, eventually, solved many of them.
So when is the "problem" of negro on negro endemic violence, illiteracy, fatherless children, drug abuse in their communities in every inner city in the country going to be "solved"?
Someone better come up with some solutions before they have committed self-genocide.
Negroes are never going to "assimilate" with other races. No other races wants anything to do with them.
Latinos can't stand to be in the same room as negroes. If you want to see how Asians feel about negroes travel to China. You'll be in for a big shock.

Well....white people caused all these problems in the American black community. So once us whites die America will thrive. Like Africa.
Ya. If negroes just could have their own 'spaces' where they could be free from the White man's oppression their communities would flourish. What a minute!
If anyone wants to see what the 'Warrior gene' looks like go rent or download the movie 'Zulu'.
"But But that's NOT what the 'Zulu' were really like! It was just a movie!".
Ya fucking right! Tribes in Africa had been living exactly like they were depicted in the 1964 movie for thousands of years. The White man didn't suddenly turn up and ignite the Zulu culture of constant intertribal war and slave trading.
Walk down any inner city shithole in any US city and what you'll witness is young negro women and men no different than those shown in the movie. Only the spears are now illegal hand guns and the loin cloths are now pants worn at the knees like they just shit themselves.
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