Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

That great Putin guy that is now one of the richest men in the world, what has he done outside of being an employee of the KGB and a politician to earn it?
How do you know what he is worth?
Financier Bill Browder says Vladimir Putin is worth $200 billion

Is Vladimir Putin the richest person in the world? This financier says he's worth more than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos combined. Catherine Clifford. 1:16 PM ET Mon, 31 July 2017. Vladimir Putin. Alexander Zemlianichenko | Pool | Reuters. Vladimir Putin ...
That means nothing.
That great Putin guy that is now one of the richest men in the world, what has he done outside of being an employee of the KGB and a politician to earn it?
How do you know what he is worth?
Financier Bill Browder says Vladimir Putin is worth $200 billion

Is Vladimir Putin the richest person in the world? This financier says he's worth more than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos combined. Catherine Clifford. 1:16 PM ET Mon, 31 July 2017. Vladimir Putin. Alexander Zemlianichenko | Pool | Reuters. Vladimir Putin ...
That means nothing.
google : Dacha consumer cooperative "Ozero"
Ozero - Wikipedia
That great Putin guy that is now one of the richest men in the world, what has he done outside of being an employee of the KGB and a politician to earn it?
How do you know what he is worth?
Financier Bill Browder says Vladimir Putin is worth $200 billion

Is Vladimir Putin the richest person in the world? This financier says he's worth more than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos combined. Catherine Clifford. 1:16 PM ET Mon, 31 July 2017. Vladimir Putin. Alexander Zemlianichenko | Pool | Reuters. Vladimir Putin ...
That means nothing.
google : Dacha consumer cooperative "Ozero"
Ozero - Wikipedia
Okay. And?

You appear to be grasping at straws.

Just admit that you don't know how much Putin is worth.
That great Putin guy that is now one of the richest men in the world, what has he done outside of being an employee of the KGB and a politician to earn it?
How do you know what he is worth?
Financier Bill Browder says Vladimir Putin is worth $200 billion

Is Vladimir Putin the richest person in the world? This financier says he's worth more than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos combined. Catherine Clifford. 1:16 PM ET Mon, 31 July 2017. Vladimir Putin. Alexander Zemlianichenko | Pool | Reuters. Vladimir Putin ...
That means nothing.
google : Dacha consumer cooperative "Ozero"
Ozero - Wikipedia
Okay. And?

You appear to be grasping at straws.

Just admit that you don't know how much Putin is worth.
even his ex - wife has founds with capital 2 milliards. but you can keep loving vova putler, its so typical for extreme left and far right Useful idiots

Why Russia cultivates fringe groups on the far-right and far-left.

May 4, 2017 - These movements appear to be modern incarnations of the types of “useful idiots” popularized in Soviet jargon. Unfortunately, the illiberal elements among America's far-right have taken the bait. Look at the relationship and networks developing between Kremlin officials and America's Christian ...
How do you know what he is worth?
Financier Bill Browder says Vladimir Putin is worth $200 billion

Is Vladimir Putin the richest person in the world? This financier says he's worth more than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos combined. Catherine Clifford. 1:16 PM ET Mon, 31 July 2017. Vladimir Putin. Alexander Zemlianichenko | Pool | Reuters. Vladimir Putin ...
That means nothing.
google : Dacha consumer cooperative "Ozero"
Ozero - Wikipedia
Okay. And?

You appear to be grasping at straws.

Just admit that you don't know how much Putin is worth.
even his ex - wife has founds with capital 2 milliards. but you can keep loving vova putler, its so typical for extreme left and far right Useful idiots

Why Russia cultivates fringe groups on the far-right and far-left.

May 4, 2017 - These movements appear to be modern incarnations of the types of “useful idiots” popularized in Soviet jargon. Unfortunately, the illiberal elements among America's far-right have taken the bait. Look at the relationship and networks developing between Kremlin officials and America's Christian ...
Useful idiots are those that accept propaganda at face value.

If there is no evidence to support the ridiculous assertions presented by the useful idiots in this thread then the assertions can be discarded as merely propaganda. The useful idiots readily accept the propaganda as fact because it fits their preconceived beliefs.

I've seen this before. Saddam Hussein is the prime example. Fifteen years ago the useful idiots were duped into a war that we are still fighting. I wasn't one of them then either.

You quite obviously have an agenda.
Everything anyone needs to know about Putin was on display last night on 60-Minutes. Watch it and be horrified of the results of the nerve gas attack on civilians, and the bodies of men, women and dozens of children.

Support for the Butcher of Syria by Russia is evil!


What a chemical attack in Syria looks like
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people

Mattis may not have the evidence, CBS has it in spades.
I watched the show. They didn't provide any evidence. Your making it up.

All those dead people, the kids and the infants, were extra's provided by Hollywood? Good to know. Thanks for offering a line of defense for Putin and this evil piece of shit; either you are stupid or one evil MFer.

Everything anyone needs to know about Putin was on display last night on 60-Minutes. Watch it and be horrified of the results of the nerve gas attack on civilians, and the bodies of men, women and dozens of children.

Support for the Butcher of Syria by Russia is evil!


What a chemical attack in Syria looks like
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people

Mattis may not have the evidence, CBS has it in spades.
I watched the show. They didn't provide any evidence. Your making it up.

All those dead people, the kids and the infants, were extra's provided by Hollywood? Good to know. Thanks for offering a line of defense for Putin and this evil piece of shit; either you are stupid or one evil MFer.

View attachment 179192
No, you ignorant fuck. You linked those kid's deaths to Putin and Assad. You claim CBS knows more than the Secretary of Defense.

Where is the evidence that supports your belief? What is the evidence that you claim was provided by CBS that links the attack to Putin?
Why the selective outrage from American's who are culpable for most of the suffering in the region?

Where is the outrage over the people suffering in Yemen? Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Raqqa?
rightwinger , you justify your moniker. The country has shifted even further to the right. You fill the void vacated by those on the right who have moved to the extreme or alt right.
Why the selective outrage from American's who are culpable for most of the suffering in the region?

Where is the outrage over the people suffering in Yemen? Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Raqqa?
Russian UN envoy Vitaliy Churkin (who died in NY a year ago) commented on Samanta Power’s emotional speech about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, where the US-backed rebels were losing a battle to the Russian-backed Syrian Army, on December 13, 2016.
“Please, remember which country you represent. Please, remember the track record of your country,” Churkin told her.


‘Still looking for Iraqi WMDs?’ & other most memorable quotes from Vitaly Churkin

So, all you RW, Catcher, Litwin and others who suddenly started worrying about "dead people, kids and infants" allegedly killed by Assad, please, remember which country you represent.
Western Lies about Lies over Syria’s East Ghouta

By Finian Cunningham

.....The comparison of East Ghouta with East Aleppo is real enough, but not in the make-believe propaganda nonsense way that Western media are portraying.

Audacious falsification by the Washington Post was further compounded this week when it tried to underscore the suffering in East Ghouta by claiming the area was “hit with chemical weapons in 2013 by the regime [sic]”.

That is an outrageous lie that has been already exposed by several independent journalists, such as Seymour Hersh, who showed that it was the Jaysh al Islam militants (the so-called “good rebels”) who carried out the 2013 atrocity against civilians under its control as a deliberate false flag attempt to trigger US military intervention in Syria. Similar to the stunt pulled last April in Khan Sheikhoun, in Idlib Province, which President Trump reacted to three days later with a barrage of 57 Tomahawk cruise missiles slamming into Syria.

The repugnant irony of Western media and the UN chief calling for tougher Western government intervention in Syria is that it is precisely because of Western governments intervening in Syria for regime change that has resulted in the present devastation and suffering of the country.

Western media will never tell the full story of how past US administrations in league with their NATO allies, Israel and other regional client regimes were plotting for years to destroy Syria as part of a wider war plan to control the oil-rich Middle East.

The proxy war in Syria for the past seven years has followed the war plan laid out by pro-Israeli American imperialists in Washington like Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. In their “Clean Break” plan from as far back as 1996, Syria and Iraq were a priority for “roll back” or regime change. The list of Mideast countries targeted by the US for regime change, including Syria and Iraq, was confirmed by American General Wesley Clark in 2007.

This is how the suffering in Syria we are witnessing today has come about.

Want to end the misery and horror in Syria? Then the US and its accomplices, including Britain and France, should get out of Syria and stop waging their covert war for regime change.

Western media will never elucidate that truth because their purpose is to tell lies about lies, and to manipulate Western public into supporting ever-more criminal war.

Western Lies about Lies over Syria’s East Ghouta
Western Lies about Lies over Syria’s East Ghouta

By Finian Cunningham

.....The comparison of East Ghouta with East Aleppo is real enough, but not in the make-believe propaganda nonsense way that Western media are portraying.

Audacious falsification by the Washington Post was further compounded this week when it tried to underscore the suffering in East Ghouta by claiming the area was “hit with chemical weapons in 2013 by the regime [sic]”.

That is an outrageous lie that has been already exposed by several independent journalists, such as Seymour Hersh, who showed that it was the Jaysh al Islam militants (the so-called “good rebels”) who carried out the 2013 atrocity against civilians under its control as a deliberate false flag attempt to trigger US military intervention in Syria. Similar to the stunt pulled last April in Khan Sheikhoun, in Idlib Province, which President Trump reacted to three days later with a barrage of 57 Tomahawk cruise missiles slamming into Syria.

The repugnant irony of Western media and the UN chief calling for tougher Western government intervention in Syria is that it is precisely because of Western governments intervening in Syria for regime change that has resulted in the present devastation and suffering of the country.

Western media will never tell the full story of how past US administrations in league with their NATO allies, Israel and other regional client regimes were plotting for years to destroy Syria as part of a wider war plan to control the oil-rich Middle East.

The proxy war in Syria for the past seven years has followed the war plan laid out by pro-Israeli American imperialists in Washington like Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. In their “Clean Break” plan from as far back as 1996, Syria and Iraq were a priority for “roll back” or regime change. The list of Mideast countries targeted by the US for regime change, including Syria and Iraq, was confirmed by American General Wesley Clark in 2007.

This is how the suffering in Syria we are witnessing today has come about.

Want to end the misery and horror in Syria? Then the US and its accomplices, including Britain and France, should get out of Syria and stop waging their covert war for regime change.

Western media will never elucidate that truth because their purpose is to tell lies about lies, and to manipulate Western public into supporting ever-more criminal war.

Western Lies about Lies over Syria’s East Ghouta
Absolutely great post, Tehon, thank you!

USA and other countries (except for Russia) are present in Syria illegally.

The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.

Russia is there at request from the lawful government. All anti-Russians, feel the difference!
Everything anyone needs to know about Putin was on display last night on 60-Minutes. Watch it and be horrified of the results of the nerve gas attack on civilians, and the bodies of men, women and dozens of children.

Support for the Butcher of Syria by Russia is evil!


What a chemical attack in Syria looks like
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people

Mattis may not have the evidence, CBS has it in spades.
I watched the show. They didn't provide any evidence. Your making it up.

All those dead people, the kids and the infants, were extra's provided by Hollywood? Good to know. Thanks for offering a line of defense for Putin and this evil piece of shit; either you are stupid or one evil MFer.

View attachment 179192
No, you ignorant fuck. You linked those kid's deaths to Putin and Assad. You claim CBS knows more than the Secretary of Defense.

Where is the evidence that supports your belief? What is the evidence that you claim was provided by CBS that links the attack to Putin?

Ignorance is not a character flaw, denial when willful is!

Who else has chemical weapons? Who else has means, opportunity and motives?

Do you think Canada, Kuwait or Cambodia is the evil actor in these wanton murders?

"Dumb fuck"? This us the evidence needed to classify you as irrelevant; someone who can not post a comment which is substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking is not worthy of my time, or the time of anyone who seeks the truth.
I watched the show. They didn't provide any evidence. Your making it up.

All those dead people, the kids and the infants, were extra's provided by Hollywood? Good to know. Thanks for offering a line of defense for Putin and this evil piece of shit; either you are stupid or one evil MFer.

View attachment 179192
No, you ignorant fuck. You linked those kid's deaths to Putin and Assad. You claim CBS knows more than the Secretary of Defense.

Where is the evidence that supports your belief? What is the evidence that you claim was provided by CBS that links the attack to Putin?

Ignorance is not a character flaw, denial when willful is!

Who else has chemical weapons? Who else has means, opportunity and motives?

Do you think Canada, Kuwait or Cambodia is the evil actor in these wanton murders?

"Dumb fuck"? This us the evidence needed to classify you as irrelevant; someone who can not post a comment which is substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking is not worthy of my time, or the time of anyone who seeks the truth.
ISIS has chlorine, zarine and a lot of reasons to apply it to hurt Assad.

NY Times:
The Islamic State has used chemical weapons, including chlorine and sulfur mustard agents, at least 52 times on the battlefield in Syria and Iraq according to the assessment by the IHS Conflict Monitor, a London-based intelligence collection and analysis service.
ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says

Syrian authorities have handed over a batch of documents with the evidence of a rebel use of banned chemical agent against civilians near Aleppo to the international chemical watchdog. Samples from the shell containing mustard gas are to be delivered to The Hague.
The documents were handed over in Damascus to the mission of the Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
Syria hands over evidence of mustard gas attack by rebels on civilians to OPCW (VIDEO)
Ignorance is not a character flaw, denial when willful is!
You deny the statements the Secretary of Defense made concerning the lack of evidence linking the attack to Assad. Is that not willful denial?

You claim CBS knows more than does Mattis. When asked for the evidence that justifies your assertion you misrepresented my position and surmised that I must be an evil mother fucker. WTF is wrong with you dude? What type of response did you expect?

The search for truth requires asking questions and seeking answers with an open mind, accepting them even when they don't align with your preconceived ideas. You're not seeking the truth, all that you are doing is pushing the narrative that has been carefully crafted for you.
Why the selective outrage from American's who are culpable for most of the suffering in the region?

Where is the outrage over the people suffering in Yemen? Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Raqqa?
Russian UN envoy Vitaliy Churkin (who died in NY a year ago) commented on Samanta Power’s emotional speech about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, where the US-backed rebels were losing a battle to the Russian-backed Syrian Army, on December 13, 2016.
“Please, remember which country you represent. Please, remember the track record of your country,” Churkin told her.

View attachment 179200
‘Still looking for Iraqi WMDs?’ & other most memorable quotes from Vitaly Churkin

So, all you RW, Catcher, Litwin and others who suddenly started worrying about "dead people, kids and infants" allegedly killed by Assad, please, remember which country you represent.

Your premise which attacks my patriotism is missing substance. Please post how you reason my outrage by the use of chemical gas on civilians in Syria, disregards the attacks on civilians here or over seas?

BTW, I expressed my dismay and concern for all people, regardless of demographics, by terrorists; including the military of nation states and those who enable them, such as our own NRA.
Ignorance is not a character flaw, denial when willful is!
You deny the statements the Secretary of Defense made concerning the lack of evidence linking the attack to Assad. Is that not willful denial?

You claim CBS knows more than does Mattis. When asked for the evidence that justifies your assertion you misrepresented my position and surmised that I must be an evil mother fucker. WTF is wrong with you dude? What type of response did you expect?

The search for truth requires asking questions and seeking answers with an open mind, accepting them even when they don't align with your preconceived ideas. You're not seeking the truth, all that you are doing is pushing the narrative that has been carefully crafted for you.

Oh bullshit. The video was concrete evidence of the use of nerve gas, something Trump&Co. did not provide (likely because Trump fears offending Putin). What other nation states had motive, opportunity and means?

I won't deny the SecDef made the statements you referred to, and your comments (I inferred) were meant to protect the most inept and unfit Executive Administration - from top to those who got fired or quit - in our history.

But I'm pragmatic and think panoptically on most issues, especially on use of force. Which is why I believe anyone who supports Trump is seriously misguided, and those who deny Putin's Russia and Assad's intent are not evil.
Why the selective outrage from American's who are culpable for most of the suffering in the region?

Where is the outrage over the people suffering in Yemen? Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Raqqa?
Russian UN envoy Vitaliy Churkin (who died in NY a year ago) commented on Samanta Power’s emotional speech about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, where the US-backed rebels were losing a battle to the Russian-backed Syrian Army, on December 13, 2016.
“Please, remember which country you represent. Please, remember the track record of your country,” Churkin told her.

View attachment 179200
‘Still looking for Iraqi WMDs?’ & other most memorable quotes from Vitaly Churkin

So, all you RW, Catcher, Litwin and others who suddenly started worrying about "dead people, kids and infants" allegedly killed by Assad, please, remember which country you represent.

Your premise which attacks my patriotism is missing substance. Please post how you reason my outrage by the use of chemical gas on civilians in Syria, disregards the attacks on civilians here or over seas?

BTW, I expressed my dismay and concern for all people, regardless of demographics, by terrorists; including the military of nation states and those who enable them, such as our own NRA.
Ok, where all your concerns have been when your country was bombing Serbia, Libya, Iraq? When US coalition under commander-in-chief Obama started cleaning Mosul from civilians (they allowed a lot of terrorists to safely leave Mosul before they started destroying it).

Mosul: (Reuters)
MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - The Iraqis who have come home to Mosul’s Old City knew it would be hard living in the rubble left by the battle against Islamic State, but there is one aspect of their surroundings they are finding unbearable seven months on.

Local residents and officials in predominantly Sunni Mosul say there are also thousands of civilian bodies yet to be retrieved from the ruins.

“I don’t want my children to have to walk past dead bodies in the street every day,” said Abdelrazaq Abdullah, back with his wife and three children in the quarter where the militants made their last stand in July against Iraqi and U.S.-led coalition forces.
Battle over bodies rages quietly in Iraq's Mosul long after Islamic...



Republican member of the Virginia State Senate Richard Hayden Black talks to Press TV about ties between Washington and Daesh, further exposing the true “axis of evil” in the Middle East.

If the United States had just stayed out of it at that point, the war would be over by now; people would be rebuilding, refugees would be returning back to Syria, but the United States rushed anti-Tank missiles, and we used these so-called moderate rebels as a conduit to supply al-Nusra, which is al-Qaeda in Syria,” he noted.

“If we were not supporting the war in Syria, I believe that the Syrians, combined with their allied forces from Iran, Lebanon and Russia… would move very steadily and restore the borders of Syria.”
PressTV-Senator exposes Washington's ties with Daesh

If you truly want to save civilians' lives in Syria, get the hell out of it and quit supporting, arming, training and financing terrorists there.

Everything anyone needs to know about Putin was on display last night on 60-Minutes. Watch it and be horrified of the results of the nerve gas attack on civilians, and the bodies of men, women and dozens of children.

Support for the Butcher of Syria by Russia is evil!


What a chemical attack in Syria looks like
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people

Mattis may not have the evidence, CBS has it in spades.
The alleged chemical attack took place in ISIS controlled territory in Damascus suburbs area. ISIS had a lot more chances to pull it out than Assad. And ISIS had reasons for that while Assad did not. Why? Because it hurts Assad and helps ISIS.

Besides, your favorite “leader” Obama has confirmed that Assad got rid of all his chemical weapons.
On 18 August 2014, all of the most toxic chemicals had been destroyed offshore.
Destruction of Syria's chemical weapons - Wikipedia

Lavrov said today: "Mass media released fake news saying that chlorine was used yesterday or this morning in Eastern Ghouta (a Damascus suburb - TASS), referring to an anonymous source living in the US."

"The attempts (at misinformation) will continue for the sole purpose of discrediting government forces and blaming them for all mortal sins and war crimes," he said. "This will be done with the aim of systematically pushing ahead with actions that we already observe in the eastern regions of Syria, where the United States is enforcing its scenario of creating a quasi-state and dismembering the country. We will continue to discuss this theme further on with the Americans and with their allies in the coalition."

"They (the US and its allies - TASS) should explain why these actions are taken despite the fact that Resolution 2401 proved the need for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. So, there are many questions here," he said.
Russian top diplomat forecasts more 'fake news' aimed at tearing apart Syria

Deep State and Israel are hardly working on the Project 'Greater Israel'. Therefore Russia and Syrian will be always wrong because they do not want give freely 90% of Syria to Israel.

Why the selective outrage from American's who are culpable for most of the suffering in the region?

Where is the outrage over the people suffering in Yemen? Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Raqqa?
Russian UN envoy Vitaliy Churkin (who died in NY a year ago) commented on Samanta Power’s emotional speech about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, where the US-backed rebels were losing a battle to the Russian-backed Syrian Army, on December 13, 2016.
“Please, remember which country you represent. Please, remember the track record of your country,” Churkin told her.

View attachment 179200
‘Still looking for Iraqi WMDs?’ & other most memorable quotes from Vitaly Churkin

So, all you RW, Catcher, Litwin and others who suddenly started worrying about "dead people, kids and infants" allegedly killed by Assad, please, remember which country you represent.

Your premise which attacks my patriotism is missing substance. Please post how you reason my outrage by the use of chemical gas on civilians in Syria, disregards the attacks on civilians here or over seas?

BTW, I expressed my dismay and concern for all people, regardless of demographics, by terrorists; including the military of nation states and those who enable them, such as our own NRA.
Ok, where all your concerns have been when your country was bombing Serbia, Libya, Iraq? When US coalition under commander-in-chief Obama started cleaning Mosul from civilians (they allowed a lot of terrorists to safely leave Mosul before they started destroying it).

Mosul: (Reuters)
MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - The Iraqis who have come home to Mosul’s Old City knew it would be hard living in the rubble left by the battle against Islamic State, but there is one aspect of their surroundings they are finding unbearable seven months on.

Local residents and officials in predominantly Sunni Mosul say there are also thousands of civilian bodies yet to be retrieved from the ruins.

“I don’t want my children to have to walk past dead bodies in the street every day,” said Abdelrazaq Abdullah, back with his wife and three children in the quarter where the militants made their last stand in July against Iraqi and U.S.-led coalition forces.
Battle over bodies rages quietly in Iraq's Mosul long after Islamic...



Republican member of the Virginia State Senate Richard Hayden Black talks to Press TV about ties between Washington and Daesh, further exposing the true “axis of evil” in the Middle East.

If the United States had just stayed out of it at that point, the war would be over by now; people would be rebuilding, refugees would be returning back to Syria, but the United States rushed anti-Tank missiles, and we used these so-called moderate rebels as a conduit to supply al-Nusra, which is al-Qaeda in Syria,” he noted.

“If we were not supporting the war in Syria, I believe that the Syrians, combined with their allied forces from Iran, Lebanon and Russia… would move very steadily and restore the borders of Syria.”
PressTV-Senator exposes Washington's ties with Daesh

If you truly want to save civilians' lives in Syria, get the hell out of it and quit supporting, arming, training and financing terrorists there.

View attachment 179300

Tell this to Trump&Co. I doubt very much Assad, with the aid of Putin, will stop until he has eradicated all opposition to his rule. The US did not use chemical weapons, and real conservatives and liberals believe we have wasted too much blood and treasure since Bush II declared a war on terror.

Your simple explanation for peace in our times is ridiculous, but unlike you, I don't have any simple solutions to many of the issues facing the US at this time. We have a fool in the White House, and the leadership in the H. or Rep and the Senate are more concerned with their job, and the power they have, than anything else.

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