DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

...Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach...
If true, and if applicable to sitting GOP Senators, then let's add Jury Tampering to the Articles of Impeachment... :21:

There is very little that this Robber Baron does that surprises me anymore...
And you'll believe any cock&bull story you hear about him without question.
When Obama was President, he wasn't publically denigrating the media, referring to them as the "enemy of the people", harking back to Joseph Stalin's attacks on the media, and probably given to him by Putin, who has already murdered over 200 journalists. Trump's comments have lead to an increase in violent attacks on media, including pipe bombs sent to CNN, a mass shooting in a Washington news outlet, and reporters being physically attacked at Trump's rallies.

Forgetting all the attacks on Trumps people and supporters?

View attachment 287704

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

How many of them were killed? 50 people died in 2018 from right wing terrorist attacks. It's not Trump supporters who are being attack by white supremacists, gunned down in synagogues, or churches.

Kooks can't be stopped, but nobody on the right is trying to encourage people to go out and assault or kill anybody. You can't say that about the left. Listen to what Water's said. She instructed those who follow her party to accost anybody related to the Trump administration. She said to get in their face, and tell them they are not welcome in America.

That is neither assault nor killing

It's promoting violence which can lead to assault or killing.

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Telling people to "get in someone's face" and tell them off is not promoting violence. It's promoting public protest which is covered in the first Amendment. Trump suggested that "2nd Amendment types" could stop Clinton from passing gun control laws.
The lines you moronic fool were drawn the day you stupid white mf's woke up after the 2008 election and found a blk man in the white house. Its started with a Tea party and ended with a booty call at the Trump hotel...Can't wait for w/ppl to be the minority in this country and for brown ppl to show you how to be compassionate.

That's true. Look at all the minority communities in our country now, and picture the entire country like that. Trust me, I live in Cleveland, I know what it will look like.
Look at Appalachia and Mississippi and get back to me

Poverty has no color

Yeah do...

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How many of them were killed? 50 people died in 2018 from right wing terrorist attacks. It's not Trump supporters who are being attack by white supremacists, gunned down in synagogues, or churches.

Kooks can't be stopped, but nobody on the right is trying to encourage people to go out and assault or kill anybody. You can't say that about the left. Listen to what Water's said. She instructed those who follow her party to accost anybody related to the Trump administration. She said to get in their face, and tell them they are not welcome in America.

That is neither assault nor killing

It's promoting violence which can lead to assault or killing.

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Telling people to "get in someone's face" and tell them off is not promoting violence. It's promoting public protest which is covered in the first Amendment. Trump suggested that "2nd Amendment types" could stop Clinton from passing gun control laws.

Clinton? When did gun control enter this conversation? What can a washed up failed Secretary of State have to do with it?

Getting "in somebody's face" is usually the start of a violent confrontation as we have seen with the left so many times. But it's more than that, it's other politicians and entertainers saying things from they'd like to punch Trump in the face to blowing up the White House. While such incendiary remarks might not affect your average person, it could setoff the wrong people, such as the shooter at the baseball field.

Here Are 10 TIMES Democrats Called For VIOLENCE Against Trump and Republicans Since Election Day

How many of them were killed? 50 people died in 2018 from right wing terrorist attacks. It's not Trump supporters who are being attack by white supremacists, gunned down in synagogues, or churches.

Kooks can't be stopped, but nobody on the right is trying to encourage people to go out and assault or kill anybody. You can't say that about the left. Listen to what Water's said. She instructed those who follow her party to accost anybody related to the Trump administration. She said to get in their face, and tell them they are not welcome in America.

That is neither assault nor killing

It's promoting violence which can lead to assault or killing.

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

It promotes holding politicians accountable

It was Trump who offered to pay the legal fees of those assaulting protestors at his events

They were troublemakers and specifically attended those rallies to start trouble. If they did get beat up, it's what they came there for.
Telling people to "get in someone's face" and tell them off is not promoting violence. It's promoting public protest which is covered in the first Amendment. Trump suggested that "2nd Amendment types" could stop Clinton from passing gun control laws.
It takes a special breed of stupid to interpret this as a call for violence.
"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Please stop your nonsense. ... near everyone in the admin saw, heard, and knew what Trump did was wrong, before and after the phone call. There was quid pro quo attempt by Trump starting weeks before the phone call.... there have been a half dozen to a dozen testimonies of such, including Trump himself, and Mulveney, Sondland, Taylor, CIA legal Counsel, 2 whistle blowers, our UKraine Diplomat who just resigned, the white House legal counsellor who hid the FULL phone call conversation on an Above Top Secret storing place, the decorated Col.from the NSC who listened in on the call..... on and on and on....

Congress allotted the military aid in Feb, and Trump held it back with the previous Ukraine president as well until that prosecutor would announce investigating Biden/Burisma...Giuliani was the Trump contact pushing it as well....

The Pentegon CLEARED Ukraine of any continued corruption in JUNE, gave the A OK to release it.

The aid money was released in September, 2 DAYS AFTER THE WHISTLE BLOWER REPORT was made known to The Intel Committee in Congress by the IG.....

And that ain't even the half of it...

There is EVERY REASON to investigate all of this, and if true, either censored or impeached and then off to a political trial in the Senate, where President Trump will have his lawyers, his witnesses, his evidence, on and for his own defense.

Do you really think 20 plus Republican Senators will join with Dem Senators to remove him from office?

I find that hard to believe...

Plus Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach, is what's being reported....

AND Barr said he was not involved with investigating in the Ukraine on Crowdstrike or Bidens.

Only Giuliani side show....
Trump wasn't going to release foreign aide to a corrupt government.

Sorry if that bugs you, but he made a point during the call to make sure that all of the corruption that was going on in the previous administration wouldn't be repeated.

You think that the timing laid out by a "CORRUPT MEDIA" matters more than anything that anyone else says.

Stop being a Lemming.

Start thinking for yourself and get informed.

The only lemmings around here are the Trump bots. They believe every lie out of the presidents mouth, no matter how incoherently rendered. They believe in the “deep state” and a vast conspiracy of Democrats out to destroy the presidency of Donald J Trump.

The Trumpbots ignore the odious behaviour of their president. They ignore his lies, his abuse of your allies, his flouting of the Constitution, and his constantly moving goal posts on investigations.

Perhaps you should take your own advice Mud and start standing up the the principles you claim to holds so dear.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
You appear to be confused between political parties and an administration.
A political party is very large and has many individuals trying to represent the position of the party. People within the party have varying views.
The President and the administration is a very controlled group of individuals that should speak with one voice led by the President.
Trump is not buttoned up. He rules with the emotion of a high school boy going through puberty. He continually lies. He does not keep his staff appraised of what he is doing. He is driven by his own ego and not what is best for the country.
Those who support him, support the shit show he has brought to the world.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
You appear to be confused between political parties and an administration.
A political party is very large and has many individuals trying to represent the position of the party. People within the party have varying views.
The President and the administration is a very controlled group of individuals that should speak with one voice led by the President.
Trump is not buttoned up. He rules with the emotion of a high school boy going through puberty. He continually lies. He does not keep his staff appraised of what he is doing. He is driven by his own ego and not what is best for the country.
Those who support him, support the shit show he has brought to the world.

I do support him because I see the outstanding results of his leadership. Lies? Can you show me one President that never lied? It's less about lying than what one is lying about. If Trump said this is the best economy in 100 years, who's he hurting? On the other hand, to turn our healthcare upside down for over a trillion dollars, that's a lie that hurt millions of people. To try and impeach a President over lies, that destroys the country and our faith in the system.
"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Please stop your nonsense. ... near everyone in the admin saw, heard, and knew what Trump did was wrong, before and after the phone call. There was quid pro quo attempt by Trump starting weeks before the phone call.... there have been a half dozen to a dozen testimonies of such, including Trump himself, and Mulveney, Sondland, Taylor, CIA legal Counsel, 2 whistle blowers, our UKraine Diplomat who just resigned, the white House legal counsellor who hid the FULL phone call conversation on an Above Top Secret storing place, the decorated Col.from the NSC who listened in on the call..... on and on and on....

Congress allotted the military aid in Feb, and Trump held it back with the previous Ukraine president as well until that prosecutor would announce investigating Biden/Burisma...Giuliani was the Trump contact pushing it as well....

The Pentegon CLEARED Ukraine of any continued corruption in JUNE, gave the A OK to release it.

The aid money was released in September, 2 DAYS AFTER THE WHISTLE BLOWER REPORT was made known to The Intel Committee in Congress by the IG.....

And that ain't even the half of it...

There is EVERY REASON to investigate all of this, and if true, either censored or impeached and then off to a political trial in the Senate, where President Trump will have his lawyers, his witnesses, his evidence, on and for his own defense.

Do you really think 20 plus Republican Senators will join with Dem Senators to remove him from office?

I find that hard to believe...

Plus Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach, is what's being reported....

AND Barr said he was not involved with investigating in the Ukraine on Crowdstrike or Bidens.

Only Giuliani side show....
Trump wasn't going to release foreign aide to a corrupt government.

Sorry if that bugs you, but he made a point during the call to make sure that all of the corruption that was going on in the previous administration wouldn't be repeated.

You think that the timing laid out by a "CORRUPT MEDIA" matters more than anything that anyone else says.

Stop being a Lemming.

Start thinking for yourself and get informed.

Best information available indicates that will not happen.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
You appear to be confused between political parties and an administration.
A political party is very large and has many individuals trying to represent the position of the party. People within the party have varying views.
The President and the administration is a very controlled group of individuals that should speak with one voice led by the President.
Trump is not buttoned up. He rules with the emotion of a high school boy going through puberty. He continually lies. He does not keep his staff appraised of what he is doing. He is driven by his own ego and not what is best for the country.
Those who support him, support the shit show he has brought to the world.

He has let the world know that the real USA has returned to prominence after the previous President undermined it for 8 years.
Thank you President Trump
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.

Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

Given his track record for lying, unless you are one of those "lemmings" you so despise, it would be foolhardy to believe anything issuing out of Trump's mouth. Since everyone from the State Department, except Mike Pompeo, is saying that it was "quid pro quo", and Trump and Mulvaney have both confessed that he did it, and we have the Memorandum of the call with direct quotes from the President who, when asked for the missiles, asked for investigations first.

This is where you have to thing for yourself. Who has the most to gain by lying? Who is risking their career and their government pensions in coming forward?

There is no consistent message fromo the Administration because they're scrambling to come up with a story that doesn't make things worse. And there isn't one.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.

Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

Given his track record for lying, unless you are one of those "lemmings" you so despise, it would be foolhardy to believe anything issuing out of Trump's mouth. Since everyone from the State Department, except Mike Pompeo, is saying that it was "quid pro quo", and Trump and Mulvaney have both confessed that he did it, and we have the Memorandum of the call with direct quotes from the President who, when asked for the missiles, asked for investigations first.

This is where you have to thing for yourself. Who has the most to gain by lying? Who is risking their career and their government pensions in coming forward?

There is no consistent message fromo the Administration because they're scrambling to come up with a story that doesn't make things worse. And there isn't one.

Why do you think that quid pro quo somehow means Checkmate?
Dont you think that we always want, Or should want some return on our investment in foreign aid?
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
I don't recall the Romney thing, but nobody was spying on tRump, and you'd be a fool to take that compulsive liar's word for anything.
Given his track record for lying, unless you are one of those "lemmings" you so despise, it would be foolhardy to believe anything issuing out of Trump's mouth. Since everyone from the State Department, except Mike Pompeo, is saying that it was "quid pro quo", and Trump and Mulvaney have both confessed that he did it, and we have the Memorandum of the call with direct quotes from the President who, when asked for the missiles, asked for investigations first.

Please give me the page number and paragraph where Trump said he wanted an investigation first before providing any aid. Trump never said anything about the aid being contingent on the investigation. As Trump phrased it, he asked for a favor, not an ultimatum
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
I don't recall the Romney thing, but nobody was spying on tRump, and you'd be a fool to take that compulsive liar's word for anything.

Where have you been sleeping, under a rock? What do you think the entire FISA court thing was about? They not only spied on Trump, but used phony information to get the warrants to do so.

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