DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
You appear to be confused between political parties and an administration.
A political party is very large and has many individuals trying to represent the position of the party. People within the party have varying views.
The President and the administration is a very controlled group of individuals that should speak with one voice led by the President.
Trump is not buttoned up. He rules with the emotion of a high school boy going through puberty. He continually lies. He does not keep his staff appraised of what he is doing. He is driven by his own ego and not what is best for the country.
Those who support him, support the shit show he has brought to the world.

He has let the world know that the real USA has returned to prominence after the previous President undermined it for 8 years.
Thank you President Trump

You live in opposite world or what?
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.

Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

Given his track record for lying, unless you are one of those "lemmings" you so despise, it would be foolhardy to believe anything issuing out of Trump's mouth. Since everyone from the State Department, except Mike Pompeo, is saying that it was "quid pro quo", and Trump and Mulvaney have both confessed that he did it, and we have the Memorandum of the call with direct quotes from the President who, when asked for the missiles, asked for investigations first.

This is where you have to thing for yourself. Who has the most to gain by lying? Who is risking their career and their government pensions in coming forward?

There is no consistent message fromo the Administration because they're scrambling to come up with a story that doesn't make things worse. And there isn't one.

Why do you think that quid pro quo somehow means Checkmate?
Dont you think that we always want, Or should want some return on our investment in foreign aid?
Personal Gain son, that's the problem.
He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
I don't recall the Romney thing, but nobody was spying on tRump, and you'd be a fool to take that compulsive liar's word for anything.

Where have you been sleeping, under a rock? What do you think the entire FISA court thing was about? They not only spied on Trump, but used phony information to get the warrants to do so.
There is no evidence that any of that happened.
That's actually correct.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
I don't recall the Romney thing, but nobody was spying on tRump, and you'd be a fool to take that compulsive liar's word for anything.

Where have you been sleeping, under a rock? What do you think the entire FISA court thing was about? They not only spied on Trump, but used phony information to get the warrants to do so.
There is no evidence that any of that happened.

So you're saying all the media reporting on the wire tapping was wrong? That the courts records of issuing those warrants were wrong? That the use of those warrants to spy on Trump's people in Mueller's investigation never happened?

I don't know what bubble you are living in, but you have about two years to catch up with the rest of us.
"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Please stop your nonsense. ... near everyone in the admin saw, heard, and knew what Trump did was wrong, before and after the phone call. There was quid pro quo attempt by Trump starting weeks before the phone call.... there have been a half dozen to a dozen testimonies of such, including Trump himself, and Mulveney, Sondland, Taylor, CIA legal Counsel, 2 whistle blowers, our UKraine Diplomat who just resigned, the white House legal counsellor who hid the FULL phone call conversation on an Above Top Secret storing place, the decorated Col.from the NSC who listened in on the call..... on and on and on....

Congress allotted the military aid in Feb, and Trump held it back with the previous Ukraine president as well until that prosecutor would announce investigating Biden/Burisma...Giuliani was the Trump contact pushing it as well....

The Pentegon CLEARED Ukraine of any continued corruption in JUNE, gave the A OK to release it.

The aid money was released in September, 2 DAYS AFTER THE WHISTLE BLOWER REPORT was made known to The Intel Committee in Congress by the IG.....

And that ain't even the half of it...

There is EVERY REASON to investigate all of this, and if true, either censored or impeached and then off to a political trial in the Senate, where President Trump will have his lawyers, his witnesses, his evidence, on and for his own defense.

Do you really think 20 plus Republican Senators will join with Dem Senators to remove him from office?

I find that hard to believe...

Plus Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach, is what's being reported....

AND Barr said he was not involved with investigating in the Ukraine on Crowdstrike or Bidens.

Only Giuliani side show....
Trump wasn't going to release foreign aide to a corrupt government.

Sorry if that bugs you, but he made a point during the call to make sure that all of the corruption that was going on in the previous administration wouldn't be repeated.

You think that the timing laid out by a "CORRUPT MEDIA" matters more than anything that anyone else says.

Stop being a Lemming.

Start thinking for yourself and get informed.
I'm sorry, I don't for one nano second buy in to that hogwash! And you should not either.

First as mentioned in the Pentagon's review of the Ukraine corruption as they were asked to do, gave the Clear to release the funds because there was no corruption issues in the Ukraine...

Second, it's bull crap that he just wanted to make sure there was no corruption GOING FORWARD, before they released the money...

THE ONLY alleged CORRUPTION he mentioned were the two things that involved him PERSONALLY with a partisan intent. The Bidens and Crowd Strike, which involved the PAST and YEARS before this new President.

Did Trump mention any other corruption going on in the Ukraine in his phone call, did any of his yes men like Sondland mention any other corruption that is GOING ON NOW that they needed stopped before we handed over the aid money, that needed to be stopped by this brand new president in the Ukraine? NO HE DID NOT!

THIS WAS ALL for his own personal needs.

The other reason WE ALL KNOW THIS, is because Pres Trump did not follow the protocol and laws on how to investigate corruption with Americans in a Foreign Country. The agreement with the Ukraine involves our DOJ starting an investigation, and the Doj using the FBI'S Foreign Corruption DIVISION TO INVESTIGATE, if they have PROBABLE CAUSE to do such....

NOT by him sending his goon Giuliani and his Russian Ukrainian goon's friends that were just arrested, and another Russian Mafia guy in Geneva, Mr. Firtash, trying real hard not to be extradited to the USA for his crimes.

BARR SAID HE KNEW NOTHING about the president's phone call and NOTHING about investigating Burisma/Bidens and crowdstrike in the Ukraine.

this is NOT about Trump alone, this is about the constitution and whether we all think it is ok for ANY PRESIDENT to go to a foreign country and personally ask them to investigate any USA citizen, THAT IS THE DOJ's job and NOT the presidents, let alone it being the President's number one rival in the upcoming election.

US Citizens have RIGHTS that our gvt is suppose to protect, this is done through the DOJ being the lead in any foreign investigations... not asking a foreign country to do it for you, but WITH the DOJ....

this was ALL a Giuliani thing and had NOTHING to do with the DOJ.

And the mere fact that they would NOT GIVE the new Ukrainian president a visit to the whitehouse UNTIL HE ANNOUNCED on CNN International THAT Burisma/Biden was being investigated IS ANOTHER blatant tell all sign.... come on!

So again... No one should buy in to that new crap that Trump is now trying to spin it in to, imo.
Last edited:
The lines you moronic fool were drawn the day you stupid white mf's woke up after the 2008 election and found a blk man in the white house. Its started with a Tea party and ended with a booty call at the Trump hotel...Can't wait for w/ppl to be the minority in this country and for brown ppl to show you how to be compassionate.

That's true. Look at all the minority communities in our country now, and picture the entire country like that. Trust me, I live in Cleveland, I know what it will look like.
Look at Appalachia and Mississippi and get back to me

Poverty has no color

Maybe not, but crime certainly does, particularly violent crime.
Violent crime follows poverty

It always has

No, it has not. My father could tell you stories when he grew up that would make you cry. In spite of poverty and hunger, he and his five siblings all grew up to be outstanding citizens, not one ever spending a day in jail or prison. Most all of them worked, some had their own companies, and did pretty good in life considering the times.

People come here from other countries and laugh at what we call poverty, because they came from places where you dug a hole just to take a shit. But they too worked hard, some invested in education, others invested in their own businesses, and are doing much better than some people who were born and lived here all of their lives.

Poverty is the state of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is to make money, not spend money on things you don't have to have, and staying away from drugs and illegal activity.
Was it the Depression?
Back then, everyone was poor
That's true. Look at all the minority communities in our country now, and picture the entire country like that. Trust me, I live in Cleveland, I know what it will look like.
Look at Appalachia and Mississippi and get back to me

Poverty has no color

Maybe not, but crime certainly does, particularly violent crime.
Violent crime follows poverty

It always has

No, it has not. My father could tell you stories when he grew up that would make you cry. In spite of poverty and hunger, he and his five siblings all grew up to be outstanding citizens, not one ever spending a day in jail or prison. Most all of them worked, some had their own companies, and did pretty good in life considering the times.

People come here from other countries and laugh at what we call poverty, because they came from places where you dug a hole just to take a shit. But they too worked hard, some invested in education, others invested in their own businesses, and are doing much better than some people who were born and lived here all of their lives.

Poverty is the state of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is to make money, not spend money on things you don't have to have, and staying away from drugs and illegal activity.
Was it the Depression?
Back then, everyone was poor

So, what difference does that make? If your assertion had any truth to it, that would mean all of those people back then would have been involved in criminal activity. Most were not. They did what they could do to get by, and did so legally.

In fact my father told me the first reason he joined the Marines was so that he could finally have three square meals a day. It's something he didn't grow up with. They didn't even have indoor plumbing. The outhouse was in the backyard, and let me tell you, with our winters in Cleveland, that couldn't' have been any picnic, and according to him, it didn't even have a roof on it because they couldn't' afford it.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.

Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

Given his track record for lying, unless you are one of those "lemmings" you so despise, it would be foolhardy to believe anything issuing out of Trump's mouth. Since everyone from the State Department, except Mike Pompeo, is saying that it was "quid pro quo", and Trump and Mulvaney have both confessed that he did it, and we have the Memorandum of the call with direct quotes from the President who, when asked for the missiles, asked for investigations first.

This is where you have to thing for yourself. Who has the most to gain by lying? Who is risking their career and their government pensions in coming forward?

There is no consistent message fromo the Administration because they're scrambling to come up with a story that doesn't make things worse. And there isn't one.

Why do you think that quid pro quo somehow means Checkmate?
Dont you think that we always want, Or should want some return on our investment in foreign aid?

I was answering a question from Mud about who we should believe about quid pro quo, since there's nothing consistent coming out of the White House. I never suggested that quid pro quo meant conviction, The entire sordid tale mean conviction.

Why is Trump trying to prove the Ukrainians and not the Russians hacked the DNC? That's the real question. Mueller didnt even attempt to tie Trump to the DNC hacking and yet Trump is bat shit about proving that the Russianis didn't do it. At the time it happened he said it wasn't Russia, immediately after it happened - on what basis? Why was he defending the Russians on this issue even before his he started using materials stolen in the hack to boost his election chances?

Trump and Hannity put that bullshit fake news story out about Seth Rich, and a documentatary so cooked that Fox News sent Hannity on vacation and has been defending law suits from the reporter who claims the program edited his comments to the program, by swapping out the questions he was asked in the interview, with different questions, making his answers fit the "Seth Rich did it" storyliine.

Why is Trump so focused on proving that Russia didn't hack the DNC? No one is even asking this question? Did he promise Putin he would find a way to lift the sanctions. Moscow Mitch took the massive bribe of a new manufacturing facility in his State to lift sanctions on one Russian oligarch on the Magnitsky list. Trump needs to get Congress to lift the sanctions against Russia, and that's not going to happen unless he can prove that the Ukrainians did it.
Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Please stop your nonsense. ... near everyone in the admin saw, heard, and knew what Trump did was wrong, before and after the phone call. There was quid pro quo attempt by Trump starting weeks before the phone call.... there have been a half dozen to a dozen testimonies of such, including Trump himself, and Mulveney, Sondland, Taylor, CIA legal Counsel, 2 whistle blowers, our UKraine Diplomat who just resigned, the white House legal counsellor who hid the FULL phone call conversation on an Above Top Secret storing place, the decorated Col.from the NSC who listened in on the call..... on and on and on....

Congress allotted the military aid in Feb, and Trump held it back with the previous Ukraine president as well until that prosecutor would announce investigating Biden/Burisma...Giuliani was the Trump contact pushing it as well....

The Pentegon CLEARED Ukraine of any continued corruption in JUNE, gave the A OK to release it.

The aid money was released in September, 2 DAYS AFTER THE WHISTLE BLOWER REPORT was made known to The Intel Committee in Congress by the IG.....

And that ain't even the half of it...

There is EVERY REASON to investigate all of this, and if true, either censored or impeached and then off to a political trial in the Senate, where President Trump will have his lawyers, his witnesses, his evidence, on and for his own defense.

Do you really think 20 plus Republican Senators will join with Dem Senators to remove him from office?

I find that hard to believe...

Plus Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach, is what's being reported....

AND Barr said he was not involved with investigating in the Ukraine on Crowdstrike or Bidens.

Only Giuliani side show....
Trump wasn't going to release foreign aide to a corrupt government.

Sorry if that bugs you, but he made a point during the call to make sure that all of the corruption that was going on in the previous administration wouldn't be repeated.

You think that the timing laid out by a "CORRUPT MEDIA" matters more than anything that anyone else says.

Stop being a Lemming.

Start thinking for yourself and get informed.
I'm sorry, I don't for one nano second buy in to that hogwash! And you should not either.

First as mentioned in the Pentagon's review of the Ukraine corruption as they were asked to do, gave the Clear to release the funds because there was no corruption issues in the Ukraine...

Second, it's bull crap that he just wanted to make sure there was no corruption GOING FORWARD, before they released the money...

THE ONLY alleged CORRUPTION he mentioned were the two things that involved him PERSONALLY with a partisan intent. The Bidens and Crowd Strike, which involved the PAST and YEARS before this new President.

Did Trump mention any other corruption going on in the Ukraine in his phone call, did any of his yes men like Sondland mention any other corruption that is GOING ON NOW that they needed stopped before we handed over the aid money, that needed to be stopped by this brand new president in the Ukraine? NO HE DID NOT!

THIS WAS ALL for his own personal needs.

The other reason WE ALL KNOW THIS, is because Pres Trump did not follow the protocol and laws on how to investigate corruption with Americans in a Foreign Country. The agreement with the Ukraine involves our DOJ starting an investigation, and the Doj using the FBI'S Foreign Corruption DIVISION TO INVESTIGATE, if they have PROBABLE CAUSE to do such....

NOT by him sending his goon Giuliani and his Russian Ukrainian goon's friends that were just arrested, and another Russian Mafia guy in Geneva, Mr. Firtash, trying real hard not to be extradited to the USA for his crimes.

BARR SAID HE KNEW NOTHING about the president's phone call and NOTHING about investigating Burisma/Bidens and crowdstrike in the Ukraine.

this is NOT about Trump alone, this is about the constitution and whether we all think it is ok for ANY PRESIDENT to go to a foreign country and personally ask them to investigate any USA citizen, THAT IS THE DOJ's job and NOT the presidents, let alone it being the President's number one rival in the upcoming election.

US Citizens have RIGHTS that our gvt is suppose to protect, this is done through the DOJ being the lead in any foreign investigations... not asking a foreign country to do it for you, but WITH the DOJ....

this was ALL a Giuliani thing and had NOTHING to do with the DOJ.

And the mere fact that they would NOT GIVE the new Ukrainian president a visit to the whitehouse UNTIL HE ANNOUNCED on CNN International THAT Burisma/Biden was being investigated IS ANOTHER blatant tell all sign.... come on!

So again... No one should buy in to that new crap that Trump is now trying to spin it in to, imo.
As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

Were we talking about a court of law, that would be reasonable. But, we're talking a political process that was ever to be meant to be a political process. If it were meant to be a legal one, the Founders would have designated a court of law to conduct it. The demands that Senators recuse themselves is entirely unreasonable. Moreover, were "conflict of interest" the guiding standard, every single senator would have to recuse themselves, as they either have an interest in helping a president of their own, or bringing down a president of the other party. So, yeah, you can discard that nonsense.

Not a single law enforcement agency investigated the matter. Congress is investigating it.

We don't actually know whether any federal institution investigates things related to Trump. I would say, some probably do. On the other hand, you have seen Mueller dance around alleging that Trump committed crimes. Federal law enforcement agencies are subdivisions of the DoJ, and as such follow DoJ regulations stating that a sitting president cannot be indicted. And that's why they stop well short of that and would not allege Trump violated the law. And that's why the demand, "name one alleging Trump perpetrated a crime", is thoroughly disingenuous. The same is true with respect to the oft-promulgated pap in the form of, "Three years, and still no crime!" So, yeah, you can discard that nonsense.
The news reporting on it states the DoJ merely commented on the phone call transcript released by the White House, saying they saw nothing illegal in it. There's been nothing reported that they interrogated even one witness.
They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
Yeah, how dare Democrats hold a criminal president accountable.

Yeah, those conflicting opinions are really damning, LMAO. This is nothing but a partisan hit job, 3 years in the making.

Nonsense. It was Republicans who went after Trump the last two years.

Bullshit, you commies and your media lackeys have been calling for impeachment since election day 2016. We know for a fact there are conflicting accounts of people that say were listening to the call and Vidman admitted he was concerned with political ramifications and took it on himself to advise Ukrainians. That's not in his job description.

Dumbfuck, Mueller is Republican. He was appointed by a Republican who was filling in for another Republican who recused himself due to his own Russian connections. That Republican was appointed by a Republican president who was elected by most Republican voters. Democrats had nothing to do with that other than sit back and snack on popcorn.

No, I've said this dozens of times now.... maybe someday a rightard will absorb it... I'm saying someone running for office can't solicit an investigation into another person running for that same office.


And where the fuck is that written? All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President.

What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?

"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Barr wasn't investigating Biden. The DoJ said so. Trump asked Zelensky to do that for him. That's a service. Services have value, no matter how much you deny it.

As far as those 6 Senators, while you do raise a compelling argument that they should recuse themselves, in reality, they don't have to do shit. There are no Senate rules which speak to this situation.
What office was Mueller running for?


You seemed to draw a correlation between Trump dealing with a foreign nation and Mueller dealing with foreign nations.

Trump's dealing with a foreign nation is illegal since it was for personal gain towards the election in which he's running. I don't see the connection to Mueller, who didn't deal with foreign nations for personal gain; nor could he violate campaign laws, like Trump did, since he wasn't running for any office.

Name one federal law enforcement agency that says Trump broke any law. Congressional and media fabrications don't count.

Not a single law enforcement agency investigated the matter. Congress is investigating it.

Wrong again commie:

Lost amid the cacophony of condemnation of Trump is the fact that the Criminal Division of the Justice Department examined the official record of the Trump-Zelensky telephone call and concluded there was no crime, not even a violation of campaign finance laws. “All relevant components of the Department agreed with this legal conclusion,” said the Justice Department.

Trump did NOT commit an impeachable offense on call with Ukraine’s president – Here’s why - Gregg Jarrett

Dumbfuck, reading the transcript is not an investigation. You read the transcript -- you no more investigated the matter than the DoJ. :cuckoo:
And where the fuck is that written? All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President.

What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?

"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Please stop your nonsense. ... near everyone in the admin saw, heard, and knew what Trump did was wrong, before and after the phone call. There was quid pro quo attempt by Trump starting weeks before the phone call.... there have been a half dozen to a dozen testimonies of such, including Trump himself, and Mulveney, Sondland, Taylor, CIA legal Counsel, 2 whistle blowers, our UKraine Diplomat who just resigned, the white House legal counsellor who hid the FULL phone call conversation on an Above Top Secret storing place, the decorated Col.from the NSC who listened in on the call..... on and on and on....

Congress allotted the military aid in Feb, and Trump held it back with the previous Ukraine president as well until that prosecutor would announce investigating Biden/Burisma...Giuliani was the Trump contact pushing it as well....

The Pentegon CLEARED Ukraine of any continued corruption in JUNE, gave the A OK to release it.

The aid money was released in September, 2 DAYS AFTER THE WHISTLE BLOWER REPORT was made known to The Intel Committee in Congress by the IG.....

And that ain't even the half of it...

There is EVERY REASON to investigate all of this, and if true, either censored or impeached and then off to a political trial in the Senate, where President Trump will have his lawyers, his witnesses, his evidence, on and for his own defense.

Do you really think 20 plus Republican Senators will join with Dem Senators to remove him from office?

I find that hard to believe...

Plus Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach, is what's being reported....

AND Barr said he was not involved with investigating in the Ukraine on Crowdstrike or Bidens.

Only Giuliani side show....
Bu... bu.... but the DoJ read the transcript and said there was nothing illegal said.

"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Please stop your nonsense. ... near everyone in the admin saw, heard, and knew what Trump did was wrong, before and after the phone call. There was quid pro quo attempt by Trump starting weeks before the phone call.... there have been a half dozen to a dozen testimonies of such, including Trump himself, and Mulveney, Sondland, Taylor, CIA legal Counsel, 2 whistle blowers, our UKraine Diplomat who just resigned, the white House legal counsellor who hid the FULL phone call conversation on an Above Top Secret storing place, the decorated Col.from the NSC who listened in on the call..... on and on and on....

Congress allotted the military aid in Feb, and Trump held it back with the previous Ukraine president as well until that prosecutor would announce investigating Biden/Burisma...Giuliani was the Trump contact pushing it as well....

The Pentegon CLEARED Ukraine of any continued corruption in JUNE, gave the A OK to release it.

The aid money was released in September, 2 DAYS AFTER THE WHISTLE BLOWER REPORT was made known to The Intel Committee in Congress by the IG.....

And that ain't even the half of it...

There is EVERY REASON to investigate all of this, and if true, either censored or impeached and then off to a political trial in the Senate, where President Trump will have his lawyers, his witnesses, his evidence, on and for his own defense.

Do you really think 20 plus Republican Senators will join with Dem Senators to remove him from office?

I find that hard to believe...

Plus Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach, is what's being reported....

AND Barr said he was not involved with investigating in the Ukraine on Crowdstrike or Bidens.

Only Giuliani side show....

So even if what you say is true (and even Politifact can't affirm that) what law did Trump break? Presidents have used quid pro quo's all the time. Joe Biden is a perfect example. And you forgot the fact that part of the money holdup was because Trump wanted other UN members to pony up instead of us providing most of the funding.
The difference you rightards refuse to accept is when Biden threatened to hold up funds, it was to get Ukraine to provide a service for the U.S.

Whereas when Trump held the funds up, it was to get Ukraine to provide a service for his campaign.

And while you're free to ignore that difference, the House is not and will impeach Trump over it.
Who are the press and the American people suppose to believe? Trump says it is an exact transcript and his people say memorandum. Trump says no quid pro quo, Mulvaney describes the actions which by anyone's definition was quid pro quo. There is no consistent message from the administration. It is a shit show and they try to blame it on the press.

The Democrats also said Romney paid no taxes, they were lying. The Democrats said DumBama spying on Trump was paranoia, and they were lying again. The Democrats said there was definitely Russian collusion, and they lied about that.

I'll take Trump's word for it.
I don't recall the Romney thing, but nobody was spying on tRump, and you'd be a fool to take that compulsive liar's word for anything.

Where have you been sleeping, under a rock? What do you think the entire FISA court thing was about? They not only spied on Trump, but used phony information to get the warrants to do so.
There is no evidence that any of that happened.

So you're saying all the media reporting on the wire tapping was wrong? That the courts records of issuing those warrants were wrong? That the use of those warrants to spy on Trump's people in Mueller's investigation never happened?

I don't know what bubble you are living in, but you have about two years to catch up with the rest of us.
Thd only wiretapping reported were on two people who were no longer with the Trump campaign. There's been no evidence trump was wiretapped, anyone actively in his campaign was wiretapped, or that any wiretapping occurred in Trumo tower.
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
Yeah, how dare Democrats hold a criminal president accountable.

Yeah, those conflicting opinions are really damning, LMAO. This is nothing but a partisan hit job, 3 years in the making.

Nonsense. It was Republicans who went after Trump the last two years.

Bullshit, you commies and your media lackeys have been calling for impeachment since election day 2016. We know for a fact there are conflicting accounts of people that say were listening to the call and Vidman admitted he was concerned with political ramifications and took it on himself to advise Ukrainians. That's not in his job description.

Dumbfuck, Mueller is Republican. He was appointed by a Republican who was filling in for another Republican who recused himself due to his own Russian connections. That Republican was appointed by a Republican president who was elected by most Republican voters. Democrats had nothing to do with that other than sit back and snack on popcorn.


Wow, great deflection, do you have anything on what I actually said?

You seemed to draw a correlation between Trump dealing with a foreign nation and Mueller dealing with foreign nations.

Trump's dealing with a foreign nation is illegal since it was for personal gain towards the election in which he's running. I don't see the connection to Mueller, who didn't deal with foreign nations for personal gain; nor could he violate campaign laws, like Trump did, since he wasn't running for any office.

Name one federal law enforcement agency that says Trump broke any law. Congressional and media fabrications don't count.

Not a single law enforcement agency investigated the matter. Congress is investigating it.

Wrong again commie:

Lost amid the cacophony of condemnation of Trump is the fact that the Criminal Division of the Justice Department examined the official record of the Trump-Zelensky telephone call and concluded there was no crime, not even a violation of campaign finance laws. “All relevant components of the Department agreed with this legal conclusion,” said the Justice Department.

Trump did NOT commit an impeachable offense on call with Ukraine’s president – Here’s why - Gregg Jarrett

Dumbfuck, reading the transcript is not an investigation. You read the transcript -- you no more investigated the matter than the DoJ. :cuckoo:

Yet you commies keep saying the transcript verified the leakers account, the DOJ disagreed. Has the leaker ever worked in law enforcement?

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

It's not "simple information," it's asking to investigate. That's s service. Providing a service is a thing of value.

As far as those 6 Senators recusing themselves, that's not an unreasonable argument to make.

You're a liar, he asked for cooperation with the AG, that would be providing information. Provide the quote where he demanded Ukraine to investigate or he wouldn't provide aid. Remember, Ukraine wasn't even aware of the hold on aid.

Also those 6 senators have to recuse, there is a clear conflict, both politically and professionally.

Please stop your nonsense. ... near everyone in the admin saw, heard, and knew what Trump did was wrong, before and after the phone call. There was quid pro quo attempt by Trump starting weeks before the phone call.... there have been a half dozen to a dozen testimonies of such, including Trump himself, and Mulveney, Sondland, Taylor, CIA legal Counsel, 2 whistle blowers, our UKraine Diplomat who just resigned, the white House legal counsellor who hid the FULL phone call conversation on an Above Top Secret storing place, the decorated Col.from the NSC who listened in on the call..... on and on and on....

Congress allotted the military aid in Feb, and Trump held it back with the previous Ukraine president as well until that prosecutor would announce investigating Biden/Burisma...Giuliani was the Trump contact pushing it as well....

The Pentegon CLEARED Ukraine of any continued corruption in JUNE, gave the A OK to release it.

The aid money was released in September, 2 DAYS AFTER THE WHISTLE BLOWER REPORT was made known to The Intel Committee in Congress by the IG.....

And that ain't even the half of it...

There is EVERY REASON to investigate all of this, and if true, either censored or impeached and then off to a political trial in the Senate, where President Trump will have his lawyers, his witnesses, his evidence, on and for his own defense.

Do you really think 20 plus Republican Senators will join with Dem Senators to remove him from office?

I find that hard to believe...

Plus Trump is using campaign funds right now to bribe them too, no RNC campaign dollars without commitment to not impeach, is what's being reported....

AND Barr said he was not involved with investigating in the Ukraine on Crowdstrike or Bidens.

Only Giuliani side show....

So even if what you say is true (and even Politifact can't affirm that) what law did Trump break? Presidents have used quid pro quo's all the time. Joe Biden is a perfect example. And you forgot the fact that part of the money holdup was because Trump wanted other UN members to pony up instead of us providing most of the funding.
The difference you rightards refuse to accept is when Biden threatened to hold up funds, it was to get Ukraine to provide a service for the U.S.

Whereas when Trump held the funds up, it was to get Ukraine to provide a service for his campaign.

And while you're free to ignore that difference, the House is not and will impeach Trump over it.

Are you Hunters cocaine dealer?

I just was curious

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