Dems Are Right: Pelosi’s Attacker Was a Deranged RW MAGA Supporter

The police stated BOTH Depape and Pelosi were taken to the hospital to have THEIR injuries treated. What were DePape's injuries? How did he sustain them?
All MAGA Republicans are nudist hemp jewelry makers who fly the pride flag and live in communes!

So cliche!

Dumb ass cult fucks.
MAGA has to stop using Republican. You are Trumpists. A cult, not a political party.
MAGA Trumpists will accept any crazy who supports Trump's lies, like Depape. He qualifies like other MAGA cult members in that he is a crazy clown
The police stated DePape was wearing no pants when they arrived...

Did he break in with no pants?

Did he remove his pants AFTER he broke in?

Did they ever find his pants?

Inquiring minds want to know, and details matter...
MAGA has to stop using Republican. You are Trumpists. A cult, not a political party.
MAGA Trumpists will accept any crazy who supports Trump's lies, like Depape. He qualifies like other MAGA cult members in that he is a crazy clown

The only members of a cult are Democrats, leftist extremists, the fake news media, and their worshippers / followers who have obsessively continuedathe 'Get Trump' crusade for 7 YEARS that began with a proven treasonous, self-serving scandal by Hillary Clinton - 'Russian Collusion' - the largest criminal potical scandal in US history.

Democrats have attempted to brand every Conservative, every Trp suporter, everyone who opposes their authoritarian, oppressive, failed policies, and radical agendas as 'terrorists', 'deplorables', enemies' and 'threats' simply based on political ideology and having any other idea / political preference.

Assassination attempts, beatings, firebombings, etc...despite tbe left's violence they seek to spin it and pin it on Conservatives. It is a SICKNESS.
Of course you're not supposed to believe. Mueller was investigating the Trump campaign so the right wing media dumped any and all, true or untrue, stories to smear him. Just like they did with clinton, Obama, the FBI, the IRS, even the guy who attacked Palosi's husband.

To find out who's next just wait for who pisses off Trump next.
They're definitely true. Your heroes are all proven scumbags.
MAGA has to stop using Republican. You are Trumpists. A cult, not a political party.
MAGA Trumpists will accept any crazy who supports Trump's lies, like Depape. He qualifies like other MAGA cult members in that he is a crazy clown
Make us, asshole.
The only members of a cult are Democrats, leftist extremists, the fake news media, and their worshippers / followers who have obsessively continuedathe 'Get Trump' crusade for 7 YEARS that began with a proven treasonous, self-serving scandal by Hillary Clinton - 'Russian Collusion' - the largest criminal potical scandal in US history.

Democrats have attempted to brand every Conservative, every Trp suporter, everyone who opposes their authoritarian, oppressive, failed policies, and radical agendas as 'terrorists', 'deplorables', enemies' and 'threats' simply based on political ideology and having any other idea / political preference.

Assassination attempts, beatings, firebombings, etc...despite tbe left's violence they seek to spin it and pin it on Conservatives. It is a SICKNESS.
You are as Crazy a Depape. Where do you people come from. How did you become so crazy. Like Depape, you are not living in the real world. Get help.
Make us, asshole.
I can't make you stop claiming to be a true Republican but you are not, you are a Trump cult member.
I can't make you stop claiming you are sane, but you are not, you are braindead crazy, like most Trump cult members.

You are not who you say you are. If you say you are something, does not mean you are what you say.
They're definitely true. Your heroes are all proven scumbags.
You look for heroes. You look for other people as idols. You are an idol worshipper. You are a Trump worshipper.

Good people do not look for others to be heroes, good people look to do the things a hero does. We don't have political idols. We look to implement good ideas and look for like minded people, not idols.

Get off your sorry ass and do something good rather than look for others as your idol.
I can't make you stop claiming to be a true Republican but you are not, you are a Trump cult member.
I can't make you stop claiming you are sane, but you are not, you are braindead crazy, like most Trump cult members.

You are not who you say you are. If you say you are something, does not mean you are what you say.
You look for heroes. You look for other people as idols. You are an idol worshipper. You are a Trump worshipper.

Good people do not look for others to be heroes, good people look to do the things a hero does. We don't have political idols. We look to implement good ideas and look for like minded people, not idols.

Get off your sorry ass and do something good rather than look for others as your idol.
You're a bunch of brainwashed scumbags without a spine.

Who are you trying to kid?
You're a bunch of brainwashed scumbags without a spine.

Who are you trying to kid?
Oh my, what a weak comeback to the great point I made. Idol worshippers are susceptible to cults.
Get off your sorry idol worshipper ass and do something. Don't look for "heroes" to save your pathetic life. Do it yourself.
That is conservative values. You are not a conservative. You are not a liberal. You are a lemming.

Another great post by me. Whoa, I am good.
Pelosi - in his underwear- gets attacked by a pro homosexual man in his underwear in Pelosi’s bedroom.

Even Deputy Barney Fife could connect the dots.
You look for heroes. You look for other people as idols. You are an idol worshipper. You are a Trump worshipper.

Good people do not look for others to be heroes, good people look to do the things a hero does. We don't have political idols. We look to implement good ideas and look for like minded people, not idols.

Get off your sorry ass and do something good rather than look for others as your idol.
lol ! what an emotional weak effeminate idiot you are .. for one thing Trump may not even be running in 2024 ... and if he does run he will be supported for his policies ... conservative policies like lowering business busting regs and taxes, strong border security , energy production ,strong military ect .... when Trump was elected the left claimed he would cause WW3 when in reality Bidens weakness and Afghanistan disaster emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine for the second time after invading in 2014 when Biden was VP ... and now the actual threat of WW3 and nuclear war is real ! the left also claimed Trump attempted a quid pro quo but in reality it is Biden who begged the Saudi's to wait till after the midterms to cut production in an attempt to seek foreign aid to effect the outcome of an election . the left claimed Trump colluded with Russians when in reality it was the Clintons the DNC and other leftists that colluded with Russians to drum up a proven false dossier to get an illegal fisa warrant to spy on a sitting POTUS in the hopes of removing him from office ! it was the left that claimed Trump used his position to enrich himself and his family when in reality the Bidens have pay to play shady business ties to Ukraine,China, and Russia with over 150 flagged bank transactions[10% for the big guy ] that will be brought to the forefront once the republicans take the house and subpoena Hunters business partners [several that have already agreed to testify] in oversight hearings once republicans take the majority ! and the the left also claimed Trump was incompetent when in reality the Biden admin has fomented pain and chaos with his inflation spiking war on energy and weak idiotic foreign policies that has the world on the brink of WW3. and when it comes idiots like you calling conservatives a cult are you wearing a dress claiming to be a woman who supports a death cult thats has promoted the killing of over 50 million children in the womb ? no punk the only political cult in the US is the insane gender confused, climate emergency, grooming, marxist cult of the left .... but for your benefit i will make it easy for you to understand with the pics below .

patriotic Americans

cult ...
leftwing cult..
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You are as Crazy a Depape. Where do you people come from. How did you become so crazy. Like Depape, you are not living in the real world. Get help.

Wow, what a completely useless post - nothing but a leftist cult nutter babbling attempted insults.

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