Dems Are Right: Pelosi’s Attacker Was a Deranged RW MAGA Supporter

Pro tip: Read the thread title.
I read your post…you made the assertion that people were jumping to conclusions…remember? I asked if people jumped to conclusions on “Russian Collusion” and you got scared and refused to answer. Weird huh?
Trump embraces all crazies that support him; KKK, white supremacists, Nazis, QAnon, Jan 6th rioters, Proud Boys, on and on. If you like Trump he loves you, no matter who you are. He has created a group of clowns, a group of crazies.

Other politicians try to distance themselves from the crazies.

Nope. Mueller was a republican who was appointed by a republican who was appointed by Trump.
Mueller was a tool who did whatever the people pulling his strings wanted.

Claiming operative or deep state or RINO is pretty weak. Essentially using that logic you could claim any investigation ever was from the other party.

That is how the party of Trump protects it's echo chamber though. Deep state! TDS! Derp derp!
You don't know much about Mueller, do you?
We have?

A Republican president appoints a republican AG who appoints a republican investigator during a time when Republicans controlled the executive and legislative branch and thinking it was a republican investigation is gratuitous and meaningless?
Yes, we have. I won't waste my time going over all the sordid details, but the idea that Trump wanted Mueller to be put in charge of investigating him doesn't pass the laugh test.
Nope. Mueller was a republican who was appointed by a republican who was appointed by Trump.

Claiming operative or deep state or RINO is pretty weak. Essentially using that logic you could claim any investigation ever was from the other party.

That is how the party of Trump protects it's echo chamber though. Deep state! TDS! Derp derp!
No it's not. Republicans working for the government seldom believe anything that Republicans stand for. They registered as a Republican purely for purposes of career advancement.

I had a friend who was a pretty solid Republican when I met him, but after being a contractor for the CIA for 10 years he became one of those sleazy urchins like Colonel flag from M.A.S.H.
Was grabbing some Red Bull at the gym. As I waited, a man in a MAGA hat came up to me. He said, with tears running down his face, “sir, I’m so sorry for letting hatred and fear control me. I’ve been a real asshole.” Then he took off his hat and threw it in the trash
Was grabbing some Red Bull at the gym. As I waited, a man in a MAGA hat came up to me. He said, with tears running down his face, “sir, I’m so sorry for letting hatred and fear control me. I’ve been a real asshole.” Then he took off his hat and threw it in the trash
You should be a comedy writer.
I read an AP article in the local paper here this morning. It said the Paul Pelosi attack was an extension of J6. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Paul’s male prostitute has nothing to do with J6.

I guarantee the AP will never publish a correction or retraction.

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