Dems Are Right: Pelosi’s Attacker Was a Deranged RW MAGA Supporter

Yes, Trump has always sought notoriety and celebrity status so his claims of victimhood have been well documented in interviews and TV appearances since 1980.
You said he claimed victim hood for 50 years. Seeking celebrity is another thing altogether. The interviews" you refer to didn't occur until after he was elected, and he was right.

As usual, you spew nothing but lies and half truths
As a kingmaker I can approve of. No more Dole's, Bush's, McCain's and Romney's pushed to us.

Why not Evan McMullen? He's well educated, decent and experienced. I'd vote for him in a New York minute. We don't need any ignorant mob boss types.
Project harder. We can't quite hear you.

On second thought........................................................
You cannot hear, you cannot accept losing.
Trump and his minions are loser's loser. There will be pictures of Trump and his minions when you google loser.

Trump enabled and empowered all the losers in the USA. They came together to win the presidency but they were still losers.
Losers are fighting like hell because they know when they go down they will be down until another Trump comes around. It will be centuries.
Agreed. I couldn't believe Trump appointed him AG. Especially cause sessions was spearheading the unconstitutional search and siezure tactic taking place mainly in the south.

Not the type of person you want as AG.

I answered. If a dem appointed AG appointed Starr as independent council, then yes it would be a democrat investigation.
Just think, in 2031 Trump can never be President again.
This is going to be fun! I love that high-pitched squeal they make when they're REALLY triggered.
Watch how many Republicans are elected that are not Trump minions. It will be the start of Republicans taking their party back.
What is Session's doing today?
Another career ruined by Trump.
He was a true extreme conservative but he crossed Trump. Your politics don't matter. You kiss Trump's ass or you are gone.

BKidd and OHPLease are the ultimate Trump butt kissers. Their whole faces are continually brown.

Brown faces, spineless minions. Pathetic.
Watch how many Republicans are elected that are not Trump minions. It will be the start of Republicans taking their party back.

Another career ruined by Trump.
He was a true extreme conservative but he crossed Trump. Your politics don't matter. You kiss Trump's ass or you are gone.

BKidd and OHPLease are the ultimate Trump butt kissers. Their whole faces are continually brown.

Brown faces, spineless minions. Pathetic.
He ruined his career himself. He caved to the Dims.
No. Not like that. What does the Republican investigation of Trump's campaign have to do with this? Are you trying to slip a false equivalence into this thread?
Are we not talking about ignorant fools prematurely jumping to conclusions?
Are you one of those ignorant fools?
No. Not like that. What does the Republican investigation of Trump's campaign have to do with this? Are you trying to slip a false equivalence into this thread?
We've already established that your use of the term "Republican" is absolutely gratuitous and meaningless.
We've already established that your use of the term "Republican" is absolutely gratuitous and meaningless.
We have?

A Republican president appoints a republican AG who appoints a republican investigator during a time when Republicans controlled the executive and legislative branch and thinking it was a republican investigation is gratuitous and meaningless?
That's irrelevant. Mueller was a leftwing operative. He did the left's bidding.
Nope. Mueller was a republican who was appointed by a republican who was appointed by Trump.

Claiming operative or deep state or RINO is pretty weak. Essentially using that logic you could claim any investigation ever was from the other party.

That is how the party of Trump protects it's echo chamber though. Deep state! TDS! Derp derp!

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